CDZ Another shot heard round the world.

Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

I'm posting from my phone so I am sorry for not quoting the text.

Let's discuss.

This is the kind of decision that can lead to very bad things.
The Democrat politicians of Marylard are the second dumbest to the Democrat Politicians of the US of A.

I have posted 2 pictures below, which is an assault rifle and which one isn't? I bet you libs will get it wrong, everytime...

Ruger10-22Carbine234-871601.jpg Tapco-Ruger-10-22-Stock-3-1024x1024.jpg
Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

I'm posting from my phone so I am sorry for not quoting the text.

Let's discuss.

This is the kind of decision that can lead to very bad things.
Just one more reason to get them while you still can. The 2nd doesn't protect assault weapons? Hahahahaha. I guess they don't get the whole"...shall not be infringed." part. We need to have "reasonable" limits on our rights? Ok, no one gets a nuke. Done.
Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

I'm posting from my phone so I am sorry for not quoting the text.

Let's discuss.

This is the kind of decision that can lead to very bad things.
Just one more reason to get them while you still can. The 2nd doesn't protect assault weapons? Hahahahaha. I guess they don't get the whole"...shall not be infringed." part. We need to have "reasonable" limits on our rights? Ok, no one gets a nuke. Done.
It is okay when Trump puts the next 3 SCJ's in the highest court, all these other liberal rulings will go out the door. And the left will go crazy..
Have to seriously laugh when one of the opponents states this:
"But Elizabeth Banach, executive director of Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence, said the decision is "overwhelming proof that reasonable measures to prevent gun violence are constitutional."

"Maryland's law needs to become a national model of evidence-based policies that will reduce gun violence," Banach wrote in a statement. "

Does she have any idea how FEW of those banned weapons are used in gun violence?

She needs to stop :lalala: and read up on the subject.
Have to seriously laugh when one of the opponents states this:
"But Elizabeth Banach, executive director of Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence, said the decision is "overwhelming proof that reasonable measures to prevent gun violence are constitutional."

"Maryland's law needs to become a national model of evidence-based policies that will reduce gun violence," Banach wrote in a statement. "

Does she have any idea how FEW of those banned weapons are used in gun violence?

She needs to stop :lalala: and read up on the subject.
Trump wants to allow concealed weapons everywhere. This bill would do that.
Shortly after Donald Trump won the election, Todd Rathner, a prominent gun rights lobbyist, said gun owners were eager to "go on the offense at the federal level." Among their top priorities was national reciprocity legislation: a law guaranteeing that people with concealed-carry permits from one state could take their guns into any other state, even if that state had stricter limits on carrying concealed weapons. Sure enough, on the first day of the new session of Congress, Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) introduced the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017.
The reason why Sandy Hook happened was that the elementary school was a gun free zone.

Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

I'm posting from my phone so I am sorry for not quoting the text.

Let's discuss.

This is the kind of decision that can lead to very bad things.
Just one more reason to get them while you still can. The 2nd doesn't protect assault weapons? Hahahahaha. I guess they don't get the whole"...shall not be infringed." part. We need to have "reasonable" limits on our rights? Ok, no one gets a nuke. Done.


Might want to add biological and most chemical weapons to that list.

Personally I'd rather take my chances with the nuke that the other two.


From the article: "Put simply, we have no power to extend Second Amendment protections to weapons of war,"


WTF does that idiot judge think the 2ND amendment was written for - if it was not written to SECURE the people's right to DEFEND their own freedoms them self and against even their own government- if necessary. A government which HAS "weapons of war" at their disposal!

Legal or not.... watch the stockpiling reach epic proportions following this decision.

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Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

I'm posting from my phone so I am sorry for not quoting the text.

Let's discuss.

This is the kind of decision that can lead to very bad things.
Just one more reason to get them while you still can. The 2nd doesn't protect assault weapons? Hahahahaha. I guess they don't get the whole"...shall not be infringed." part. We need to have "reasonable" limits on our rights? Ok, no one gets a nuke. Done.
The way to outlaw nukes is via a constitutional amendment. The thing is, such a law would pass by a super-majority very easily.
Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

I'm posting from my phone so I am sorry for not quoting the text.

