Another perspective

This is not about any catch 22,

You are disputing what a person says based upon what they have experienced as a person of color from the perspective of a white person who has not experienced any of it. Maybe you need an example to understand what you as a white person is doing., I am a man sitting and listening to women tell me what it's like to be pregnant and I tell them it's not so, even as I have never been pregnant and my only experience with it is watching my wife when she was pregnant and reading magazines or textbooks about it. So what is it that I have to dispute? What is my dispute based on?

That's what whites like you do with racism. You've never experienced it but because we are saying negative things about whites you want to disagree and actually think your disagreement is supposed to hold equal or greater weight.

These observations are based on years of her being white herself and in leading workshops, teaching calluses and seminars on race with white people.

Your argument is the pile of shit because what is your disagreement with blacks about racism built on? You say racism still exists, so then why would you disagree with a person pointing out racism? And do you think that racism is only name calling or something? That there is no impact upon those who are experiencing the racism, they are only being called bad words?

That's the Catch 22 ... I didn't dispute what you or the Professor say ... You and the professor can say whatever you think ... And it will be what you think.

You can keep saying the same thing over and over ... But your skin color, or the professor's skin color, in no way validates anything you say or think.
I really don't care whether the professor teaches calluses or not (whatever that means) ... It doesn't mean the theory isn't flawed.
I have yet to assign any nonexistent weight equation to my disagreement, nor your pile of shit ... That's a balancing act you are certainly free to pollute your argument with.

Of course I say racism exists ... Mainly because it does.
I haven't stated that racism doesn't have an impact on people ... I gave an example of its impact on me in attempts to get you to share your experiences.
I haven't called you any names ... I have suggested that you are incapable of thoroughly understanding anything other than what you would like to believe.

If you want cookie because your feelings are hurt ... Go buy one.
If it makes you feel better to insist I am suffering from the pile of shit you care to describe as White Fragility ... I have no expectations of changing your mind, and feel free.

This is not about any catch 22,

You are disputing what a person says based upon what they have experienced as a person of color from the perspective of a white person who has not experienced any of it. Maybe you need an example to understand what you as a white person is doing., I am a man sitting and listening to women tell me what it's like to be pregnant and I tell them it's not so, even as I have never been pregnant and my only experience with it is watching my wife when she was pregnant and reading magazines or textbooks about it. So what is it that I have to dispute? What is my dispute based on?

That's what whites like you do with racism. You've never experienced it but because we are saying negative things about whites you want to disagree and actually think your disagreement is supposed to hold equal or greater weight.

These observations are based on years of her being white herself and in leading workshops, teaching calluses and seminars on race with white people.

Your argument is the pile of shit because what is your disagreement with blacks about racism built on? You say racism still exists, so then why would you disagree with a person pointing out racism? And do you think that racism is only name calling or something? That there is no impact upon those who are experiencing the racism, they are only being called bad words?

That's the Catch 22 ... I didn't dispute what you or the Professor say ... You and the professor can say whatever you think ... And it will be what you think.

You can keep saying the same thing over and over ... But your skin color, or the professor's skin color, in no way validates anything you say or think.
I really don't care whether the professor teaches calluses or not (whatever that means) ... It doesn't mean the theory isn't flawed.
I have yet to assign any nonexistent weight equation to my disagreement, nor your pile of shit ... That's a balancing act you are certainly free to pollute your argument with.

Of course I say racism exists ... Mainly because it does.
I haven't stated that racism doesn't have an impact on people ... I gave an example of its impact on me in attempts to get you to share your experiences.
I haven't called you any names ... I have suggested that you are incapable of thoroughly understanding anything other than what you would like to believe.

If you want cookie because your feelings are hurt ... Go buy one.
If it makes you feel better to insist I am suffering from the pile of shit you care to describe as White Fragility ... I have no expectations of changing your mind, and feel free.


You can't hurt my feelings, you are what I expect here.

