Another perspective

I filed a class action suit against US corporation for racial discrimination. And since I want to protect my privacy I am am not going to disclose all that.

Nobody asks you mother fuckers all this kind of shit for every mother fucking word you post. So then from this point on you can ask, but you can also go fuck yourselves.

You stated it was a class action lawsuit which means there are multiple plaintiffs.
You have also indicated I am probably too retarded to figure out which one you could possibly be (not that I would want to figure it out in the first place).

Hell, you don't even have to give the docket number ... What was the name of the US Corporation ... :dunno:
I am not interested in who you are ... I am interested in the court case you are referring to.

Regardless, Asians on average have higher incomes than Whites in the U.S.A.
Therefor they are an example of success.

There is no regardless to it, it's a lie.

"Asian" encompasses a lot of countries.. For example India or Pakistan. Now maybe Japanese earn more on average than whites, but what about a Vietnamese, or Cambodian? A Pakistani? Filipino? Hmong? Mongolian?

Well, Asian Indians are the highest earners in the U. S, despite their similar skin color to you.

Although of course, many of them are the creme of the crop of India.

And this has any relevance to white fragility how?

"White Fragility" is just one more excuse for vile lefties to dismiss the interests of white people.

Because lord knows you can't defend your positions honestly, based on their "merits".

The biggest problem I see here, is too many White people here let IM2 take his passive aggressive stance of screeching about White racism.
When we should be saying how come Ethiopia is so poor, despite not being colonized?
How come Asian Indians are so wealthy in the U.S despite having the same skin color?
These are questions he can't answer, no one can.

I have to agree. Such attacks should be treated as the attacks they are and pushed back strongly.
I filed a class action suit against US corporation for racial discrimination. And since I want to protect my privacy I am am not going to disclose all that.

Nobody asks you mother fuckers all this kind of shit for every mother fucking word you post. So then from this point on you can ask, but you can also go fuck yourselves.

You stated it was a class action lawsuit which means there are multiple plaintiffs.
You have also indicated I am probably too retarded to figure out which one you could possibly be (not that I would want to figure it out in the first place).

Hell, you don't even have to give the docket number ... What was the name of the US Corporation ... :dunno:
I am not interested in who you are ... I am interested in the court case you are referring to.


Well you aren't going to be getting that from me. End of discussion on this matter.
There is no regardless to it, it's a lie.

"Asian" encompasses a lot of countries.. For example India or Pakistan. Now maybe Japanese earn more on average than whites, but what about a Vietnamese, or Cambodian? A Pakistani? Filipino? Hmong? Mongolian?

Well, Asian Indians are the highest earners in the U. S, despite their similar skin color to you.

Although of course, many of them are the creme of the crop of India.

And this has any relevance to white fragility how?

"White Fragility" is just one more excuse for vile lefties to dismiss the interests of white people.

Because lord knows you can't defend your positions honestly, based on their "merits".

The biggest problem I see here, is too many White people here let IM2 take his passive aggressive stance of screeching about White racism.
When we should be saying how come Ethiopia is so poor, despite not being colonized?
How come Asian Indians are so wealthy in the U.S despite having the same skin color?
These are questions he can't answer, no one can.

I have to agree. Such attacks should be treated as the attacks they are and pushed back strongly.

Push all you want, ain't no one scurred. But don't start crying like you did in the July 4th thread when you get a Mike Tyson slap.
Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you. Things like having a kid out of wedlock.. Kill another black or white person. commit a crime. Sell drugs. Join a gang. Not get educated. Worked since I was 9. Never got a government check or welfare. In fact I haven't even worked a government job. So you are responsible for ending the white racism that happens today as well as the unfixed damage white racism has caused..

You missed the point of this entire thread. You've wasted a lot of words talking crazy. You did this to the doctor is in as well. You are an example of what the OP is about. And that is the bottom line.

Nope ... I didn't tell you to do anything ... Incorrect again.

If you are trying to suggest the point of the thread is for you to accuse me of being responsible for shit I have no control over ... And attempt to validate that by suggesting I told you that you were responsible for crap I never said you were ... Then you are a prime example of the idiocy best demonstrated in the retarded theory described in the OP ... Not me nit-wit.


Try learning how to read..

Well there are a lot of things haven't done but I am told that I need to do something about them by dumb ass whites like you.

Never said you specifically did anything.

You are responsible for and do have control over educating whites about racism and how to stop it.

