Another Responsible Gun Owner: Houston Massacre

someone who goes out and does something like this..

who the hell would CLAIM they are suppose to a RESPONSIBLE PERSON?

You see the stupid here?
Your rights were written by men who never envisioned what goes on today with mass shooting, with men killing groups of children, with boys shooting down their classmates, etc. The founding fathers never imagined what goes on today. If they were dealing with what we deal with today, the second amendment would not exist.

Let me get this straight...your argument is society is degenerating?

What change in society could be causing this?

No, it's not about the degeneration of society. It's about he massive gun power available today: the power of the weapons, the number of weapons people have, the type of weapons available, the massive amount of ammunition a person can have, all of that. People in the days of the framing of the constitution also had emotional problems, but they did not have access to the firearms and weaponry that is available today. If they went crazy, maybe the attacked someone with an axe or something, but they couldn't kill masses of people like they do now, and they didn't settle every argument with a gun. A lot of the attitude toward settling arguments and getting even with guns comes from the media; the idea may come from the media, but the power to do that comes from modern firepower. How many would the Houston shooter have killed today if all he had was a musket?

This guy could have taken out these people with an ax, as well, they were unarmed.

And sandy hook the guy could have used an ax, all the people were unarmed and they were kids, plus the cops took 20 minutes to respond.

In colonial times the weapons were plenty lethal enough, plus considering the communication tech at the time, you could get away with murder far easier.
How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children

A gunman killed at least six people, including four children, in a Houston suburb and then engaged police in a three-hour standoff before finally surrendering late Wednesday.

The suspected gunman, who has not yet been identified,*is believed to be related to at least some of the victims, officials told Houston ABC station KTRK.

why am i not surprised you think this person is a responsible gun owner
Your rights were written by men who never envisioned what goes on today with mass shooting, with men killing groups of children, with boys shooting down their classmates, etc. The founding fathers never imagined what goes on today. If they were dealing with what we deal with today, the second amendment would not exist.

Let me get this straight...your argument is society is degenerating?

What change in society could be causing this?

No, it's not about the degeneration of society. It's about he massive gun power available today: the power of the weapons, the number of weapons people have, the type of weapons available, the massive amount of ammunition a person can have, all of that. People in the days of the framing of the constitution also had emotional problems, but they did not have access to the firearms and weaponry that is available today. If they went crazy, maybe the attacked someone with an axe or something, but they couldn't kill masses of people like they do now, and they didn't settle every argument with a gun. A lot of the attitude toward settling arguments and getting even with guns comes from the media; the idea may come from the media, but the power to do that comes from modern firepower. How many would the Houston shooter have killed today if all he had was a musket?

All of them.

He tied them up and shot them one at a time.

And that entire argument is fallacious.

Even back then there were multiple shot firearms, and pirates of the 16th century were well known to carry up to eight firearms at one time.

In fact Predfan posted a predecessor of the gatling gun invented during the revolutionary war.

The entire theory is not at all supported by fact.

The framers had just been through a bloody war, if anyone knew the consequences of shooting by firearms, it was them...but they believed, as do I, that the benefit outweighs that consequence.

The framers trusted power in the hands of the people.

And by and large, Americans have proved they can handle that power.

As you said yourself, there are well over 100 million legal gun owners who handle the responsibly entrusted to them by the framers.

A miniscule fraction of a fraction abuse it.
What's with whites and mass shootings? Must be something in their culture since they are all the same. Where is Joel Osteen to speak out against this problem in the white community?

(Let's see if people get this).

Where is anyone talking about losing rights?

You've been pretty level headed in other threads so I really hope you're not one of those nutters who answers every gun death by saying we should ban cars or by calling people "gun grabbers".

The only people who talk about banning are the fools who want more guns and guns everywhere. And, they're the ones who are causing guns to be banned in public places.

Well, there's a question on the table Luddly...let's hear your response.

None of the anti-gun loons will even try to address the question posed below with something other than emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty:

-I have a license to own a gun. To get that license I had to show a need to own a gun.
-I have a license to carry a gun. To get that license I had to undergo training and undergo a fingerprinted background check.
-All of my guns are registered; the state has their make, model, serial number and ballistic fingerprint on record.
-I had to undergo at least one background check before I bought all of my guns, including those I bought in private sales and those I bought from the federal government – which required fingerprints
-All of my guns and their magazines were purchased legally between 1995 and 2003.

How do these things prevent me from going over to my ex-wife's house to shoot her, my kids and anyone else I might choose?

MO are you actually saying you want MY answer to this question? ^^^^

That's funny.

The answer is obvious: Part of his list is probably untrue.

Gun Show Background Checks State Laws

Background Checks by State: NICS Data

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence ? Gun Law Information Experts

Yes, YOUR answer Luddly, not a link.

In your own words...

How would universal background checks, or firearm registrations, or large capacity magazine bans, or any other proposed gun control legislation stop a mass shooting like this one in Houston?

Where is anyone talking about losing rights?

You've been pretty level headed in other threads so I really hope you're not one of those nutters who answers every gun death by saying we should ban cars or by calling people "gun grabbers".

The only people who talk about banning are the fools who want more guns and guns everywhere. And, they're the ones who are causing guns to be banned in public places.

Well, there's a question on the table Luddly...let's hear your response.

None of the anti-gun loons will even try to address the question posed below with something other than emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty:

-I have a license to own a gun. To get that license I had to show a need to own a gun.
-I have a license to carry a gun. To get that license I had to undergo training and undergo a fingerprinted background check.
-All of my guns are registered; the state has their make, model, serial number and ballistic fingerprint on record.
-I had to undergo at least one background check before I bought all of my guns, including those I bought in private sales and those I bought from the federal government – which required fingerprints
-All of my guns and their magazines were purchased legally between 1995 and 2003.