Actually what I have experienced based in my skin color does validate what I say and think,. Furthermore documented history, law and public policy that you apparently don't know validates what I say and think. Yours is just an uninformed opinion. When you start talking about what you won't enable or how someone is wanting to call you are racist at will because you disagree shows something much worse than white fragility. You show a psychosis that denies reality and has allowed you to obfuscate making no sense while continuing to repeat that what someone says is not true only because you say it.
You can't hurt my feelings, you are what I expect here.

Actually what I have experienced based in my skin color does validate what I say and think,. Furthermore documented history, law and public policy that you apparently don't know validates what I say and think. Yours is just an uninformed opinion. When you start talking about what you won't enable or how someone is wanting to call you are racist at will because you disagree shows something much worse than white fragility. You show a psychosis that denies reality and has allowed you to obfuscate making no sense while continuing to repeat that what someone says is not true only because you say it.

That's the point ... I am not trying to hurt your feelings ... :thup:
You are free to feel offended ... And if you insist on distorting my disagreement with the premise of the OP ... Then it only helps me better understand your desires.

At the same time ... It doesn't necessarily accomplish anything ... And it will never lead to anything positive nor productive.

You can't hurt my feelings, you are what I expect here.

Actually what I have experienced based in my skin color does validate what I say and think,. Furthermore documented history, law and public policy that you apparently don't know validates what I say and think. Yours is just an uninformed opinion. When you start talking about what you won't enable or how someone is wanting to call you are racist at will because you disagree shows something much worse than white fragility. You show a psychosis that denies reality and has allowed you to obfuscate making no sense while continuing to repeat that what someone says is not true only because you say it.

That's the point ... I am not trying to hurt your feelings ... :thup:
You are free to feel offended ... And if you insist on distorting my disagreement with the premise of the OP ... Then it only helps me better understand your desires.

At the same time ... It doesn't necessarily accomplish anything ... And it will never lead to anything positive nor productive.


You have no basis on which to disagree with the assessment.

What will not lead to anything positive or productive? And why is it that whites like you think you can determine what leads to positive and productive when we've tried your positive and productive ways to improve this for at least 241 years and all it does is lead to different ways of whites practicing the same racism.
You have no basis on which to disagree with the assessment.

What will not lead to anything positive or productive? And why is it that whites like you think you can determine what leads to positive and productive when we've tried your positive and productive ways to improve this for at least 241 years and all it does is lead to different ways of whites practicing the same racism.

Okay ... You have just stated that I have no basis on which to disagree with the OP.
That means nothing because you actually haven't provided any reason as to why I have no basis to disagree (at least nothing that can stand up to proper scrutiny).

I suggested that the premise in the OP isn't capable of leading to anything positive or productive.
For some reason ... You insist on suggesting that it will in some way.

Simply explain to me how you expect the premise stated in the OP could possibly lead to anything positive or productive.
Stating what the OP suggests won't accomplish that ... You have to actually apply it to something.

If you are incapable of doing anything other than saying the OP is the reason the OP is correct ...
If you are incapable of applying the premise of the OP to an actual positive product or result ...

... Then I will still suggest otherwise.

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Those people look nothing like those statues. Are you blind or something? :laugh:

Besides please answer the question I posed for you. What is the original meaning of the word Moor?

The Moors never went extinct, they still exist.
Why the heck would we think that Medieval invaders from Morocco, and Algeria etc. some how went from Black looking in the Medieval, to become Arab looking today?
I know they still exist. Black people will never go extinct. We are the design of nature. Thats why our genetics are superior and dominant.

Why the heck would you think america went from looking like native americans to a racially diverse country? Are you really that stupid or is someone paying you to post stupid questions?

Just so you dont forget. This is what the Moors looked like. Thats why you dont see any Arab looking statues.


You're coming off like a MOORon.

Some individual Moors could look like this, indeed if we look at pics of Morocco's soccer team some are quite Black looking, some are also quite White looking, although most look like Brown Arabs.


That looks like pretty modern picture. I need one from when Blacks ran europe in order to lend your opinion some credibility. Do you have a picture of the Moors back then like I already posted? If you dont you fail.

