Another Responsible Gun Owner: Houston Massacre

Just heard he's not their father, he's Fed Ex driver and the survival is 15yo, not 14.

I can almost guarantee that that is a fact.

The shirt unmistakably Fed-ex.

The risk as minimal as it is is wellworth it for me, the risk I take driving every day is far far greater.

Not true. Gun deaths in America are quickly becoming as common as automobile deaths.

Yep. More than 30 a day.

But, IMO, comparing deaths by one cause to deaths by another cause is counter-productive. The only thing they have in common is the end result.

Saying that guns or gun laws are the problem in regard to violence is misplacing blame.

When somebody tells me my life is at risk by being a gun owner that is counter productive, my life is art risk by simply having a life.
Meanwhile, 300,000,000 guns were NOT used to harm anyone today.

Yet another topic that illustrates how anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and or dishonesty.

Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.

Your rights were written by men who never envisioned what goes on today with mass shooting, with men killing groups of children, with boys shooting down their classmates, etc. The founding fathers never imagined what goes on today. If they were dealing with what we deal with today, the second amendment would not exist.
Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.

Your rights were written by men who never envisioned what goes on today with mass shooting, with men killing groups of children, with boys shooting down their classmates, etc. The founding fathers never imagined what goes on today. If they were dealing with what we deal with today, the second amendment would not exist.
You cannot support this with anything other than your mindless, ignorant, bigoted opinion.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.


Where is anyone talking about losing rights?

You've been pretty level headed in other threads so I really hope you're not one of those nutters who answers every gun death by saying we should ban cars or by calling people "gun grabbers".

The only people who talk about banning are the fools who want more guns and guns everywhere. And, they're the ones who are causing guns to be banned in public places.

Well, there's a question on the table Luddly...let's hear your response.

None of the anti-gun loons will even try to address the question posed below with something other than emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty:

-I have a license to own a gun. To get that license I had to show a need to own a gun.
-I have a license to carry a gun. To get that license I had to undergo training and undergo a fingerprinted background check.
-All of my guns are registered; the state has their make, model, serial number and ballistic fingerprint on record.
-I had to undergo at least one background check before I bought all of my guns, including those I bought in private sales and those I bought from the federal government – which required fingerprints
-All of my guns and their magazines were purchased legally between 1995 and 2003.

How do these things prevent me from going over to my ex-wife's house to shoot her, my kids and anyone else I might choose?

MO are you actually saying you want MY answer to this question? ^^^^

That's funny.

The answer is obvious: Part of his list is probably untrue.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

Background Checks by State: NICS Data

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence ? Gun Law Information Experts
None of the anti-gun loons will even try to address the question posed below with something other than emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty:

-I have a license to own a gun. To get that license I had to show a need to own a gun.
-I have a license to carry a gun. To get that license I had to undergo training and undergo a fingerprinted background check.
-All of my guns are registered; the state has their make, model, serial number and ballistic fingerprint on record.
-I had to undergo at least one background check before I bought all of my guns, including those I bought in private sales and those I bought from the federal government – which required fingerprints
-All of my guns and their magazines were purchased legally between 1995 and 2003.

How do these things prevent me from going over to my ex-wife's house to shoot her, my kids and anyone else I might choose?

Still waiting.
Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.

Your rights were written by men who never envisioned what goes on today with mass shooting, with men killing groups of children, with boys shooting down their classmates, etc. The founding fathers never imagined what goes on today. If they were dealing with what we deal with today, the second amendment would not exist.

Let me get this straight...your argument is society is degenerating?

What change in society could be causing this?
How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children
These heinous crimes are so pervasive these days and it is all because of lax gun laws that go unchecked. Stronger legislation is needed with much HARSHER penalties for those who shoot others intentionally. As long as the law merely gives a slight slap on the wrist to these crazy people they are only going to continue in that vein of shooting at whomever they want knowing full well they will most likely either receive a small sentence or get away with it altogether. In the meantime more innocent children and others will continue to lose their lives.

This guy committed what appears to be pre-mediated murder in TEXAS. he's getting a needle in his arm. Can't punish someone more than that.
Yes, there can be no doubt that when the full extent of the law is administered, justice can be served. But there are far too many other cases where the perpetrators get a light sentence and they are out in a few short years and go right back to shooting people just as before as numerous news reports have revealed. They don't learn their lessons. That's why much stricter and harsher punishments should be codified into the law such as to make sure those who have committed such crimes are not out on the streets again to return to their normal practice of killing people.

First offense (for injuring or maiming a person): Minimum 45-50 years mandatory prison term.

Second offense: Mandatory Death penalty or Life in prison with Hard Labor and absolutely no chance for parole.

I think if the law made those provisions, killers would take a good second look at the situation and assess whether it was worth it to take another person's life and then take a step back before going on shooting sprees.

Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.

