Another perspective

OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?
Yet another racist thread from you. COLORED me surprised.
So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe in population, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.
Youre superior at mayhem, colonizing, lying, and stealing. All hallmarks of an inferior culture. If you were really superior you could advance without our resources and help.

When did my Polish people do any of that, bozo the clown?
Here you go dummy.

Colonization attempts by Poland - Wikipedia

Oh my goodness, what brutality of the colony that never was.
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe in population, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.
Youre superior at mayhem, colonizing, lying, and stealing. All hallmarks of an inferior culture. If you were really superior you could advance without our resources and help.

When did my Polish people do any of that, bozo the clown?
Here you go dummy.

Colonization attempts by Poland - Wikipedia

Oh my goodness, what brutality of the colony that never was.
Yeah they got their colony taken from them. However, your claim was that they never did anything but now you look stupid again.
So, the roughly 1 billion African trading partners, somehow doesn't cut it, huh?
Why is it you Blacks expect Whites to build up everything for you?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.

Boy you are truly ignorant to how things happen in Africa,

I understand that Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't really colonized, are far behind South Africa, and were far behind Rhodesia, well until Mugabe turned on White farmers in his Zimbabwe, and overspent, causing total failure.
They have to start somewhere. Dont worry your pretty little head about it. We will have to take some steps back to get rid of white philosophy before we can go forward.

Are you going to kick out the White farmers like Mugabe did?
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.

Boy you are truly ignorant to how things happen in Africa,

I understand that Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't really colonized, are far behind South Africa, and were far behind Rhodesia, well until Mugabe turned on White farmers in his Zimbabwe, and overspent, causing total failure.
They have to start somewhere. Dont worry your pretty little head about it. We will have to take some steps back to get rid of white philosophy before we can go forward.

Are you going to kick out the White farmers like Mugabe did?
I'd rather euthanize them first if they didnt leave on their own.
Africa's now larger than Europe, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.

Boy you are truly ignorant to how things happen in Africa,

I understand that Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't really colonized, are far behind South Africa, and were far behind Rhodesia, well until Mugabe turned on White farmers in his Zimbabwe, and overspent, causing total failure.
They have to start somewhere. Dont worry your pretty little head about it. We will have to take some steps back to get rid of white philosophy before we can go forward.

Are you going to kick out the White farmers like Mugabe did?
I'd rather euthanize them first if they didnt leave on their own.

Poland never formally had any colonial territories, however over its history the acquisition of such territories was at times contemplated, but never attempted.

Colonization attempts by Poland - Wikipedia
Boy you are truly ignorant to how things happen in Africa,

I understand that Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't really colonized, are far behind South Africa, and were far behind Rhodesia, well until Mugabe turned on White farmers in his Zimbabwe, and overspent, causing total failure.
They have to start somewhere. Dont worry your pretty little head about it. We will have to take some steps back to get rid of white philosophy before we can go forward.

Are you going to kick out the White farmers like Mugabe did?
I'd rather euthanize them first if they didnt leave on their own.

Poland never formally had any colonial territories, however over its history the acquisition of such territories was at times contemplated, but never attempted.

Colonization attempts by Poland - Wikipedia
You fail again...Not my fault they couldnt get their shit together.

"The first colony founded by Jacob was the New Courland (Neu-Kurland) on the Caribbean island of Tobago. However, three initial attempts to establish a settlement (in 1637, 1639 and 1642) failed. The fourth was founded in 1654, but eventually in 1659 was taken over by a competing Dutch colony, also founded on the island in 1654. Courland regained the island after the Treaty of Oliva in 1660 but abandoned it in 1666. It briefly attempted to reestablish colonies there again in 1668 and in 1680 (that lasted to 1683). The final attempt in 1686 lasted till 1690"
I understand that Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't really colonized, are far behind South Africa, and were far behind Rhodesia, well until Mugabe turned on White farmers in his Zimbabwe, and overspent, causing total failure.
They have to start somewhere. Dont worry your pretty little head about it. We will have to take some steps back to get rid of white philosophy before we can go forward.

Are you going to kick out the White farmers like Mugabe did?
I'd rather euthanize them first if they didnt leave on their own.

Poland never formally had any colonial territories, however over its history the acquisition of such territories was at times contemplated, but never attempted.

Colonization attempts by Poland - Wikipedia
You fail again...Not my fault they couldnt get their shit together.

"The first colony founded by Jacob was the New Courland (Neu-Kurland) on the Caribbean island of Tobago. However, three initial attempts to establish a settlement (in 1637, 1639 and 1642) failed. The fourth was founded in 1654, but eventually in 1659 was taken over by a competing Dutch colony, also founded on the island in 1654. Courland regained the island after the Treaty of Oliva in 1660 but abandoned it in 1666. It briefly attempted to reestablish colonies there again in 1668 and in 1680 (that lasted to 1683). The final attempt in 1686 lasted till 1690"

You mean this guy?

Jacob Kettler - Wikipedia

Couronian colonization of the Americas - Wikipedia

When I married my husband, the first thing he said to me was “Listen.” And I did. I listened to his experiences, his point of view, his insights. Years later I’m still listening and learning......

And vice versa?
I feel like black people have been listening to white folks talk all their lives and that the reverse has not been true.
Yep. Because no one black has created a law or policy that purposefully denies whites of opportunity, Calling you a white boy doesn't deny you a job.
Specifically what existing law or policy presently denies Blacks of opportunity?

