Another perspective

..... person with a masters ......

You seem awfully proud of that, for some reason.

....the white racists you ignore ...

I’ve called out far, far more racists - of every sort - here than you have or likely ever will.

No you haven't. And you calling out racists of every sort? HA! Angry responses to racism is not racism fool.

In real life I have taken on racist white city governments. This is minor league shit.. You get no badge of honor for making a claim about how many racists you claim to call out on an internet forum. You call me a racist for stating what whites have done. That's not racism but you call me one because you are white and what I say causes you to be butthurt. You're the classic white idiot who thinks that black racism is when a black person speaks in on the continuing racism of whites he's denigrating all white people. And to show you what kind of idiot you are, you think that the last statement I made is racist when in fact not all whites are idiots who think that when a black speaks on the continuing racism of whites is a racist. But because I used the word white, then I become a racist for describing you by your race. Even though you have described yourself as white. That's how stupid your ass is.
OK we have had multiple threads about how blacks can do this or that and usually when the subject is turned to whites the thread gets trolled or moved. How about we look at a phenomenon called White Fragility. This is a term coined by a white female, Dr. Robin Deangelo.


White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress
. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We have heard all the many ways blacks are fucked up and how we need to change according to the many whites here. How about we now look at what WHITES can did to erase the division by race in America?

This is just an opinion. Just because she is a “doctor” and makes up a fancy new buzzword/term to describe her opinion, does not make this a fact. This is just a silly...can’t even call it a theory, but opinion. For many reasons. The biggest is just generalizing and lumping an entire race group, that is no where near a homogeneous group. Which is something you should never do in general, even when it’s referring to a more specific sect of a race like say Inuit vs Native American. It’s just flat out wrong when it’s directed at an entire color...I really shouldn’t have to explain this. As if explaining this matters, your just finding other delusions to support your own.

No, it is more than that. It is an observation based upon holding classes for over 20 yeas with only whites on the issue of race relations.

Because it's funny how you can generalized all you want about blacks but suddenly this is not to be done with whites. Go do some research on this issue.
Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.

I've hired plenty of blacks, when I was in middle management.

I've seen blacks promoted over more qualified whites, to have "Diversity" in the management team.

You are dismissing the efforts of this nation over last 60 years to improve things.

Thanks for your support on that issue.

No I am not dismissing anything. You have not seen blacks hired above more qualified whites. You have seen blacks promoted because the company had a record of continuing discrimination in management. Improvement is not enough, the end of racism is.
Idiots like Unkotare and others seem to think that the words on paper are automatically being followed. Then they want to ask me about my life when this is a macro level discussion about the effects of racism upon groups of people not individuals. I could be living like Oprah but that doesn't mean racism has stopped. The only thing those laws did was stop racism from being practiced overtly meaning a white cannot just tell you they don't hire you if you aren't white. So then they let you fill out an application and just don't hire you instead.

I've hired plenty of blacks, when I was in middle management.

I've seen blacks promoted over more qualified whites, to have "Diversity" in the management team.

You are dismissing the efforts of this nation over last 60 years to improve things.

Thanks for your support on that issue.

No I am not dismissing anything. You have not seen blacks hired above more qualified whites. You have seen blacks promoted because the company had a record of continuing discrimination in management. Improvement is not enough, the end of racism is.

It is racist to promote less qualified blacks over more qualified white candidates.
..... person with a masters ......

You seem awfully proud of that, for some reason.

....the white racists you ignore ...

I’ve called out far, far more racists - of every sort - here than you have or likely ever will.

No you haven't. And you calling out racists of every sort? HA! Angry responses to racism is not racism fool.

In real life I have taken on racist white city governments. This is minor league shit.. You get no badge of honor for making a claim about how many racists you claim to call out on an internet forum. You call me a racist for stating what whites have done. That's not racism but you call me one because you are white and what I say causes you to be butthurt. You're the classic white idiot who thinks that black racism is when a black person speaks in on the continuing racism of whites he's denigrating all white people. And to show you what kind of idiot you are, you think that the last statement I made is racist when in fact not all whites are idiots who think that when a black speaks on the continuing racism of whites is a racist. But because I used the word white, then I become a racist for describing you by your race. Even though you have described yourself as white. That's how stupid your ass is.

So, first you bitch about not calling out racists on the site (which includes you), then you complain about calling out racists on the site.

You whine about being called out as the racist you are, and essentialize and categorize people by race while doing so.

