Another Rain-Worship Thread, HeeHee


Gold Member
Feb 1, 2016
Even though my ancient, mummified Nissan still runs and is perfectly capable of short drives, I still walked the nearly three mile round-trip between my house and town for my grocery shopping in this pouring rainstorm, armed with an umbrella and two layers of hoodies and hauled my bag of goods back home in this curtain of water. You know why? Because when I get home and change out of my wet clothes it gives me a MAJOR sense of triumph. I think, "I battled the rain storm itself and I usual!"

I guess I'm a bit of a Luddite because sometimes doing basic functions in life in the slower, old-fashioned manner can be fun and rewarding in its own quaint manner. It's a fact of human nature that the more grueling effort you put into any life function, the more satisfying the result is going to be.
Oh, I forgot if I mentioned this before but if you want some real nice, ASMR-style relaxation, watch/listen to the rain pattering against your windows while you sit in front of a hot, toasty heater about soothing!
I'll give you another example of Luddite-rewardism: last week my washing machine was on the fritz but the dryer was working perfectly. So instead of going to the laundromat I washed my load of laundry in my bathtub. Stirring it around for several minutes with a long, wooden cooking spoon. See, unlike the millenial generation of Mensa Member geniuses, this old gen-x'er put the Tide pod into my BATHTUB with the opposed to my mouth. Yes, it was a long, massive workout stirring up, rinsing, wringing out and generally moving around very heavy loads of wet clothes before the dryer. Yes, I felt it all over my body the next day. But still, there was a certain quaint fun to physically doing it myself! I guess I'm just a very old-school type of dude and I automatically do things "the hard way."

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