Another Responsible Gun Owner: Houston Massacre

Meanwhile, 300,000,000 guns were NOT used to harm anyone today.

Yet another topic that illustrates how anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and or dishonesty.

Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
Meanwhile, 300,000,000 guns were NOT used to harm anyone today.

Yet another topic that illustrates how anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and or dishonesty.

Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.
The risk as minimal as it is is wellworth it for me, the risk I take driving every day is far far greater.

Not true. Gun deaths in America are quickly becoming as common as automobile deaths.

Gun deaths.

More gun grabber b.s.

Can you give me a cast iron guarantee that if I wave my magic wand and make every gun in the universe disappear, that the people who commit suicide with a gun won't commit suicide another way?

Of course you can't..because when the U.K. got rid of guns, their suicide rate WENT UP!

People leaped from buildings and bridges, hung themselves and poisoned themselves with carbon monoxide instead.

So, if you wish to make an argument, PLEASE, make it an honest argument...leave the bullshit out of it.

Suicides account for most gun deaths

By Drew DeSilver

Suicides by gun accounted for about six of every 10 firearm deaths in 2010 and just over half of all suicides, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Since the CDC began publishing data in 1981, gun suicides have outnumbered gun homicides. But as gun homicides have declined sharply in recent years, suicides have become a greater share of all firearm deaths: the 61% share in 2010 was the highest on record.

That year there were 19,392 suicides by firearm compared to 11,078 homicides by gun (35% of all firearm deaths). The rest were accidents, police shootings and unknown causes.

Suicides account for most gun deaths | Pew Research Center
How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children

A gunman killed at least six people, including four children, in a Houston suburb and then engaged police in a three-hour standoff before finally surrendering late Wednesday.

The suspected gunman, who has not yet been identified,*is believed to be related to at least some of the victims, officials told Houston ABC station KTRK.
These heinous crimes are so pervasive these days and it is all because of lax gun laws that go unchecked. Stronger legislation is needed with much HARSHER penalties for those who shoot others intentionally. As long as the law merely gives a slight slap on the wrist to these crazy people they are only going to continue in that vein of shooting at whomever they want knowing full well they will most likely either receive a small sentence or get away with it altogether. In the meantime more innocent children and others will continue to lose their lives.

I just wanted to add that of course people have the right to use and bear arms but they should use those arms in a RESPONSIBLE manner. When they don't, others can lose their life and cold-blooded murder is never an acceptable thing.
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It was the kids' crazy father. Want to make a bet that he voted democrat and that democrat party policies made it possible for him to obtain a weapon? Never let a tragedy go to waste if you can make a political issue out of it.

... said the hypocrite, making a political issue out of a tragedy.

Quit standing on the bodies of dead children to make political points.

Its doubtful he voted Dem but even if he did, it means nothing. Doesn't matter if he's a tee potty, a morm or an atheist.

He's a crazy person with a gun. Address that fact because that's all that really matters.
How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children

A gunman killed at least six people, including four children, in a Houston suburb and then engaged police in a three-hour standoff before finally surrendering late Wednesday.

The suspected gunman, who has not yet been identified,*is believed to be related to at least some of the victims, officials told Houston ABC station KTRK.
These heinous crimes are so pervasive these days and it is all because of lax gun laws that go unchecked. Stronger legislation is needed with much HARSHER penalties for those who shoot others intentionally.
Ithappened in Texas, that means this fellow faces the death penalty. He committed several capital offenses. He faces the worst penalty one can in the United states. Stricter gun laws wouldn't really restrictpeople that break the law. Thelaw. can't prevent you from breaking it.

As long as the law merely gives a slight slap on the wrist to these crazy people they are only going to continue in that vein of shooting at whomever they want knowing full well they will most likely either receive a small sentence or get away with it altogether.
The guy faces the electric chair. I wouldn't call that a slap in the wrist.
In the meantime more innocent children and others will continue to lose their lives.
In Texas you can be executed for intentionally killing a child.
How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children

A gunman killed at least six people, including four children, in a Houston suburb and then engaged police in a three-hour standoff before finally surrendering late Wednesday.

The suspected gunman, who has not yet been identified,*is believed to be related to at least some of the victims, officials told Houston ABC station KTRK.
These heinous crimes are so pervasive these days and it is all because of lax gun laws that go unchecked. Stronger legislation is needed with much HARSHER penalties for those who shoot others intentionally. As long as the law merely gives a slight slap on the wrist to these crazy people they are only going to continue in that vein of shooting at whomever they want knowing full well they will most likely either receive a small sentence or get away with it altogether. In the meantime more innocent children and others will continue to lose their lives.

