Another Republican fesses up about the Benghazi Sham inquisistion..

We seen the deletions and the damage done. The investigation continues and Hillary is tanking...drip...drip...drip...

If the investigation was going anywhere the GOP wouldn't be shifting to plan B, which is try to get Biden to run. :rofl:

Hmm did I say plan B? Nvm after 25 years of trying to take Hillary out this must be plan W or X by now. :laugh:
What are you talking about? The Dems are in panic mod and plan B is theirs for Biden. Hillary and Bernie are sure to be losers, so it's little wonder.

Wait until a few million of those McCarthy ads run and for the Benghazi and e-mail "scandals" to fall apart.
Seems to me that if you're going to put on a big show going after a high-profile figure - especially a likely presidential contender, holy crap - you need to be absolutely certain that you have them dead to rights, hand in the cookie jar, stone cold nailed before you even hold the first meeting.

This has been nothing more than an ongoing rambling wreck, and now it's essentially a punchline.

Its a lot more than a punchline, its been exposed that the Republicans used the death of 4 Americans SOLEY for political gain.

A litany of campaign commercials to follow in the coming year.
I guess it is a little difficult for someone who hates Hillary to see what could happened.

A GOP nominee want these investigations to produce something, else it will hurt them in the general election(unless they are an outsider like Trump)
If Jeb wins the nomination--see you republicans in 2020!!

This is the kind of crap the public hates--misinformation and bogus evidence--at the federal government level!!
Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

GOP Whistleblower Reveals Benghazi Investigation Is “Partisan Investigation” Of Clinton And They Fired Him

Horse shit.

The investigation OF COURSE took a turn to include questions about the Shrillary private e-mails.

They could be a fucking GOLD MINE of information about Benghazi which she would try to keep well hidden.

Fuck sake. The matters of Benghazi and Shrillary's private e-mails are not "unrelated," as the liberal Democrap whiners (and misbegotten bogus Republican suck-ups) contend. The matters are very much and legitimately interwoven.

Shrillary is a dishonest twat and all methods to get to the bottom of how she and Obumbler failed to properly deal with the attack at Benghazi deserve to be explored.
Yeah. Even when this investigation fails to incriminate them, we should start anoher one! And then another one!!! And another!!! Until Hillary says she won't run for President! Then we can stop because mission accomplished.

Your grasp on how investigations work ans should work is tenuous. In any investigation worthy ofthe name, LEADS get followed. Trails of "evidence" get pursued. Where artificial roadblocks have been thrown up making access to required information difficult, they need to get worked around. What might seem to some outsider to be a silly and innocuous question can become the be-all and end-all of any thorough investigation.

When they were conducting the infamous WATERGATE hearings, it was a simple question about a taping system in the Oval Office that led to the downfall of President Nixon. Why? Because it got PURSUED!

Here, what did or did not happen in the decision making arena relative to Benghazi MIGHT be found somewhere in the fucking emails 9which shouldn't have even existed) that Shrillary made, kept and tried to hide.

OF COURSE they need to be looked into.
What should they do to prolong the investigation once they find nothing in the e-mails?
they already found nothing in the emails on benghazi, they have had her server for a month, said there was nothing wiped clean, as repubs claimed for months, she simply deleted her private emails, which is required by the regulations for all gvt employees, delete their personal emails and archive ONLY gvt related emails, the lady won't be wearing orange as the repubs are salivating for....and claim, because she committed no crimes....

Nonsense. They are still finding alternative servers. They are far from being in a position to know yet what was wiped or attempted to be wiped.

I have never expected for her to be wearing any orange pant suits.

I wouldn't expect her to even be charged (unlike Gen. Petraeus. was).

And that's never been the point.

Last night at the laughable Democrat Parody "debates," when he intoned that the American people are sick of the emails matter, he was wrong. It needs to be much more fully investigated. And even if nothing incriminating is discovered, you have to wonder WHY she found it necessary to use such a fool hearty alternative to the official email system. That shrill beyotch really SHOULD start to grasp a simple truth. Rules are supposed to apply to HER, too.
Horse shit.