These are depictions of Moors from the Medieval era.



Here is a drawing entitled "Moses defeating the Moors". Are you saying that europeans built statues to Black Africans and called them the Moors just to trick you? See the Black guy in the castle? Why would they depict the Moors as Black Africans ruling if they werent Black?

BZ0159: Moses Defeating the Moors, c.1400 | Science Source

Now we have added 9 more pages that reflect the inability of whites to look inward at their own racism own it then understand that is how you have been socialized. Using this argument is an example.The fact is that the Moors were not white and the moors bought white Europe out of the dark ages with the advancements they knew. The Moors were from Africa no matter what you want to use as an excuse. But your socialization which shows how white is the best and white are the achievers makes it difficult for you to accept the challenge to that false belief. All the posts by those arguing against the moors being black is an example of white fragility. Why is it so difficult for whites to admit that maybe blacks have done some good things? Because you have been steeped in white supremacy to such an extent that you cannot deal with anything else.

The polish guy for example, he cannot except that backs have suffered, so because he is so steeped in white supremacy he feels he has to present examples of how whites have suffered more. This is what the professor is talking about when she refers to white fragility. Instead of listening to the experience of non whites the conversation must always be about the importance of what whites feel. You guys have white fragility bad and you need to work your way out of that addiction.

All you just did there, was dismiss arguments from a white guy that you can't refute.

Using "White Fragility" as an excuse.

Just like I said, and have been saying.

At no point in your post, do you actually address the actual claims or evidence that he presented.

ALL you did was claim that his whiteness caused his bad behavior.

That's not an argument.

That's just you being a dismissive ass.

If your plan is to tear this nation apart, you are on to something.

Nah. But again you are presenting the example of white fragility.

The OP is about white fragility, not if the moors are not black

I addressed the OP, not that attempt to deflect from it.

I don't think this nation will be torn apart just because we do not accept the way whites like you see things.

I didn't ask you to accept the way he saw things.

I pointed out that you dismissed him because he was white and you have decided that disagreements from whites are a result of something wrong with them, not because they could have any validity.

Such incredible arrogance and rudeness, especially when in the context of serious issues, is tearing this country apart.

We white are the majority, and certainly deserve to have our voices heard, even if they differ from the liberal created Conventional Wisdom.

White Fragility is just an excuse for lefties to marginalize anyone who disagrees with them, specifically white people.

Can you address that point, or are you just going to dismiss me because of my skin color?
Now we have added 9 more pages that reflect the inability of whites to look inward at their own racism own it then understand that is how you have been socialized. Using this argument is an example.The fact is that the Moors were not white and the moors bought white Europe out of the dark ages with the advancements they knew. The Moors were from Africa no matter what you want to use as an excuse. But your socialization which shows how white is the best and white are the achievers makes it difficult for you to accept the challenge to that false belief. All the posts by those arguing against the moors being black is an example of white fragility. Why is it so difficult for whites to admit that maybe blacks have done some good things? Because you have been steeped in white supremacy to such an extent that you cannot deal with anything else.

The polish guy for example, he cannot except that backs have suffered, so because he is so steeped in white supremacy he feels he has to present examples of how whites have suffered more. This is what the professor is talking about when she refers to white fragility. Instead of listening to the experience of non whites the conversation must always be about the importance of what whites feel. You guys have white fragility bad and you need to work your way out of that addiction.

All you just did there, was dismiss arguments from a white guy that you can't refute.

Using "White Fragility" as an excuse.

Just like I said, and have been saying.

At no point in your post, do you actually address the actual claims or evidence that he presented.

ALL you did was claim that his whiteness caused his bad behavior.

That's not an argument.

That's just you being a dismissive ass.

If your plan is to tear this nation apart, you are on to something.

Nah. But again you are presenting the example of white fragility.

The OP is about white fragility, not if the moors are not black

I addressed the OP, not that attempt to deflect from it.

I don't think this nation will be torn apart just because we do not accept the way whites like you see things.