This guy committed what appears to be pre-mediated murder in TEXAS. he's getting a needle in his arm. Can't punish someone more than that.
None of the anti-gun loons will even try to address the question posed below with something other than emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty:

-I have a license to own a gun. To get that license I had to show a need to own a gun.
-I have a license to carry a gun. To get that license I had to undergo training and undergo a fingerprinted background check.
-All of my guns are registered; the state has their make, model, serial number and ballistic fingerprint on record.
-I had to undergo at least one background check before I bought all of my guns, including those I bought in private sales and those I bought from the federal government – which required fingerprints
-All of my guns and their magazines were purchased legally between 1995 and 2003.

How do these things prevent me from going over to my ex-wife's house to shoot her, my kids and anyone else I might choose?
Meanwhile, 300,000,000 guns were NOT used to harm anyone today.

Yet another topic that illustrates how anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and or dishonesty.

Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.


Where is anyone talking about losing rights?

You've been pretty level headed in other threads so I really hope you're not one of those nutters who answers every gun death by saying we should ban cars or by calling people "gun grabbers".

The only people who talk about banning are the fools who want more guns and guns everywhere. And, they're the ones who are causing guns to be banned in public places.
Meanwhile, 300,000,000 guns were NOT used to harm anyone today.

Yet another topic that illustrates how anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and or dishonesty.

Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
Thank you for continuing to help prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children

A gunman killed at least six people, including four children, in a Houston suburb and then engaged police in a three-hour standoff before finally surrendering late Wednesday.

The suspected gunman, who has not yet been identified,*is believed to be related to at least some of the victims, officials told Houston ABC station KTRK.
These heinous crimes are so pervasive these days and it is all because of lax gun laws that go unchecked. Stronger legislation is needed with much HARSHER penalties for those who shoot others intentionally. As long as the law merely gives a slight slap on the wrist to these crazy people they are only going to continue in that vein of shooting at whomever they want knowing full well they will most likely either receive a small sentence or get away with it altogether. In the meantime more innocent children and others will continue to lose their lives.

What do you propose?
Meanwhile, 300,000,000 guns were NOT used to harm anyone today.

Yet another topic that illustrates how anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and or dishonesty.

Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
Thank you for continuing to help prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Thank you for showing again that some nutters have no emotional response to dead children.
Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.


Where is anyone talking about losing rights?

You've been pretty level headed in other threads so I really hope you're not one of those nutters who answers every gun death by saying we should ban cars or by calling people "gun grabbers".

The only people who talk about banning are the fools who want more guns and guns everywhere. And, they're the ones who are causing guns to be banned in public places.

Well, there's a question on the table Luddly...let's hear your response.

None of the anti-gun loons will even try to address the question posed below with something other than emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty:

-I have a license to own a gun. To get that license I had to show a need to own a gun.
-I have a license to carry a gun. To get that license I had to undergo training and undergo a fingerprinted background check.
-All of my guns are registered; the state has their make, model, serial number and ballistic fingerprint on record.
-I had to undergo at least one background check before I bought all of my guns, including those I bought in private sales and those I bought from the federal government – which required fingerprints
-All of my guns and their magazines were purchased legally between 1995 and 2003.

How do these things prevent me from going over to my ex-wife's house to shoot her, my kids and anyone else I might choose?
Another thing that is common knowledge: it is NOT THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS WHO OWN GUNS. Only about 30-35% of Americans own guns.

The risk as minimal as it is is wellworth it for me, the risk I take driving every day is far far greater.

Not true. Gun deaths in America are quickly becoming as common as automobile deaths.

Yep. More than 30 a day.

But, IMO, comparing deaths by one cause to deaths by another cause is counter-productive. The only thing they have in common is the end result.
Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
Thank you for continuing to help prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Thank you for showing again that some nutters have no emotional response to dead children.
Thank you for continuing to help prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.


Where is anyone talking about losing rights?

You've been pretty level headed in other threads so I really hope you're not one of those nutters who answers every gun death by saying we should ban cars or by calling people "gun grabbers".

The only people who talk about banning are the fools who want more guns and guns everywhere. And, they're the ones who are causing guns to be banned in public places.
the second amendment says that the right of the people to keep and bare arms must nit be infringed. I tend to dislike any infringement. No, I don't do that partisan crap. I am a fun owner and an enthusiast.

So I am not level headed if I disagree with you about something?

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