Another school shooting....time to arm the teachers?

Could she have made it any easier?

Regulars here know I cook a lot. I have a magnetic board in my kitchen with a dozen knives on it, including a Zwilling JA Henckel with a 12 inch blade. My children could EASILY kill me in my sleep with it. Of course, they could hit me with the crystal lamp on by nightstand as well. You Bolsheviks don't grasp the concept that it is the person, not the tool, which is the danger.

(Actually you do, but you have a goal of a totalitarian state, so you play retard.)

Assault rifles and the mentally infirm do not mix

then don't get an assault rifle
You start with protecting the children.

Then you address the causes.

But regardless of what the CAUSE is, you protect the children, right now. You don't wait to try various things out. We know how to protect them, it's insane that people propose that we just continue to let them be slaughtered by anyone who wants to target them.

That's what I said.
What are ya...a limp-wristed liberal?

Liberals are pasty-faced and clammy palmed.

Get with the times! Limp-wristed is no longer an insult!
You start with protecting the children.

Then you address the causes.

But regardless of what the CAUSE is, you protect the children, right now. You don't wait to try various things out. We know how to protect them, it's insane that people propose that we just continue to let them be slaughtered by anyone who wants to target them.

That's what I said.
What are ya...a limp-wristed liberal?

Liberals are pasty-faced and clammy palmed.

Get with the times! Limp-wristed is no longer an insult!

What makes you think I intended it as an insult?
Administrators are hired to manage, teachers to teacher. Neither are hired to carry guns. Period.

Trained armed security personnel who do it for a living are the logical answer.

Yes, you far right wacks, it is going to cost, and it is going to come out of our pockets.

Get used to the idea, because it will happen in the next few months in all fifty states, either by executive or legislative action.

Lock down the the entries

You can't have an armed security guard everywhere. You can't have an armed responsible adult everywhere your child goes. Nor would you want to
Administrators are hired to manage, teachers to teacher. Neither are hired to carry guns. Period.

Trained armed security personnel who do it for a living are the logical answer.

Yes, you far right wacks, it is going to cost, and it is going to come out of our pockets.

Get used to the idea, because it will happen in the next few months in all fifty states, either by executive or legislative action.

And demagogues like you are hired to post bullshit on message boards, to promote the agenda of your shameful party, Jakematters.
No, I'm sorry, but it makes no fucking difference at all WHO is trying to kill the children. "It's okay to arm teachers to protect children from the bullets of non-citizens, but citizens' bullets must be met by unarmed, helpless bodies."

Shut. The Fuck. Up.

So, you're happy that the US is the only advanced Western country that has to isolate its kids away in armed fortifications from its own citizens for their protection?

I know this is a very hard concept for you because it won't fit on a bumper sticker, but isn't this the very reason you should be talking about the wider issues...including, but not limited to, firearms regulation.
Nutcases like you are the ones that are endangering your own kids by refusing to discuss these things because it might 'infringe your civil rights'.

Do you get it now you selfish bitch?

At the core of any neocon, right-wing loon is their own ego. It's all about "me, me, me" to them. You would never meet a more self-centred, self-righteous, egotistical, selfish group of people anywhere on the planet.

It is about survival of the fittest. IOW, they may live in the 21st century but their mind set is in the Stone Age...

Administrators are hired to manage, teachers to teacher. Neither are hired to carry guns. Period.

Trained armed security personnel who do it for a living are the logical answer.

Yes, you far right wacks, it is going to cost, and it is going to come out of our pockets.

Get used to the idea, because it will happen in the next few months in all fifty states, either by executive or legislative action.

Lock down the the entries

You can't have an armed security guard everywhere. You can't have an armed responsible adult everywhere your child goes. Nor would you want to

Maybe a handgun should be required materials for each child to bring to school...along with their graph paper, rulers, pencil sharpeners, lined exercise books etc.
They've got to learn personal responsibility sometime - after all, Mummy and Daddy won't always be there to protect them.
Are they both for protection from their own citizens, or others?
Does it matter?


What MATTERS is that we hire me at $50,000/yr to carry a gun and wander around a campus full of attractive young teachers all day.

I also want Union collective bargaining rights and federal retirement benefits.

Is all that money and benefits you just mentioned, suppose to cause us not to consider anything at all because of the money issue ? You said it in a sarcastic manor like that or did I mis-read you ?
Administrators are hired to manage, teachers to teacher. Neither are hired to carry guns. Period.

Trained armed security personnel who do it for a living are the logical answer.

Yes, you far right wacks, it is going to cost, and it is going to come out of our pockets.

Get used to the idea, because it will happen in the next few months in all fifty states, either by executive or legislative action.

Lock down the the entries

You can't have an armed security guard everywhere. You can't have an armed responsible adult everywhere your child goes. Nor would you want to

Maybe a handgun should be required materials for each child to bring to school...along with their graph paper, rulers, pencil sharpeners, lined exercise books etc.
They've got to learn personal responsibility sometime - after all, Mummy and Daddy won't always be there to protect them.