The investigation OF COURSE took a turn to include questions about the Shrillary private e-mails.

They could be a fucking GOLD MINE of information about Benghazi which she would try to keep well hidden.

Fuck sake. The matters of Benghazi and Shrillary's private e-mails are not "unrelated," as the liberal Democrap whiners (and misbegotten bogus Republican suck-ups) contend. The matters are very much and legitimately interwoven.

Shrillary is a dishonest twat and all methods to get to the bottom of how she and Obumbler failed to properly deal with the attack at Benghazi deserve to be explored.
Yeah. Even when this investigation fails to incriminate them, we should start anoher one! And then another one!!! And another!!! Until Hillary says she won't run for President! Then we can stop because mission accomplished.

Your grasp on how investigations work ans should work is tenuous. In any investigation worthy ofthe name, LEADS get followed. Trails of "evidence" get pursued. Where artificial roadblocks have been thrown up making access to required information difficult, they need to get worked around. What might seem to some outsider to be a silly and innocuous question can become the be-all and end-all of any thorough investigation.

When they were conducting the infamous WATERGATE hearings, it was a simple question about a taping system in the Oval Office that led to the downfall of President Nixon. Why? Because it got PURSUED!

Here, what did or did not happen in the decision making arena relative to Benghazi MIGHT be found somewhere in the fucking emails 9which shouldn't have even existed) that Shrillary made, kept and tried to hide.

OF COURSE they need to be looked into.
What should they do to prolong the investigation once they find nothing in the e-mails?
they already found nothing in the emails on benghazi, they have had her server for a month, said there was nothing wiped clean, as repubs claimed for months, she simply deleted her private emails, which is required by the regulations for all gvt employees, delete their personal emails and archive ONLY gvt related emails, the lady won't be wearing orange as the repubs are salivating for....and claim, because she committed no crimes....

Nonsense. They are still finding alternative servers. They are far from being in a position to know yet what was wiped or attempted to be wiped.

I have never expected for her to be wearing any orange pant suits.

I wouldn't expect her to even be charged (unlike Gen. Petraeus. was).

And that's never been the point.

Last night at the laughable Democrat Parody "debates," when he intoned that the American people are sick of the emails matter, he was wrong. It needs to be much more fully investigated. And even if nothing incriminating is discovered, you have to wonder WHY she found it necessary to use such a fool hearty alternative to the official email system. That shrill beyotch really SHOULD start to grasp a simple truth. Rules are supposed to apply to HER, too.
This was the real scandal.

Never been done before:

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is getting hammered today over his campaign's combative and politically-charged response to the attacks on the U.S. Embassies in Egypt and Libya.

Before we take a look at what Republicans are saying, we've laid out a timeline of Romney's response over the past 24 hours to give you an idea of why people are so upset:

Romney Shredded For Embassy Attack Response - Business Insider

Republicans initially started the "investigations" to cover Romney's unprecedented and despicable behavior.

But having found nothing, seven times, they decided they could stretch this into a smear Hillary Campaign. As McCarthy aptly pointed out, very clearly.

Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

GOP Whistleblower Reveals Benghazi Investigation Is “Partisan Investigation” Of Clinton And They Fired Him
Don't care. If Hillary goes down all the better.

Got a topic anyone cares about?

If Shrillary had gone down on Bubba, the Monica thing might never have come up.
Yeah. Even when this investigation fails to incriminate them, we should start anoher one! And then another one!!! And another!!! Until Hillary says she won't run for President! Then we can stop because mission accomplished.

Your grasp on how investigations work ans should work is tenuous. In any investigation worthy ofthe name, LEADS get followed. Trails of "evidence" get pursued. Where artificial roadblocks have been thrown up making access to required information difficult, they need to get worked around. What might seem to some outsider to be a silly and innocuous question can become the be-all and end-all of any thorough investigation.

When they were conducting the infamous WATERGATE hearings, it was a simple question about a taping system in the Oval Office that led to the downfall of President Nixon. Why? Because it got PURSUED!

Here, what did or did not happen in the decision making arena relative to Benghazi MIGHT be found somewhere in the fucking emails 9which shouldn't have even existed) that Shrillary made, kept and tried to hide.

