Another Republican fesses up about the Benghazi Sham inquisistion..

Horse shit.

The investigation OF COURSE took a turn to include questions about the Shrillary private e-mails.

They could be a fucking GOLD MINE of information about Benghazi which she would try to keep well hidden.

Fuck sake. The matters of Benghazi and Shrillary's private e-mails are not "unrelated," as the liberal Democrap whiners (and misbegotten bogus Republican suck-ups) contend. The matters are very much and legitimately interwoven.

Shrillary is a dishonest twat and all methods to get to the bottom of how she and Obumbler failed to properly deal with the attack at Benghazi deserve to be explored.
Yeah. Even when this investigation fails to incriminate them, we should start anoher one! And then another one!!! And another!!! Until Hillary says she won't run for President! Then we can stop because mission accomplished.

Your grasp on how investigations work ans should work is tenuous. In any investigation worthy ofthe name, LEADS get followed. Trails of "evidence" get pursued. Where artificial roadblocks have been thrown up making access to required information difficult, they need to get worked around. What might seem to some outsider to be a silly and innocuous question can become the be-all and end-all of any thorough investigation.

When they were conducting the infamous WATERGATE hearings, it was a simple question about a taping system in the Oval Office that led to the downfall of President Nixon. Why? Because it got PURSUED!

Here, what did or did not happen in the decision making arena relative to Benghazi MIGHT be found somewhere in the fucking emails 9which shouldn't have even existed) that Shrillary made, kept and tried to hide.

OF COURSE they need to be looked into.
What should they do to prolong the investigation once they find nothing in the e-mails?

A question ,that has been ignored over and over,why did Rice put out the known at the time,lies about a video nobody saw? why was that done?
As has been answered a bajillion times, because preliminary reports indicated that the video may have been responsible.

No it wasn't.
Barely 900 views of that video. Then the lie and it jumped to millions of views.
It was watched by many only after they talked (lied) about it not before.
Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

GOP Whistleblower Reveals Benghazi Investigation Is “Partisan Investigation” Of Clinton And They Fired Him
It never ends...
Here are the facts.
The attack on the US Consulate was NOT due to a video released on the internet. The attack was a planned assault
The US Consulate asked for but did not receive additional armed security despite the fact that US officials uncovered credible threats.
The US military was ready to intervene, but was told to stand down.
Then US Ambassador to the UN was sent onto five Sunday news talk shows to regurgitate the Administration "company line". Susan Rice was briefed as to what she was supposed to say to the point that she actually believed what she was saying.
All of which was under the direct scrutiny of the Secretary of State. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The only "hoax" is that Clinton had no knowledge.

The Real Story.

Not to be confused with

Speculiction...: Review of "Gap into Conflict: The Real Story" by Stephen Donaldson
The bottom line is that Hilbat's State Department had warning of an attack and an ambassador who wanted more security. They did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

The warnings were believed by the Brits and the Red Cross. They both pulled out of Libya.

To bad we didn't do the same. If we had those four men would still be alive.

Oh and if anyone thinks Hilbat will be held accountable by DC, think again. Nothing will ever come of her gross negligence at Benghazi. She is, after all, one of them.
First he said he quit. It was then shown that he was fired. No credibility.

I bet Hill slipped a hand into his pocket, though.

And you know what? Even if it is partisan, that's life. Somebody fucked up. We need to find out who and why.

We already know all there is to know. How many reports do you need to be satisfied?

I suspect satisfaction for you only comes with the total destruction of HC.

No we don't.
There are still questions that have not been answered.
Why were they not with drawen out of the situation when they continually asked for reinforced security? Why was that additional security withheld?
The red cross and the British withdrew their people when they were continually attacked.
Why did they lie about the video?
Why did Hillary put security in charge of the mission that had ties to al Qaeda – the Feb. 17th Martyr’s Brigade?
Why haven’t any of the terrorists complicit in carrying out the attacks been brought to justice?
Why were witnesses on the ground hidden by the administration, and why are there claims these survivor's names have been changed?

Read the reports or at least an article about one before you look foolish.

Too late.