Kevlar always looks good on kids. Durable and fashionable
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Administrators are hired to manage, teachers to teacher. Neither are hired to carry guns. Period.

Trained armed security personnel who do it for a living are the logical answer.

Yes, you far right wacks, it is going to cost, and it is going to come out of our pockets.

Get used to the idea, because it will happen in the next few months in all fifty states, either by executive or legislative action.

Lock down the the entries

You can't have an armed security guard everywhere. You can't have an armed responsible adult everywhere your child goes. Nor would you want to

Maybe a handgun should be required materials for each child to bring to school...along with their graph paper, rulers, pencil sharpeners, lined exercise books etc.
They've got to learn personal responsibility sometime - after all, Mummy and Daddy won't always be there to protect them.

And neither will anyone else, if progressive loons get their way.

No protection for 5 year olds! Let them take their chances! There are too many squalling brats in the world anyway....
Lock down the the entries

You can't have an armed security guard everywhere. You can't have an armed responsible adult everywhere your child goes. Nor would you want to

Maybe a handgun should be required materials for each child to bring to school...along with their graph paper, rulers, pencil sharpeners, lined exercise books etc.
They've got to learn personal responsibility sometime - after all, Mummy and Daddy won't always be there to protect them.

And neither will anyone else, if progressive loons get their way.

No protection for 5 year olds! Let them take their chances! There are too many squalling brats in the world anyway....

That's what I'm saying!
Arm them from their first day at school.
I know what you're saying.

You're saying there's no point in protecting them. Got it. Let them take their chances.
I know what you're saying.

You're saying there's no point in protecting them. Got it. Let them take their chances.

Is each kid going to have a personal bodyguard?
What happens when they're out of sight of the fire command centre or the pillbox in the middle of the playground?
Are there any countries that aren't at war with either insurgents or external forces, that require the arming and fortification of its schools to protect its children from its own citizens?

Nope, and we are no exception anymore... Terrorism is terrorism, no matter where it is and what form it comes in..
I know what you're saying.

You're saying there's no point in protecting them. Got it. Let them take their chances.

Is each kid going to have a personal bodyguard?
What happens when they're out of sight of the fire command centre or the pillbox in the middle of the playground?

So, if every child can't have an armed bodyguard 24/7, you think we should just pass on protecting them at schools, where everybody knows they congregate and where everybody knows there is no meaningful protection against ANYONE who wants to kill a LOT of people?


That isn't even reasonable enough to contest. I'll just let it stand on it's own.
Are there any countries that aren't at war with either insurgents or external forces, that require the arming and fortification of its schools to protect its children from its own citizens?

Nope, and we are no exception anymore... Terrorism is terrorism, no matter where it is and what form it comes in..

It's amazing what citizens will come to accept as 'normal'.
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I know what you're saying.

You're saying there's no point in protecting them. Got it. Let them take their chances.

Is each kid going to have a personal bodyguard?
What happens when they're out of sight of the fire command centre or the pillbox in the middle of the playground?

So, if every child can't have an armed bodyguard 24/7, you think we should just pass on protecting them at schools, where everybody knows they congregate and where everybody knows there is no meaningful protection against ANYONE who wants to kill a LOT of people?


That isn't even reasonable enough to contest. I'll just let it stand on it's own.

When have I ever said that?
But if the only answer to a gun problem is more guns, where is the line to be drawn?
Maybe a handgun should be required materials for each child to bring to school...along with their graph paper, rulers, pencil sharpeners, lined exercise books etc.
They've got to learn personal responsibility sometime - after all, Mummy and Daddy won't always be there to protect them.

And neither will anyone else, if progressive loons get their way.

No protection for 5 year olds! Let them take their chances! There are too many squalling brats in the world anyway....

That's what I'm saying!
Arm them from their first day at school.

Apparently, some 11 year old in Utah has taken that stand...........................

The 11-year-old is a student at West Kearns Elementary School, in Kearns, Utah, a suburb of Salt Lake City, and brought the .22-caliber handgun to school in his backpack, Granite School District spokesman Ben Horsley said told NBC News.

The boy, whose name has not been released because he is a juvenile, indicated that he wanted to defend himself if there was an incident similar to what happened in Newtown, Conn. Last Friday, 20 students, ages 6 and 7, and six school staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School were killed when a gunman burst into the school and opened fire before fatally shooting himself. The gunman had killed his mother earlier that day.

“Obviously that’s not the correct approach,” Horlsey said of the 11-year-old's action. “We teach these kids on a regular basis that they have a responsibility to keep their school safe.”

Sixth-grader in Utah brings gun to school to avoid Connecticut-style attack, district spokesman says - U.S. News

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