Another Professor Blasey-Ford Fraud?

She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s

dimocrap scum don't care.

They just don't care about truthfulness, accuracy or the harm a false charge can do.

They're not interested.

All they care about it is the excitement, the buzz it will create. The harm it will do to Trump and to Men in general. Their 15 minutes in the Sun.

These people are scum. dimocraps are the absolute scum of the Earth.

ALL of them

Forget about the harm it may do Trump. Every one of these liars make it harder for actual victims when they are actually assaulted. It makes them less believable because we are so immune to it because of stories like this one.

Think a lib actually cares? Hell no.

This woman ain't lying folks.

This woman is lying folks...

See how that works? Lol effin loons
I guess in your world women are always liars & rich white men always tell the truith. I get it. That is why we hsve women, to grope & assault them for our pleasure. Right?
She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s

dimocrap scum don't care.

They just don't care about truthfulness, accuracy or the harm a false charge can do.

They're not interested.

All they care about it is the excitement, the buzz it will create. The harm it will do to Trump and to Men in general. Their 15 minutes in the Sun.

These people are scum. dimocraps are the absolute scum of the Earth.

ALL of them

Forget about the harm it may do Trump. Every one of these liars make it harder for actual victims when they are actually assaulted. It makes them less believable because we are so immune to it because of stories like this one.

Think a lib actually cares? Hell no.

This woman ain't lying folks.

Based on what?
Trump is not lying based on what? His stellar reputation?
President Trump: “I’ve never met this person in my life.”

Photo caption: “Carroll, Donald and Ivana Trump, and Carroll’s then-husband… at an NBC party around 1987.”


Trump On Carroll Rape Allegation: ‘I’ve Never Met This Person In My Life’

Right, because out of the thousands of people Trump has met in his life, he's supposed to remember this nobody at a party somewhere. Why don't you just find a picture of them both in the same elevator or something?

She's hawking a book...
He is hawking a Presidency.
She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s

dimocrap scum don't care.

They just don't care about truthfulness, accuracy or the harm a false charge can do.

They're not interested.

All they care about it is the excitement, the buzz it will create. The harm it will do to Trump and to Men in general. Their 15 minutes in the Sun.

These people are scum. dimocraps are the absolute scum of the Earth.

ALL of them

Forget about the harm it may do Trump. Every one of these liars make it harder for actual victims when they are actually assaulted. It makes them less believable because we are so immune to it because of stories like this one.

Think a lib actually cares? Hell no.

This woman ain't lying folks.

Based on what?
Trump is not lying based on what? His stellar reputation?

So people are lying because of all the fake news the MSM puts out?

Not lying based on what?

* No police report.
* No hospitalization records.
* 25 year old story that can't be proven or disproven.
* No criminal history.
* Bimbo just trying to sell books.
This lady was rich and internationally famous on her own right. She does not need to lie about being raped by Donald Trump to sell books. Trump raped this woman.

Donald Trump has spent time with the most beautiful women in the world. With his fame and money, he certainly doesn't need to be raping anybody.
There is also no need for him to lie, be a business cheat, be a fraud, be an overall asshole but yet he is.

20 women. You believe that fat assed liar over 20 women.


Yes I do. It could be 500 women, and given the fact not one of them can prove any allegation, they are all liars.
He has already admitted, on tape, to assaulting women, and to being an unrepentant whore himself, always up for cheap sex. With his soiled reputation, I wouldn't be surprised if this story is true.

Thank you for making my earlier points.

You're welcome, but I didn't. We are talking about someone who has admitted, on tape, not only that he has been wildly promiscuous and feared contracting an STD, but also that he has sexually assaulted women. This is the very same behavior of which he has been accused by several individuals so a pattern might be emerging here.

I have personal experience with this sort of behavior. There is something so special about being pinned against a wall while somebody searches for your tonsils. It has been only in the last few years that there has been any mechanism for reporting it, and even now there is a risk of being laughed at or subjected to retribution. No wonder people didn't report it and kept quiet for years.

