Another Professor Blasey-Ford Fraud?



Is Trump the first "rapist" president?
Just the latest player in the "show me on the doll where Cnandidate X touched you" nonsense that comes out every election cycle. can't wait to see who else comes out as a touchee, and how long it takes Gloria Allred to get her hooks into the action....
Am I the only one who recognizes the hypocrisy that these women are vague, cannot recall specific details, etc, but when President Trump doesn't recognize her out of how many thousands of people he's met throughout his lifetime, he's the liar?
Did I ever tell you about the time Hillary grabbed my crotch, smiled broadly, and said "nice package?"
He has already admitted, on tape, to assaulting women, and to being an unrepentant whore himself, always up for cheap sex. With his soiled reputation, I wouldn't be surprised if this story is true.

Thank you for making my earlier points.

You're welcome, but I didn't. We are talking about someone who has admitted, on tape, not only that he has been wildly promiscuous and feared contracting an STD, but also that he has sexually assaulted women. This is the very same behavior of which he has been accused by several individuals so a pattern might be emerging here.

I have personal experience with this sort of behavior. There is something so special about being pinned against a wall while somebody searches for your tonsils. It has been only in the last few years that there has been any mechanism for reporting it, and even now there is a risk of being laughed at or subjected to retribution. No wonder people didn't report it and kept quiet for years.

BTW: A few days ago, there was a thread on the "gay panic" defense, that has since vanished, in which several posters argued that a victim of this sort of conduct should be allowed to kill the perp without punishment. Perhaps donnie-boy ought be happy that he is still alive.
We aren't "talking about someone who has admitted, on tape, not only that he has been wildly promiscuous and feared contracting an STD, but also that he has sexually assaulted women" but rather about an allegation of rape that supposedly occurred 23 or 24 years ago in a department store dressing room that no one saw or heard and that the alleged victim neither made a fuss about nor reported at the time or at any time until she penned a book that needs to slime others to sell.

The details about the BITCH are leaking and ugly. Evidently she is a serial victim ... charging 6 men (in her new book, of course) with rapes she failed to report.

Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.

That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:

He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? Where does this idea come from that rapists and other molesters never lie? They do so all the time in court and to the police.

You can believe what you want about me. You are not that important. I know what happened. That is enough. These things happened years ago.

What I think is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch. Of course, he will try to lie his way out of it, as is his habit.

There are predators out there who scheme to get a girl or woman alone so that they can attack her. Don't blame the victim. Blame the perp.

The important thing now is get all of this stuff out into the open, and everyone tell their stories so that no victim is forced to remain silent from now on and everyone learns what the boundaries are. This dirty laundry has to be aired. And the U.S. is not the only country in which this is happening. Far from. For the record, I don't believe Weinstein, either. Moreover, think of all of the men who have NOT been accused of any wrongdoing. Conduct is the key, as always.
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dimocrap scum don't care.

They just don't care about truthfulness, accuracy or the harm a false charge can do.

They're not interested.

All they care about it is the excitement, the buzz it will create. The harm it will do to Trump and to Men in general. Their 15 minutes in the Sun.

These people are scum. dimocraps are the absolute scum of the Earth.

ALL of them

Forget about the harm it may do Trump. Every one of these liars make it harder for actual victims when they are actually assaulted. It makes them less believable because we are so immune to it because of stories like this one.

Think a lib actually cares? Hell no.

This woman ain't lying folks.

Based on what?
Trump is not lying based on what? His stellar reputation?

So people are lying because of all the fake news the MSM puts out?

Not lying based on what?

* No police report.
* No hospitalization records.
* 25 year old story that can't be proven or disproven.
* No criminal history.
* Bimbo just trying to sell books.

Why would you believe a man that lies all the time?

Was not tured into the police, no one is prosecuting. Does not mran it did not happen.

Age has no effect on truth

Trump has a history of lying &vassaultui8ng women. He even admitted he gropes women. He has mo morals as proven through his numerous affairs.

I understand all you trumptards consider women as bimbos, This is why you can't fathom that any women is telling the truth unless there are witnesses. It is your party's misogynistic beliefs.

But hey, that well renowned Journalist is a bimbo.
...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:
I question the veracity of anyone who waits this long and at a politically convenient time to make allegations they could have made in the past. As for whether she actually is telling the truth, who knows.
And who cares? Where are these cockroaches crawling from? Calling someone racist is starting to lose it's luster, same with and of the -ist labels. So, now we have to be all weepy-eyed and sensitive when some bee-atch sees a big ka-ching moment and lowers the rape boom.

