Another Professor Blasey-Ford Fraud?

...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:
These people are coming forward as a warning, not for politics. They have experienced an ugly side of him...
... And waited years or decades to speak out without evidence or witnesses? No, you can't put your rare honest moment - "now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House" - back into the box no more than you can hide your hate-filled, "lowlife" agenda.
...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:
These people are coming forward as a warning, not for politics. They have experienced an ugly side of him...
... And waited years or decades to speak out without evidence or witnesses? No, you can't put your rare honest moment - "now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House" - back into the box no more than you can hide your hate-filled, "lowlife" agenda.

The only lowlife is Donald Trump.

These people had nothing to gain except their embarrassment .

Kind of like not saying anything when you get scammed by someone on the internet.

People like you & the asshole with the gun from Cleveland help the Trumps get away with abusing women. Truimp knows he can just deny it & there will be all you assfucks to believe him.
WTF> Are you this stupid? If I walk in the woods & see a 10 point buck, I can't tell anyone unless I took a photo?

You can tell anybody you want. But nobody will believe you unless you did take a photo.
People that know me, that know I am not a bullshitting lying fuck, will believe me.

I can understand why no one would believe a scum sucker like you.
Trump is not lying based on what? His stellar reputation?

So people are lying because of all the fake news the MSM puts out?

Not lying based on what?

* No police report.
* No hospitalization records.
* 25 year old story that can't be proven or disproven.
* No criminal history.
* Bimbo just trying to sell books.

Why would you believe a man that lies all the time?

Was not tured into the police, no one is prosecuting. Does not mran it did not happen.

Age has no effect on truth

Trump has a history of lying &vassaultui8ng women. He even admitted he gropes women. He has mo morals as proven through his numerous affairs.

I understand all you trumptards consider women as bimbos, This is why you can't fathom that any women is telling the truth unless there are witnesses. It is your party's misogynistic beliefs.

But hey, that well renowned Journalist is a bimbo.

She is a bimbo. Either that or a psycho.

People who do molest and rape women are all caught eventually. Trump is in his 70's, and the only time he was accused of this kind of crap is when he ran for the Republican nomination.

When a woman makes such an accusation without supplying evidence, it's like me telling you that I seen a UFO last night. You can't prove I didn't.

Now if she came forward with a police report, DNA, something that supports her accusation, then there is a need for another look. But all she's coming forth with is her new book which she desperately wants to sell.

Trump has been caught. You just don't care.

When Trump ran, these people came forward to let us know what a piece of shit Trump is. But you didn't care.

So you hate all women? Do you think women are lesser beings than you? Why do you think these women are liars.

Why do you ignore Trump's record with the truth? Why so you ignore Trump's lack of morals?

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

Trump lied & said he did not know her or ever met her. Then there is that photo.

How much foes Trump have to lie to you before you realize that is is untruthful?

Two people experience something & you believe the man all the time. You do it now & you did it with Kavanaugh.

But, hey those bimbos right?

Fuck your stupoid ass exzcuses.

I only believe people that have an ounce of evidence to support their claim.

When somebody says they were attacked and didn't take appropriate measures afterwards, I have plenty of reason to believe it's all BS. If somebody rear ends my car, I don't wait 25 years later to file a claim.

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

You tell me. Why did she leave it out of her last four books? Oh, that's right, Trump was not President. She couldn't pick up sales from her last four books by saying she was raped by him.

Boy, I'll tell you. That Trump is so slick. Every woman that he attacked was a Democrat, just like with Brett Kavanaugh. But that's not suspicious to a leftist, is it??????

So, everyone was a Democrat. Really.

The other four books were not about men?

And Kavanaugh likes beer.
...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:

Women of good standing accuse Trump & you assfucks believe the liar, fraud, adultering POS>

"Women of good standing?" None of whom pressed charges or provided a lick of evidence and all who waited years or decades to speak about their "ordeals?" You are aware the latest "victim" is promoting her new book, right? How convenient.

