Another perspective

I have stated how the OP can produce a positive and productive outcome.

I asked you to actually state how it produces positive outcomes ... Not to tell me that you have stated positive outcomes.
I can see why you love the OP ... You cannot prove or provide any evidence ... So you are just going to say you have.

Hell ... Try and explain to me how saying you have provided evidence instead of actually providing something will lead to a positive outcome.
I am even willing to listen to that.

You know ... This is the best part of the article:

White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

I mean how awesome is that ... :dunno: ... It basically states that any reaction you have is based in White Fragility.

If you say anything ... You are suffering from White Fragility.
If you sit there and don't say anything ... You are suffering from White Fragility.
If you simply get up and leave ... You are suffering from White Fragility.

I am pretty sure that covers all the possible bases.
It plainly states that no matter what you do, you are suffering from White Fragility ... Because we say so.

Add the fact it is based on entirely antidotal evidence, observations and opinion = Bullshit.


Actually it doesn't. Again this based upon a white females experiences in doing classes only with whites about race for more than 20 years. We are taking about more than 2,000 such classes and interactions with individual whites that are in the 10's of thousands. There is nothing anecdotal about that amount of information. And after that many cases this is not just opinion.

You see you go through life unaware of a lot of things such as the concept of whiteness. It is is this that rules your thinking when it comes to race. Now don't try arguing using a false equivalence abut how my thoughts on race are because of blackness theory because my views are based upon actual occurrences not some belief in a natural order of things based on color.

So why don't you go study the concept of whiteness and how that is reinforced in our societal norms then come back and argue?
I have stated how the OP can produce a positive and productive outcome.

I asked you to actually state how it produces positive outcomes ... Not to tell me that you have stated positive outcomes.
I can see why you love the OP ... You cannot prove or provide any evidence ... So you are just going to say you have.

Hell ... Try and explain to me how saying you have provided evidence instead of actually providing something will lead to a positive outcome.
I am even willing to listen to that.


I stated them. So I am not going to state them again. Just scroll back and read.
Actually it doesn't. Again this based upon a white females experiences in doing classes only with whites about race for more than 20 years. We are taking about more than 2,000 such classes and interactions with individual whites that are in the 10's of thousands. There is nothing anecdotal about that amount of information. And after that many cases this is not just opinion.

You see you go through life unaware of a lot of things such as the concept of whiteness. It is is this that rules your thinking when it comes to race. Now don't try arguing using a false equivalence abut how my thoughts on race are because of blackness theory because my views are based upon actual occurrences not some belief in a natural order of things based on color.

So why don't you go study the concept of whiteness and how that is reinforced in our societal norms then come back and argue?

The amount of information doesn't determine whether or not it is anecdotal.
The source of the information and the activities involved in collecting the information determines whether or not it is anecdotal.
The source and the activities involved in collecting the information contained in the OP are anecdotal.

The fact a professor is a white woman and said it won't ever change that ... :thup:

In any case ... How does anything you have posted explain a positive outcome associated with the OP.
To provide that you would have to explain how a premise discussed in the OP results in a positive outcome ... You haven't done that.

This is my favorite because this is the first one I saw while in Habsburg.


Moors look typically like this, dumbass.

Those people look nothing like those statues. Are you blind or something? :laugh:

Besides please answer the question I posed for you. What is the original meaning of the word Moor?

The Moors never went extinct, they still exist.
Why the heck would we think that Medieval invaders from Morocco, and Algeria etc. some how went from Black looking in the Medieval, to become Arab looking today?
I know they still exist. Black people will never go extinct. We are the design of nature. Thats why our genetics are superior and dominant.

Why the heck would you think america went from looking like native americans to a racially diverse country? Are you really that stupid or is someone paying you to post stupid questions?

Just so you dont forget. This is what the Moors looked like. Thats why you dont see any Arab looking statues.

I thought blacks looked like this?

I stated them. So I am not going to state them again. Just scroll back and read.

No you haven't ... There is no way I can scroll back and read what you haven't posted ... :thup:
If you simply cannot support your assertions ... And expect I will accept your feeble excuse ... I am not going to.

If you honestly cannot find a positive outcome to associate with the premise of the OP ... Don't worry, it isn't like you failed, because there isn't one ... :dunno:

I stated them. So I am not going to state them again. Just scroll back and read.

No you haven't ... There is no way I can scroll back and read what you haven't posted ... :thup:
If you simply cannot support your assertion ... And expect I will accept your feeble excuse ... I am not going to.

If you honestly cannot find a positive outcome to associate with the premise of the OP ... Don't worry, it isn't like you failed, because there isn't one ... :dunno:


Well that's on you. I posted it. It's here. So go study whiteness.
Well that's on you. I posted it. It's here. So go study whiteness.