Sources: Benghazi 'mastermind' was captured with no shots fired -
There have been 8 investigations in to this one attack. Previous attacks that have been worse have had zero or one investigation. Never was the President blamed. Additionally these "investigations" came after the Republican slide show during President Obama inauguration where Republicans illustrated to their members how they were going to cause the administration to fail. Issa's proclamation this the Obama administration was the "most corrupt in history". Multiple investigations into other "scandals" including "Fast and Furious", "Solyndra", and "The IRS", which yielded nothing but Issa leaking initially embarrassing out of context information to the Press. Mitch McConnell proclamation that the Republican Senators were devoted to making President Obama a "one term President". Ethically? This is appalling. Using the government as a "sword" to vanquish your opponents as opposed to doing the people's business. And this sort of behavior should have consequences.

Eric Holder shut down the Fast and Furious investigation, talk about partisan.

He didn't shut it down.

What a fucking moronic thing to post.
Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

GOP Whistleblower Reveals Benghazi Investigation Is “Partisan Investigation” Of Clinton And They Fired Him
Bitter grapes are sour.
First he said he quit. It was then shown that he was fired. No credibility.

I bet Hill slipped a hand into his pocket, though.

And you know what? Even if it is partisan, that's life. Somebody fucked up. We need to find out who and why.

We already know all there is to know. How many reports do you need to be satisfied?

I suspect satisfaction for you only comes with the total destruction of HC.

No we don't.
There are still questions that have not been answered.
Why were they not with drawen out of the situation when they continually asked for reinforced security? Why was that additional security withheld?
The red cross and the British withdrew their people when they were continually attacked.
Why did they lie about the video?
Why did Hillary put security in charge of the mission that had ties to al Qaeda – the Feb. 17th Martyr’s Brigade?
Why haven’t any of the terrorists complicit in carrying out the attacks been brought to justice?
Why were witnesses on the ground hidden by the administration, and why are there claims these survivor's names have been changed?

Read the reports or at least an article about one before you look foolish.

Too late.

Sources: Benghazi 'mastermind' was captured with no shots fired -
The bottom line is that Hilbat's State Department had warning of an attack and an ambassador who wanted more security. They did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

The warnings were believed by the Brits and the Red Cross. They both pulled out of Libya.

To bad we didn't do the same. If we had those four men would still be alive.

Oh and if anyone thinks Hilbat will be held accountable by DC, think again. Nothing will ever come of her gross negligence at Benghazi. She is, after all, one of them.

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”
Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

GOP Whistleblower Reveals Benghazi Investigation Is “Partisan Investigation” Of Clinton And They Fired Him
Don't care. If Hillary goes down all the better.

Got a topic anyone cares about?
There have been 8 investigations in to this one attack. Previous attacks that have been worse have had zero or one investigation. Never was the President blamed. Additionally these "investigations" came after the Republican slide show during President Obama inauguration where Republicans illustrated to their members how they were going to cause the administration to fail. Issa's proclamation this the Obama administration was the "most corrupt in history". Multiple investigations into other "scandals" including "Fast and Furious", "Solyndra", and "The IRS", which yielded nothing but Issa leaking initially embarrassing out of context information to the Press. Mitch McConnell proclamation that the Republican Senators were devoted to making President Obama a "one term President". Ethically? This is appalling. Using the government as a "sword" to vanquish your opponents as opposed to doing the people's business. And this sort of behavior should have consequences.

Eric Holder shut down the Fast and Furious investigation, talk about partisan.

He didn't shut it down.

What a fucking moronic thing to post.

Sorry it was the President my bad.
On June 20, 2012, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted along party lines to recommend that Holder be held in contempt. At issue were 1,300 pages of documents that had not been turned over to Congress by the DOJ. Earlier that day, President Obama had invoked executive privilege over those documents which then shut it down.
Do any liberals here ever do any checking on these far-left stories before they run with them? FYI, this story has been debunked.

Just one question: If the Benghazi investigation is a sham, when is the Obama administration going to explain why the jets that were just 90 minutes away on Crete were never scrambled to go aid the Americans fighting for their lives in Benghazi? If you'll recall, the administration's story has been that the nearest air support was 4 hours away, but, as Senator McCain has noted repeatedly, we have jets on our base in Crete that could have been on the scene in 90 minutes. When are we gonna get an answer to this question?

When Sycophant Dempsey testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, McCain asked him this very question three times, and each time Dempsey dodged it.

Perhaps a better question is, Do you guys even care?
The bottom line is that Hilbat's State Department had warning of an attack and an ambassador who wanted more security. They did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

The warnings were believed by the Brits and the Red Cross. They both pulled out of Libya.

