Another perspective

Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.
So you are opposed to free will?

Racism eliminates free will.
Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.
So you are opposed to free will?

Racism eliminates free will.

Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.
Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.
So you are opposed to free will?

Racism eliminates free will.

Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.
That doesn’t explain how. That only restates what you said. How does my racism, eliminate your free will?
Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.
So you are opposed to free will?

Racism eliminates free will.

Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.
That doesn’t explain how. That only restates what you said. How does my racism, eliminate your free will?

It does explain how. If you think the denial of rights and opportunity enables free will, then you need help.
So you are opposed to free will?

Racism eliminates free will.

Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.
That doesn’t explain how. That only restates what you said. How does my racism, eliminate your free will?

It does explain how. If you think the denial of rights and opportunity enables free will, then you need help.
Forget about “It”. I’m talking directly to you. How does my racism, inhibit your free will?
Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you. Things like having a kid out of wedlock.. Kill another black or white person. commit a crime. Sell drugs. Join a gang. Not get educated. Worked since I was 9. Never got a government check or welfare. In fact I haven't even worked a government job. So you are responsible for ending the white racism that happens today as well as the unfixed damage white racism has caused..

You missed the point of this entire thread. You've wasted a lot of words talking crazy. You did this to the doctor is in as well. You are an example of what the OP is about. And that is the bottom line.

Nope ... I didn't tell you to do anything ... Incorrect again.

If you are trying to suggest the point of the thread is for you to accuse me of being responsible for shit I have no control over ... And attempt to validate that by suggesting I told you that you were responsible for crap I never said you were ... Then you are a prime example of the idiocy best demonstrated in the retarded theory described in the OP ... Not me nit-wit.


Try learning how to read..

Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you.

Never said you specifically did anything.

You are responsible for and do have control over educating whites about racism and how to stop it.

You are the poster child for the OP.
Why do whites need to be "educated" to not have racist beliefs? Negroes are obviously dumber and more violent. So instead of having negroes take accept some personal responsibility, your solution is to blame whitey for seeing the truth (aka "being racist") and tell whitey to put a blindfold on? Oh yeah, that will make the problem go away! Is anyone surprised the average negro-run country or negro-overrun city is a shithole?

Whites need to be educated because they believe a bunch of false bullshit like what you posted.

There you go again, racist.
Racism eliminates free will.

Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.
That doesn’t explain how. That only restates what you said. How does my racism, eliminate your free will?

It does explain how. If you think the denial of rights and opportunity enables free will, then you need help.
Forget about “It”. I’m talking directly to you. How does my racism, inhibit your free will?

No we won't be forgetting about "it". Racism ends the free will for those who have to experience it. Period, I would answer the way you liked if the matter only involves me and you, but it doesn't.. So once again we see another example of what the professor mentions when she coined the term white fragility.
Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you. Things like having a kid out of wedlock.. Kill another black or white person. commit a crime. Sell drugs. Join a gang. Not get educated. Worked since I was 9. Never got a government check or welfare. In fact I haven't even worked a government job. So you are responsible for ending the white racism that happens today as well as the unfixed damage white racism has caused..

You missed the point of this entire thread. You've wasted a lot of words talking crazy. You did this to the doctor is in as well. You are an example of what the OP is about. And that is the bottom line.

Nope ... I didn't tell you to do anything ... Incorrect again.

If you are trying to suggest the point of the thread is for you to accuse me of being responsible for shit I have no control over ... And attempt to validate that by suggesting I told you that you were responsible for crap I never said you were ... Then you are a prime example of the idiocy best demonstrated in the retarded theory described in the OP ... Not me nit-wit.


Try learning how to read..

Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you.

Never said you specifically did anything.

You are responsible for and do have control over educating whites about racism and how to stop it.

You are the poster child for the OP.
Why do whites need to be "educated" to not have racist beliefs? Negroes are obviously dumber and more violent. So instead of having negroes take accept some personal responsibility, your solution is to blame whitey for seeing the truth (aka "being racist") and tell whitey to put a blindfold on? Oh yeah, that will make the problem go away! Is anyone surprised the average negro-run country or negro-overrun city is a shithole?

Whites need to be educated because they believe a bunch of false bullshit like what you posted.

There you go again, racist.

I am going to expand the choices you have so that you can do your level best to prove how I am a racist So you find anything I have said where I have implied that blacks are superior to whites. You are the one selling the wolf tickets so produce.

Because in this example you have passed over blatantly racist comments made by a white person to call me a racist for saying how whites need to be educated because they believe a bunch of false bullshit when that person is white and does believe a bunch of false bullshit. And he is not one in a small number of whites either a lot of whites hold similar views.
A new poll in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, finds that while Americans widely say they oppose racism and white nationalism, many still appear to hold far-right, white supremacist views.

The Ipsos poll, for Thomson Reuters and the University of Virginia Center for Politics, was conducted online from Aug. 21 to Sept. 5 ― in the weeks following the deadly white supremacist rally on the University of Virginia campus. It sampled around 5,360 American adults, asking questions about race that respondents could agree or disagree with to varying degrees.