You are the poster child for the OP.
Why do whites need to be "educated" to not have racist beliefs? Negroes are obviously dumber and more violent. So instead of having negroes take accept some personal responsibility, your solution is to blame whitey for seeing the truth (aka "being racist") and tell whitey to put a blindfold on? Oh yeah, that will make the problem go away! Is anyone surprised the average negro-run country or negro-overrun city is a shithole?

Whites need to be educated because they believe a bunch of false bullshit like what you posted.
So you tell us why they commit high risk, low reward violent crimes at a higher rate. Is it because they are smarter?
Well you aren't going to be getting that from me. End of discussion on this matter.

Am I suffering from some White Fragility here ... Is that why you won't tell me?
How the heck am I supposed to better understand your life experiences and white racism ... If you aren't willing to share like the article mentions ... :dunno:
I am willing to listen ... Won't deny or debate anything you have to say about it.

Well, Asian Indians are the highest earners in the U. S, despite their similar skin color to you.

Although of course, many of them are the creme of the crop of India.

And this has any relevance to white fragility how?

"White Fragility" is just one more excuse for vile lefties to dismiss the interests of white people.

Because lord knows you can't defend your positions honestly, based on their "merits".

The biggest problem I see here, is too many White people here let IM2 take his passive aggressive stance of screeching about White racism.
When we should be saying how come Ethiopia is so poor, despite not being colonized?
How come Asian Indians are so wealthy in the U.S despite having the same skin color?
These are questions he can't answer, no one can.

I have to agree. Such attacks should be treated as the attacks they are and pushed back strongly.

Push all you want, ain't no one scurred. But don't start crying like you did in the July 4th thread when you get a Mike Tyson slap.

You not scared because you are too stupid to realize the most likely outcome.
Well you aren't going to be getting that from me. End of discussion on this matter.

Am I suffering from some White Fragility here ... Is that why you won't tell me?
How the heck am I supposed to better understand your life experiences and white racism ... If you aren't willing to share like the article mentions ... :dunno:
I am willing to listen ... Won't deny or debate anything you have to say about it.


White Fragility is just another excuse for lefties to dismiss ideas and people that they cannot honestly refute.
White Fragility is just another excuse for lefties to dismiss ideas and people that they cannot honestly refute.

Are you trying to suggest that IM2's core ideology is as vapid as his threats ... That's just mean ... :confused:

Boy you are truly ignorant to how things happen in Africa,

Have you ever been to Africa?




I don't have to prove to your punk ass every mother fucking thing I say. So from this point on I am not.

Wtf? Now you are afraid to name countries in Africa? What kind of bizarre paranoia are you suffering from? are stupid enough to think that if I call whites out on their racism it means I think backs are morally superior. No, that's not the case.......

Do you consider racism moral, or immoral?


Well what? Because I think racism is immoral then I am supposed to be inferring that blacks are morally superior to whites? Really?.....

Have you or have you not claimed here many times that all whites participate in racism by benefiting from what you have claimed in a "racist country"?
Wtf? Now you are afraid to name countries in Africa? What kind of bizarre paranoia are you suffering from?

Nah ... He just knows damn well he is the only black man with a Masters in Sociology that has been involved in a class action lawsuit against a US corporation and has visited Zimbabwe to assist with the Black Rhino Redistribution Program (he knew you were going to ask that next).

I am white, & think its more personal. is it possible that the unsaid thing is fear, if the population changed to more blacks than whites by magic, would the expectation be that those oppressed would become oppressive ? there seems to be a lot of conversations on the net that minority's are growing. do white people think black, brown, red & yellow are going to band together & get us? that if more than one black person moves on your block your housing values will go down. that its not comfortable when you have to interact with black people in social situations, because you don't know what is not ok to say. so far conversation on this tread is more big picture. what personal things have happened to you or not happened to solidify your view
Racism eliminates free will.

Because the people the racism is put on lose their free will.
That doesn’t explain how. That only restates what you said. How does my racism, eliminate your free will?

It does explain how. If you think the denial of rights and opportunity enables free will, then you need help.
Forget about “It”. I’m talking directly to you. How does my racism, inhibit your free will?
I see what your getting at but you must be ignorant if you think youre the only racist white person.
I am white, & think its more personal. is it possible that the unsaid thing is fear, if the population changed to more blacks than whites by magic, would the expectation be that those oppressed would become oppressive ? there seems to be a lot of conversations on the net that minority's are growing. do white people think black, brown, red & yellow are going to band together & get us? that if more than one black person moves on your block your housing values will go down. that its not comfortable when you have to interact with black people in social situations, because you don't know what is not ok to say. so far conversation on this tread is more big picture. what personal things have happened to you or not happened to solidify your view
When Blacks ran europe for centuries they educated whites. Does that sound oppressive?
You just had a feral chimp spasm considering what you just posted.

