Another Safe, No Guns Allowed, Democratic Run City

It seems the proud residents of Socialist Baltimore are actively in competition with the likes of Chicago, Los Angeles, Newark, Philadelphia and other "high murder rate" cities. While not in first place, I'm sure as the Holiday and weekend come to pass, Baltimore will make an heroic effort to increase the number of shootings and killings. Of course, the weather could be an influence, as I understand rain is predicted for much of this week.
I thought Socialist Governor Martin O'Malley fixed the shooting problems by implementing strict gun control laws. You mean these criminals still have access to guns? How can it be? It is easy to figure out. Liberal ideas are a monument to stupidity.

How about the stupidity of O'Malley and his politburo rubber stamp, General Assembly doing away with the death penalty. Stupid is, as stupid legislates. Except the death penalty in Baltimore and Maryland still apply to the innocent who get shot, and the unborn babies who get murdered thru abortions.

Wouldn't one think that not allowing criminals out of jail like a revolving door to commit the same crimes over and over again, and execute the ones that are unredeemable would help solve the problem of gun violence. Perhaps if every American law abiding citizen had the right to bear arms, wouldn't that make a criminal think more than twice before attacking a citizen or robbing that person?

Eliminate liberalism from our society and this country would return to normal in every facet; i.e., morals, religion, strength in the military, financially, and job wise. But, we are stuck with the liberal socialists who try to do the same things that has failed over and over again everywhere it has been tried.

Here is a radical idea. How about returning God to our classrooms and our public arena, and have a little Godly, parental guidance for their children before they grow up and run amok.
IF gun control in demo cities is soooo bad, why does Texas and Alaska have the highest deaths by guns?
I thought Socialist Governor Martin O'Malley fixed the shooting problems by implementing strict gun control laws. You mean these criminals still have access to guns? How can it be? It is easy to figure out. Liberal ideas are a monument to stupidity.

How about the stupidity of O'Malley and his politburo rubber stamp, General Assembly doing away with the death penalty. Stupid is, as stupid legislates. Except the death penalty in Baltimore and Maryland still apply to the innocent who get shot, and the unborn babies who get murdered thru abortions.

Wouldn't one think that not allowing criminals out of jail like a revolving door to commit the same crimes over and over again, and execute the ones that are unredeemable would help solve the problem of gun violence. Perhaps if every American law abiding citizen had the right to bear arms, wouldn't that make a criminal think more than twice before attacking a citizen or robbing that person?

Eliminate liberalism from our society and this country would return to normal in every facet; i.e., morals, religion, strength in the military, financially, and job wise. But, we are stuck with the liberal socialists who try to do the same things that has failed over and over again everywhere it has been tried.

Here is a radical idea. How about returning God to our classrooms and our public arena, and have a little Godly, parental guidance for their children before they grow up and run amok.

Sorry ol' boy but, we libs serve(d) in our military and even repubs or conservative cities and states do not have a normal societies based on Gods word.
IF gun control in demo cities is soooo bad, why does Texas and Alaska have the highest deaths by guns?

Moon .....Alaska is kind of a different situation......6 months of darkness drives many to drink and do drugs and most people out there in the smaller towns out in the middle of nowhere have guns for obvious reasons..........
IF gun control in demo cities is soooo bad, why does Texas and Alaska have the highest deaths by guns?

Moon .....Alaska is kind of a different situation......6 months of darkness drives many to drink and do drugs and most people out there in the smaller towns out in the middle of nowhere have guns for obvious reasons..........

nice excuse for humans killing humans.
I live by a town of 1400 people. Shootings occur here also to include fatalities. I have guns and have always had them, yet I do not think that I need to kill someone because of Biblical grievances, marital,monetary or drugs and alcohol abuse. Whether you have strict gun laws or do not, violence will occur.
What is tiresome and redundant to the point of rhetorical retardation about putting people down that are trying to come to some consensus on how to affect the use of guns to kill and the violence associated with human inter-action.
It is illogical to assume that no gun laws in society are any better, and the association of violence affiliation to a political group, when it is clear that the ones doing the violence do not do it based upon an association to a political group.
IF gun control in demo cities is soooo bad, why does Texas and Alaska have the highest deaths by guns?

Moon .....Alaska is kind of a different situation......6 months of darkness drives many to drink and do drugs and most people out there in the smaller towns out in the middle of nowhere have guns for obvious reasons..........

nice excuse for humans killing humans.
I live by a town of 1400 people. Shootings occur here also to include fatalities. I have guns and have always had them, yet I do not think that I need to kill someone because of Biblical grievances, marital,monetary or drugs and alcohol abuse. Whether you have strict gun laws or do not, violence will occur.
What is tiresome and redundant to the point of rhetorical retardation about putting people down that are trying to come to some consensus on how to affect the use of guns to kill and the violence associated with human inter-action.
It is illogical to assume that no gun laws in society are any better, and the association of violence affiliation to a political group, when it is clear that the ones doing the violence do not do it based upon an association to a political group.

You know what while you are attempting to defend what they did to this city I'm sitting out here ready to cry.

Because you've never been there have you?

I have. I know the city very well. You have never been to Alaska either have you

I have.

1400 hundred people and you claim to understand the planet?

Go fuck yourself.

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