Another Professor Blasey-Ford Fraud?

She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s

Anther Democrat hoax......yawn.

These imbeciles never learn!:rolleyes-41:

"Women of good standing?" None of whom pressed charges or provided a lick of evidence and all who waited years or decades to speak about their "ordeals?" You are aware the latest "victim" is promoting her new book, right? How convenient.
Lemme guess ... you were a big fan of Professor Blasey-Fraud, Michael Avenatti, and the #MeToo Crew last year?
Have you heard another word from or about them since their 15 minutes in the sun, other than Avenatti who has been charged with ... drum roll, please ... FRAUD?
Final question: can you be any more gullible and STUPID?
Accorduing to you, Prof Ford should be raking in the money from suing Kavanaugh. Oh wait, she isn't...
In fact, Dr Fraud did rake in big bucks for the FRAUD she foisted on our Senate and this country but not from suing - she didn't because she had no case - but rather from MORONS just like ... you.
This MS Carroll, she must be suing Trump? No???? Why would anyone buy the book to read about Trump when it is all over the press! You peiple are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick
The Carroll BITCH had the opportunity decades ago to file a civil suit but did not because - another drum roll, please - she too had no case. Yanno they woulda if they coulda.
E. Jean Carroll - then a 52 year old "advice column" author - claims Trump raped her in 1995 or 1996 in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room. Her screams were heard by dozens of shoppers and she ran from her attacker crying for help and soon after filed criminal charges. Wait … no they weren't and no she didn't. In fact, she didn't report the alleged rape at all because - as she claims - a friend advised her that Trump's lawyers would crush her.

To the media's credit they haven't exactly taken her bait. Oh … and did I mention she has a new book she is promoting? How convenient, eh?

Have we had enough of leftarded lunacy?

Trump dismisses rape allegation as 'fiction'
Ms Carroll has kept the clothing she was wearing on the day of the alleged rape, AND her clothing has never been washed.

Donald Trump Assaulted Me, But He’s Not Alone on My List of Hideous Men
Riiight!!! She claimed she was wearing lingerie when she was raped after which she ran out of the dressing room screaming she had been raped by Trump and then filed a report with the police. Wait... no she didn't. OK, she actually filed a civil suit a few months later. Wait ... she didn't do that either.

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Riiight!!! She claimed she was wearing lingerie when she was raped after which she ran out of the dressing room screaming she had been raped by Trump and then filed a report with the police. Wait... no she didn't. OK, she actually filed a civil suit a few months later. Wait ... she didn't do that either.
Actually, the lingerie was for Trump.
Are you surprised?

E. Jean Carroll: “Trump attacked me in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman.”

"When Carroll meets Donald Trump in Bergdorf Goodman, the encounter starts as a friendly one. Trump recognizes her as 'that advice lady'; Carroll recognizes him as 'that real-estate tycoon.'

"Trump tells Carroll that he’s there to buy a gift for 'a girl,' and though we don’t learn the identity of this mystery woman, Carroll places the ensuing incident in late 1995 or early 1996, during which time Trump was married to Marla Maples.

"When Trump asks Carroll to advise him on what to buy, she agrees, and the two eventually make their way to the lingerie section.

"Trump suggests a lace bodysuit and encourages Carroll to try it on; she, deflecting, jokingly suggests that he try it on instead. After they reach the dressing rooms, events turn violent.

"In Carroll’s account, Trump shoves her against a wall inside a dressing room, pulls down her tights, and, 'forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me.'"

She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s

As much time as leftists spend lying, wouldn't you think they'd be better at coming up with believable ones?

what makes this one not believable?

Lack of any facts or evidence WHATSOEVER other than a person's mere word 24 years after the fact?

Why do these people's memories only get good when it gets close to a Republican getting elected?

WHY can you so easily believe that yet you laugh at accusations of women who say the Clinton's stalked them, murdered them, ruined their lives?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:
She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s

As much time as leftists spend lying, wouldn't you think they'd be better at coming up with believable ones?

what makes this one not believable?

Lack of any facts or evidence WHATSOEVER other than a person's mere word 24 years after the fact?

Why do these people's memories only get good when it gets close to a Republican getting elected?

WHY can you so easily believe that yet you laugh at accusations of women who say the Clinton's stalked them, murdered them, ruined their lives?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:
So how is that different from you believing all of Trump's accusers and none of Clinton's?
She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s

As much time as leftists spend lying, wouldn't you think they'd be better at coming up with believable ones?

what makes this one not believable?

Lack of any facts or evidence WHATSOEVER other than a person's mere word 24 years after the fact?

Why do these people's memories only get good when it gets close to a Republican getting elected?

WHY can you so easily believe that yet you laugh at accusations of women who say the Clinton's stalked them, murdered them, ruined their lives?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:
So how is that different from you believing all of Trump's accusers and none of Clinton's?

It isn’t. If that was what I believed.
As much time as leftists spend lying, wouldn't you think they'd be better at coming up with believable ones?

what makes this one not believable?

Lack of any facts or evidence WHATSOEVER other than a person's mere word 24 years after the fact?