Lemme guess ... you were a big fan of Professor Blasey-Fraud, Michael Avenatti, and the #MeToo Crew last year?

Have you heard another word from or about them since their 15 minutes in the sun, other than Avenatti who has been charged with ... drum roll, please ... FRAUD?

Final question: can you be any more gullible and STUPID?
Because certainly a man who lies about everything, cheated on all his wives, cheated his business partners, and was charged with defrauded students is much more believable than any woman.

Well renowned college professor just lies all the time. I get it.

Well renowned authors just lies all the time.

But not Donald Trump!!!! Nooooooo!

Do you see how fucking stupid that sounds?
So people are lying because of all the fake news the MSM puts out?

Not lying based on what?

* No police report.
* No hospitalization records.
* 25 year old story that can't be proven or disproven.
* No criminal history.
* Bimbo just trying to sell books.

Why would you believe a man that lies all the time?

Was not tured into the police, no one is prosecuting. Does not mran it did not happen.

Age has no effect on truth

Trump has a history of lying &vassaultui8ng women. He even admitted he gropes women. He has mo morals as proven through his numerous affairs.

I understand all you trumptards consider women as bimbos, This is why you can't fathom that any women is telling the truth unless there are witnesses. It is your party's misogynistic beliefs.

But hey, that well renowned Journalist is a bimbo.

She is a bimbo. Either that or a psycho.

People who do molest and rape women are all caught eventually. Trump is in his 70's, and the only time he was accused of this kind of crap is when he ran for the Republican nomination.

When a woman makes such an accusation without supplying evidence, it's like me telling you that I seen a UFO last night. You can't prove I didn't.

Now if she came forward with a police report, DNA, something that supports her accusation, then there is a need for another look. But all she's coming forth with is her new book which she desperately wants to sell.

Trump has been caught. You just don't care.

When Trump ran, these people came forward to let us know what a piece of shit Trump is. But you didn't care.

So you hate all women? Do you think women are lesser beings than you? Why do you think these women are liars.

Why do you ignore Trump's record with the truth? Why so you ignore Trump's lack of morals?

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

Trump lied & said he did not know her or ever met her. Then there is that photo.

How much foes Trump have to lie to you before you realize that is is untruthful?

Two people experience something & you believe the man all the time. You do it now & you did it with Kavanaugh.

But, hey those bimbos right?

Fuck your stupoid ass exzcuses.

I only believe people that have an ounce of evidence to support their claim.

When somebody says they were attacked and didn't take appropriate measures afterwards, I have plenty of reason to believe it's all BS. If somebody rear ends my car, I don't wait 25 years later to file a claim.

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

You tell me. Why did she leave it out of her last four books? Oh, that's right, Trump was not President. She couldn't pick up sales from her last four books by saying she was raped by him.

Boy, I'll tell you. That Trump is so slick. Every woman that he attacked was a Democrat, just like with Brett Kavanaugh. But that's not suspicious to a leftist, is it??????

So, everyone was a Democrat. Really.

The other four books were not about men?

And Kavanaugh likes beer.

I like beer more than Kavanaugh. It doesn't make me a rapist.

I don't know what her other four books were about. I never heard of the pig until this came up. But I can guarantee you no mention of Trump raping her.
...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:

Women of good standing accuse Trump & you assfucks believe the liar, fraud, adultering POS>

"Women of good standing?" None of whom pressed charges or provided a lick of evidence and all who waited years or decades to speak about their "ordeals?" You are aware the latest "victim" is promoting her new book, right? How convenient.

Lemme guess ... you were a big fan of Professor Blasey-Fraud, Michael Avenatti, and the #MeToo Crew last year?

Have you heard another word from or about them since their 15 minutes in the sun, other than Avenatti who has been charged with ... drum roll, please ... FRAUD?

Final question: can you be any more gullible and STUPID?
Accorduing to you, Prof Ford should be raking in the money from suing Kavanaugh. Oh wait, she isn't.

