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Another screw up by Trump and the GOP!

At least you picked a single malt. I thought you were going to pick a mixed blend. Yes, that's an insult.

Though Glen Livet is the total stereotype scotch. It's fine if you're in a mediocre bar, at least it's always OK. But you can't tell the difference between 12, 15 and 18 years? Glen Livet 12 is the Budweiser of scotches. 15 is decent and 18 is actually pretty good, but it's a couple hundred a bottle.

You really don't know much about Scotches. My favorite by far is Lagavulin, a bargain at $100 a bottle. McClullen 18 is also really good. 12 years is OK.

Glen Livet 12 is under $30 a bottle, and it tastes like it. You need to refine your tastes.

You said you like good scotch, Glen Livet 12 years will do it, that's classic. Any bar has that, again, Budweiser of Scotches
When was the last time you bought Glen livit ? the 1.75 liter I think it is, is 95 a bottle and in the scotch bar I hung out in when in Saratoga watching the horses ,I tasted them all...even the smokey one ,,,and in all the places I go to the price for a glass ranges from 12 to 16 so if that's the bud of scotches so be it

I'm in favor of drinking what you like. Just you made a point of saying you drink "good" Scotches as if you know Scotch, and you don't. You drink the most cliche Scotch. Again, Glen Livet isn't bad, especially if you get at least a 15 year. Preferably 18. But there are better Scotches for the money. You happened to pick Scotch, my favorite liquor. Tough luck on that.

True story. I was working in Europe. One of the guys on my team was Scotch, he lived near Edinburgh. My team meaning I led the team and he was on the team. He was pleasant enough, but very reserved. Not just with me, with everyone. A group of us went out for a drink one night after work and he asked me my favorite Scotch. I thought a second and said Lagavulin. He was quiet for a few seconds and said aaaahhhh, the best Scotch in all of Scotland. After that we were buddies the rest of the project. All you have to do to make friends with a Scotsman, pick his favorite Scotch! LOL
LOL Well I'm sure glad you don't like my Livit

I don't know if you're stupid or you thought that was funny, but I never said that. You really can't read and process information, can you? Be honest
Yes I did think it was funny and heres some top shelf
Having stayed true to their slow distillation process for smooth tasting Scotch, Glenlivet now produce almost 6 million liters of Malt Whisky every year and show no signs of slowing down. With this expression however you are not just getting any old liter from the Glenlivet production. This is truly a top-shelf malt.
At 15 or 16 bucks a glass bartenders are my best friends Always get a good pour
And kaz while I believe you're far from stupid I just don't like you I'd never share my pappy van winkle with you
Your racism and classism is both blatant and obvious. Both in your attitudes towards your neighbours and their BBQ's, and your neighbours and their grandchildren. I have never seen you post anything about the stupid shit white people do, but you sure have a lot of negativity towards the poor, and the "urban" people who run afoul of the law.

Republicans dividing the nation by race started with Reagan and his "welfare queens" lie. Republicans pit "rural" voters against "urban" voters, so they never mentioned race, but that's what the "urban/rural" division is and you and I both know that's a racial divide.

Reagan ended the War on Poverty which lifted nearly half of the American poor out of poverty and cut both assistance programs and increased eligibility requirements for the Food stamps, and replaced it with the "war on drugs" with zero tolerance for those arrested. But blacks, Hispanics, and whites caught with small amounts of marijuana were treated quite differently. Whites boys were given a warning. Black and brown kids were sent to prison.
And it they don't that is enough, they just make shit up. Pawxsnnews is an Entertainment Network.

Sure they do. That's why when somebody makes such a claim, they can't prove it.

While I don't watch the commie news, Laura Ingraham has clips from their shows every night, usually about a half-dozen or so. If they're not lying, they are twisting things so out of shape they are hardly recognizable.

They are less news organizations than they are brainwashing organizations.

I don't watch CNN. I have the same negative eyerolling reaction to CNN as I do to FOX. I can't tolerate more than 10 minutes of either network.

Well, again, Fox is right, sure. But they have leftists on all day long to speak for themselves. They are the only channel that does that. You're proving yet again you only want to hear the leftist hate filled vitriol that you already think, you don't want to hear both sides

One of the more popular shows on Fox news was Hannity and Colmes. There was nothing right about Colmes. He was a lefty through and through. Yet the Fox audience loved the show and tuned in every night to hear both sides. I even enjoyed some of the points Colmes made from time to time. He was very good.
So what happened to poor Colmes? Too blue?? Kicked him off?

He passed away a few years ago.
Ouch Sorry to hear that
Honestly A little inept debating Hanitty but one reason I watched FOX back in the day Had to be too young to go

To be totally honest, I do record Hannity, but I FF through much of it. His monologs are the worst. He keeps going over the same ole shit over and over and over again, night after night, week after week. I just shake my head and think to myself "How many times do we have to hear this already?" He does do good interviews though so that's why I keep recording it.