You constantly define, denounce and denigrate people based on race, and are actually shameless enough to try and pull the “but some of my best friends are...!” Cliche. I can just imagine how you’d give a white racist a pass based on that.
No, it is more than that. It is an observation based upon holding classes for over 20 yeas with only whites on the issue of race relations.

The Professor offers no empirical evidence to support her observations/opinions/claims ... :thup:

You suggest that her time teaching class represents that evidence ... It doesn't.
The same as the fact the Pope is a scholar and has been involved with the Catholic Church for decades ... Doesn't prove there is a God, much less a Heaven or Hell.

I am sorry if you cannot recognize her as the glorified race pimp she is ...
Who has long and distinguished career of nothing more than pandering racial bullshit ...
That only accomplishes selling us all up the river keeping us mired in racial foolishness and animosity ...
For no other reason than to keep her collection plate full and get her face on the cover of Salon Magazine.

It doesn't matter if I want a horse or not ... Dr. Deangelo can take that skin and bones, broken back, no tooth having, nag she calls White Fragility ... Put it out to pasture and let it die of old age.

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No, it is more than that. It is an observation based upon holding classes for over 20 yeas with only whites on the issue of race relations.

The Professor offers no empirical evidence to support her observations/opinions/claims ... :thup:

You suggest that her time teaching class represents that evidence ... It doesn't.
The same as the fact the Pope is a scholar and has been involved with the Catholic Church for decades ... Doesn't prove there is a God, much less a Heaven or Hell.

I am sorry if you cannot recognize her as the glorified race pimp she is ...
Who has long and distinguished career of nothing more than pandering racial bullshit ...
That only accomplishes selling us all up the river keeping us mired in racial foolishness and animosity ...
For no other reason than to keep her collection plate full and get her face on the cover of Salon Magazine.

It doesn't matter if I want a horse or not ... Dr. Deangelo can take that skin and bones, broken back, no tooth having, nag she calls White Fragility ... Put it out to pasture and let it die of old age.


I can't be race pimped fool. You are the one who is.

She offers 20 years of leading classes and having interactions she with whites on the subject of race relations. And he reactions of whites in those classes equal evidence idiot.

Just go study what whiteness is and maybe you can begin to have the first understanding of what the hell you don't know.
..... person with a masters ......

You seem awfully proud of that, for some reason.

....the white racists you ignore ...

I’ve called out far, far more racists - of every sort - here than you have or likely ever will.

No you haven't. And you calling out racists of every sort? HA! Angry responses to racism is not racism fool.

In real life I have taken on racist white city governments. This is minor league shit.. You get no badge of honor for making a claim about how many racists you claim to call out on an internet forum. You call me a racist for stating what whites have done. That's not racism but you call me one because you are white and what I say causes you to be butthurt. You're the classic white idiot who thinks that black racism is when a black person speaks in on the continuing racism of whites he's denigrating all white people. And to show you what kind of idiot you are, you think that the last statement I made is racist when in fact not all whites are idiots who think that when a black speaks on the continuing racism of whites is a racist. But because I used the word white, then I become a racist for describing you by your race. Even though you have described yourself as white. That's how stupid your ass is.

So, first you bitch about not calling out racists on the site (which includes you), then you complain about calling out racists on the site.

You whine about being called out as the racist you are, and essentialize and categorize people by race while doing so.

You constantly define, denounce and denigrate people based on race, and are actually shameless enough to try and pull the “but some of my best friends are...!” Cliche. I can just imagine how you’d give a white racist a pass based on that.

No I don't do any of the things. You argument is based on a load of false equivalences and strawmen unkotare. There are things that have happened to non whites that white folks are responsible for. This is just reality so if you are buttburt about me saying it, that's your fucking problem. Grow up.
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No, it is more than that. It is an observation based upon holding classes for over 20 yeas with only whites on the issue of race relations.

The Professor offers no empirical evidence to support her observations/opinions/claims ... :thup:

You suggest that her time teaching class represents that evidence ... It doesn't.
The same as the fact the Pope is a scholar and has been involved with the Catholic Church for decades ... Doesn't prove there is a God, much less a Heaven or Hell.

I am sorry if you cannot recognize her as the glorified race pimp she is ...
Who has long and distinguished career of nothing more than pandering racial bullshit ...
That only accomplishes selling us all up the river keeping us mired in racial foolishness and animosity ...
For no other reason than to keep her collection plate full and get her face on the cover of Salon Magazine.