This MS Carroll, she must be suing Trump? No???? Why would anyone buy the book to read about Trump when it is all over the press!
You peiple are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick
Why would you believe a man that lies all the time?

Was not tured into the police, no one is prosecuting. Does not mran it did not happen.

Age has no effect on truth

Trump has a history of lying &vassaultui8ng women. He even admitted he gropes women. He has mo morals as proven through his numerous affairs.

I understand all you trumptards consider women as bimbos, This is why you can't fathom that any women is telling the truth unless there are witnesses. It is your party's misogynistic beliefs.

But hey, that well renowned Journalist is a bimbo.

She is a bimbo. Either that or a psycho.

People who do molest and rape women are all caught eventually. Trump is in his 70's, and the only time he was accused of this kind of crap is when he ran for the Republican nomination.

When a woman makes such an accusation without supplying evidence, it's like me telling you that I seen a UFO last night. You can't prove I didn't.

Now if she came forward with a police report, DNA, something that supports her accusation, then there is a need for another look. But all she's coming forth with is her new book which she desperately wants to sell.

Trump has been caught. You just don't care.

When Trump ran, these people came forward to let us know what a piece of shit Trump is. But you didn't care.

So you hate all women? Do you think women are lesser beings than you? Why do you think these women are liars.

Why do you ignore Trump's record with the truth? Why so you ignore Trump's lack of morals?

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

Trump lied & said he did not know her or ever met her. Then there is that photo.

How much foes Trump have to lie to you before you realize that is is untruthful?

Two people experience something & you believe the man all the time. You do it now & you did it with Kavanaugh.

But, hey those bimbos right?

Fuck your stupoid ass exzcuses.

I only believe people that have an ounce of evidence to support their claim.

When somebody says they were attacked and didn't take appropriate measures afterwards, I have plenty of reason to believe it's all BS. If somebody rear ends my car, I don't wait 25 years later to file a claim.

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

You tell me. Why did she leave it out of her last four books? Oh, that's right, Trump was not President. She couldn't pick up sales from her last four books by saying she was raped by him.

Boy, I'll tell you. That Trump is so slick. Every woman that he attacked was a Democrat, just like with Brett Kavanaugh. But that's not suspicious to a leftist, is it??????

So, everyone was a Democrat. Really.

The other four books were not about men?

And Kavanaugh likes beer.

I like beer more than Kavanaugh. It doesn't make me a rapist.

I don't know what her other four books were about. I never heard of the pig until this came up. But I can guarantee you no mention of Trump raping her.

Books have topics. Maybe if you ever read one, you would know this.

But hety, you never heard of her like that means simething? You never heard of 99% of all authors.
...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:

Women of good standing accuse Trump & you assfucks believe the liar, fraud, adultering POS>

"Women of good standing?" None of whom pressed charges or provided a lick of evidence and all who waited years or decades to speak about their "ordeals?" You are aware the latest "victim" is promoting her new book, right? How convenient.

Lemme guess ... you were a big fan of Professor Blasey-Fraud, Michael Avenatti, and the #MeToo Crew last year?

Have you heard another word from or about them since their 15 minutes in the sun, other than Avenatti who has been charged with ... drum roll, please ... FRAUD?

Final question: can you be any more gullible and STUPID?
Because certainly a man who lies about everything, cheated on all his wives, cheated his business partners, and was charged with defrauded students is much more believable than any woman.

Well renowned college professor just lies all the time. I get it.

Well renowned authors just lies all the time.

But not Donald Trump!!!! Nooooooo!

Do you see how fucking stupid that sounds?

He was never "charged" with defrauding anybody. He was sued by some losers who didn't make out well in life and seen a cash cow. Trump would have followed that suit to the end had he not become President.

We don't know if the "well renown" college professor lied about anything. She erased all her social media and removed any videos of her from the internet. Now gee, why would you suppose she did that? Could it be so nobody could compare her lousy acting to how she actually talks?
She is a bimbo. Either that or a psycho.

