Another QUIZ for Liberals

Suppose you are threatened with violence, by an irrational stranger. You display your legally carried gun, and warn the guy to keep his hands visible.

Right then, he reaches into his pocket. What do you do ?

Please: Liberals only answer this.
The only problem with this scenario is VERY few liberals would be carrying a gun. Most are anti-gun and don't believe in owning one. I'm obviously NOT a liberal, thank GOD.
First of all there are a giant number of variables here. The only person who has threatened me with violence is a police man. Now as for an irrational stranger i would be trying to help the man with his derangement and have no need to show any gun or weapon. That sets off irrational people. Also I look in the eyes of everyone I talk to so I can tell if they are cons or not. If he is a con then there is no hope and I take him down and terminate his life. If he is not a republican then there is hope so I will keep trying to get him into a stable mental place.
Hopefully, in the near future you will find yourself a stable mental place ,( before you encounter an irrational, violent individual.)
My carry weapon is a PPQ 9mm with Federal 147 grn HST/ LE, always loaded with full magazine and chambered. 1. Don't get in arguments. If one starts, back off "if" you can. At least 3, no more than 10ft or less. If you have felt the need to draw your weapon because you are threatened, do not display it. Immediately aim center mass! Think about situations before you get into one and how to handle them. If it's his coat pocket, you can be shot without the threat pulling a weapon out. Put as many rounds as possible into threat until it ceases to be a threat. If it is a blue jeans pocket, it is very unlikely they could hit from the pocket and nobody can quick draw me from a blue jeans pocket if my aiming point is already center mass. You owe it to yourself "if" you can take the time to be reasonably sure. Some nut ball committing suicide by using you will f*ck you up unless you are as bad a piece of sh*t as they are. Do what you got to do, but if you haven't planned your actions on contact ahead of time, other that knee jerk/gun jerk reactions, perhaps you should evaluate whether you should carry. Anyone can pass the tests and learn to shoot a weapon and become licensed to carry as is their right. That doesn't mean everybody should, just because it is a right.
Far more people should carry than actually do (especially women). I would display my gun if threatened, and have done so on multiple occasions. Every time the rogue backed off and disappeared.

That doesn't mean they will every time. Point is to be ready to shoot when necessary. If the rogue doesn't back off and fails to keep his hands visible, you must shoot him.

I do not believe in showing. If it is out, I will be in stance, and aimed. They can look at just as well pointed steady at chest level. In my state you can be arrested for showing in some instances, I guess because it is considered using a gun to intimidate. Showing v. Aimed? If I am really afraid for myself or someone I am with.., in for a penny, in for a pound. The charge is probably the same (if charged) if I do not have to shoot.
Here in Florida, it's legal to display. It almost always gets the threat to leave quickly.

If the guy does anything wrong, he'll be eating bullets, instantly.
Suppose you are threatened with violence, by an irrational stranger. You display your legally carried gun, and warn the guy to keep his hands visible.

Right then, he reaches into his pocket. What do you do ?

Please: Liberals only answer this.
Hard to answer, without more details...

HOW are you threatened with violence by this stranger, if he had no gun or knife or any visible arm?

WHAT made him irrational, in your opinion?

How big was he compared to you (or me), if the threat of violence through a fist fight was the fear?

Could you, (or I) just leave?

For me, it's hard to answer these type of questions like yours in the op, because in a real life scenario, there are so many other things that shoot through ones own mind in evaluating the situation that just a simple sentence or two, describing it, doesn't account for... like with your op.

In other words, I would trust (and do trust in real life), my own instinct and evaluation of the situation.... if my gut told me that I truly was in danger, I'd shoot him somewhere, that wouldn't kill him...

If I thought I could get away from this violent person and not be mutilated, I'd do that...

I just think you have to really be there, to size up the situation... no answer given here by anyone, is a guaranteed answer for what really could or would happen, if you are there, in person with all your senses flying high.
First of all there are a giant number of variables here. The only person who has threatened me with violence is a police man. Now as for an irrational stranger i would be trying to help the man with his derangement and have no need to show any gun or weapon. That sets off irrational people. Also I look in the eyes of everyone I talk to so I can tell if they are cons or not. If he is a con then there is no hope and I take him down and terminate his life. If he is not a republican then there is hope so I will keep trying to get him into a stable mental place.
Hopefully, in the near future you will find yourself a stable mental place ,( before you encounter an irrational, violent individual.)
My carry weapon is a PPQ 9mm with Federal 147 grn HST/ LE, always loaded with full magazine and chambered. 1. Don't get in arguments. If one starts, back off "if" you can. At least 3, no more than 10ft or less. If you have felt the need to draw your weapon because you are threatened, do not display it. Immediately aim center mass! Think about situations before you get into one and how to handle them. If it's his coat pocket, you can be shot without the threat pulling a weapon out. Put as many rounds as possible into threat until it ceases to be a threat. If it is a blue jeans pocket, it is very unlikely they could hit from the pocket and nobody can quick draw me from a blue jeans pocket if my aiming point is already center mass. You owe it to yourself "if" you can take the time to be reasonably sure. Some nut ball committing suicide by using you will f*ck you up unless you are as bad a piece of sh*t as they are. Do what you got to do, but if you haven't planned your actions on contact ahead of time, other that knee jerk/gun jerk reactions, perhaps you should evaluate whether you should carry. Anyone can pass the tests and learn to shoot a weapon and become licensed to carry as is their right. That doesn't mean everybody should, just because it is a right.
Far more people should carry than actually do (especially women). I would display my gun if threatened, and have done so on multiple occasions. Every time the rogue backed off and disappeared.