I didn't ask you to accept the way he saw things.

I pointed out that you dismissed him because he was white and you have decided that disagreements from whites are a result of something wrong with them, not because they could have any validity.

Such incredible arrogance and rudeness, especially when in the context of serious issues, is tearing this country apart.

We white are the majority, and certainly deserve to have our voices heard, even if they differ from the liberal created Conventional Wisdom.

White Fragility is just an excuse for lefties to marginalize anyone who disagrees with them, specifically white people.

Can you address that point, or are you just going to dismiss me because of my skin color?
I am white, & think its more personal. is it possible that the unsaid thing is fear, if the population changed to more blacks than whites by magic, would the expectation be that those oppressed would become oppressive ? there seems to be a lot of conversations on the net that minority's are growing. do white people think black, brown, red & yellow are going to band together & get us? that if more than one black person moves on your block your housing values will go down. that its not comfortable when you have to interact with black people in social situations, because you don't know what is not ok to say. so far conversation on this tread is more big picture. what personal things have happened to you or not happened to solidify your view

Stop assuming the worst about your fellow citizens.

That person is not assuming. That is the way you think.

So put up that old you're not feeling white guilt picture again and shut up.

Stop telling me what I think.

I have no problem interacting with blacks in social situation and if they have a problem with something I say, that is on them, being over sensitive bitches.

And the implications of demographic shift are a valid issue and anyone that says otherwise is an ass.
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?

It’s called getting the fuck on with your life and taking responsibility. Grownups all over the world do it all the game.
There is no flaw in the theory if you re doing what the theory states.

For example what is there for you to dispute or disagree with pertaining to the racism that has happened to non whites?

Perhaps you simply cannot recognize a Catch 22 ... Nor associate that as flaw in an unsupported theory.
I mean I cannot even say that the professor is wrong in expressing her interpretations/observations ... Mainly because they are her interpretations and observations ... No matter how flawed they may actually be.

It isn't like I suggested it isn't a well constructed pile of shit.
I am suggesting your desire to believe it doesn't mean it isn't a pile of shit ... :thup:


This is not about any catch 22,

You are disputing what a person says based upon what they have experienced as a person of color from the perspective of a white person who has not experienced any of it. Maybe you need an example to understand what you as a white person is doing., I am a man sitting and listening to women tell me what it's like to be pregnant and I tell them it's not so, even as I have never been pregnant and my only experience with it is watching my wife when she was pregnant and reading magazines or textbooks about it. So what is it that I have to dispute? What is my dispute based on?

That's what whites like you do with racism. You've never experienced it but because we are saying negative things about whites you want to disagree and actually think your disagreement is supposed to hold equal or greater weight.

These observations are based on years of her being white herself and in leading workshops, teaching calluses and seminars on race with white people.

Your argument is the pile of shit because what is your disagreement with blacks about racism built on? You say racism still exists, so then why would you disagree with a person pointing out racism? And do you think that racism is only name calling or something? That there is no impact upon those who are experiencing the racism, they are only being called bad words?

What you just did there was dismiss the value, if not the EXISTENCE of empathy, understanding and logic.

Observation and research is generally considered a good way to understand an issue.

If I disagree with a woman who has experienced pregnancy, it could very well be that her personal experienced missed something that is common in other pregnancies, it could be that she is romanticizing the experience because she loves her child, ect.

In the issue of RACISM your rejection of other viewpoints is even more questionable, because you are talking about a two way street where you are making assumptions about other people.

After all, you have no experience being a white person falsely accused of racism, by an leftist.

WOuld you like to know what that is like?

I could tell you about it. COuld you understand? Or does that not compute in your world view?>
This is not about any catch 22,

You are disputing what a person says based upon what they have experienced as a person of color from the perspective of a white person who has not experienced any of it. Maybe you need an example to understand what you as a white person is doing., I am a man sitting and listening to women tell me what it's like to be pregnant and I tell them it's not so, even as I have never been pregnant and my only experience with it is watching my wife when she was pregnant and reading magazines or textbooks about it. So what is it that I have to dispute? What is my dispute based on?