While there is relatively little national endorsement of neo-Nazis and white supremacists,” according to the release describing the poll’s findings, “there are troubling levels of support for certain racially-charged ideas and attitudes frequently expressed by extremist groups.”

You are an idiot Unkotare.
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And there we go.

Since he disagrees with you, he must be racist.

And you claim to want dialog.


Well no that's not it. Besides this article is not my opinion but the facts from. a well known and respected WHITE Ph.D in the field who is relating her experiences in trying to talk to white people about racism. Maybe you read the article Corell? How about that?

The unsupported opinion of a PHD, is just as much an unsupported opinion as anyone else's.

It is not fact.

If there was any attempt at supporting data in the link, you should have led with that, instead of the normal race bullshit.

White Fragility is just another excuse for liberals to dismiss arguments they can't refute honestly.

Except the opinion is supported by years for workshops on racism with whites she has done .

This is the race and racism area. I think I can lead with race here if I so choose. If we were in another section your whining would have merit..

I would ask for a link to the study, but truth be told, I can't take anything that person says seriously.

Maybe to someone else peer reviewing it?

You should because you are exhibiting the behavior she cites she has seen as part of her work,

As I said, from reading the first couple sentences, the whole concept is nothing but an excuse to dismiss anything a white person says, (that you don't like).

I would HOPE there were white people in her work groups that were like, "this is utter bullshit"

or she would be guilty of massively unrepresentative samples.

I'm not going to lie. There is no way I'm going to give any credibility to any asshole that says something as moronic and offensive as "white fragility".

You've exceeded my ability to suspend disbelief.
Well no that's not it. Besides this article is not my opinion but the facts from. a well known and respected WHITE Ph.D in the field who is relating her experiences in trying to talk to white people about racism. Maybe you read the article Corell? How about that?

The unsupported opinion of a PHD, is just as much an unsupported opinion as anyone else's.

It is not fact.

If there was any attempt at supporting data in the link, you should have led with that, instead of the normal race bullshit.

White Fragility is just another excuse for liberals to dismiss arguments they can't refute honestly.

Except the opinion is supported by years for workshops on racism with whites she has done .

This is the race and racism area. I think I can lead with race here if I so choose. If we were in another section your whining would have merit..

I would ask for a link to the study, but truth be told, I can't take anything that person says seriously.

Maybe to someone else peer reviewing it?

You should because you are exhibiting the behavior she cites she has seen as part of her work,

As I said, from reading the first couple sentences, the whole concept is nothing but an excuse to dismiss anything a white person says, (that you don't like).

I would HOPE there were white people in her work groups that were like, "this is utter bullshit"

or she would be guilty of massively unrepresentative samples.

I'm not going to lie. There is no way I'm going to give any credibility to any asshole that says something as moronic and offensive as "white fragility".

You've exceeded my ability to suspend disbelief.

Like I give a damn. You don't even know what she is referring to. You just see the words white and fragility then assume. Go do a search and read about what she means. Once you do, then you understand that no one white can call it bullshit.
Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you. Things like having a kid out of wedlock.. Kill another black or white person. commit a crime. Sell drugs. Join a gang. Not get educated. Worked since I was 9. Never got a government check or welfare. In fact I haven't even worked a government job. So you are responsible for ending the white racism that happens today as well as the unfixed damage white racism has caused..

You missed the point of this entire thread. You've wasted a lot of words talking crazy. You did this to the doctor is in as well. You are an example of what the OP is about. And that is the bottom line.

Nope ... I didn't tell you to do anything ... Incorrect again.

If you are trying to suggest the point of the thread is for you to accuse me of being responsible for shit I have no control over ... And attempt to validate that by suggesting I told you that you were responsible for crap I never said you were ... Then you are a prime example of the idiocy best demonstrated in the retarded theory described in the OP ... Not me nit-wit.


Try learning how to read..

Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you.

Never said you specifically did anything.

You are responsible for and do have control over educating whites about racism and how to stop it.

You are the poster child for the OP.
Why do whites need to be "educated" to not have racist beliefs? Negroes are obviously dumber and more violent. So instead of having negroes take accept some personal responsibility, your solution is to blame whitey for seeing the truth (aka "being racist") and tell whitey to put a blindfold on? Oh yeah, that will make the problem go away! Is anyone surprised the average negro-run country or negro-overrun city is a shithole?

Whites need to be educated because they believe a bunch of false bullshit like what you posted.

He's right, Trinidad, and Tobago a fairly wealthy Black dominated country still has huge murder rates, and quite low IQ, and PISA scores.
Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.
So you are opposed to free will?

Racism eliminates free will.

Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.

This doesn't seem to happen to all other prejudiced upon groups, like Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Asian Indians, Jews, Poles, Italians etc.

Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.
That doesn’t explain how. That only restates what you said. How does my racism, eliminate your free will?