If he raped her, he should be prosecuted to the extent that the applicable laws allow. My state has no statute of limitations on felonies, but I understand some do. Waiting 20+ years to make the allegation makes it especially sketchy IMO.
...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:

Women of good standing accuse Trump & you assfucks believe the liar, fraud, adultering POS>

...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:

These people are coming forward as a warning, not for politics. They have experienced an ugly side of him, and one that he has bragged about. Your assertion about "greedy women" does not hold much water. This woman has independent means, as do several others. Moreover, if someone was making these accusations to get a crack at trump's money, they would not have waited decades to do so. There would be no sense in that.

Your emoji is really, really childish.
Forget about the harm it may do Trump. Every one of these liars make it harder for actual victims when they are actually assaulted. It makes them less believable because we are so immune to it because of stories like this one.

Think a lib actually cares? Hell no.

This woman ain't lying folks.

Based on what?
Trump is not lying based on what? His stellar reputation?

So people are lying because of all the fake news the MSM puts out?

Not lying based on what?

* No police report.
* No hospitalization records.
* 25 year old story that can't be proven or disproven.
* No criminal history.
* Bimbo just trying to sell books.

Why would you believe a man that lies all the time?

Was not tured into the police, no one is prosecuting. Does not mran it did not happen.

Age has no effect on truth

Trump has a history of lying &vassaultui8ng women. He even admitted he gropes women. He has mo morals as proven through his numerous affairs.

I understand all you trumptards consider women as bimbos, This is why you can't fathom that any women is telling the truth unless there are witnesses. It is your party's misogynistic beliefs.

But hey, that well renowned Journalist is a bimbo.

She is a bimbo. Either that or a psycho.

People who do molest and rape women are all caught eventually. Trump is in his 70's, and the only time he was accused of this kind of crap is when he ran for the Republican nomination.

When a woman makes such an accusation without supplying evidence, it's like me telling you that I seen a UFO last night. You can't prove I didn't.

Now if she came forward with a police report, DNA, something that supports her accusation, then there is a need for another look. But all she's coming forth with is her new book which she desperately wants to sell.
This woman ain't lying folks.

Based on what?
Trump is not lying based on what? His stellar reputation?

So people are lying because of all the fake news the MSM puts out?

Not lying based on what?

* No police report.
* No hospitalization records.
* 25 year old story that can't be proven or disproven.
* No criminal history.
* Bimbo just trying to sell books.

Why would you believe a man that lies all the time?

Was not tured into the police, no one is prosecuting. Does not mran it did not happen.

Age has no effect on truth

Trump has a history of lying &vassaultui8ng women. He even admitted he gropes women. He has mo morals as proven through his numerous affairs.

I understand all you trumptards consider women as bimbos, This is why you can't fathom that any women is telling the truth unless there are witnesses. It is your party's misogynistic beliefs.

But hey, that well renowned Journalist is a bimbo.

She is a bimbo. Either that or a psycho.

People who do molest and rape women are all caught eventually. Trump is in his 70's, and the only time he was accused of this kind of crap is when he ran for the Republican nomination.

When a woman makes such an accusation without supplying evidence, it's like me telling you that I seen a UFO last night. You can't prove I didn't.

Now if she came forward with a police report, DNA, something that supports her accusation, then there is a need for another look. But all she's coming forth with is her new book which she desperately wants to sell.

Trump has been caught. You just don't care.

When Trump ran, these people came forward to let us know what a piece of shit Trump is. But you didn't care.

So you hate all women? Do you think women are lesser beings than you? Why do you think these women are liars.

Why do you ignore Trump's record with the truth? Why so you ignore Trump's lack of morals?

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

Trump lied & said he did not know her or ever met her. Then there is that photo.

How much foes Trump have to lie to you before you realize that is is untruthful?

Two people experience something & you believe the man all the time. You do it now & you did it with Kavanaugh.

But, hey those bimbos right?

Fuck your stupoid ass exzcuses.
This lady was rich and internationally famous on her own right. She does not need to lie about being raped by Donald Trump to sell books. Trump raped this woman.

Donald Trump has spent time with the most beautiful women in the world. With his fame and money, he certainly doesn't need to be raping anybody.
There is also no need for him to lie, be a business cheat, be a fraud, be an overall asshole but yet he is.

20 women. You believe that fat assed liar over 20 women.


Yes I do. It could be 500 women, and given the fact not one of them can prove any allegation, they are all liars.
WTF> Are you this stupid? If I walk in the woods & see a 10 point buck, I can't tell anyone unless I took a photo?

Do you hate women that much?