OF COURSE they need to be looked into.
What should they do to prolong the investigation once they find nothing in the e-mails?
they already found nothing in the emails on benghazi, they have had her server for a month, said there was nothing wiped clean, as repubs claimed for months, she simply deleted her private emails, which is required by the regulations for all gvt employees, delete their personal emails and archive ONLY gvt related emails, the lady won't be wearing orange as the repubs are salivating for....and claim, because she committed no crimes....

Nonsense. They are still finding alternative servers. They are far from being in a position to know yet what was wiped or attempted to be wiped.

I have never expected for her to be wearing any orange pant suits.

I wouldn't expect her to even be charged (unlike Gen. Petraeus. was).

And that's never been the point.

Last night at the laughable Democrat Parody "debates," when he intoned that the American people are sick of the emails matter, he was wrong. It needs to be much more fully investigated. And even if nothing incriminating is discovered, you have to wonder WHY she found it necessary to use such a fool hearty alternative to the official email system. That shrill beyotch really SHOULD start to grasp a simple truth. Rules are supposed to apply to HER, too.

It is pretty sad that so many of our lolberals think that the concept of RULES applying to lolberal "leaders" is a laughing matter.
Your grasp on how investigations work ans should work is tenuous. In any investigation worthy ofthe name, LEADS get followed. Trails of "evidence" get pursued. Where artificial roadblocks have been thrown up making access to required information difficult, they need to get worked around. What might seem to some outsider to be a silly and innocuous question can become the be-all and end-all of any thorough investigation.

When they were conducting the infamous WATERGATE hearings, it was a simple question about a taping system in the Oval Office that led to the downfall of President Nixon. Why? Because it got PURSUED!

Here, what did or did not happen in the decision making arena relative to Benghazi MIGHT be found somewhere in the fucking emails 9which shouldn't have even existed) that Shrillary made, kept and tried to hide.

OF COURSE they need to be looked into.
What should they do to prolong the investigation once they find nothing in the e-mails?
they already found nothing in the emails on benghazi, they have had her server for a month, said there was nothing wiped clean, as repubs claimed for months, she simply deleted her private emails, which is required by the regulations for all gvt employees, delete their personal emails and archive ONLY gvt related emails, the lady won't be wearing orange as the repubs are salivating for....and claim, because she committed no crimes....

Nonsense. They are still finding alternative servers. They are far from being in a position to know yet what was wiped or attempted to be wiped.

I have never expected for her to be wearing any orange pant suits.

I wouldn't expect her to even be charged (unlike Gen. Petraeus. was).

And that's never been the point.

Last night at the laughable Democrat Parody "debates," when he intoned that the American people are sick of the emails matter, he was wrong. It needs to be much more fully investigated. And even if nothing incriminating is discovered, you have to wonder WHY she found it necessary to use such a fool hearty alternative to the official email system. That shrill beyotch really SHOULD start to grasp a simple truth. Rules are supposed to apply to HER, too.

It is pretty sad that so many of our lolberals think that the concept of RULES applying to lolberal "leaders" is a laughing matter.

Well they didn't apply to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Colin Powell.

But suddenly they apply to Hillary Clinton?

Boy howdy.
What should they do to prolong the investigation once they find nothing in the e-mails?
they already found nothing in the emails on benghazi, they have had her server for a month, said there was nothing wiped clean, as repubs claimed for months, she simply deleted her private emails, which is required by the regulations for all gvt employees, delete their personal emails and archive ONLY gvt related emails, the lady won't be wearing orange as the repubs are salivating for....and claim, because she committed no crimes....

Nonsense. They are still finding alternative servers. They are far from being in a position to know yet what was wiped or attempted to be wiped.

I have never expected for her to be wearing any orange pant suits.

I wouldn't expect her to even be charged (unlike Gen. Petraeus. was).

And that's never been the point.

Last night at the laughable Democrat Parody "debates," when he intoned that the American people are sick of the emails matter, he was wrong. It needs to be much more fully investigated. And even if nothing incriminating is discovered, you have to wonder WHY she found it necessary to use such a fool hearty alternative to the official email system. That shrill beyotch really SHOULD start to grasp a simple truth. Rules are supposed to apply to HER, too.