To bad we didn't do the same. If we had those four men would still be alive.

Oh and if anyone thinks Hilbat will be held accountable by DC, think again. Nothing will ever come of her gross negligence at Benghazi. She is, after all, one of them.

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

It still does not answer the question why they were not pulled out of there like the Red Cross and British did.
The cut funding is just an excuse used by the left.
There have been 8 investigations in to this one attack. Previous attacks that have been worse have had zero or one investigation. Never was the President blamed. Additionally these "investigations" came after the Republican slide show during President Obama inauguration where Republicans illustrated to their members how they were going to cause the administration to fail. Issa's proclamation this the Obama administration was the "most corrupt in history". Multiple investigations into other "scandals" including "Fast and Furious", "Solyndra", and "The IRS", which yielded nothing but Issa leaking initially embarrassing out of context information to the Press. Mitch McConnell proclamation that the Republican Senators were devoted to making President Obama a "one term President". Ethically? This is appalling. Using the government as a "sword" to vanquish your opponents as opposed to doing the people's business. And this sort of behavior should have consequences.

Eric Holder shut down the Fast and Furious investigation, talk about partisan.

He didn't shut it down.

What a fucking moronic thing to post.

Sorry it was the President my bad.
On June 20, 2012, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted along party lines to recommend that Holder be held in contempt. At issue were 1,300 pages of documents that had not been turned over to Congress by the DOJ. Earlier that day, President Obama had invoked executive privilege over those documents which then shut it down.

That didn't "shut it down" either.
There have been 8 investigations in to this one attack. Previous attacks that have been worse have had zero or one investigation. Never was the President blamed. Additionally these "investigations" came after the Republican slide show during President Obama inauguration where Republicans illustrated to their members how they were going to cause the administration to fail. Issa's proclamation this the Obama administration was the "most corrupt in history". Multiple investigations into other "scandals" including "Fast and Furious", "Solyndra", and "The IRS", which yielded nothing but Issa leaking initially embarrassing out of context information to the Press. Mitch McConnell proclamation that the Republican Senators were devoted to making President Obama a "one term President". Ethically? This is appalling. Using the government as a "sword" to vanquish your opponents as opposed to doing the people's business. And this sort of behavior should have consequences.

Eric Holder shut down the Fast and Furious investigation, talk about partisan.

He didn't shut it down.

What a fucking moronic thing to post.

Sorry it was the President my bad.
On June 20, 2012, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee voted along party lines to recommend that Holder be held in contempt. At issue were 1,300 pages of documents that had not been turned over to Congress by the DOJ. Earlier that day, President Obama had invoked executive privilege over those documents which then shut it down.

That didn't "shut it down" either.

When was the last hearing?
The bottom line is that Hilbat's State Department had warning of an attack and an ambassador who wanted more security. They did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

The warnings were believed by the Brits and the Red Cross. They both pulled out of Libya.

To bad we didn't do the same. If we had those four men would still be alive.

Oh and if anyone thinks Hilbat will be held accountable by DC, think again. Nothing will ever come of her gross negligence at Benghazi. She is, after all, one of them.

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

It still does not answer the question why they were not pulled out of there like the Red Cross and British did.
The cut funding is just an excuse used by the left.

Here are some of the "fun" questions you folks refuse to ask..

1. Why did Ambassador Stevens go to the consulate even though there was obvious trouble brewing because of the video and anniversary of 9/11?
2. Why were the CIA keeping and torturing prisoners in the Consulate Annex?
3. How did a criminal get the means to make an inflammatory video and post it on youtube in violation of his parole?
4. Why did the Republicans vote to cut funding to consulate and embassy protection despite the known risks?
5. Is it appropriate and proper for a Presidential Candidate to make an issue of an attack on the US and blame it on the Commander in Chief while the attack is on going?

Nope. None of those things are even in your radar.
The bottom line is that Hilbat's State Department had warning of an attack and an ambassador who wanted more security. They did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

The warnings were believed by the Brits and the Red Cross. They both pulled out of Libya.

To bad we didn't do the same. If we had those four men would still be alive.

Oh and if anyone thinks Hilbat will be held accountable by DC, think again. Nothing will ever come of her gross negligence at Benghazi. She is, after all, one of them.