Why do these people's memories only get good when it gets close to a Republican getting elected?

WHY can you so easily believe that yet you laugh at accusations of women who say the Clinton's stalked them, murdered them, ruined their lives?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:
So how is that different from you believing all of Trump's accusers and none of Clinton's?

It isn’t. If that was what I believed.
Okay. But you can't deny there are leftists who do believe what I said.
what makes this one not believable?

Lack of any facts or evidence WHATSOEVER other than a person's mere word 24 years after the fact?

Why do these people's memories only get good when it gets close to a Republican getting elected?

WHY can you so easily believe that yet you laugh at accusations of women who say the Clinton's stalked them, murdered them, ruined their lives?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:
So how is that different from you believing all of Trump's accusers and none of Clinton's?

It isn’t. If that was what I believed.
Okay. But you can't deny there are leftists who do believe what I said.

Yup. And rightists. Yes?
For what it’s worth I think both Clinton and Trump have likely harassed women, sexually assaulted them, used their positions to exploit women, been exploited by women because of their positions. I stop short of rape claims because that is a crime and requires a higher burden of proof and courts determine guilt or innocence. They are certainly womanizers and possibly sexual predators.
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She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s

Gee, the Dims must really be sucking their last wind. The woman's claim is so old, EVEN SHE isn't sure the year it occurred nor the month? No one is going to buy this, not even the Dims, carefully crafted so that no specific date is given that Trump can't even disprove it by showing he was in Australia or somewhere that day. Pathetic.
The first picture I saw of the woman the other day, she was grinning ear to ear. It's a hit piece.
Lack of any facts or evidence WHATSOEVER other than a person's mere word 24 years after the fact?

Why do these people's memories only get good when it gets close to a Republican getting elected?

WHY can you so easily believe that yet you laugh at accusations of women who say the Clinton's stalked them, murdered them, ruined their lives?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:
So how is that different from you believing all of Trump's accusers and none of Clinton's?

It isn’t. If that was what I believed.
Okay. But you can't deny there are leftists who do believe what I said.

Yup. And rightists. Yes?
Indeed. Wouldn't it be great if people waited for actual evidence before throwing a noose over the nearest tree branch?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:
So how is that different from you believing all of Trump's accusers and none of Clinton's?

It isn’t. If that was what I believed.
Okay. But you can't deny there are leftists who do believe what I said.

Yup. And rightists. Yes?
Indeed. Wouldn't it be great if people waited for actual evidence before throwing a noose over the nearest tree branch?
I agree.
E. Jean Carroll - then a 52 year old "advice column" author - claims Trump raped her in 1995 or 1996 in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room. Her screams were heard by dozens of shoppers and she ran from her attacker crying for help and soon after filed criminal charges. Wait … no they weren't and no she didn't. In fact, she didn't report the alleged rape at all because - as she claims - a friend advised her that Trump's lawyers would crush her.

To the media's credit they haven't exactly taken her bait. Oh … and did I mention she has a new book she is promoting? How convenient, eh?

Have we had enough of leftarded lunacy?

Trump dismisses rape allegation as 'fiction'
Ms Carroll has kept the clothing she was wearing on the day of the alleged rape, AND her clothing has never been washed.

Donald Trump Assaulted Me, But He’s Not Alone on My List of Hideous Men
Those tights better be crotchless.

Why would she lie? Explained by none other than Joy Behar "we are desperate to get Donald Trump out of office".
Well, she is only one of the 15 women to accuse Trump of sexual assaults. How do you conclude so many have come forward with their experience?
How many filed criminal charges? How many produced credible evidence or witnesses? When was Trump convicted of sexual assault or rape?
His enemies became many when he announced his candidacy, and Legion when he won. Some are happy to sacrifice their own lives to the cause.
Did you happen to read that her screams were heard by dozens of shoppers as she ran from the Bergdorf Goodman dressing room (in 1995 or 1996, she's not sure which) crying for help and soon after filed criminal charges?

Yeah … me neither.
She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s
Obviously a sexual fantasy.
She alleged the Trump incident occurred at the department store Bergdorf Goodman in either the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996.

Ya know, if you get raped, you pretty much have the day marked on the calendar for life.

They keep throwing the lying floozies at officials they don't like, but nothing sticks.

After that debacle last fall, they should realize they will get nowhere trying to Kavanaugh anyone.

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll accuses Trump of sexual assault in 1990s

Her and Kamala rode train on me during a Rat Race Choir show at Glen island casino in the 70's, maybe it was the 80s. I'll never forget it. It's seared in my memory like John Kerry's Christmas Cambodian trip to assassinate that rogue CIA Colonel
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:
So how is that different from you believing all of Trump's accusers and none of Clinton's?

It isn’t. If that was what I believed.
Okay. But you can't deny there are leftists who do believe what I said.

Yup. And rightists. Yes?
Indeed. Wouldn't it be great if people waited for actual evidence before throwing a noose over the nearest tree branch?
But they just *KNOW* it is true... because...

The loss of the mere idea of innocent until proven guilty is seriously damaging our political process - as if it needs any more problems.

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