It is pretty sad that so many of our lolberals think that the concept of RULES applying to lolberal "leaders" is a laughing matter.

Well they didn't apply to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Colin Powell.

But suddenly they apply to Hillary Clinton?

Boy howdy.

Rules are supposed to apply to all elected (and appointed) officials, bubba.

But you libbies imagine that when it is your folks who are doing the screwing around, it's perfectly ok. Especially if you can claim (fairly, validly, dishonestly bogus-ly, whatever) that the "other guys" have done it, "too."
Last edited:
they already found nothing in the emails on benghazi, they have had her server for a month, said there was nothing wiped clean, as repubs claimed for months, she simply deleted her private emails, which is required by the regulations for all gvt employees, delete their personal emails and archive ONLY gvt related emails, the lady won't be wearing orange as the repubs are salivating for....and claim, because she committed no crimes....

Nonsense. They are still finding alternative servers. They are far from being in a position to know yet what was wiped or attempted to be wiped.

I have never expected for her to be wearing any orange pant suits.

I wouldn't expect her to even be charged (unlike Gen. Petraeus. was).

And that's never been the point.

Last night at the laughable Democrat Parody "debates," when he intoned that the American people are sick of the emails matter, he was wrong. It needs to be much more fully investigated. And even if nothing incriminating is discovered, you have to wonder WHY she found it necessary to use such a fool hearty alternative to the official email system. That shrill beyotch really SHOULD start to grasp a simple truth. Rules are supposed to apply to HER, too.

It is pretty sad that so many of our lolberals think that the concept of RULES applying to lolberal "leaders" is a laughing matter.

Well they didn't apply to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Colin Powell.

But suddenly they apply to Hillary Clinton?

Boy howdy.

Rules are supposed to apply to all elected 9and appointed) officials, bubba.

But you libbies imagine that when it is your folks who are doing the screwing around, it's perfectly ok. Especially if you can claim (fairly, validly, dishonestly bogusly, whatever) that the "other guys" have done it, "too."

Nonsense. They are still finding alternative servers. They are far from being in a position to know yet what was wiped or attempted to be wiped.

I have never expected for her to be wearing any orange pant suits.

I wouldn't expect her to even be charged (unlike Gen. Petraeus. was).

And that's never been the point.

Last night at the laughable Democrat Parody "debates," when he intoned that the American people are sick of the emails matter, he was wrong. It needs to be much more fully investigated. And even if nothing incriminating is discovered, you have to wonder WHY she found it necessary to use such a fool hearty alternative to the official email system. That shrill beyotch really SHOULD start to grasp a simple truth. Rules are supposed to apply to HER, too.

It is pretty sad that so many of our lolberals think that the concept of RULES applying to lolberal "leaders" is a laughing matter.

Well they didn't apply to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Colin Powell.

But suddenly they apply to Hillary Clinton?

Boy howdy.

Rules are supposed to apply to all elected 9and appointed) officials, bubba.

But you libbies imagine that when it is your folks who are doing the screwing around, it's perfectly ok. Especially if you can claim (fairly, validly, dishonestly bogusly, whatever) that the "other guys" have done it, "too."
View attachment 52564


Nice non-sequitur, pal! Bravo. Obviously evasive attempt, but still a valiant effort.

The question was not the number of ensuing investigations over embassy (consulate) attacks.

The TOPIC (just to remind of your OWN post a couple of posts back) was whether rules should apply to Shrillary when they allegedly didn't apply to some GOP examples.
Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

GOP Whistleblower Reveals Benghazi Investigation Is “Partisan Investigation” Of Clinton And They Fired Him
Don't care. If Hillary goes down all the better.

Got a topic anyone cares about?

If Shrillary had gone down on Bubba, the Monica thing might never have come up.
I should sue you for putting that image in my brain.
Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

GOP Whistleblower Reveals Benghazi Investigation Is “Partisan Investigation” Of Clinton And They Fired Him
Don't care. If Hillary goes down all the better.