It doesn't matter if I want a horse or not ... Dr. Deangelo can take that skin and bones, broken back, no tooth having, nag she calls White Fragility ... Put it out to pasture and let it die of old age.


...And he reactions of whites in those classes equal evidence ...


Not the kind you think.
You seem awfully proud of that, for some reason.

....the white racists you ignore ...

I’ve called out far, far more racists - of every sort - here than you have or likely ever will.

No you haven't. And you calling out racists of every sort? HA! Angry responses to racism is not racism fool.

In real life I have taken on racist white city governments. This is minor league shit.. You get no badge of honor for making a claim about how many racists you claim to call out on an internet forum. You call me a racist for stating what whites have done. That's not racism but you call me one because you are white and what I say causes you to be butthurt. You're the classic white idiot who thinks that black racism is when a black person speaks in on the continuing racism of whites he's denigrating all white people. And to show you what kind of idiot you are, you think that the last statement I made is racist when in fact not all whites are idiots who think that when a black speaks on the continuing racism of whites is a racist. But because I used the word white, then I become a racist for describing you by your race. Even though you have described yourself as white. That's how stupid your ass is.

So, first you bitch about not calling out racists on the site (which includes you), then you complain about calling out racists on the site.

You whine about being called out as the racist you are, and essentialize and categorize people by race while doing so.

You constantly define, denounce and denigrate people based on race, and are actually shameless enough to try and pull the “but some of my best friends are...!” Cliche. I can just imagine how you’d give a white racist a pass based on that.

No I don't do any of the things. ....

It's exactly what you've done in the quote I included with my post.
I can't be race pimped fool. You are the one who is.

She offers 20 years of leading classes and having interactions she with whites on the subject of race relations. And he reactions of whites in those classes equal evidence idiot.

Just go study what whiteness is and maybe you can begin to have the first understanding of what the hell you don't know.

What I stated was not only correct ... Thanks for the tip you fool.

How the hell do you think I know so much about Dr. Deangelo ... I researched "whiteness".
In the process I found out where they have built an entire industry (pimps) around their bullshit.
Why am I not surprised that you are too stupid to figure that out ... :dunno:

Come back when you can understand the implications of the crap that runs out of your mouth.
Nothing you have provided is based on anything other than opinion ... And it doesn't matter how many times you suggest otherwise ... You are wrong.

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No, it is more than that. It is an observation based upon holding classes for over 20 yeas with only whites on the issue of race relations.

The Professor offers no empirical evidence to support her observations/opinions/claims ... :thup:

You suggest that her time teaching class represents that evidence ... It doesn't.
The same as the fact the Pope is a scholar and has been involved with the Catholic Church for decades ... Doesn't prove there is a God, much less a Heaven or Hell.

I am sorry if you cannot recognize her as the glorified race pimp she is ...
Who has long and distinguished career of nothing more than pandering racial bullshit ...
That only accomplishes selling us all up the river keeping us mired in racial foolishness and animosity ...
For no other reason than to keep her collection plate full and get her face on the cover of Salon Magazine.

It doesn't matter if I want a horse or not ... Dr. Deangelo can take that skin and bones, broken back, no tooth having, nag she calls White Fragility ... Put it out to pasture and let it die of old age.


...And he reactions of whites in those classes equal evidence ...


Not the kind you think.

Yes it is the kind I think. I know far more than your ass does about these matters.

Go study whiteness. It is a study. Maybe learn to study how images are race based in this society that makes white the default position of normality. Learn how you have been socialized chumplock. Because you have no clue of how your socialization cripples you in any conversation with me about racism, race or racists.
....the white racists you ignore ...

I’ve called out far, far more racists - of every sort - here than you have or likely ever will.

No you haven't. And you calling out racists of every sort? HA! Angry responses to racism is not racism fool.

In real life I have taken on racist white city governments. This is minor league shit.. You get no badge of honor for making a claim about how many racists you claim to call out on an internet forum. You call me a racist for stating what whites have done. That's not racism but you call me one because you are white and what I say causes you to be butthurt. You're the classic white idiot who thinks that black racism is when a black person speaks in on the continuing racism of whites he's denigrating all white people. And to show you what kind of idiot you are, you think that the last statement I made is racist when in fact not all whites are idiots who think that when a black speaks on the continuing racism of whites is a racist. But because I used the word white, then I become a racist for describing you by your race. Even though you have described yourself as white. That's how stupid your ass is.