No you haven't posted it and that's on you ... Prove me wrong or just accept that you are wrong.
I am not interested in whiteness ... If it is anything like what you have presented here as of yet ... It too would be a bunch vapid bullshit ... :thup:

I am white, & think its more personal. is it possible that the unsaid thing is fear, if the population changed to more blacks than whites by magic, would the expectation be that those oppressed would become oppressive ? there seems to be a lot of conversations on the net that minority's are growing. do white people think black, brown, red & yellow are going to band together & get us? that if more than one black person moves on your block your housing values will go down. that its not comfortable when you have to interact with black people in social situations, because you don't know what is not ok to say. so far conversation on this tread is more big picture. what personal things have happened to you or not happened to solidify your view

Stop assuming the worst about your fellow citizens.

That person is not assuming. That is the way you think.

So put up that old you're not feeling white guilt picture again and shut up.

Stop telling me what I think.

I have no problem interacting with blacks in social situation and if they have a problem with something I say, that is on them, being over sensitive bitches.

And the implications of demographic shift are a valid issue and anyone that says otherwise is an ass.

You will be told what you think as long as you think you can tell me what I think.
Well that's on you. I posted it. It's here. So go study whiteness.

No you haven't posted it and that's on you ... Prove me wrong or just accept that you are wrong.
I am not interested in whiteness ... If it is anything like what you have presented here as of yet ... It too would be a bunch vapid bullshit ... :thup:


Of course you aren't interested in whiteness. Because you don't want to face the truth.

You were shown. That's that.
Here is anther example the article was talking about.

Well you see, I went to college and got a masters degree in sociology. I then spent 32 years doing work in the black community. I have never hit the pipe or fathered a child out of wedlock. Ben Carson means nothing to me. He's a punk ass sellout whites like you love to use as an example because he do the bojangles for you ,wear the black face and shuffle like the black minstrel lawn jockey he is. I have helped build one business and helped 2 others grow. But that doesn't mean racism ended. I earned my checks bitch. All of them. So I will put on my black hoodie tomorrow and watch those like you cry about how whites are losing their country. And if I am standing on the street in my black hoodie it is because I am fucking retired. You know what that is? It is the reward for years of a well done job. So don't YOU be like the drummer, ignorant and whining about what privilege is. YOU and those like you are the problem. I'm part of the solution.

So you don't have to hear anything, but when the change hits and you ask what happened, you will understand that you drowned in your pool.

Sociology is a joke of a college credit. The best thing about it is learning art and artists.

The rest of it is a farce to the point of being comical.

Oh yes, me and my black friend were in the same sociology class. He's now a preacher, but when it got to be being bullshit, I said something, and he was about the only one that supported me.

He's a smart man.

I don't think you learned about art or artists in intro o sociology. And that's looks like its a far as you went.

Because I took courses in Comparative social theory
Methods of Social Research
Youth and crime
Social Organization
Urban and Rural sociology
Classical and contemporary social theory
And a few others.

We weren't discussing artists in these classes. But it really didn't matter what I got any degree in. I could have gotten a degree in molecular science and you would have tried to belittle that. You're sad pathetic trash. Me and my black friend. You see I can tell you I have a black friend so I'm not a racist. Ebery body like you has that one back friend. Dillon Roof had that one black friend too.

Well I can't very well tell you his name and remain anonymous. Yeah, that looks like a bunch of fluff bullshit.

The concept of Sociology is complete bullshit to begin with.

You cannot categorize people in the manner Sociology attempts to.

I thank God he did back me that day I stood up to the prof.

At least I had some kinda backup. I still say I was right.

So the class got to be being bullshit

It's so fluff you would have flunked. And you can understand human nature more when you understand patterns of behavior.

'Splain to me what brought about the patterns of behavior here. I'll wait for your explanation, then I'll give mine, ok?

PS: It ain't rocket science.

This explains the initial "hands up don't shoot" witnesses in the Michael Brown incident.
Of course you aren't interested in whiteness. Because you don't want to face the truth.

You were shown. That's that.

Better yet ... Instead of talking shit ... Tell me this truth.

Explain the whiteness in your words.
Then give me an example how researching this whiteness will lead to a positive result or outcome.
I don't mean just say it will benefit me ... Explain how it will ... And no need in bringing any more vapid crap.

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Now we have added 9 more pages that reflect the inability of whites to look inward at their own racism own it then understand that is how you have been socialized. Using this argument is an example.The fact is that the Moors were not white and the moors bought white Europe out of the dark ages with the advancements they knew. The Moors were from Africa no matter what you want to use as an excuse. But your socialization which shows how white is the best and white are the achievers makes it difficult for you to accept the challenge to that false belief. All the posts by those arguing against the moors being black is an example of white fragility. Why is it so difficult for whites to admit that maybe blacks have done some good things? Because you have been steeped in white supremacy to such an extent that you cannot deal with anything else.