How do these things prevent me from going over to my ex-wife's house to shoot her, my kids and anyone else I might choose?

MO are you actually saying you want MY answer to this question? ^^^^

That's funny.

The answer is obvious: Part of his list is probably untrue.
Your deliberate evasion of a question you know you do not want to honestly answer is noted.

Please do try again.

How do these things prevent me from going over to my ex-wife's house to shoot her, my kids and anyone else I might choose?
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How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children

A gunman killed at least six people, including four children, in a Houston suburb and then engaged police in a three-hour standoff before finally surrendering late Wednesday.

The suspected gunman, who has not yet been identified,*is believed to be related to at least some of the victims, officials told Houston ABC station KTRK.

Are you as quick to bring up a criminals sexual orientation when the story involves a gay man raping somebody? Are you as quick to bring up race when it's a black man robbing somebody? If not, why is it appropriate to say "crazy white guy" when describing the perpetrator?

More on topic, this isn't an issue where politics or race should be an issue. One crazy man's actions shouldn't negate the rights of millions of responsible gun owners.
How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children

A gunman killed at least six people, including four children, in a Houston suburb and then engaged police in a three-hour standoff before finally surrendering late Wednesday.

The suspected gunman, who has not yet been identified,*is believed to be related to at least some of the victims, officials told Houston ABC station KTRK.

There are approximately 150 MILLION firearms owners in America and only about 12000 murders a year. Do the math.
How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children

A gunman killed at least six people, including four children, in a Houston suburb and then engaged police in a three-hour standoff before finally surrendering late Wednesday.

The suspected gunman, who has not yet been identified,*is believed to be related to at least some of the victims, officials told Houston ABC station KTRK.

There are approximately 150 MILLION firearms owners in America and only about 12000 murders a year. Do the math.

The majority of murders are by gang bangers as in not legal firearms owners so not in the 150 million. But for arguments sake we will assume every murder was by a single person per murder and that all were legal firearms owners.

Even assuming all that, the incident rate is .00008 percent. Not even close to a thousands of a percent. And you would deny legal owners their rights based on that. Using that logic no one should be allowed to own a car. Or a swimming pool.
if I were to shoot anybody out would be in self defense.

Or if there is an accident or a suicide in your home with a gun being used. Or if someone gets a hold of your gun and shoots someone. The instance of self defense in a home with a gun is less likely than an accident or a suicide.

Again, acceptable risk for majority of Americans


I's only a tragedy for those personally involved. The rest of us don't care.
How sad...four children dead at the hands of a crazy white guy.

Mass Shooting Near Houston Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children

A gunman killed at least six people, including four children, in a Houston suburb and then engaged police in a three-hour standoff before finally surrendering late Wednesday.

The suspected gunman, who has not yet been identified,*is believed to be related to at least some of the victims, officials told Houston ABC station KTRK.

Crazy indeed. Did you see his record? Child abuse/neglect convictions, restraining orders, protective orders, his mother and ex wife filed. Charge after charge of domestic violence from his mom and wife.

Given the above, it seems he owned his gun illegally, under the Lautenberg Act or the Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban. Why wasn't this violent repetitive offender in jail? So cut the responsible gun owner crap.
The reason we have the right to bear arms in the first place is to protect our country from our own government and foreign invaders, take them away and we have a much lower chance of preventing something like the Nazi takeover of Germany, they are TOOLS and should be treated as such, and all responsible gun owners realize this.

If guns are taken away, people with psychological issues will still have the ability to drive their cars into crowds, or use a knife to injure or kill, as was the case in southern California, and China.

Lack of proper mental health care is the real issue here.
The reason we have the right to bear arms in the first place is to protect our country from our own government and foreign invaders, take them away and we have a much lower chance of preventing something like the Nazi takeover of Germany, they are TOOLS and should be treated as such, and all responsible gun owners realize this.

If guns are taken away, people with psychological issues will still have the ability to drive their cars into crowds, or use a knife to injure or kill, as was the case in southern California, and China.

Lack of proper mental health care is the real issue here.

Welcome, stick around...

It was the kids' crazy father. Want to make a bet that he voted democrat and that democrat party policies made it possible for him to obtain a weapon? Never let a tragedy go to waste if you can make a political issue out of it.

... said the hypocrite, making a political issue out of a tragedy.

Quit standing on the bodies of dead children to make political points.

Its doubtful he voted Dem but even if he did, it means nothing. Doesn't matter if he's a tee potty, a morm or an atheist.

He's a crazy person with a gun. Address that fact because that's all that really matters.

The most hypocritical post in the history of the USMB. NO ONE uses dead people more that you to make a political point. NO ONE stands higher and more often on the dead bodies of victims than you. You are a dispicable piece of garbage.
Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
What would be more of a loss is all of the nation losing it's rights because we aren't thinking.


Where is anyone talking about losing rights?

You've been pretty level headed in other threads so I really hope you're not one of those nutters who answers every gun death by saying we should ban cars or by calling people "gun grabbers".

The only people who talk about banning are the fools who want more guns and guns everywhere. And, they're the ones who are causing guns to be banned in public places.

Not even you are THAT stupid. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that the end game for the left is to disarm Americans.
Tell it to the dead.

Tell it to their families.

At least PRETEND you care about the dead and those who must go on without them.
Thank you for continuing to help prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

Thank you for showing again that some nutters have no emotional response to dead children.

And here you are using dead children for political gain. Asshole.

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