I personally like Hannity a lot. But yeah, he gets pretty repetitive.

He also always believes that Democrats will pay for their lies and go to jail when they commit crimes, but they never do. He's so naive.

I particularly like his religious tolerance. He believes you're a Christian if you have Christian values, that's enough. And he's said so many times. I totally agree with that
And it they don't that is enough, they just make shit up. Pawxsnnews is an Entertainment Network.

Sure they do. That's why when somebody makes such a claim, they can't prove it.

While I don't watch the commie news, Laura Ingraham has clips from their shows every night, usually about a half-dozen or so. If they're not lying, they are twisting things so out of shape they are hardly recognizable.

They are less news organizations than they are brainwashing organizations.

I don't watch CNN. I have the same negative eyerolling reaction to CNN as I do to FOX. I can't tolerate more than 10 minutes of either network.

Well, again, Fox is right, sure. But they have leftists on all day long to speak for themselves. They are the only channel that does that. You're proving yet again you only want to hear the leftist hate filled vitriol that you already think, you don't want to hear both sides

One of the more popular shows on Fox news was Hannity and Colmes. There was nothing right about Colmes. He was a lefty through and through. Yet the Fox audience loved the show and tuned in every night to hear both sides. I even enjoyed some of the points Colmes made from time to time. He was very good.
So what happened to poor Colmes? Too blue?? Kicked him off?

He passed away a few years ago.
Ouch Sorry to hear that
Honestly A little inept debating Hanitty but one reason I watched FOX back in the day Had to be too young to go

To be totally honest, I do record Hannity, but I FF through much of it. His monologs are the worst. He keeps going over the same ole shit over and over and over again, night after night, week after week. I just shake my head and think to myself "How many times do we have to hear this already?" He does do good interviews though so that's why I keep recording it.

I personally like Hannity a lot. But yeah, he gets pretty repetitive.

He also always believes that Democrats will pay for their lies and go to jail when they commit crimes, but they never do. He's so naive.

I particularly like his religious tolerance. He believes you're a Christian if you have Christian values, that's enough. And he's said so many times. I totally agree with that

He needs to understand the root word of News is New. All last week he talked about the dossier, Steele, and so on.

Did you find it Entertaining? Its' Hannity nor Rush are news. They are entertainers. They get paid to sell sponsors products or express the ideals from those sponsors. Sorry, it ain't news.

They don't report the news, but they discuss the news. Call it what you like, but they are more reliable than those who do consider themselves news stations or reporters because they tell the (as the late Paul Harvy used to say) rest of the story.

When those other so-called news stations reported that Trump called all Mexicans rapists and murderers, those entertainers pointed out the lies; that Trump never said "all" Mexicans. When Trump said he was a nationalist, the so-called news stations were reporting that what the President actually meant is he was a White Nationalist. We needed the entertainers to point that out to honest people. When the so-called news stations reported that President Trump attacked a Gold Star father, they failed to tell their audience about the part where the father attacked Trump first. You had to tune into entertainment news to find out that part of the story. And the list goes on, and on, and on.

Well I'm sure that Hispanics take comfort that he didn't call them ALL Mexicans and rapists.

White, American men aren't the best people. They're misogynists, and racists, and rapists, and pedophiles, and mass murderers, and some, I assume, are good people. I'm sure that's not offensive to you because I didn't say you're all bad.

Now you're throwing Hispanics in the mix? You do realize Hispanics are more than just people from Mexico, don't you. In fact there are groups of Hispanics who don't like Mexicans too.

Mrs. Mao just repeats the Democrat lines, she doesn't write them. That's above her pay grade

I'm not the guy who owns multiple corporations and doesn't know what's in a Financial Statements. When you call me "Mrs. Moa" and suggest I can't write my own posts, how is it I manage to tear your weak-assed arguments to shreds?

You can't attack my posts, so you attack the poster. Every. Single. Time.

I think as a Canadian you need to focus on the blatant and systemic racism that flourishes in Canada. What is amazing is most Canadians are so unaware that it even exists. Your Prime Minister insulting an indigenous woman, then wearing "brown face", seriously? The guy is an unaware, self righteous, buffoon. He is the definition of elitist.

Black Canadians make less than other Canadians about $15,000 less per year, their unemployment is drastically higher than white Canadians. Black Canadians are twice as likely to live in poverty compared to non racialized Canadians. Black Canadians are more likely to be the victim of a hate crime in Canada. You can blame it on whoever you feel you need to however the fact is Canada is ignoring the problem and your Prime Minister is unaware of it.
So until you stop the racism against blacks and indigenous people in your country, you need to shut up about our problems. We are working on our racial issues, you Canadians aren't self aware enough to know you even have a problem.
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