Your rights were written by men who never envisioned what goes on today with mass shooting, with men killing groups of children, with boys shooting down their classmates, etc. The founding fathers never imagined what goes on today. If they were dealing with what we deal with today, the second amendment would not exist.

Just as we cannot imagine what this question will look like 250 years from now.
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How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children
These heinous crimes are so pervasive these days and it is all because of lax gun laws that go unchecked. Stronger legislation is needed with much HARSHER penalties for those who shoot others intentionally.

INEVITABLE'S RESPONSE: "Ithappened in Texas, that means this fellow faces the death penalty. He committed several capital offenses. He faces the worst penalty one can in the United states. Stricter gun laws wouldn't really restrictpeople that break the law. Thelaw. can't prevent you from breaking it."

** Are PoliticalTorch's comments.

** While true that laws don't always prevent people from going into a rage and committing murder, they can help to make those people think first about the consequences they would be facing before acting irresponsibly.

As long as the law merely gives a slight slap on the wrist to these crazy people they are only going to continue in that vein of shooting at whomever they want knowing full well they will most likely either receive a small sentence or get away with it altogether.

INEVITABLE'S RESPONSE: "The guy faces the electric chair. I wouldn't call that a slap in the wrist. "
** In Texas there is no electric chair, they administer Death By Injection.

In the meantime more innocent children and others will continue to lose their lives.

INEVITABLE'S RESPONSE: "In Texas you can be executed for intentionally killing a child."

** And that is very good that they have that law! After all, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, especially when the perpetrator targets the indefensible such as children and the elderly but all others as well. Texas is renowned for being the one state in the nation with the highest executions in the country. They are infamous for that yet those who willfully go out to commit murder or maim others do not seem to get that message yet. That is why much harsher laws must be enacted so that they will never see the light of day on the outside again once convicted and sentenced for such a crime.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.

Your rights were written by men who never envisioned what goes on today with mass shooting, with men killing groups of children, with boys shooting down their classmates, etc. The founding fathers never imagined what goes on today. If they were dealing with what we deal with today, the second amendment would not exist.

Let me get this straight...your argument is society is degenerating?

What change in society could be causing this?

No, it's not about the degeneration of society. It's about he massive gun power available today: the power of the weapons, the number of weapons people have, the type of weapons available, the massive amount of ammunition a person can have, all of that. People in the days of the framing of the constitution also had emotional problems, but they did not have access to the firearms and weaponry that is available today. If they went crazy, maybe the attacked someone with an axe or something, but they couldn't kill masses of people like they do now, and they didn't settle every argument with a gun. A lot of the attitude toward settling arguments and getting even with guns comes from the media; the idea may come from the media, but the power to do that comes from modern firepower. How many would the Houston shooter have killed today if all he had was a musket?
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I am a gun owner and I haven't shot anybody.
And because he has yet to shoot someone, the law should assume he will and treat him accordingly?

I suppose you have yet to turn a trick -- let's have the state assume you will and treat you accordingly.

What a maroon.

This is really faulty logic. Are you that stupid? That you don't realize how asinine your logic is? :lmao:

And I'm a maroon[sic]? :lol: Well, then, your mommie wears combat boots.
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Your rights were written by men who never envisioned what goes on today with mass shooting, with men killing groups of children, with boys shooting down their classmates, etc. The founding fathers never imagined what goes on today. If they were dealing with what we deal with today, the second amendment would not exist.

Let me get this straight...your argument is society is degenerating?

What change in society could be causing this?

No, it's not about the degeneration of society. It's about he massive gun power available today: the power of the weapons, the number of weapons people have, the type of weapons available, the massive amount of ammunition a person can have, all of that. People in the days of the framing of the constitution also had emotional problems, but they did not have access to the firearms and weaponry that is available today. If they went crazy, maybe the attacked someone with an axe or something, but they couldn't kill masses of people like they do now, and they didn't settle every argument with a gun. A lot of the attitude toward settling arguments and getting even with guns comes from the media; the idea may come from the media, but the power to do that comes from modern firepower. How many would the Houston shooter have killed today if all he had was a musket?
-I have a license to own a gun. To get that license I had to show a need to own a gun.
-I have a license to carry a gun. To get that license I had to undergo training and undergo a fingerprinted background check.
-All of my guns are registered; the state has their make, model, serial number and ballistic fingerprint on record.
-I had to undergo at least one background check before I bought all of my guns, including those I bought in private sales and those I bought from the federal government – which required fingerprints
-All of my guns and their magazines were purchased legally between 1995 and 2003.

How do these things prevent me from going over to my ex-wife's house to shoot her, my kids and anyone else I might choose?
And because he has yet to shoot someone, the law should assume he will and treat him accordingly?

I suppose you have yet to turn a trick -- let's have the state assume you will and treat you accordingly.

What a maroon.
This is really faulty logic. Are you that stupid? That you don't realize how asinine your logic is? :lmao:
It's YOUR argument, not mine.

No it isn't you fucking moron. You are not even worth discussing anything with. You are truly an idiot.

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