That's what whites like you do with racism. You've never experienced it but because we are saying negative things about whites you want to disagree and actually think your disagreement is supposed to hold equal or greater weight.

These observations are based on years of her being white herself and in leading workshops, teaching calluses and seminars on race with white people.

Your argument is the pile of shit because what is your disagreement with blacks about racism built on? You say racism still exists, so then why would you disagree with a person pointing out racism? And do you think that racism is only name calling or something? That there is no impact upon those who are experiencing the racism, they are only being called bad words?

That's the Catch 22 ... I didn't dispute what you or the Professor say ... You and the professor can say whatever you think ... And it will be what you think.

You can keep saying the same thing over and over ... But your skin color, or the professor's skin color, in no way validates anything you say or think.
I really don't care whether the professor teaches calluses or not (whatever that means) ... It doesn't mean the theory isn't flawed.
I have yet to assign any nonexistent weight equation to my disagreement, nor your pile of shit ... That's a balancing act you are certainly free to pollute your argument with.

Of course I say racism exists ... Mainly because it does.
I haven't stated that racism doesn't have an impact on people ... I gave an example of its impact on me in attempts to get you to share your experiences.
I haven't called you any names ... I have suggested that you are incapable of thoroughly understanding anything other than what you would like to believe.

If you want cookie because your feelings are hurt ... Go buy one.
If it makes you feel better to insist I am suffering from the pile of shit you care to describe as White Fragility ... I have no expectations of changing your mind, and feel free.


You can't hurt my feelings, you are what I expect here.

Actually what I have experienced based in my skin color does validate what I say and think,. Furthermore documented history, law and public policy that you apparently don't know validates what I say and think. Yours is just an uninformed opinion. When you start talking about what you won't enable or how someone is wanting to call you are racist at will because you disagree shows something much worse than white fragility. You show a psychosis that denies reality and has allowed you to obfuscate making no sense while continuing to repeat that what someone says is not true only because you say it.
You can't hurt my feelings, you are what I expect here.
You two still at it? Stubborn much? LOL.
Be careful you don't let your own biases get in the way of a dialogue here. I'm not saying one of you is more right than the other--but you could enter this more willing to listen. Not everyone is operating from your preconceived notion of dumbshit white folk.
This is not about any catch 22,

You are disputing what a person says based upon what they have experienced as a person of color from the perspective of a white person who has not experienced any of it. Maybe you need an example to understand what you as a white person is doing., I am a man sitting and listening to women tell me what it's like to be pregnant and I tell them it's not so, even as I have never been pregnant and my only experience with it is watching my wife when she was pregnant and reading magazines or textbooks about it. So what is it that I have to dispute? What is my dispute based on?

That's what whites like you do with racism. You've never experienced it but because we are saying negative things about whites you want to disagree and actually think your disagreement is supposed to hold equal or greater weight.

These observations are based on years of her being white herself and in leading workshops, teaching calluses and seminars on race with white people.

Your argument is the pile of shit because what is your disagreement with blacks about racism built on? You say racism still exists, so then why would you disagree with a person pointing out racism? And do you think that racism is only name calling or something? That there is no impact upon those who are experiencing the racism, they are only being called bad words?

That's the Catch 22 ... I didn't dispute what you or the Professor say ... You and the professor can say whatever you think ... And it will be what you think.

You can keep saying the same thing over and over ... But your skin color, or the professor's skin color, in no way validates anything you say or think.
I really don't care whether the professor teaches calluses or not (whatever that means) ... It doesn't mean the theory isn't flawed.
I have yet to assign any nonexistent weight equation to my disagreement, nor your pile of shit ... That's a balancing act you are certainly free to pollute your argument with.

Of course I say racism exists ... Mainly because it does.
I haven't stated that racism doesn't have an impact on people ... I gave an example of its impact on me in attempts to get you to share your experiences.
I haven't called you any names ... I have suggested that you are incapable of thoroughly understanding anything other than what you would like to believe.