That doesn't mean they will every time. Point is to be ready to shoot when necessary. If the rogue doesn't back off and fails to keep his hands visible, you must shoot him.

I do not believe in showing. If it is out, I will be in stance, and aimed. They can look at just as well pointed steady at chest level. In my state you can be arrested for showing in some instances, I guess because it is considered using a gun to intimidate. Showing v. Aimed? If I am really afraid for myself or someone I am with.., in for a penny, in for a pound. The charge is probably the same (if charged) if I do not have to shoot.
Here in Florida, it's legal to display. It almost always gets the threat to leave quickly.

If the guy does anything wrong, he'll be eating bullets, instantly.

Tennessee is a stand your ground state, but improper flashing a gun can get you into trouble. If I was being an *sshole and somebody put a gun in my face, I'd leave also. Seems like a sound policy in your state, but there are legal jeopardy issues here.
In order to answer this I must know whether or not the visitor is gay or here illegally.
Suppose you are threatened with violence, by an irrational stranger. You display your legally carried gun, and warn the guy to keep his hands visible.

Right then, he reaches into his pocket. What do you do ?

Please: Liberals only answer this.

Dayum. I aced the last Quiz fer Liberals, I was hoping for another creative writing exercise.

This scenario is impossible. I would not display my legally (or illegally) carried gun in the first place,, because I wouldn't have one. That would be stoopid.

I've certainly been threatened with violence by irrational strangers. How you respond depends on the situation. Simply refusing to take them seriously, for one. Fear is what they want. Don't give it to them.

That's all good and fine but you'd be room temperature.
You need to "defend" against somebody reaching into his pocket, snowflake?

Have any idea how many times a day the average person reaches into his/her pocket? SMH

Geez Pogo....No one is claiming that everyone who reaches into their pocket is going for a gun. Where the fuck did you get that one? Out your ass? :abgg2q.jpg:
You never know how you will react until you are put in a situation like that.
FALSE! People (including cops) shoot foolish people in this situation all the time. It's actually quite common because of liberal dominance of our education system which teaches nothing about guns, police, law, or self-defense.

Oh my bad, I thought you were asking normal people, you know liberals, not some trigger happy cop or wannabe cop doing a tour of duty in Detroit!
You need to "defend" against somebody reaching into his pocket, snowflake?

Have any idea how many times a day the average person reaches into his/her pocket? SMH

Geez Pogo....No one is claiming that everyone who reaches into their pocket is going for a gun. Where the fuck did you get that one? Out your ass? :abgg2q.jpg:

It's right there in the OP.

Ever read the OP?.

Right then, he reaches into his pocket.

In the case I was referring to the kid had already gone to his pocket and showed me a knife. So I told him to fuck off. And off he fucked.

In the other case to which I referred the (what turned out to be) cops had already drawn their guns before they got out of their unmarked car. So in the latter case the first thing I saw was two unidentified strangers with guns pointing at me. Had I been following the gun-worship religion of the OP I would have either had to go to my pocket in self-defense, thereby escalating the whole thing, or surrender it to them like some cowboy western TV show. So either two or three people would be shot down for nothing, OR they would have had sufficient evidence to plant a homicide on me.

I never did care for westerns. Too phony for me.
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Hard to answer, without more details...

HOW are you threatened with violence by this stranger, if he had no gun or knife or any visible arm?

WHAT made him irrational, in your opinion?

How big was he compared to you (or me), if the threat of violence through a fist fight was the fear?

Could you, (or I) just leave?

For me, it's hard to answer these type of questions like yours in the op, because in a real life scenario, there are so many other things that shoot through ones own mind in evaluating the situation that just a simple sentence or two, describing it, doesn't account for... like with your op.

In other words, I would trust (and do trust in real life), my own instinct and evaluation of the situation.... if my gut told me that I truly was in danger, I'd shoot him somewhere, that wouldn't kill him...

If I thought I could get away from this violent person and not be mutilated, I'd do that...

