Another Professor Blasey-Ford Fraud?

trump can sue her, win big time, if she is lying... but lose big time, if she is not.
As much time as leftists spend lying, wouldn't you think they'd be better at coming up with believable ones?

what makes this one not believable?

Lack of any facts or evidence WHATSOEVER other than a person's mere word 24 years after the fact?

Why do these people's memories only get good when it gets close to a Republican getting elected?

WHY can you so easily believe that yet you laugh at accusations of women who say the Clinton's stalked them, murdered them, ruined their lives?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:

I've thoroughly researched the Clinton accusers over a quarter century with lots of supporting evidence. As a governor, state police have admitted that Roger and Bill Clinton used to have drug and sex parties with underage girls.
utter bull crap, as usual :rolleyes:

yes full of crap as usual .....that is you of course! :04:
As much time as leftists spend lying, wouldn't you think they'd be better at coming up with believable ones?

what makes this one not believable?

Lack of any facts or evidence WHATSOEVER other than a person's mere word 24 years after the fact?

Why do these people's memories only get good when it gets close to a Republican getting elected?

WHY can you so easily believe that yet you laugh at accusations of women who say the Clinton's stalked them, murdered them, ruined their lives?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:

I've thoroughly researched the Clinton accusers over a quarter century with lots of supporting evidence. As a governor, state police have admitted that Roger and Bill Clinton used to have drug and sex parties with underage girls.
utter bull crap, as usual :rolleyes:
Everybody's wrong but poor little sweet Bill "put some ice on it!" Clinton!
As much time as leftists spend lying, wouldn't you think they'd be better at coming up with believable ones?

what makes this one not believable?

Lack of any facts or evidence WHATSOEVER other than a person's mere word 24 years after the fact?

Why do these people's memories only get good when it gets close to a Republican getting elected?

WHY can you so easily believe that yet you laugh at accusations of women who say the Clinton's stalked them, murdered them, ruined their lives?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:

I've thoroughly researched the Clinton accusers over a quarter century with lots of supporting evidence. As a governor, state police have admitted that Roger and Bill Clinton used to have drug and sex parties with underage girls.
utter bull crap, as usual :rolleyes:
Troopergate (Bill Clinton) - Wikipedia
Details on Bill Clinton's ride on pedophile's 'Lolita Express' sought
Bill Clinton Pardoned His Brother in Huge Cocaine Conspiracy -- Now He's In Jail Again
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known
Former Secret Service Agent Threatens To Reveal Details About Bill Clinton And Epstein's "Lolita Express"

I don't know what's funnier: how easy it is to always prove you clueless and utterly dead wrong, or how you can look at and deny a MOUNTAIN of evidence while on the other hand, promoting anonymous "Company Intelligence Reports" claiming endless unsupported crap on Trump as the undisputed gospel truth!
All these communists creatures suffer from TDS

There is no medicine that can cure them

You know what I mean?
As much time as leftists spend lying, wouldn't you think they'd be better at coming up with believable ones?

what makes this one not believable?

Lack of any facts or evidence WHATSOEVER other than a person's mere word 24 years after the fact?

Why do these people's memories only get good when it gets close to a Republican getting elected?

WHY can you so easily believe that yet you laugh at accusations of women who say the Clinton's stalked them, murdered them, ruined their lives?
Yet you believe all of Clinton’s accusers but none of Trumps......:eusa_think:

I've thoroughly researched the Clinton accusers over a quarter century with lots of supporting evidence. As a governor, state police have admitted that Roger and Bill Clinton used to have drug and sex parties with underage girls.
utter bull crap, as usual :rolleyes:
There is more connection with Clinton and possible sexual assault then there is with this woman and Trump. Why is one claim bullshit and other gospel truth?
Why doesn’t Trump just take a polygraph and we can resolve this?
Possibly for the same reason he was unwilling to sit down and answer questions from Mueller in person instead of in writing?
Trump is so quick to call everyone else a liar

Who should we believe?
Trump is so quick to call everyone else a liar

Who should we believe?
I suggest we believe Trump when there are no other claims to consider. He's been a serial liar for his entire life, and he isn't likely to change even after he's forced from office and sent to prison.
No, he hasn't been a serial liar. But the Democrats have put him on their serial hit list, and this isn't the first and won't be the last in their fake crime arsenal. It's so lame, it is even on a lower shelf than the Steele Dossier, which has been proven to be a piece of garbage from the trashings department of the old Clinton Spin and Hit room.
No, he hasn't been a serial liar. But the Democrats have put him on their serial hit list
How many lies has Trump told since taking office?

