Another RINO in Hot Water

Trump is doing a great job of pushing these RINOs towards the exit.

---Arizona State Senators are now calling for decertification of this fraudulent election and based on past attempts to derail this process, Boyer can’t be trusted.---

---President Trump released the following statement regarding RINO Boyer’s obstruction of justice.
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Republican Arizona State Senator Paul Boyer, a RINO if there ever was one, is doing everything in his power to hold up the damning Forensic Audit of Maricopa County which has been taking place over the last 90 days. The people of Arizona are demanding it. Boyer has been nothing but trouble, and nobody knows why. All we demand is Voter Integrity! He is being primaried by a strong and highly respected challenger, former Arizona State Representative Anthony Kern.---

It can’t be decertified, moron


cults gonna cult!
Getting to the truth, bothers you? You do realize once the proof is shown and the truth of your party comes out. The Democrat party will be dead, so keep it up.
So you have been promising to show what you claim is the truth for a long time. When will you get around to that? Any day now?
Yes and you see none of the corruption from Biden, all 50 years worth. You have no credibility, Trump was leading. Then the counting stops and all a sudden Biden got millions of votes and Trump got hardly none.
The Texas Rangers are paying the Oakland Athletics right now. At the end of the first inning, the Rangers were ahead 2 to nothing. Should we just go ahead and give the game to the Rangers and ignore the 7, 3, and 2 runs the Athletics made in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th innings?
At least 2 Republicans in the Arizona State Senate have figured things out:

View attachment 522117
Those two have figured out who runs things right now and are joining that side, they are devoid of ethics and betraying their constituents. They will be voted out in their next primary.
Those two have figured out who runs things right now and are joining that side, they are devoid of ethics and betraying their constituents. They will be voted out in their next primary.

The possible settling of where power actually sits will be most interesting part of next year's Republican primaries. Only a handful of GOP politicians around here are gung-ho for Trump and the rest walk a political tightrope of disregarding him but at the same time being careful not to offend his backers.
The possible settling of where power actually sits will be most interesting part of next year's Republican primaries. Only a handful of GOP politicians around here are gung-ho for Trump and the rest walk a political tightrope of disregarding him but at the same time being careful not to offend his backers.
The power belongs to the "America First" Republicans, they are going to grow in number.
Trump was leading the in person vote which was counted first. Several states couldn’t even begin to count mail ballots until the polls closed on election night. It took days to get through the count. All 50 states certified their election. Trump simply lost.
We knew by morning Einstein. You cheated.
The Texas Rangers are paying the Oakland Athletics right now. At the end of the first inning, the Rangers were ahead 2 to nothing. Should we just go ahead and give the game to the Rangers and ignore the 7, 3, and 2 runs the Athletics made in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th innings?
If China paid for it, yes.

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