It does explain how. If you think the denial of rights and opportunity enables free will, then you need help.
Forget about “It”. I’m talking directly to you. How does my racism, inhibit your free will?

No we won't be forgetting about "it". Racism ends the free will for those who have to experience it. Period, I would answer the way you liked if the matter only involves me and you, but it doesn't.. So once again we see another example of what the professor mentions when she coined the term white fragility.
Its apparent that you see whatever you desire to see... Let it never be said that, " I never tried". So I'll keep doing, what I do. You do what you like. Good talk. Carry on...
Nope ... I didn't tell you to do anything ... Incorrect again.

If you are trying to suggest the point of the thread is for you to accuse me of being responsible for shit I have no control over ... And attempt to validate that by suggesting I told you that you were responsible for crap I never said you were ... Then you are a prime example of the idiocy best demonstrated in the retarded theory described in the OP ... Not me nit-wit.


Try learning how to read..

Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you.

Never said you specifically did anything.

You are responsible for and do have control over educating whites about racism and how to stop it.

You are the poster child for the OP.
Why do whites need to be "educated" to not have racist beliefs? Negroes are obviously dumber and more violent. So instead of having negroes take accept some personal responsibility, your solution is to blame whitey for seeing the truth (aka "being racist") and tell whitey to put a blindfold on? Oh yeah, that will make the problem go away! Is anyone surprised the average negro-run country or negro-overrun city is a shithole?

Whites need to be educated because they believe a bunch of false bullshit like what you posted.

There you go again, racist.

I am going to expand the choices you have so that you can do your level best to prove how I am a racist So you find anything I have said where I have implied that blacks are superior to whites. You are the one selling the wolf tickets so produce.

Because in this example you have passed over blatantly racist comments made by a white person to call me a racist for saying how whites need to be educated because they believe a bunch of false bullshit when that person is white and does believe a bunch of false bullshit. And he is not one in a small number of whites either a lot of whites hold similar views.
A new poll in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, finds that while Americans widely say they oppose racism and white nationalism, many still appear to hold far-right, white supremacist views.

The Ipsos poll, for Thomson Reuters and the University of Virginia Center for Politics, was conducted online from Aug. 21 to Sept. 5 ― in the weeks following the deadly white supremacist rally on the University of Virginia campus. It sampled around 5,360 American adults, asking questions about race that respondents could agree or disagree with to varying degrees.

While there is relatively little national endorsement of neo-Nazis and white supremacists,” according to the release describing the poll’s findings, “there are troubling levels of support for certain racially-charged ideas and attitudes frequently expressed by extremist groups.”

You are an idiot Unkotare.

Wow, so only 8% support White Nationalism, only 31% think White culture should be protected, and only 39% think that Whites are currently under attack.

Wow, what's the screeching Chimp noises about?

These are all minority figures.

I'm actually appalled on how stupid Western European Whites are in this country, to poll so low for their own cause, and fate.

Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.
That doesn’t explain how. That only restates what you said. How does my racism, eliminate your free will?

It does explain how. If you think the denial of rights and opportunity enables free will, then you need help.
Forget about “It”. I’m talking directly to you. How does my racism, inhibit your free will?

No we won't be forgetting about "it". Racism ends the free will for those who have to experience it. Period, I would answer the way you liked if the matter only involves me and you, but it doesn't.. So once again we see another example of what the professor mentions when she coined the term white fragility.

I got yelled at with hostility "Dumb Polak" for wearing a Poland belt-buckle.
While, I did get a little angry.
I didn't go into feral Chimp spasms, and attack him, nope.
Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.
That doesn’t explain how. That only restates what you said. How does my racism, eliminate your free will?

It does explain how. If you think the denial of rights and opportunity enables free will, then you need help.
Forget about “It”. I’m talking directly to you. How does my racism, inhibit your free will?

No we won't be forgetting about "it". Racism ends the free will for those who have to experience it. Period, I would answer the way you liked if the matter only involves me and you, but it doesn't.. So once again we see another example of what the professor mentions when she coined the term white fragility.
Its apparent that you see whatever you desire to see... Let it never be said that, " I never tried". So I'll keep doing, what I do. You do what you like. Good talk. Carry on...

You are the one doing all that.
Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.
That doesn’t explain how. That only restates what you said. How does my racism, eliminate your free will?

It does explain how. If you think the denial of rights and opportunity enables free will, then you need help.
Forget about “It”. I’m talking directly to you. How does my racism, inhibit your free will?

No we won't be forgetting about "it". Racism ends the free will for those who have to experience it. Period, I would answer the way you liked if the matter only involves me and you, but it doesn't.. So once again we see another example of what the professor mentions when she coined the term white fragility.

I got yelled at with hostility "Dumb Polak" for wearing a Poland belt-buckle.
While, I did get a little angry.
I didn't go into feral Chimp spasms, and attack him, nope.

You just had a feral chimp spasm considering what you just posted.

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