Another Republican Billionaire With Time On His Hands And Paper To Shuffle

It's called freedom of speech and no one forced you to watch it like it or not there is a good deal of truth there.
It's called freedom of speech and no one forced you to watch it like it or not there is a good deal of truth there.

"Good Deal Of Truth." That's the kind of major horse shit that propels the Republican party, multi-millionaires and Fox News. It includes a fairy tale written 2000 years ago by ignorant primitives who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. The part about rising from the grave, joining a ghost floating on a cloud then flying off to paradise to live forever is a special feature. I'm a Jack and the Beanstalk man myself.
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The best reason for such ads is it gives losers like Cammmpbell a giant wedgie up his lefty crack.
It's called freedom of speech and no one forced you to watch it like it or not there is a good deal of truth there.

"Good Deal Of Truth." That's the kind of major horse shit that propels the Republican party, multi-millionaires and Fox News. It includes a fairy tale written 2000 years ago by ignorant primitives who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. The part about rising from the grave, joining a ghost floating on a cloud then flying off to paradise to live forever is a special feature. I'm a Jack and the Beanstalk man myself.

and your still a miserable, miserable person.
The best reason for such ads is it gives losers like Cammmpbell a giant wedgie up his lefty crack.

Get ready for four more years. There's no goddam way the voting public of this country is foolish enough to elect that out of touch, draft dodging, right wing millionaire, company scavenging corporate asshole to lead this country. Well.......I forgot about 2004:

It's called freedom of speech and no one forced you to watch it like it or not there is a good deal of truth there.

"Good Deal Of Truth." That's the kind of major horse shit that propels the Republican party, multi-millionaires and Fox News. It includes a fairy tale written 2000 years ago by ignorant primitives who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. The part about rising from the grave, joining a ghost floating on a cloud then flying off to paradise to live forever is a special feature. I'm a Jack and the Beanstalk man myself.

He didn't even mention God or the Bible, you fucking douche nozzle.

Libturds just can't stand the fact that people who have lived in the kind of societies they endorse have rejected it and tell the truth about it.
Wow, what a whiny OP. That's a good ad. Liberals have often been the most hateful people I have met.
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The best reason for such ads is it gives losers like Cammmpbell a giant wedgie up his lefty crack.

Get ready for four more years. There's no goddam way the voting public of this country is foolish enough to elect that out of touch, draft dodging, right wing millionaire, company scavenging corporate asshole to lead this country. Well.......I forgot about 2004:

I have no delusions about the intelligence of the typical voter. They did put Maobama in office, after all. Let's just hope they aren't stupid enough to do that again.

BTW, I'll take an out of touch, draft dodging, right wing millionaire, company scavenging corporate asshole to lead this country over a Commie community organizer thug any day of the week.
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Oh look, more class warfare from bitter old Mr. Magoo. You're such a loser. It's sad, really. If I become like you when I'm your age I hope someone puts me out of my misery.
It's called freedom of speech and no one forced you to watch it like it or not there is a good deal of truth there.

"Good Deal Of Truth." That's the kind of major horse shit that propels the Republican party, multi-millionaires and Fox News. It includes a fairy tale written 2000 years ago by ignorant primitives who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. The part about rising from the grave, joining a ghost floating on a cloud then flying off to paradise to live forever is a special feature. I'm a Jack and the Beanstalk man myself.

He didn't even mention God or the Bible, you fucking douche nozzle.

Libturds just can't stand the fact that people who have lived in the kind of societies they endorse have rejected it and tell the truth about it.
You noticed that to kind of makes you wonder if the Op even watched the video he posted.
It's called freedom of speech and no one forced you to watch it like it or not there is a good deal of truth there.

"Good Deal Of Truth." That's the kind of major horse shit that propels the Republican party, multi-millionaires and Fox News. It includes a fairy tale written 2000 years ago by ignorant primitives who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. The part about rising from the grave, joining a ghost floating on a cloud then flying off to paradise to live forever is a special feature. I'm a Jack and the Beanstalk man myself.

He didn't even mention God or the Bible, you fucking douche nozzle.

Libturds just can't stand the fact that people who have lived in the kind of societies they endorse have rejected it and tell the truth about it.