Why doesn’t Trump just take a polygraph and we can resolve this?
Possibly for the same reason he was unwilling to sit down and answer questions from Mueller in person instead of in writing?
Trump is so quick to call everyone else a liar

Who should we believe?
Trump is so quick to call everyone else a liar

Who should we believe?
I suggest we believe Trump when there are no other claims to consider. He's been a serial liar for his entire life, and he isn't likely to change even after he's forced from office and sent to prison.
No, he hasn't been a serial liar. But the Democrats have put him on their serial hit list, and this isn't the first and won't be the last in their fake crime arsenal. It's so lame, it is even on a lower shelf than the Steele Dossier, which has been proven to be a piece of garbage from the trashings department of the old Clinton Spin and Hit room.
No, he hasn't been a serial liar. But the Democrats have put him on their serial hit list
How many lies has Trump told since taking office?

Awww. :haha:
I take it that those of you who are arguing that there is no proof that the lowlife did anything and that these women waited too long without filing charges do not believe the men, several with hair that has turned silver, who claim that they were assaulted many years before by members of the Catholic clergy and clergy of other faiths. They must be money grabbers who just wish to slime decent priests and ministers.
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:

Women of good standing accuse Trump & you assfucks believe the liar, fraud, adultering POS>

"Women of good standing?" None of whom pressed charges or provided a lick of evidence and all who waited years or decades to speak about their "ordeals?" You are aware the latest "victim" is promoting her new book, right? How convenient.

Lemme guess ... you were a big fan of Professor Blasey-Fraud, Michael Avenatti, and the #MeToo Crew last year?

Have you heard another word from or about them since their 15 minutes in the sun, other than Avenatti who has been charged with ... drum roll, please ... FRAUD?

Final question: can you be any more gullible and STUPID?
Because certainly a man who lies about everything, cheated on all his wives, cheated his business partners, and was charged with defrauded students is much more believable than any woman.

Well renowned college professor just lies all the time. I get it.

Well renowned authors just lies all the time.

But not Donald Trump!!!! Nooooooo!

Do you see how fucking stupid that sounds?

He was never "charged" with defrauding anybody. He was sued by some losers who didn't make out well in life and seen a cash cow. Trump would have followed that suit to the end had he not become President.

We don't know if the "well renown" college professor lied about anything. She erased all her social media and removed any videos of her from the internet. Now gee, why would you suppose she did that? Could it be so nobody could compare her lousy acting to how she actually talks?

So, we are back to saying nothing is a crime unless proven through prosecution.

Your hero cheated people looking to improve their lives. Why? To make a few bucks? He was losing in court & had to agree to compensate.

What did you expect to find on Prof Ford's facebook page? Had to delete because of you Trumptard's threats.

She has a reputation lf honesty yewt you called her a liar & backed the true liar & woman abusing aduylterer Trump. Why?
WTF> Are you this stupid? If I walk in the woods & see a 10 point buck, I can't tell anyone unless I took a photo?

You can tell anybody you want. But nobody will believe you unless you did take a photo.
People that know me, that know I am not a bullshitting lying fuck, will believe me.

I can understand why no one would believe a scum sucker like you.

Maybe get some less gullible friends. But then again, who would want to be friends with you?
I hae lors of friends. I'm not the one that thinks they heed to tote a loaded gun everywhere.
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:

Women of good standing accuse Trump & you assfucks believe the liar, fraud, adultering POS>

"Women of good standing?" None of whom pressed charges or provided a lick of evidence and all who waited years or decades to speak about their "ordeals?" You are aware the latest "victim" is promoting her new book, right? How convenient.

Lemme guess ... you were a big fan of Professor Blasey-Fraud, Michael Avenatti, and the #MeToo Crew last year?

Have you heard another word from or about them since their 15 minutes in the sun, other than Avenatti who has been charged with ... drum roll, please ... FRAUD?

Final question: can you be any more gullible and STUPID?
Accorduing to you, Prof Ford should be raking in the money from suing Kavanaugh. Oh wait, she isn't.

This MS Carroll, she must be suing Trump? No???? Why would anyone buy the book to read about Trump when it is all over the press!
You peiple are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick

You can't sue somebody for something that never happened. The court would throw the case out before the first attorney opens his mouth.

These people are in it for a profit--not a loss.
So you judge the case before it starts?

How do you know it never happened?
He has many accusers. He has admitted on tape to being a whore and attacking people. These are facts. Why should he be believed instead of 20 or so others? ...
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?
What I think what is happening with these women coming forward now is that, now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House, a perv who should not even be walking the streets of America, much less running the executive branch...
So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:
These people are coming forward as a warning, not for politics. They have experienced an ugly side of him...
... And waited years or decades to speak out without evidence or witnesses? No, you can't put your rare honest moment - "now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House" - back into the box no more than you can hide your hate-filled, "lowlife" agenda.