BTW: A few days ago, there was a thread on the "gay panic" defense, that has since vanished, in which several posters argued that a victim of this sort of conduct should be allowed to kill the perp without punishment. Perhaps donnie-boy ought be happy that he is still alive.

High school type of bragging is hardly what I call evidence of anything. Why do you on the left claim Trump lies about everything except when he was trying to impress his buddies by bragging about the women he grabbed?

All these assaults and not one ever reported to the police. Nothing suspicious there. In this country, words are meaningless in the eyes of the law. You don't report a crime 20 plus years later because you were frightened about anything, you tell people about it because you know it can't be proven one way or another.

Like I said, these people who create these stories really don't put a lot of thought into it. Being raped in a public place in the daytime?

Reminds me of Blasey Ford. She concocted her story as if it happened a few years back. She made up this nonsense where she called somebody to pick her up, but can't remember who she called. Now, in 2015 that could be possible. But I'm only a few years older than her. Nobody had a cell phone when I was that age. Hell, very few adults had them because of the expense, and they came with a car battery to operate them. Plus you couldn't use them in most places because of the few towers in the country.

So her story is she ran out of the bedroom, past everybody at the party, and went outside. So what's the problem with her story? In order to use a telephone back then, you didn't have one in your pocket or purse. She would have had to go to a strangers house which is something nobody could forget, or she would have had to walk to a payphone. Then, she would have had to give such person a location where she was at, and possibly directions how to get there.

But like this jackal, she didn't think her story out through and through.

The tape indicates a consistent pattern of misconduct. This man has had many similar accusations against him. He is pig-shit and always has been. Believe what you wish. You seem to like his trashy ass. This sex-crazed thug lies all the time, so there is no reason to believe him. Remember his ad during the Central Park rape case? He's still bearing false witness.

Now that we all have concealed-carry, maybe it's just time for women to start shooting the balls off any guy who tries this sort of crap. That would take another thug off the street. Just call it the "straight panic" defense.

You can't shoot a made-up story.

None of this started until that recording. Like I said earlier, all the liars who wanted to be part of the limelight came out of the woodwork afterwards. Now people like you will believe anything anybody says, and they know it.

A tape doens't prove anything. After all, we've all known guys like Trump; people that want to impress others by demonstrating how irresistible they are. I knew a few kids in school like that. They made up stories how they had sex with one of our hot teachers or how the teacher came on to them. I worked with a few guys that had similar stories. Found out they were all BS.

Now what do all these women have in common:

* No evidence to support their claim.
* No police report or arrest of Trump.
* Supposed attacks that happened years or many years ago.
* Not one felt compelled to come out until after Trump announced his candidacy.
I question the veracity of anyone who waits this long and at a politically convenient time to make allegations they could have made in the past. As for whether she actually is telling the truth, who knows.
And who cares? Where are these cockroaches crawling from? Calling someone racist is starting to lose it's luster, same with and of the -ist labels. So, now we have to be all weepy-eyed and sensitive when some bee-atch sees a big ka-ching moment and lowers the rape boom.
The bitch was on MSNBC's Lawrence what's his face last night. He was complimenting her on he "poetic writing style".
President Trump ought to sue her ass off and take all of the proceeds from her book sales which will be at least a hundred copies.
Then he would have to say it didn't happen, with his lie he didn't know her as there is a pic of him talking to her.
Also she told a couple of her friends.

I believe both Ford and her.

funny how they are both now a bitch.

Of course you do. You're stupid. Stupid people believe pert near anything. However, any woman who claims they were raped, but then can't tell you even the most basic facts is LYING.

It's like when someone comes up to me and claims to be a pilot but can't remember the aircraft they soloed in.

They too are lying.
The bitch was on MSNBC's Lawrence what's his face last night. He was complimenting her on he "poetic writing style".
President Trump ought to sue her ass off and take all of the proceeds from her book sales which will be at least a hundred copies.
Then he would have to say it didn't happen, with his lie he didn't know her as there is a pic of him talking to her.
Also she told a couple of her friends.

I believe both Ford and her.

funny how they are both now a bitch.

