Another shooting another Black death in Chicago. Libs say & do nothing

Blacks commit 50% of all murders in this country and that is 93% black on black. Yet it is somehow not a problem!!! So much for black lives mattering. Heck, the only time it matters is when it can be used to push their anti-white narrative.
City shootings happen in all large cities. They are indeed a tragedy, but with our gun culture, rather common place. So...can you explain why Chicago shootings concern you more than Boston, or Los Angeles, or Houston, or Miami shootings?
City shootings happen in all large cities. They are indeed a tragedy, but with our gun culture, rather common place. So...can you explain why Chicago shootings concern you more than Boston, or Los Angeles, or Houston, or Miami shootings?
If they were really against murder, then color would not be the issue...
City shootings happen in all large cities. They are indeed a tragedy, but with our gun culture, rather common place. So...can you explain why Chicago shootings concern you more than Boston, or Los Angeles, or Houston, or Miami shootings?

Most of it is Gang violence and most of that would end if the War on drugs would end but since Both sides of the idles Dems and Reps won't end it cause the like and want to keep their power the violence will never end
Probably because there are more in Chicago than the other places you named
City shootings happen in all large cities. They are indeed a tragedy, but with our gun culture, rather common place. So...can you explain why Chicago shootings concern you more than Boston, or Los Angeles, or Houston, or Miami shootings?

Most of it is Gang violence and most of that would end if the War on drugs would end but since Both sides of the idles Dems and Reps won't end it cause the like and want to keep their power the violence will never end
Gotta keep the private prison manufacturing base populated...
they can't use them for their hate agenda they are trying to keep stirred up

for them only CERTAIN people are worth their time

I do think people are sick and fxxking tired of them already
No one cares about black on black shootings, people only care when a human does the shooting
day in day out, 24/7,
this stuff is totally ignored
This is where the problem is, wake up.

3rd son to die

Son dies protecting mother from Chicago gunman reports - NY Daily News

Why is this in politics?

To point out the utter hypocrisy and double standards of the idiot you people elected president who never speaks to the hundreds of murders going on in his own home town Chicago.

He's a loser and a phony. He has no right speaking up at all. We have ELECTED state Governors to handle this kind of stuff.
City shootings happen in all large cities. They are indeed a tragedy, but with our gun culture, rather common place. So...can you explain why Chicago shootings concern you more than Boston, or Los Angeles, or Houston, or Miami shootings?

Because places like Chicago and Baltimore have WAY MORE killings than say Houston.
City shootings happen in all large cities. They are indeed a tragedy, but with our gun culture, rather common place. So...can you explain why Chicago shootings concern you more than Boston, or Los Angeles, or Houston, or Miami shootings?

Yes, that's what there are so many driveby's in Salt Lake City
day in day out, 24/7,
this stuff is totally ignored
This is where the problem is, wake up.

3rd son to die

Son dies protecting mother from Chicago gunman reports - NY Daily News

Why is this in politics?

To point out the utter hypocrisy and double standards of the idiot you people elected president who never speaks to the hundreds of murders going on in his own home town Chicago.

Blacks commit 50% of all murders in this country and that is 93% black on black. Yet it is somehow not a problem!!! So much for black lives mattering. Heck, the only time it matters is when it can be used to push their anti-white narrative.

Who has ever said that crime is not a problem?

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