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

It still does not answer the question why they were not pulled out of there like the Red Cross and British did.
The cut funding is just an excuse used by the left.

Here are some of the "fun" questions you folks refuse to ask..

1. Why did Ambassador Stevens go to the consulate even though there was obvious trouble brewing because of the video and anniversary of 9/11?
2. Why were the CIA keeping and torturing prisoners in the Consulate Annex?
3. How did a criminal get the means to make an inflammatory video and post it on youtube in violation of his parole?
4. Why did the Republicans vote to cut funding to consulate and embassy protection despite the known risks?
5. Is it appropriate and proper for a Presidential Candidate to make an issue of an attack on the US and blame it on the Commander in Chief while the attack is on going?

Nope. None of those things are even in your radar.

It has been proven many times that the video was a lie.
Hillary said herself that she was the one who wanted Stevens there.
The bottom line is that Hilbat's State Department had warning of an attack and an ambassador who wanted more security. They did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

The warnings were believed by the Brits and the Red Cross. They both pulled out of Libya.

To bad we didn't do the same. If we had those four men would still be alive.

Oh and if anyone thinks Hilbat will be held accountable by DC, think again. Nothing will ever come of her gross negligence at Benghazi. She is, after all, one of them.

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

It still does not answer the question why they were not pulled out of there like the Red Cross and British did.
The cut funding is just an excuse used by the left.

Here are some of the "fun" questions you folks refuse to ask..

1. Why did Ambassador Stevens go to the consulate even though there was obvious trouble brewing because of the video and anniversary of 9/11?
2. Why were the CIA keeping and torturing prisoners in the Consulate Annex?
3. How did a criminal get the means to make an inflammatory video and post it on youtube in violation of his parole?
4. Why did the Republicans vote to cut funding to consulate and embassy protection despite the known risks?
5. Is it appropriate and proper for a Presidential Candidate to make an issue of an attack on the US and blame it on the Commander in Chief while the attack is on going?

Nope. None of those things are even in your radar.

It has been proven many times that the video was a lie.
Hillary said herself that she was the one who wanted Stevens there.

That's from the horse's mouth.

And that's someone no fucking Republican bothered to ask.
The bottom line is that Hilbat's State Department had warning of an attack and an ambassador who wanted more security. They did nothing and four good men died because of that nothing.

The warnings were believed by the Brits and the Red Cross. They both pulled out of Libya.

To bad we didn't do the same. If we had those four men would still be alive.

Oh and if anyone thinks Hilbat will be held accountable by DC, think again. Nothing will ever come of her gross negligence at Benghazi. She is, after all, one of them.

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

From your own link it said;
In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

It still does not answer the question why they were not pulled out of there like the Red Cross and British did.
The cut funding is just an excuse used by the left.

Here are some of the "fun" questions you folks refuse to ask..

1. Why did Ambassador Stevens go to the consulate even though there was obvious trouble brewing because of the video and anniversary of 9/11?
2. Why were the CIA keeping and torturing prisoners in the Consulate Annex?
3. How did a criminal get the means to make an inflammatory video and post it on youtube in violation of his parole?
4. Why did the Republicans vote to cut funding to consulate and embassy protection despite the known risks?
5. Is it appropriate and proper for a Presidential Candidate to make an issue of an attack on the US and blame it on the Commander in Chief while the attack is o

How could they when it says he can't be found and that he was not all there mentally.
From your own link it says;
In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.
Last edited:
Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

On Wednesday morning, CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

From your own link it said;
In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

"Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

It still does not answer the question why they were not pulled out of there like the Red Cross and British did.
The cut funding is just an excuse used by the left.

Here are some of the "fun" questions you folks refuse to ask..

1. Why did Ambassador Stevens go to the consulate even though there was obvious trouble brewing because of the video and anniversary of 9/11?
2. Why were the CIA keeping and torturing prisoners in the Consulate Annex?
3. How did a criminal get the means to make an inflammatory video and post it on youtube in violation of his parole?
4. Why did the Republicans vote to cut funding to consulate and embassy protection despite the known risks?
5. Is it appropriate and proper for a Presidential Candidate to make an issue of an attack on the US and blame it on the Commander in Chief while the attack is o

How could they when it says he can't be found and that he was not all there mentally.
From your own link it says;
In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.


Did you read and understand this?

By the way, the ambassador wasn't "killed". He died of smoke inhalation.

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