Got a topic anyone cares about?

If Shrillary had gone down on Bubba, the Monica thing might never have come up.
I should sue you for putting that image in my brain.

No need, it won't stay there long. Your capacity is so limited that the need to breathe alone will push it out.

It is pretty sad that so many of our lolberals think that the concept of RULES applying to lolberal "leaders" is a laughing matter.

Well they didn't apply to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Colin Powell.

But suddenly they apply to Hillary Clinton?

Boy howdy.

Rules are supposed to apply to all elected 9and appointed) officials, bubba.

But you libbies imagine that when it is your folks who are doing the screwing around, it's perfectly ok. Especially if you can claim (fairly, validly, dishonestly bogusly, whatever) that the "other guys" have done it, "too."
View attachment 52564


Nice non-sequitur, pal! Bravo. Obviously evasive attempt, but still a valiant effort.

The question was not the number of ensuing investigations over embassy (consulate) attacks.

The TOPIC (just to remind of your OWN post a couple of posts back) was whether rules should apply to Shrillary when they allegedly didn't apply to some GOP examples.

Non-Sequitur would mean one thing had nothing to do with the other.


And there's this:

Priorities and Choices..
It is pretty sad that so many of our lolberals think that the concept of RULES applying to lolberal "leaders" is a laughing matter.

Well they didn't apply to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Colin Powell.

But suddenly they apply to Hillary Clinton?

Boy howdy.

Rules are supposed to apply to all elected 9and appointed) officials, bubba.

But you libbies imagine that when it is your folks who are doing the screwing around, it's perfectly ok. Especially if you can claim (fairly, validly, dishonestly bogusly, whatever) that the "other guys" have done it, "too."
View attachment 52564


Nice non-sequitur, pal! Bravo. Obviously evasive attempt, but still a valiant effort.

The question was not the number of ensuing investigations over embassy (consulate) attacks.

The TOPIC (just to remind of your OWN post a couple of posts back) was whether rules should apply to Shrillary when they allegedly didn't apply to some GOP examples.

Non-Sequitur would mean one thing had nothing to do with the other.


And there's this:

Priorities and Choices..

That is why i noted that your non-sequitur was a non-sequitur.
Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

GOP Whistleblower Reveals Benghazi Investigation Is “Partisan Investigation” Of Clinton And They Fired Him
Don't care. If Hillary goes down all the better.

Got a topic anyone cares about?

If Shrillary had gone down on Bubba, the Monica thing might never have come up.
I should sue you for putting that image in my brain.

It is indeed a horrifying thought.
We seen the deletions and the damage done. The investigation continues and Hillary is tanking...drip...drip...drip...

If the investigation was going anywhere the GOP wouldn't be shifting to plan B, which is try to get Biden to run. :rofl:

Hmm did I say plan B? Nvm after 25 years of trying to take Hillary out this must be plan W or X by now. :laugh:

I liked ti when the Democraps took Shrillary out the last time -- EXCEPT for the fact that we got even WORSE in the exchange.

Given a choice of Shrillary OR Plugs Biden, I would certainly hope all you old Dims choose to move to Somalia, instead.
Last edited:
Well they didn't apply to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and Colin Powell.

But suddenly they apply to Hillary Clinton?

Boy howdy.

Rules are supposed to apply to all elected 9and appointed) officials, bubba.

But you libbies imagine that when it is your folks who are doing the screwing around, it's perfectly ok. Especially if you can claim (fairly, validly, dishonestly bogusly, whatever) that the "other guys" have done it, "too."
View attachment 52564


Nice non-sequitur, pal! Bravo. Obviously evasive attempt, but still a valiant effort.

The question was not the number of ensuing investigations over embassy (consulate) attacks.

The TOPIC (just to remind of your OWN post a couple of posts back) was whether rules should apply to Shrillary when they allegedly didn't apply to some GOP examples.

Non-Sequitur would mean one thing had nothing to do with the other.


And there's this:

Priorities and Choices..

That is why i noted that your non-sequitur was a non-sequitur.

Except it wasn't.

Thanks for playing.

There are door prizes.

Just see the lovely lady on your way out.

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