Of course you do. You're stupid. Stupid people believe pert near anything. However, any woman who claims they were raped, but then can't tell you even the most basic facts is LYING.

It's like when someone comes up to me and claims to be a pilot but can't remember the aircraft they soloed in.

They too are lying.

Let's get real, someone could say anything derogatory about Trump and she'd buy into it
You guys are the same people who call Bill Clinton a rapist based upon less evidence than this.

Another dumb ass Trump cult thread.

Sure right. Pretty please cite all this evidence you speak of.
I saw she said it happened either in the fall...or early spring.

Lol I think she'd remember that detail

Being vague is point of positivity for the broad.

Mr. Trump does a lot of travel, and has a lot of meetings and he's been followed by paparazzi since the 1970's. If she alleged a date when he was out of town, maybe not even in the same hemisphere, there is likely a record which shows that he couldn't have done it.

Keeping it vague as to the date, prevents it from being shot down immediately, she learned that from Christine Blasey Ford.

The libs believe it already
Am I the only one who recognizes the hypocrisy that these women are vague, cannot recall specific details, etc, but when President Trump doesn't recognize her out of how many thousands of people he's met throughout his lifetime, he's the liar?
Just the latest player in the "show me on the doll where Cnandidate X touched you" nonsense that comes out every election cycle.

can't wait to see who else comes out as a touchee, and how long it takes Gloria Allred to get her hooks into the action....
The bitch was on MSNBC's Lawrence what's his face last night. He was complimenting her on he "poetic writing style".
President Trump ought to sue her ass off and take all of the proceeds from her book sales which will be at least a hundred copies.
Then he would have to say it didn't happen, with his lie he didn't know her as there is a pic of him talking to her.
Also she told a couple of her friends.

I believe both Ford and her.

funny how they are both now a bitch.
Do you realize how many people Trump has met in his life ???? No way to recall or remember all of them... ROTFLMBO.

He didn't rape them all, at least I hope not.
The bitch was on MSNBC's Lawrence what's his face last night. He was complimenting her on he "poetic writing style".
President Trump ought to sue her ass off and take all of the proceeds from her book sales which will be at least a hundred copies.
Then he would have to say it didn't happen, with his lie he didn't know her as there is a pic of him talking to her.
Also she told a couple of her friends.

I believe both Ford and her.

funny how they are both now a bitch.

Another typical liberal, puts her brain in neutral and runs off at the mouth. She will believe anything negative about anyone that disagrees with her. Maybe when she finally gets to high school she will wise up.

The reason I believe her, is he lies like the rug on his head, and well he said so himself, that he has abused females.
He has already admitted, on tape, to assaulting women, and to being an unrepentant whore himself, always up for cheap sex. With his soiled reputation, I wouldn't be surprised if this story is true.

Thank you for making my earlier points.

You're welcome, but I didn't. We are talking about someone who has admitted, on tape, not only that he has been wildly promiscuous and feared contracting an STD, but also that he has sexually assaulted women. This is the very same behavior of which he has been accused by several individuals so a pattern might be emerging here.

I have personal experience with this sort of behavior. There is something so special about being pinned against a wall while somebody searches for your tonsils. It has been only in the last few years that there has been any mechanism for reporting it, and even now there is a risk of being laughed at or subjected to retribution. No wonder people didn't report it and kept quiet for years.

BTW: A few days ago, there was a thread on the "gay panic" defense, that has since vanished, in which several posters argued that a victim of this sort of conduct should be allowed to kill the perp without punishment. Perhaps donnie-boy ought be happy that he is still alive.
We aren't "talking about someone who has admitted, on tape, not only that he has been wildly promiscuous and feared contracting an STD, but also that he has sexually assaulted women" but rather about an allegation of rape that supposedly occurred 23 or 24 years ago in a department store dressing room that no one saw or heard and that the alleged victim neither made a fuss about nor reported at the time or at any time until she penned a book that needs to slime others to sell.

The details about the BITCH are leaking and ugly. Evidently she is a serial victim ... charging 6 men (in her new book, of course) with rapes she failed to report.

Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated, and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.

That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
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