If you want cookie because your feelings are hurt ... Go buy one.
If it makes you feel better to insist I am suffering from the pile of shit you care to describe as White Fragility ... I have no expectations of changing your mind, and feel free.


You can't hurt my feelings, you are what I expect here.

Actually what I have experienced based in my skin color does validate what I say and think,. Furthermore documented history, law and public policy that you apparently don't know validates what I say and think. Yours is just an uninformed opinion. When you start talking about what you won't enable or how someone is wanting to call you are racist at will because you disagree shows something much worse than white fragility. You show a psychosis that denies reality and has allowed you to obfuscate making no sense while continuing to repeat that what someone says is not true only because you say it.
You can't hurt my feelings, you are what I expect here.
You two still at it? Stubborn much? LOL.
Be careful you don't let your own biases get in the way of a dialogue here. I'm not saying one of you is more right than the other--but you could enter this more willing to listen. Not everyone is operating from your preconceived notion of dumbshit white folk.

And I'm not operating on a preconceived notion of dumbshit white folks either. This is why we cannot have a discussion. Whites have a continuing record of racism, instead of listening they want us to listen to them telling us what we need to do based upon an opinion that doesn't factor in how racism has truly impacted non whites completely. At every stage of American history, we have listened to whites and what has been the result of that old lady?
You two still at it? Stubborn much? LOL.

Stubborn ... Yeah I am guilty of that.
I also don't know how anyone could survive without a tad of stubbornness or perseverance.

Correll came close to a perfect point that would accurately describe the differences in points of view.
He mentioned IM2 has never been white (then fell of the cliff adding something to that comment).

IM2 hasn't been white ... And I am not sure if he has ever lived a day in his life that race just wasn't a matter of substance.
I on the other hand ... Can wake up in the morning and make it through my entire day without consciously or even sub-consciously (something the author of the OP put in there to make people like you doubt yourself ... kind of a catch all phrase and tool that won't slip the careful observation of a psychologist) ... Thinking about race in any shape, form or fashion.

That damn sure doesn't make me racist.
It doesn't make me less empathetic.
It doesn't require me to deny racism exists.
It doesn't mean that I would not listen or discuss race with someone if they so chose to bring it up.
It doesn't mean that I think one race is superior to another.

In fact ... It means that what I am thinking is totally devoid of the concept of race (not at all dismissing the idea that could simply be a luxury of the fact I am white).

Then you take the Idea IM2 has expressed that race is just a social construct that was instituted to segregate and oppress people.
Well no shit ... That's why he needs to stop falling victim to crap described in the OP ... It is nothing more than propagation of more racial divisiveness.

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There is no flaw in the theory if you re doing what the theory states.

For example what is there for you to dispute or disagree with pertaining to the racism that has happened to non whites?

Perhaps you simply cannot recognize a Catch 22 ... Nor associate that as flaw in an unsupported theory.
I mean I cannot even say that the professor is wrong in expressing her interpretations/observations ... Mainly because they are her interpretations and observations ... No matter how flawed they may actually be.

It isn't like I suggested it isn't a well constructed pile of shit.
I am suggesting your desire to believe it doesn't mean it isn't a pile of shit ... :thup:


This is not about any catch 22,

You are disputing what a person says based upon what they have experienced as a person of color from the perspective of a white person who has not experienced any of it. Maybe you need an example to understand what you as a white person is doing., I am a man sitting and listening to women tell me what it's like to be pregnant and I tell them it's not so, even as I have never been pregnant and my only experience with it is watching my wife when she was pregnant and reading magazines or textbooks about it. So what is it that I have to dispute? What is my dispute based on?

That's what whites like you do with racism. You've never experienced it but because we are saying negative things about whites you want to disagree and actually think your disagreement is supposed to hold equal or greater weight.

These observations are based on years of her being white herself and in leading workshops, teaching calluses and seminars on race with white people.