Did you ever hear of Affirmative Action? My son-in-law did. It's the reason he was passed over for promotion on his NYC civil service job.

It is increasingly clear that you are typical of those Blacks who go through life imagining all sorts of injustice.
From what I've read, there are many laws that were designed to create equal opportunity and access but some of the teeth were taken out in their implementation. Because someone has the legal right to do something according to the law, does not necessarily mean they have the freedom to do it. Barriers can still be put up to keep them "in their place."
Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you. Things like having a kid out of wedlock.. Kill another black or white person. commit a crime. Sell drugs. Join a gang. Not get educated. Worked since I was 9. Never got a government check or welfare. In fact I haven't even worked a government job. So you are responsible for ending the white racism that happens today as well as the unfixed damage white racism has caused..

You missed the point of this entire thread. You've wasted a lot of words talking crazy. You did this to the doctor is in as well. You are an example of what the OP is about. And that is the bottom line.

Nope ... I didn't tell you to do anything ... Incorrect again.

If you are trying to suggest the point of the thread is for you to accuse me of being responsible for shit I have no control over ... And attempt to validate that by suggesting I told you that you were responsible for crap I never said you were ... Then you are a prime example of the idiocy best demonstrated in the retarded theory described in the OP ... Not me nit-wit.


Try learning how to read..

Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you.

Never said you specifically did anything.

You are responsible for and do have control over educating whites about racism and how to stop it.

You are the poster child for the OP.
Why do whites need to be "educated" to not have racist beliefs? Negroes are obviously dumber and more violent. So instead of having negroes take accept some personal responsibility, your solution is to blame whitey for seeing the truth (aka "being racist") and tell whitey to put a blindfold on? Oh yeah, that will make the problem go away! Is anyone surprised the average negro-run country or negro-overrun city is a shithole?
Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you. Things like having a kid out of wedlock.. Kill another black or white person. commit a crime. Sell drugs. Join a gang. Not get educated. Worked since I was 9. Never got a government check or welfare. In fact I haven't even worked a government job. So you are responsible for ending the white racism that happens today as well as the unfixed damage white racism has caused..

You missed the point of this entire thread. You've wasted a lot of words talking crazy. You did this to the doctor is in as well. You are an example of what the OP is about. And that is the bottom line.

Nope ... I didn't tell you to do anything ... Incorrect again.

If you are trying to suggest the point of the thread is for you to accuse me of being responsible for shit I have no control over ... And attempt to validate that by suggesting I told you that you were responsible for crap I never said you were ... Then you are a prime example of the idiocy best demonstrated in the retarded theory described in the OP ... Not me nit-wit.


Try learning how to read..

Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you.

Never said you specifically did anything.

You are responsible for and do have control over educating whites about racism and how to stop it.

You are the poster child for the OP.
Why do whites need to be "educated" to not have racist beliefs? Negroes are obviously dumber and more violent. So instead of having negroes take accept some personal responsibility, your solution is to blame whitey for seeing the truth (aka "being racist") and tell whitey to put a blindfold on? Oh yeah, that will make the problem go away! Is anyone surprised the average negro-run country or negro-overrun city is a shithole?

Whites need to be educated because they believe a bunch of false bullshit like what you posted.
I guess youre hard of reading? You cant trade if you have internal strife and whites controlling your resources. That would be like the Chinese owning everything here and trying to trade with Australia.

Africa's now larger than Europe, but that doesn't seem to help them "Connect" it seems Whites really must be superior, you say they keep controlling you from producing anything, so they must be so superior.

Boy you are truly ignorant to how things happen in Africa,

I understand that Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't really colonized, are far behind South Africa, and were far behind Rhodesia, well until Mugabe turned on White farmers in his Zimbabwe, and overspent, causing total failure.
They have to start somewhere. Dont worry your pretty little head about it. We will have to take some steps back to get rid of white philosophy before we can go forward.
Are you going to kick out the White farmers like Mugabe did?

Those white farmers stole land from the blacks already there due to the illegitimate apartheid government
Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.
Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.
So you are opposed to free will?
We are now on 52 pages full of examples of what the professor talks about when she cloned the term white fragility. Every conversation on race has to be about how whites feel about it and to mention racism makes whites fall into the good/bad binary because of how they see racism. They see racism as intentional acts, but are unable to discern their own unconscious biases which controls he racism in them. Even as someone like Unkotare swears he is non racist, he shows his racial bias in his posts. Now he may not be intentionally doing it as someone like bgrouse or the polish guy, but it's there. And what white fragility means is not that whites are weak, but that whites are not capable f thinking critically about matters of race because they have been socialized in such a way that they don't have to. So when confronted with the issue by a person of color they lose that comfort and many different types of behavior results. Anger, defensiveness, argumentation leaving the conversation, and other outward shows of emotion. And so what do we see here? All of these things.

What this is about is whites understanding their socialization, recognizing these biases and dealing with them. Not looking at themselves as evil racists but recognizing they have this tendency work through it, then try understanding how they have been socialized when discussing race. They need to have the ability to understand this nation was built on and maintains a system of white supremacy be it overt or subliminal because of images portrayed in ads sores, movies, etc. Instead what we have seen here are the usual suspects. .Black crime Illegitimate children. How blacks are dumb, the claims of how whites groups have faced worse and of course the you are a black racist, among many other things. The inability to take responsibility for their internal biases is going to continue standing in the way of racial progress as long as whites keep doing it.
Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.
So you are opposed to free will?

Racism eliminates free will.

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