1 Thessalonians "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves."

1 Thessalonians 4:17 says "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so forever shall we be with the Lord."

1 John 2:17 The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

Luke 18:22
Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

Matthew 5
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Exodus 22
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
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Oh look, more class warfare from bitter old Mr. Magoo. You're such a loser. It's sad, really. If I become like you when I'm your age I hope someone puts me out of my misery.

give the guy a break......he was like 10 years old when Ruth hit his 60th....its hard for people that old to realize its no longer the good ole days.....
"Good Deal Of Truth." That's the kind of major horse shit that propels the Republican party, multi-millionaires and Fox News. It includes a fairy tale written 2000 years ago by ignorant primitives who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. The part about rising from the grave, joining a ghost floating on a cloud then flying off to paradise to live forever is a special feature. I'm a Jack and the Beanstalk man myself.

He didn't even mention God or the Bible, you fucking douche nozzle.

Libturds just can't stand the fact that people who have lived in the kind of societies they endorse have rejected it and tell the truth about it.

1 Thessalonians "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves."

1 Thessalonians 4:17 says "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so forever shall we be with the Lord."

1 John 2:17 The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

Luke 18:22
Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

Matthew 5
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Exodus 22
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

was this in "Spartacus?".......
Cammmpbell, in the Forbes 400 list of Billionaires in America, 300 of them are Democrats. They don't agree with someone or need a polished image, they just buy a better ad man because they have more money than our billionaires do. The guy on your youtube was 77th from the top. IOW, 76 had more money than him, and 57 or more of them were Democrats and only 19 would be Republicans. The Koch brothers' fortunes combined are not equal to Democrat Bill Gates' fortune.

The man who spoke on the video you provided grew up where socialism killed people's incentives and made poverty widespread. He only wanted Americans to be careful, and that's all his warning against socialism was about.

Socialism is a failed system, especially, because it winds up getting rid of rich people, which also happens to take away all the jobs the middle class had and makes everybody equally poor.

There have been times in America's recent history where everybody was poor or had to undergo some giving up. The stock market crashed, and the 30s were times of scrimping and trying to get by. There was a lot more loss on the stock market, and millionaires one day, paupers the next was very common. They lost companies, and many, many people lost their jobs because employers couldn't pay them without capital.

I know you love your party, but it's the people they're aiming to damage who provide jobs.

You can't build a nation on the misery of class hatred. It just makes everybody poor except the top government ilk, who become tomorrow's monarchs.

Shooting the messenger will not stop the poverty process socialism brings about.

Best wishes to you as you sort this out.

Cammmpbell belligerently bellowed:

"Good Deal Of Truth." That's the kind of major horse shit that propels the Republican party, multi-millionaires and Fox News. It includes a fairy tale written 2000 years ago by ignorant primitives who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat. The part about rising from the grave, joining a ghost floating on a cloud then flying off to paradise to live forever is a special feature.

Oh, ok, so it is ok for ultra-rich left-wing elitists like George Soros, Warrent Buffett, Bill Gates and countless other ultra-rich lefties including the Hollywood idiots, musicians and more to have a right to free speech - but oh no, rich and conservative....can't allow them that freedom of speech can we??

With your manufactured hatred towards rich people, your hypocricy is just at its best. Since you so hate the rich, where is your hatred for the above people I mentioned. Where is your hatred for the Democrat Party, afterall 7 of the 10 richest members of Congress are Democrats, and 10 of the 15 richest members of Congress are also Democrats? Ohhh...wait, you can only be a good rich person if you are a left-winger.

Left-wing billionaire or right-wing billionaire or millionaire, both had to work hard to get that money...unless you are Democrat John Kerry who is a gold digger by getting married to Teresa Heinz.

Rich lefties and righties provide jobs for people!! The difference between a rich lefty and a rich righty is that lefties are cowards who lie about wanting to raise taxes in order to get imbeciles like you and Occupy Wall Street off their case and thinking those leftist richies are with them. At least the right wing rich aren't spineless coniving cowards like that.

Regardless of their politics, left or right, I respect the fact that they had to work hard to get what they earned, and many are providing jobs to Americans.

I find it most interesting in your post #8 in this thread you take the Lord's name in vein, yet in post, #15 you are quoting the Bible. Hypocricy at its finest!!!

I'm a Jack and the Beanstalk man myself.

No, you're just a jackass, that is all.

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