I just think you have to really be there, to size up the situation... no answer given here by anyone, is a guaranteed answer for what really could or would happen, if you are there, in person with all your senses flying high.
1. Hard to answer ? HA HA. Well, what's not hard to answer is what happens to you, when you do nothing, in response to his hand disappearing. You fall down on the ground with a couple of bullets in your gut. God, liberals are stupid.

2. You could be threatened with violence by this stranger, in any ways. He could say "i'm going to kick your ass", He could be walking toward you while saying that, etc

3. What made him irrational isn't relevant to the OP. Could be mistaken identity, could be drunkeness, or maybe he has a legitimate gripe. Whatever the case, you must defend yourself, and if he reaches for a gun, you could be dead in 1 second.

4. His size is irrelevant, He could have a knife, a gun, chemical weapon, etc

5. No. According to the hypothetical stated in the OP, you CANNOT just leave, without being attacked, or at beast you son't know if you could leave. Want to gamble with YOUR LIFE as the stakes ?

6. Yes there is a correct answer. Once his hand disappears from your view, you must shoot - otherwise you are foolishly gambling with YOUR LIFE.
Geez Pogo....No one is claiming that everyone who reaches into their pocket is going for a gun. Where the fuck did you get that one? Out your ass? :abgg2q.jpg:
There are 2 ways of describing things. >>

1. The Pogo way.
2. The whole rest of the world.
They do all the time

In fact i was once privy to a training video where a deaf man reached into his pocket for his ID

you can guess the jist of it

No they DON'T all the time, In fact the rarely ever do. They are trained in their police academies to shoot whenever a suspect's hand disappears, whether the suspect has understood the words of the cop or not.

Sometimes people are too drugged or drunk to understand. If their hand disappears, they're shot. People simply need to know this, and it's unfortunate that our schools are run by liberal airheads who are oblivious.
It's right there in the OP.

Ever read the OP?.

Right then, he reaches into his pocket.

In the case I was referring to the kid had already gone to his pocket and showed me a knife. So I told him to fuck off. And off he fucked.

In the other case to which I referred the (what turned out to be) cops had already drawn their guns before they got out of their unmarked car. So in the latter case the first thing I saw was two unidentified strangers with guns pointing at me. Had I been following the gun-worship religion of the OP I would have either had to go to my pocket in self-defense, thereby escalating the whole thing, or surrender it to them like some cowboy western TV show. So either two or three people would be shot down for nothing, OR they would have had sufficient evidence to plant a homicide on me.

I never did care for westerns. Too phony for me.
No, it's NOT there in the OP. The OP hypothetical is >>

1. You are threatened.
2. you display your gun.
3. THEN under these circumstances, the person's hand disappears.

Then, Pogo goes on to bypass the OP, and create his own OFF TOPIC scenario. Ho hum.
Suppose you are threatened with violence, by an irrational stranger. You display your legally carried gun, and warn the guy to keep his hands visible.

Right then, he reaches into his pocket. What do you do ?

Please: Liberals only answer this.
Why am I packing heat? Because I'm scared? Because I want to be a hero gunslinger? Because this is America and I have a privilege to carry a gun? I would not have a gun for defense. If I hunted or shot targets, I would have one unloaded and stored responsibly in a locked safe. But never one on my person like a Wild West gunslinger. I'm more responsible than that.

A personal sidearm increases the chance of accidental shooting. Think about it. No gun, no chance. Gun, chances increase exponentially.
Oh my bad, I thought you were asking normal people, you know liberals, not some trigger happy cop or wannabe cop doing a tour of duty in Detroit!
I am asking anyone who is a liberal. Including YOU.

First, once I displayed my weapon, well, after I got over the amazement of having a concealed handgun, being a liberal and all. Wait, do I have to show him that I have a gun? If he is irrational what good would warning him do? How close is he when his hand disappears?
Why am I packing heat? Because I'm scared? Because I want to be a hero gunslinger? Because this is America and I have a privilege to carry a gun? I would not have a gun for defense. If I hunted or shot targets, I would have one unloaded and stored responsibly in a locked safe. But never one on my person like a Wild West gunslinger. I'm more responsible than that.

A personal sidearm increases the chance of accidental shooting. Think about it. No gun, no chance. Gun, chances increase exponentially.
This is what the word DUMB was created for. Wow. Entirely to dumb to warrant the dignity of a response.

First, once I displayed my weapon, well, after I got over the amazement of having a concealed handgun, being a liberal and all. Wait, do I have to show him that I have a gun? If he is irrational what good would warning him do? How close is he when his hand disappears?
No problem Mr Question Mark.

1. You don't have to show him you have a gun.

2. Irrational people often become very rational when they see a gun, and quickly walk away. :biggrin:

3. what does "close" have to do with it ? (as long as he's in shooting range)

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