People who do molest and rape women are all caught eventually. Trump is in his 70's, and the only time he was accused of this kind of crap is when he ran for the Republican nomination.

When a woman makes such an accusation without supplying evidence, it's like me telling you that I seen a UFO last night. You can't prove I didn't.

Now if she came forward with a police report, DNA, something that supports her accusation, then there is a need for another look. But all she's coming forth with is her new book which she desperately wants to sell.

Trump has been caught. You just don't care.

When Trump ran, these people came forward to let us know what a piece of shit Trump is. But you didn't care.

So you hate all women? Do you think women are lesser beings than you? Why do you think these women are liars.

Why do you ignore Trump's record with the truth? Why so you ignore Trump's lack of morals?

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

Trump lied & said he did not know her or ever met her. Then there is that photo.

How much foes Trump have to lie to you before you realize that is is untruthful?

Two people experience something & you believe the man all the time. You do it now & you did it with Kavanaugh.

But, hey those bimbos right?

Fuck your stupoid ass exzcuses.

I only believe people that have an ounce of evidence to support their claim.

When somebody says they were attacked and didn't take appropriate measures afterwards, I have plenty of reason to believe it's all BS. If somebody rear ends my car, I don't wait 25 years later to file a claim.

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

You tell me. Why did she leave it out of her last four books? Oh, that's right, Trump was not President. She couldn't pick up sales from her last four books by saying she was raped by him.

Boy, I'll tell you. That Trump is so slick. Every woman that he attacked was a Democrat, just like with Brett Kavanaugh. But that's not suspicious to a leftist, is it??????

So, everyone was a Democrat. Really.

The other four books were not about men?

And Kavanaugh likes beer.

I like beer more than Kavanaugh. It doesn't make me a rapist.

I don't know what her other four books were about. I never heard of the pig until this came up. But I can guarantee you no mention of Trump raping her.

Books have topics. Maybe if you ever read one, you would know this.

But hety, you never heard of her like that means simething? You never heard of 99% of all authors.

If she would have written anything about Trump, it wouldn't be coming out now. She's a Democrat activist and would have given that information to the DNC before Trump even ran.
I love the way Democrats, who actually cried for Blasey Ford during the hearings, could give two shits about her now that they're done using her.
...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:
These people are coming forward as a warning, not for politics. They have experienced an ugly side of him...
... And waited years or decades to speak out without evidence or witnesses? No, you can't put your rare honest moment - "now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House" - back into the box no more than you can hide your hate-filled, "lowlife" agenda.

The only lowlife is Donald Trump.

These people had nothing to gain except their embarrassment .

Kind of like not saying anything when you get scammed by someone on the internet.

People like you & the asshole with the gun from Cleveland help the Trumps get away with abusing women. Truimp knows he can just deny it & there will be all you assfucks to believe him.
Are you really that stupid? Did you not read here that the latest "victim" is pushing her new book? That all are simply revel in their 15 minutes of fame on CNN/PMSNBC and then slip back under their rocks? That Blasey-Fraud made big bucks by lying to the Senate? That Avenatti inveigled his way to fame and glory? Please, please, please tell me you are just faking ... that you really aren't as unbelievably STUPID as your posts make you appear. Please.
I like beer more than Kavanaugh. It doesn't make me a rapist. I don't know what her other four books were about. I never heard of the pig until this came up. But I can guarantee you no mention of Trump raping her.
Books have topics. Maybe if you ever read one, you would know this. But hety, you never heard of her like that means simething? You never heard of 99% of all authors.
So you are saying you have read her books and knew of her prior to yesterday? Did you also witness or were otherwise aware she was raped by Trump in 1995 or 1996? You truly are as dim as your posts.
If she would have written anything about Trump, it wouldn't be coming out now. She's a Democrat activist and would have given that information to the DNC before Trump even ran.
This is as ridiculous as the Kavanaugh circus and the Roy Moore scam and our Democrat Socialists will continue doing it until America's voters make them pay a steep price.

Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be leftarded scumbags and definitely do not elect the STUPID twits to public office.

Oops ... too late.

Last edited:
...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:

Women of good standing accuse Trump & you assfucks believe the liar, fraud, adultering POS>

"Women of good standing?" None of whom pressed charges or provided a lick of evidence and all who waited years or decades to speak about their "ordeals?" You are aware the latest "victim" is promoting her new book, right? How convenient.

Lemme guess ... you were a big fan of Professor Blasey-Fraud, Michael Avenatti, and the #MeToo Crew last year?

Have you heard another word from or about them since their 15 minutes in the sun, other than Avenatti who has been charged with ... drum roll, please ... FRAUD?

Final question: can you be any more gullible and STUPID?
Accorduing to you, Prof Ford should be raking in the money from suing Kavanaugh. Oh wait, she isn't.

This MS Carroll, she must be suing Trump? No???? Why would anyone buy the book to read about Trump when it is all over the press!
You peiple are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick

You can't sue somebody for something that never happened. The court would throw the case out before the first attorney opens his mouth.

These people are in it for a profit--not a loss.
E. Jean Carroll - then a 52 year old "advice column" author - claims Trump raped her in 1995 or 1996 in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room. Her screams were heard by dozens of shoppers and she ran from her attacker crying for help and soon after filed criminal charges. Wait … no they weren't and no she didn't. In fact, she didn't report the alleged rape at all because - as she claims - a friend advised her that Trump's lawyers would crush her.

To the media's credit they haven't exactly taken her bait. Oh … and did I mention she has a new book she is promoting? How convenient, eh?

Have we had enough of leftarded lunacy?

Trump dismisses rape allegation as 'fiction'
Ms Carroll has kept the clothing she was wearing on the day of the alleged rape, AND her clothing has never been washed.

Donald Trump Assaulted Me, But He’s Not Alone on My List of Hideous Men
WTF> Are you this stupid? If I walk in the woods & see a 10 point buck, I can't tell anyone unless I took a photo?

You can tell anybody you want. But nobody will believe you unless you did take a photo.
People that know me, that know I am not a bullshitting lying fuck, will believe me.

I can understand why no one would believe a scum sucker like you.

Maybe get some less gullible friends. But then again, who would want to be friends with you?
This MS Carroll, she must be suing Trump? No???? Why would anyone buy the book to read about Trump when it is all over the press!
You peiple are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick
You can't sue somebody for something that never happened. The court would throw the case out before the first attorney opens his mouth. These people are in it for a profit--not a loss.
They are cynically aware they can neither sue nor -realistically - be sued. Under the circumstances there is no downside to lying and much to gain.
E. Jean Carroll - then a 52 year old "advice column" author - claims Trump raped her in 1995 or 1996 in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room. Her screams were heard by dozens of shoppers and she ran from her attacker crying for help and soon after filed criminal charges. Wait … no they weren't and no she didn't. In fact, she didn't report the alleged rape at all because - as she claims - a friend advised her that Trump's lawyers would crush her.

To the media's credit they haven't exactly taken her bait. Oh … and did I mention she has a new book she is promoting? How convenient, eh?

Have we had enough of leftarded lunacy?

Trump dismisses rape allegation as 'fiction'
Ms Carroll has kept the clothing she was wearing on the day of the alleged rape, AND her clothing has never been washed.

Donald Trump Assaulted Me, But He’s Not Alone on My List of Hideous Men
Riiight!!! She claimed she was wearing lingerie when she was raped after which she ran out of the dressing room screaming she had been raped by Trump and then filed a report with the police. Wait... no she didn't. OK, she actually filed a civil suit a few months later. Wait ... she didn't do that either.

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She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s
Trump is one horny fuk
Why doesn’t Trump just take a polygraph and we can resolve this?

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