So, first you bitch about not calling out racists on the site (which includes you), then you complain about calling out racists on the site.

You whine about being called out as the racist you are, and essentialize and categorize people by race while doing so.

You constantly define, denounce and denigrate people based on race, and are actually shameless enough to try and pull the “but some of my best friends are...!” Cliche. I can just imagine how you’d give a white racist a pass based on that.

No I don't do any of the things. ....

It's exactly what you've done in the quote I included with my post.

Not really. If you actually read he qoute you see that was not done whatsoever.
Yes it is the kind I think. I know far more than your ass does about these matters.

You obviously don't know shit.

Every dime that woman has ever earned she got pimping race (unless she mowed yards in grade school, which I doubt).
You are fool enough to let her use your racism to do it.

I can't be race pimped fool. You are the one who is.

She offers 20 years of leading classes and having interactions she with whites on the subject of race relations. And he reactions of whites in those classes equal evidence idiot.

Just go study what whiteness is and maybe you can begin to have the first understanding of what the hell you don't know.

What I stated was not only correct ... Thanks for the tip you fool.

How the hell do you think I know so much about Dr. Deangelo ... I researched "whiteness".
In the process I found out where they have built an entire industry (pimps) around their bullshit.
Why am I not surprised that you are too stupid to figure that out ... :dunno:

Come back when you can understand the implications of the crap that runs out of your mouth.
Nothing you have provided is based on anything other than opinion ... And it doesn't matter how many time you suggest otherwise ... You are wrong.


I stared the Thread I don't have to go anywhere.

I doubt if you have researched whiteness.

You got shown facts. You are an example of how those facts are true. You have presented nothing to refute these facts. All you have done for the past few days is say they are wrong based only upon your opinion.

I know what I am talking about. You on the other hand......

So go study whiteness and learn about yourself.
Yes it is the kind I think. I know far more than your ass does about these matters.

You obviously don't know shit.

Every dime that woman has ever earned she got pimping race (unless she mowed yards in grade school, which I doubt).
You are fool enough to let her use your racism to do it.


Explain to me what race pimping is. Because it appears the only one who has been race pimped is you.
I’ve called out far, far more racists - of every sort - here than you have or likely ever will.

No you haven't. And you calling out racists of every sort? HA! Angry responses to racism is not racism fool.

In real life I have taken on racist white city governments. This is minor league shit.. You get no badge of honor for making a claim about how many racists you claim to call out on an internet forum. You call me a racist for stating what whites have done. That's not racism but you call me one because you are white and what I say causes you to be butthurt. You're the classic white idiot who thinks that black racism is when a black person speaks in on the continuing racism of whites he's denigrating all white people. And to show you what kind of idiot you are, you think that the last statement I made is racist when in fact not all whites are idiots who think that when a black speaks on the continuing racism of whites is a racist. But because I used the word white, then I become a racist for describing you by your race. Even though you have described yourself as white. That's how stupid your ass is.

So, first you bitch about not calling out racists on the site (which includes you), then you complain about calling out racists on the site.

You whine about being called out as the racist you are, and essentialize and categorize people by race while doing so.

You constantly define, denounce and denigrate people based on race, and are actually shameless enough to try and pull the “but some of my best friends are...!” Cliche. I can just imagine how you’d give a white racist a pass based on that.

No I don't do any of the things. ....

It's exactly what you've done in the quote I included with my post.

Not really. ...

Really. Obviously.
I stared the Thread I don't have to go anywhere.

I doubt if you have researched whiteness.

You got shown facts. You are an example of how those facts are true. You have presented nothing to refute these facts. All you have done for the past few days is say they are wrong based only upon your opinion.

I know what I am talking about. You on the other hand......

So go study whiteness and learn about yourself.

I already have researched it.
If you want to dispute my findings ... Then let's debate ... Don't hide from it ... :thup:

You are always talking about how white people have influenced society in order to oppress black people.
Well guess what ... They still are ... Dr. Deangelo is not only a prime example of that, she has earned money off it most her life.

Explain to me what race pimping is. Because it appears the only one who has been race pimped is you.

Race pimping is making your living or benefiting your life off race, the discussion of race and the prorogation of race based initiatives.

If you disagree with that ... Explain why or how it isn't.
If you want to suggest that isn't what Dr. Deangelo has done her entire career ... Look at her resume nit-wit.


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