What prejudices have you experienced like I have?

Who came up to you randomly, and yelled with hostility "Dumb Negro"

Because that would be the equivalent.

If that's all you think I have faced, then you are a worse idiot than I already knew you to be.

You haven't experienced shit.

Speak up then. What have you faced recently?

I can speak up, the last time I faced prejudices was about probably 6 months ago, when a wore my Polska jersey to the Stormville Fleamarket, in Stormville, New York. where some people looked at my shirt, and laughed at me.
But before that in a more overt form.
1 year ago, in Northwood, Inn in Mahopac, New York.
Where some Irish American guy kept calling his Polish friend, too Polish to know better, and that the Polish owners son must have been a Polish illegal.
Keep in mind this is a Polish themed place, with quite a few Polish people going there, including ones from Poland.

Now, I'm not going to pretend this happens all the time.

But, to say that Polish people are always treated well in the U.S, or much of anywhere in the West, isn't true.

Actually the British isles seems to be the worst places for Polish people, some of them have been killed by lynch mobs, or have had their houses torched, or stoned.

Prejudice and racism is not the same thing. Here you are white, polish and racist crying about being racially discriminated against after you made comments about blacks being chimps and gorillas.

Prejudiced discrimination is basically all the same., so long as it's the same in severity.
Calling Polish dumb Polaks would clearly be equivalent to calling Blacks dumb Negroes, no? Yes, it is.

Just that some Liberal idiots think prejudices aren't so bad when against Whites, but that prejudices are so bad when against Blacks.
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I am white, & think its more personal. is it possible that the unsaid thing is fear, if the population changed to more blacks than whites by magic, would the expectation be that those oppressed would become oppressive ? there seems to be a lot of conversations on the net that minority's are growing. do white people think black, brown, red & yellow are going to band together & get us? that if more than one black person moves on your block your housing values will go down. that its not comfortable when you have to interact with black people in social situations, because you don't know what is not ok to say. so far conversation on this tread is more big picture. what personal things have happened to you or not happened to solidify your view
When Blacks ran europe for centuries they educated whites. Does that sound oppressive?

1.) Moors weren't purely Black, in fact they're more like Mediterranean peoples.

2.) Moors were vicious slave traders of both Whites, and Blacks.
I am white, & think its more personal. is it possible that the unsaid thing is fear, if the population changed to more blacks than whites by magic, would the expectation be that those oppressed would become oppressive ? there seems to be a lot of conversations on the net that minority's are growing. do white people think black, brown, red & yellow are going to band together & get us? that if more than one black person moves on your block your housing values will go down. that its not comfortable when you have to interact with black people in social situations, because you don't know what is not ok to say. so far conversation on this tread is more big picture. what personal things have happened to you or not happened to solidify your view
When Blacks ran europe for centuries they educated whites. Does that sound oppressive?

1.) Moors weren't purely Black, in fact they're more like Mediterranean peoples.

2.) Moors were vicious slave traders of both Whites, and Blacks.
No dummy. They were Black. What does moor mean? Here are some statues and paintings of Moors from europe so there is no mistake.



Finally the Quattro Mori: (which literally means the 4 moors)

I am white, & think its more personal. is it possible that the unsaid thing is fear, if the population changed to more blacks than whites by magic, would the expectation be that those oppressed would become oppressive ? there seems to be a lot of conversations on the net that minority's are growing. do white people think black, brown, red & yellow are going to band together & get us? that if more than one black person moves on your block your housing values will go down. that its not comfortable when you have to interact with black people in social situations, because you don't know what is not ok to say. so far conversation on this tread is more big picture. what personal things have happened to you or not happened to solidify your view
When Blacks ran europe for centuries they educated whites. Does that sound oppressive?

1.) Moors weren't purely Black, in fact they're more like Mediterranean peoples.

2.) Moors were vicious slave traders of both Whites, and Blacks.
No dummy. They were Black. What does moor mean? Here are some statues of Moors from europe so there is no mistake.



Finally the Quattro Mori: (which literally means the 4 moors)


As if the Moors went extinct.
We all know what Moors look like today, most of them are Brown with giant noses, not really White, nor Black people, even if some can look White, or Black.

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