The only lowlife is Donald Trump.

These people had nothing to gain except their embarrassment .

Kind of like not saying anything when you get scammed by someone on the internet.

People like you & the asshole with the gun from Cleveland help the Trumps get away with abusing women. Truimp knows he can just deny it & there will be all you assfucks to believe him.
Are you really that stupid? Did you not read here that the latest "victim" is pushing her new book? That all are simply revel in their 15 minutes of fame on CNN/PMSNBC and then slip back under their rocks? That Blasey-Fraud made big bucks by lying to the Senate? That Avenatti inveigled his way to fame and glory? Please, please, please tell me you are just faking ... that you really aren't as unbelievably STUPID as your posts make you appear. Please.
So she never sold any of her other books???

So, according to you, Trump can assault anyone. Just make sure there are no witnesses.

He wull then deny it & his band of Trumptards will declare these woman as money grubbers.

Wow. You people are truly dumber than shit.

No other President had millions of dollars so no woman would ever accuse them. Nope. Former President might have had some accusers but not nearly as many as Trump.

We know Trump is an amoral piece of shit yet here you are defending him yet again.
Why doesn’t Trump just take a polygraph and we can resolve this?
Possibly for the same reason he was unwilling to sit down and answer questions from Mueller in person instead of in writing?
Trump is so quick to call everyone else a liar

Who should we believe?
Trump is so quick to call everyone else a liar

Who should we believe?
I suggest we believe Trump when there are no other claims to consider. He's been a serial liar for his entire life, and he isn't likely to change even after he's forced from office and sent to prison.
No, he hasn't been a serial liar. But the Democrats have put him on their serial hit list, and this isn't the first and won't be the last in their fake crime arsenal. It's so lame, it is even on a lower shelf than the Steele Dossier, which has been proven to be a piece of garbage from the trashings department of the old Clinton Spin and Hit room.
No, he hasn't been a serial liar. But the Democrats have put him on their serial hit list
How many lies has Trump told since taking office?

Trump lies faster than people can fact check
Because women who are doing well in life financially actually ant to make up a story involving them & Trump.

Why aren't men coming forward? Wouldn't their story cause Trump more grief & get them Trump's hush money>
If he paid off Stormy, he certainly would pay off some guy claiming Trump groped him.
Why doesn’t Trump just take a polygraph and we can resolve this?
Possibly for the same reason he was unwilling to sit down and answer questions from Mueller in person instead of in writing?
Trump is so quick to call everyone else a liar

Who should we believe?
Trump is so quick to call everyone else a liar

Who should we believe?
I suggest we believe Trump when there are no other claims to consider. He's been a serial liar for his entire life, and he isn't likely to change even after he's forced from office and sent to prison.
And I suggest that we do not 'believe' anyone at all and instead look to the factual basis of such claims.

All this I believe him or I believe her is bullshit distraction. Belief is not sufficient to call someone a rapist.
And I suggest that we do not 'believe' anyone at all and instead look to the factual basis of such claims.

All this I believe him or I believe her is bullshit distraction. Belief is not sufficient to call someone a rapist.

Justifying true beliefs requires assessing the credibility of competing accounts. Trump lies with such regularity someone would have to be a blind partisan or idiot to believe his bs on this or almost any other subject. Since he's an admitted "pussygrabber", and he has faced numerous other rape allegations, his account should be viewed with suspicion, at least.

Donald Trump Assaulted Me, But He’s Not Alone on My List of Hideous Men

"The man I will be talking about denies it, as he has denied accusations of sexual misconduct made by at least 15 credible women, namely, Jessica Leeds, Kristin Anderson, Jill Harth, Cathy Heller, Temple Taggart McDowell, Karena Virginia, Melinda McGillivray, Rachel Crooks, Natasha Stoynoff, Jessica Drake, Ninni Laaksonen, Summer Zervos, Juliet Huddy, Alva Johnson, and Cassandra Searles. (Here’s what the White House said: 'This is a completely false and unrealistic story surfacing 25 years after allegedly taking place and was created simply to make the President look bad.') And (b) I run the risk of making him more popular by revealing what he did.'
The object is to get Trump out of office. As Joy Behar said, democrats are desperate. Desperate people do desperate things. False accusations of sexual misconduct is the most overused in the me too generation. This one is the least credible.
Not one of whom reported the attack to police? Not one criminal conviction? Wealthy guys are easy targets for greedy women and the POTUS can't defend himself in court. How convenient for the women. The burden of proof in America is on the accuser. Have you seen a lick of evidence? Has anyone?So you admit these allegations are not about justice but rather are - like the current Hysterical House witch-hunts - politically motivated. While I do appreciate your moment of honesty I have no respect for the Jussie Smollett Tactic employed. You are destroying the possibility of justice for thousands of women who actually are victims and your mindless hate for Trump is so all-consuming you just don't care about them.
Again I say ... :fu:
These people are coming forward as a warning, not for politics. They have experienced an ugly side of him...
... And waited years or decades to speak out without evidence or witnesses? No, you can't put your rare honest moment - "now that this trash in the Oval Office, they feel that they have to tell the public the kind of lowlife is in the White House" - back into the box no more than you can hide your hate-filled, "lowlife" agenda.