The polish guy for example, he cannot except that backs have suffered, so because he is so steeped in white supremacy he feels he has to present examples of how whites have suffered more. This is what the professor is talking about when she refers to white fragility. Instead of listening to the experience of non whites the conversation must always be about the importance of what whites feel. You guys have white fragility bad and you need to work your way out of that addiction.

All you just did there, was dismiss arguments from a white guy that you can't refute.

Using "White Fragility" as an excuse.

Just like I said, and have been saying.

At no point in your post, do you actually address the actual claims or evidence that he presented.

ALL you did was claim that his whiteness caused his bad behavior.

That's not an argument.

That's just you being a dismissive ass.

If your plan is to tear this nation apart, you are on to something.

Nah. But again you are presenting the example of white fragility.

The OP is about white fragility, not if the moors are not black

I addressed the OP, not that attempt to deflect from it.

I don't think this nation will be torn apart just because we do not accept the way whites like you see things.

Now we have added 9 more pages that reflect the inability of whites to look inward at their own racism own it then understand that is how you have been socialized. Using this argument is an example.The fact is that the Moors were not white and the moors bought white Europe out of the dark ages with the advancements they knew. The Moors were from Africa no matter what you want to use as an excuse. But your socialization which shows how white is the best and white are the achievers makes it difficult for you to accept the challenge to that false belief. All the posts by those arguing against the moors being black is an example of white fragility. Why is it so difficult for whites to admit that maybe blacks have done some good things? Because you have been steeped in white supremacy to such an extent that you cannot deal with anything else.

The polish guy for example, he cannot except that backs have suffered, so because he is so steeped in white supremacy he feels he has to present examples of how whites have suffered more. This is what the professor is talking about when she refers to white fragility. Instead of listening to the experience of non whites the conversation must always be about the importance of what whites feel. You guys have white fragility bad and you need to work your way out of that addiction.

All you just did there, was dismiss arguments from a white guy that you can't refute.

Using "White Fragility" as an excuse.

Just like I said, and have been saying.

At no point in your post, do you actually address the actual claims or evidence that he presented.

ALL you did was claim that his whiteness caused his bad behavior.

That's not an argument.

That's just you being a dismissive ass.

If your plan is to tear this nation apart, you are on to something.

Nah. But again you are presenting the example of white fragility.

The OP is about white fragility, not if the moors are not black

I addressed the OP, not that attempt to deflect from it.

I don't think this nation will be torn apart just because we do not accept the way whites like you see things.

Yes "we". What confused you about that?
..... person with a masters ......

You seem awfully proud of that, for some reason.

Well you sure are proud of your masters, but the main reason I talk about it here is that the white racists you ignore want to always tell me how we blacks need to get educated.

I have never told a black that he needs to "Get educated".

Actually, I don't think I have ever told anyone that. Perhaps, my nephew, in relation to his career.
..... Of course expect that you will now claim you aren't white after declaring months ago you were........

Why the hell would I do that? You must have a very high opinion of yourself to think you're worth lying to.

You've been lying this entire time so nothing would change if you had actually done this.

I disagree strongly with Unkotare on many things, but I've never had the feeling that he was being dishonest about his beliefs or anything.

Unlike many posters who, at some level know that they can't honestly defend their positions and thus mostly employ various tactics to AVOID real debate.

He seems very sincere in his positions.
Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.

I've hired plenty of blacks, when I was in middle management.

I've seen blacks promoted over more qualified whites, to have "Diversity" in the management team.

You are dismissing the efforts of this nation over last 60 years to improve things.

Thanks for your support on that issue.
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?

This is just an opinion. Just because she is a “doctor” and makes up a fancy new buzzword/term to describe her opinion, does not make this a fact. This is just a silly...can’t even call it a theory, but opinion. For many reasons. The biggest is just generalizing and lumping an entire race group, that is no where near a homogeneous group. Which is something you should never do in general, even when it’s referring to a more specific sect of a race like say Inuit vs Native American. It’s just flat out wrong when it’s directed at an entire color...I really shouldn’t have to explain this. As if explaining this matters, your just finding other delusions to support your own.
This is just an opinion. Just because she is a “doctor” and makes up a fancy new buzzword/term to describe her opinion, does not make this a fact. This is just a silly...can’t even call it a theory, but opinion. For many reasons. The biggest is just generalizing and lumping an entire race group, that is no where near a homogeneous group. Which is something you should never do in general, even when it’s referring to a more specific sect of a race like say Inuit vs Native American. It’s just flat out wrong when it’s directed at an entire color...I really shouldn’t have to explain this. As if explaining this matters, your just finding other delusions to support your own.

A simple click on her website and you can see what she actually represents is more of a religion than a science based on empirical data ... :thup:

I wouldn't want to suggest she isn't an accomplished preacher of the faith she aspires to.
In fact, she is probably the perfect preacher to invite to the Revival Tent if that is the gospel you are trying to sell.

As an oversimplification ... Multiculturalism is her God ... And White Fragility is the Hell she would like to sentence you to if you dare question her God.

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