BTW, I called all the law enforcement agencies & alerted them that they can not use any eye witnesses unless they took a photo.
Based on what?
Trump is not lying based on what? His stellar reputation?

So people are lying because of all the fake news the MSM puts out?

Not lying based on what?

* No police report.
* No hospitalization records.
* 25 year old story that can't be proven or disproven.
* No criminal history.
* Bimbo just trying to sell books.

Why would you believe a man that lies all the time?

Was not tured into the police, no one is prosecuting. Does not mran it did not happen.

Age has no effect on truth

Trump has a history of lying &vassaultui8ng women. He even admitted he gropes women. He has mo morals as proven through his numerous affairs.

I understand all you trumptards consider women as bimbos, This is why you can't fathom that any women is telling the truth unless there are witnesses. It is your party's misogynistic beliefs.

But hey, that well renowned Journalist is a bimbo.

She is a bimbo. Either that or a psycho.

People who do molest and rape women are all caught eventually. Trump is in his 70's, and the only time he was accused of this kind of crap is when he ran for the Republican nomination.

When a woman makes such an accusation without supplying evidence, it's like me telling you that I seen a UFO last night. You can't prove I didn't.

Now if she came forward with a police report, DNA, something that supports her accusation, then there is a need for another look. But all she's coming forth with is her new book which she desperately wants to sell.

Trump has been caught. You just don't care.

When Trump ran, these people came forward to let us know what a piece of shit Trump is. But you didn't care.

So you hate all women? Do you think women are lesser beings than you? Why do you think these women are liars.

Why do you ignore Trump's record with the truth? Why so you ignore Trump's lack of morals?

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

Trump lied & said he did not know her or ever met her. Then there is that photo.

How much foes Trump have to lie to you before you realize that is is untruthful?

Two people experience something & you believe the man all the time. You do it now & you did it with Kavanaugh.

But, hey those bimbos right?

Fuck your stupoid ass exzcuses.

So where did all those women go after the election? The same place all those Roy Moore accusers disappeared to? The woman who accused Trunp of rape had her case thrown out of court in California and New York, the two most liberal states in the union. Due to zero evidence (the address she swears this occurred in turned out to be an empty lot). But you don't care about all that do you? Equating seeing a deer with a sexual assault? Don't you ever refer to anybody else as stupid ever again.
Based on what?
Trump is not lying based on what? His stellar reputation?

So people are lying because of all the fake news the MSM puts out?

Not lying based on what?

* No police report.
* No hospitalization records.
* 25 year old story that can't be proven or disproven.
* No criminal history.
* Bimbo just trying to sell books.

Why would you believe a man that lies all the time?

Was not tured into the police, no one is prosecuting. Does not mran it did not happen.

Age has no effect on truth

Trump has a history of lying &vassaultui8ng women. He even admitted he gropes women. He has mo morals as proven through his numerous affairs.

I understand all you trumptards consider women as bimbos, This is why you can't fathom that any women is telling the truth unless there are witnesses. It is your party's misogynistic beliefs.

But hey, that well renowned Journalist is a bimbo.

She is a bimbo. Either that or a psycho.

People who do molest and rape women are all caught eventually. Trump is in his 70's, and the only time he was accused of this kind of crap is when he ran for the Republican nomination.

When a woman makes such an accusation without supplying evidence, it's like me telling you that I seen a UFO last night. You can't prove I didn't.

Now if she came forward with a police report, DNA, something that supports her accusation, then there is a need for another look. But all she's coming forth with is her new book which she desperately wants to sell.

Trump has been caught. You just don't care.

When Trump ran, these people came forward to let us know what a piece of shit Trump is. But you didn't care.

So you hate all women? Do you think women are lesser beings than you? Why do you think these women are liars.

Why do you ignore Trump's record with the truth? Why so you ignore Trump's lack of morals?

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

Trump lied & said he did not know her or ever met her. Then there is that photo.

How much foes Trump have to lie to you before you realize that is is untruthful?

Two people experience something & you believe the man all the time. You do it now & you did it with Kavanaugh.

But, hey those bimbos right?

Fuck your stupoid ass exzcuses.

I only believe people that have an ounce of evidence to support their claim.

When somebody says they were attacked and didn't take appropriate measures afterwards, I have plenty of reason to believe it's all BS. If somebody rear ends my car, I don't wait 25 years later to file a claim.

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

You tell me. Why did she leave it out of her last four books? Oh, that's right, Trump was not President. She couldn't pick up sales from her last four books by saying she was raped by him.