Your argument is the pile of shit because what is your disagreement with blacks about racism built on? You say racism still exists, so then why would you disagree with a person pointing out racism? And do you think that racism is only name calling or something? That there is no impact upon those who are experiencing the racism, they are only being called bad words?

What you just did there was dismiss the value, if not the EXISTENCE of empathy, understanding and logic.

Observation and research is generally considered a good way to understand an issue.

If I disagree with a woman who has experienced pregnancy, it could very well be that her personal experienced missed something that is common in other pregnancies, it could be that she is romanticizing the experience because she loves her child, ect.

In the issue of RACISM your rejection of other viewpoints is even more questionable, because you are talking about a two way street where you are making assumptions about other people.

After all, you have no experience being a white person falsely accused of racism, by an leftist.

WOuld you like to know what that is like?

I could tell you about it. COuld you understand? Or does that not compute in your world view?>

You see the problem you have is that you actually think racism is a 2 way street. So in your view 2.5 centuries of racist law and policy whether overt or covert is equal to a black person calling a white person a name. That's your two way street. This is not about me being a white person falsely accused of racism. It never has been. It has been about court decisions and public policies that were created by whites to purposefully deny whites of opportunity. You are here trying to build an equivalence between you being falsely accused of racism as opposed to me being accused of rape. fathering children out of wedlock, that I am naturally dumb, not wanting to work, being a failure in life, that I am a violent criminal, that I am unworthy of being hired, that just because I drive a new car I get stopped for driving, I am supposed to listen to your experience and think it's the same thing. You have sat here in this forum and made claims that blacks should be grateful to whites who died to make us free and you actually think that if you are called a racist for saying something like that it is false?

So you were accused of racism by a leftist. And this is supposed to be the same as what backs have to endure. Your viewpoint was rejected because its' false. If I was to reject all views from whites I would not be posting what this white woman said whereby she explained hat she still has problem dealing with her racial bias. After all there are plenty of peer reviewed studies by blacks that I could use to describe the general white reaction to trying to discuss race and racism.So let's hear your story.
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You two still at it? Stubborn much? LOL.

Stubborn ... Yeah I am guilty of that.
I also don't know how anyone could survive without a tad of stubbornness or perseverance.

Correll came close to a perfect point that would accurately describe the differences in points of view.
He mentioned IM2 has never been white (then fell of the cliff adding something to that comment).

IM2 hasn't been white ... And I am not sure if he has ever lived a day in his life that race just wasn't a matter of substance.
I on the other hand ... Can wake up in the morning and make it through my entire day without consciously or even sub-consciously (something the author of the OP put in there to make people like you doubt yourself) ... Thinking about race in any shape, form or fashion.

That damn sure doesn't make me racist.
It doesn't make me less empathetic.
It doesn't require me to deny racism exists.
It doesn't mean that I would not listen or discuss race with someone if they so chose to bring it up.
It doesn't mean that I think one race is superior to another.

In fact ... It means that what I am thinking is totally devoid of the concept of race.

Then you take the Idea IM2 has expressed that race is just a social construct that was instituted to segregate and oppress people.
Well no shit ... That's why he needs to stop falling victim to crap described in the OP ... It is nothing more than propagation of more racial divisiveness.


Me not being white means nothing in a society that is structured on whiteness. Me living with a consideration of race is essential to my ability achieve in this society. You are white so you can wake up and decide that race is unimportant because whiteness has been considered the norm. This is what the professor is talking about. You lost the point from the beginning because you saw the words white fragility and you went off the deep end.. What the OP said is not divisive. This nation is divided by race mainly due to the fact whites don't want to listen. If we don't listen to whites who build arguments on straw men and false equivalences then we are to blame.

After all if this is not something you think about and it doesn't' matter you have spent the last 2 days or so trying to tell me how you THINK this Is bullshit when I KNOW it is not
Me not being white means nothing in a society that is structured on whiteness. Me living with a consideration of race is essential to my ability achieve in this society. You are white so you can wake up and decide that race is unimportant because whiteness has been considered the norm. This is what the professor is talking about. You lost the point from the beginning because you saw the words white fragility and you went off the deep end.. What the OP said is not divisive. This nation is divided by race mainly due to the fact whites don't want to listen. If we don't listen to whites who build arguments on straw men and false equivalences then we are to blame.