The only lowlife is Donald Trump.

These people had nothing to gain except their embarrassment .

Kind of like not saying anything when you get scammed by someone on the internet.

People like you & the asshole with the gun from Cleveland help the Trumps get away with abusing women. Truimp knows he can just deny it & there will be all you assfucks to believe him.
Are you really that stupid? Did you not read here that the latest "victim" is pushing her new book? That all are simply revel in their 15 minutes of fame on CNN/PMSNBC and then slip back under their rocks? That Blasey-Fraud made big bucks by lying to the Senate? That Avenatti inveigled his way to fame and glory? Please, please, please tell me you are just faking ... that you really aren't as unbelievably STUPID as your posts make you appear. Please.
So she never sold any of her other books???

So, according to you, Trump can assault anyone. Just make sure there are no witnesses.

He wull then deny it & his band of Trumptards will declare these woman as money grubbers.

Wow. You people are truly dumber than shit.

No other President had millions of dollars so no woman would ever accuse them. Nope. Former President might have had some accusers but not nearly as many as Trump.

We know Trump is an amoral piece of shit yet here you are defending him yet again.
Yanno, I get it. You are angry, bitter, and frustrated. You have been unable to eat, sleep, or pinch a loaf for over 31 months. You've exhausted barrels of butt-hurt cream and you still need massive pillows just to sit down.

Thing is, your anguish and suffering are self-induced and religiously self-enforced. You think your constant whining is a sign of your sincerity and to your fellow sufferers it may seem to be but to rational people y'all look like a bunch of petulant 5 yr olds whose Mommy said "no candy before dinner."

You cannot unseat this Prez (though you may rage-on) and the Democrat Socialist Party cannot defeat him in 2020. Furthermore the pro-America, anti-elitist sentiment that carried Trump to the WH is growing among our electorate and will not end in 2025.

You may want to join the millions of your distraught comrades who have sought and received "mental health support" lest your delicate emotional condition become permanent and ruins the rest of your life.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.

Trump May Not Be Crazy, But the Rest of Us Are Getting There Fast
The tendency is to outdo the previous claim. Being raped in a Bergdorf Goodman's dressing room should bring some kind of award.

This woman clearly has a deep seated problem. Her writing makes it glaringly obvious.
Well, she is only one of the 15 women to accuse Trump of sexual assaults. How do you conclude so many have come forward with their experience?
How many filed criminal charges? How many produced credible evidence or witnesses? When was Trump convicted of sexual assault or rape?
His enemies became many when he announced his candidacy, and Legion when he won. Some are happy to sacrifice their own lives to the cause.
Did you happen to read that her screams were heard by dozens of shoppers as she ran from the Bergdorf Goodman dressing room (in 1995 or 1996, she's not sure which) crying for help and soon after filed criminal charges?

Yeah … me neither.

Another Trumptard who says you can assault anyone as long as there are no witnesses, you can't be prosecuted.

A woman accuses a man of assault. There are no witnesses.

There are some here that think these cases b-cn not be prosecuted & brought to trial leading to a conviction.

But they have.

Decisions are based on the characters of the two people. Their honesty. Their reputations.

Trump has no honesty, he has no character, he is a womanizer & a record of assault accusations.

But hey, you people keep making fools of yourselves.

And you continue to look like a compete ass. No witnesses and in your case, no DNA evidence equals no conviction. Reputation and character mean NOTHING in court. It's all about can you prove your claim. Mother Teresa would have to prove her case just as much as Charles Manson would. But hey, keep making a fool of yourself. It is mildly entertaining.

The judge in a criminal trail instructs the jury to use common sense when listening to the testimony of witnesses, victims and in rare cases defendants.

As the man said, "you people keep making fools of yourselves"

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