Boy, I'll tell you. That Trump is so slick. Every woman that he attacked was a Democrat, just like with Brett Kavanaugh. But that's not suspicious to a leftist, is it??????
...Somehow you always end up carrying water for the Dr. Blasey-Fraud/Michael Avenatti types because you are bitter and frustrated and from what I know of you here I tend to doubt your personal assault claims.
That said, these cries of "WOLF" have done much to damage those who truly have been victims of sexual assault and now face an uphill climb for justice. As a man with 3 daughters I say this to all the women who use the Jussie Smollett Tactic to advance their agendas: :fu:
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:

Women of good standing accuse Trump & you assfucks believe the liar, fraud, adultering POS>

"Women of good standing?" None of whom pressed charges or provided a lick of evidence and all who waited years or decades to speak about their "ordeals?" You are aware the latest "victim" is promoting her new book, right? How convenient.

Lemme guess ... you were a big fan of Professor Blasey-Fraud, Michael Avenatti, and the #MeToo Crew last year?

Have you heard another word from or about them since their 15 minutes in the sun, other than Avenatti who has been charged with ... drum roll, please ... FRAUD?

Final question: can you be any more gullible and STUPID?
This lady was rich and internationally famous on her own right. She does not need to lie about being raped by Donald Trump to sell books. Trump raped this woman.

Donald Trump has spent time with the most beautiful women in the world. With his fame and money, he certainly doesn't need to be raping anybody.
There is also no need for him to lie, be a business cheat, be a fraud, be an overall asshole but yet he is.

20 women. You believe that fat assed liar over 20 women.


Yes I do. It could be 500 women, and given the fact not one of them can prove any allegation, they are all liars.
WTF> Are you this stupid? If I walk in the woods & see a 10 point buck, I can't tell anyone unless I took a photo?

Do you hate women that much?

BTW, I called all the law enforcement agencies & alerted them that they can not use any eye witnesses unless they took a photo.
You don't have to consider allegations of criminality that are years or even decades old, were neither reported nor witnessed, and for which no evidence exists to be credible but no rational human would or does. Furthermore, these LYING BITCHES are making it far more difficult for genuine victims to be believed and you don't seem to care even a little about that or them.

Why do you hate women that much?

Like most hate-driven leftards you are a sick and sickening semi-human being.
Trump is not lying based on what? His stellar reputation?

So people are lying because of all the fake news the MSM puts out?

Not lying based on what?

* No police report.
* No hospitalization records.
* 25 year old story that can't be proven or disproven.
* No criminal history.
* Bimbo just trying to sell books.

Why would you believe a man that lies all the time?

Was not tured into the police, no one is prosecuting. Does not mran it did not happen.

Age has no effect on truth

Trump has a history of lying &vassaultui8ng women. He even admitted he gropes women. He has mo morals as proven through his numerous affairs.

I understand all you trumptards consider women as bimbos, This is why you can't fathom that any women is telling the truth unless there are witnesses. It is your party's misogynistic beliefs.

But hey, that well renowned Journalist is a bimbo.

She is a bimbo. Either that or a psycho.

People who do molest and rape women are all caught eventually. Trump is in his 70's, and the only time he was accused of this kind of crap is when he ran for the Republican nomination.

When a woman makes such an accusation without supplying evidence, it's like me telling you that I seen a UFO last night. You can't prove I didn't.

Now if she came forward with a police report, DNA, something that supports her accusation, then there is a need for another look. But all she's coming forth with is her new book which she desperately wants to sell.

Trump has been caught. You just don't care.

When Trump ran, these people came forward to let us know what a piece of shit Trump is. But you didn't care.

So you hate all women? Do you think women are lesser beings than you? Why do you think these women are liars.

Why do you ignore Trump's record with the truth? Why so you ignore Trump's lack of morals?

Why do you believe Trump over this woman? She put her reputation, life on the line to expose Trump. Why would she leave it out of her book?

Trump lied & said he did not know her or ever met her. Then there is that photo.

How much foes Trump have to lie to you before you realize that is is untruthful?

Two people experience something & you believe the man all the time. You do it now & you did it with Kavanaugh.

But, hey those bimbos right?

Fuck your stupoid ass exzcuses.

So where did all those women go after the election? The same place all those Roy Moore accusers disappeared to? The woman who accused Trunp of rape had her case thrown out of court in California and New York, the two most liberal states in the union. Due to zero evidence (the address she swears this occurred in turned out to be an empty lot). But you don't care about all that do you? Equating seeing a deer with a sexual assault? Don't you ever refer to anybody else as stupid ever again.
Ah, but RealDave will because ... well, because he is stupid.

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