After all if this is not something you think about and it doesn't' matter you have spent the last 2 days or so trying to tell me how you THINK this Is bullshit when I KNOW it is not

You are almost there ...

Because you find it easier to identify your problems as my fault and the product of White Fragility ... Still doesn't support your position nor the professor's.

Again ... You can say that I am wrong ... But you still haven't provided me with even the most basic explanation of how I am wrong.
You just keep falsely accussing me of the bullshit in the OP and using the bullshit in the OP in attempts to support your position.

I have repeated asked you to explain your position.
I have repeatedly asked you to explain how the OP presents anything that could possibly result in a positive or productive outcome.

You cannot ... Or will not do so ... And until you do ... You have presented nothing but more vile, disgusting, race centered bullshit.
The part you keep missing is that you are actually going to have to fucking think ... There are no Cliff's Notes to save your ass ... You are going to have to use your brain.

Welcome to the White World were excuses and blaming other people just doesn't mean shit ... :thup:

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You know ... This is the best part of the article:

White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

I mean how awesome is that ... :dunno: ... It basically states that any reaction you have is based in White Fragility.

If you say anything ... You are suffering from White Fragility.
If you sit there and don't say anything ... You are suffering from White Fragility.
If you simply get up and leave ... You are suffering from White Fragility.

I am pretty sure that covers all the possible bases.
It plainly states that no matter what you do, you are suffering from White Fragility ... Because we say so.

Add the fact it is based on entirely antidotal evidence, observations and opinion = Bullshit.

Me not being white means nothing in a society that is structured on whiteness. Me living with a consideration of race is essential to my ability achieve in this society. You are white so you can wake up and decide that race is unimportant because whiteness has been considered the norm. This is what the professor is talking about. You lost the point from the beginning because you saw the words white fragility and you went off the deep end.. What the OP said is not divisive. This nation is divided by race mainly due to the fact whites don't want to listen. If we don't listen to whites who build arguments on straw men and false equivalences then we are to blame.

After all if this is not something you think about and it doesn't' matter you have spent the last 2 days or so trying to tell me how you THINK this Is bullshit when I KNOW it is not

You are almost there ...

Because you find it easier to identify your problems as my fault and the product of White Fragility ... Still doesn't support your position nor the professor's.

Again ... You can say that I am wrong ... But you still haven't provided me with even the most basic explanation of how I am wrong.
You just keep falsely accussing me of the bullshit in the OP and using the bullshit in the OP in attempts to support your position.

I have repeated asked you to explain your position.
I have repeatedly asked you to explain how the OP presents anything that could possibly result in a positive or productive outcome.

You cannot ... Or will not do so ... And until you do ... You have presented nothing but more vile, disgusting, race centered bullshit.
The part you keep missing is that you are actually going to have to fucking think ... There are no Cliff's Notes to save your ass ... You are going to have to use your brain.

Welcome to the White World were excuses and blaming other people just doesn't mean shit ... :thup:


The white world is full of excuses. And almost every thread here including this one is whites blaming others. I know plenty about the white world. The real one not the one you imagine. Now you can't really say with any accuracy that I am here because of some perceived problems I am supposed to have that you assume. Nor can you say that I am putting the blame all on you. Again, you miss what white fragility is because the words bother you. I illustrated how your post show evidence that you exhibit the behavior.

I have stated how the OP can produce a positive and productive outcome.

You are the one not thinking. You lost that ability when you saw the words white fragility. You are delusional.
Now we have added 9 more pages that reflect the inability of whites to look inward at their own racism own it then understand that is how you have been socialized.
WTF are you talking about? I'm racist and I embrace it. Racism is reality!

If blacks are so smart, how come they can't run a country?

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