Let's discuss.

This is the kind of decision that can lead to very bad things.
The Democrat politicians of Marylard are the second dumbest to the Democrat Politicians of the US of A.

I have posted 2 pictures below, which is an assault rifle and which one isn't? I bet you libs will get it wrong, everytime...

View attachment 113702 View attachment 113703
Both of these weapons are Ruger 10/22 semi automatic weapons. They are not assault weapons.

A M-16 is an Assault weapon, an AR-15 is a hunting rifle. Shame some people on this site never graduated from a real school, instead of the propaganda public school.
Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

I'm posting from my phone so I am sorry for not quoting the text.

Let's discuss.

This is the kind of decision that can lead to very bad things.
The Democrat politicians of Marylard are the second dumbest to the Democrat Politicians of the US of A.

I have posted 2 pictures below, which is an assault rifle and which one isn't? I bet you libs will get it wrong, everytime...

View attachment 113702 View attachment 113703
Both of these weapons are Ruger 10/22 semi automatic weapons. They are not assault weapons.

A M-16 is an Assault weapon, an AR-15 is a hunting rifle. Shame some people on this site never graduated from a real school, instead of the propaganda public school.

I think it is time to stop pussy footing around.

The 2nd Amendment was not written to secure the people's right to keep and bear HUNTING rifles. It was not written to secure the people's right to have guns for sport or for collecting.

The 2nd Amendment was written to secure our right AND OUR ABILITY to have the weapons necessary to DEFEND ourselves and our freedoms MILITARILY - even against our own government - should it ever again be necessary for us to do so.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." - Declaration of Independence

Can you imagine the founding fathers and the framers of the Constitution and their reactions to any King or even their own Government - trying to dictate to them what weapons they could and could not have to DEFEND themselves and their liberties against such tyranny?

Those bayonets on the ends of the Kentucky long rifles carried by the minutemen (CIVILIANS) during the revolutionary war were not for DEER HUNTING. The Cannons they used against the king and his men were not for defense against Squirrels.

We all agree (I hope) that there can be limits and regulations - reasonable regulations that the people might "consent" to. However, a RIGHT does not simply get lost or go away when someone CONSENTS to regulation.

The courts are not recognizing the RIGHTS of the people in this case.

The "people" have a 2nd Amendment Constitutional RIGHT to keep and bear weapons of WAR - to defend ourselves against EVEN our own government.

It is time to stop pretending that we don't.
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Anyone know of a law preventing someone from owning an M1A1?

Didn't think so.

Assault weapons? What a waste of time. I'll take a WWII tank every day over them.
Does she have any idea how FEW of those banned weapons are used in gun violence?

Thanks in large part to gun control measures


What prevented the thousands of people that used handguns to murder people from using so called 'assault weapons' that are available over the counter?

If they qualify to buy a handgun, they qualify to buy a scary looking AR-15.

What prevented the thousands of people that used handguns to murder people from using so called 'assault weapons' that are available over the counter?

If they qualify to buy a handgun, they qualify to buy a scary looking AR-15.
I don't know. Stupidity? Either that or they lived in a state where assault rifles are banned.
Does she have any idea how FEW of those banned weapons are used in gun violence?

Thanks in large part to gun control measures
Those "gun control" measures worked out pretty good in places like San Bernadino, and Miami, didn't they? The problem with "gun control" laws, is that criminals, by definition, don't care!!! All they do is keep those guns out of the hands of the rest of us, so we cannot effectively defend ourselves against them.
Assault weapons not protected by Second Amendment, federal appeals court rules

I'm posting from my phone so I am sorry for not quoting the text.

Let's discuss.

This is the kind of decision that can lead to very bad things.
The Democrat politicians of Marylard are the second dumbest to the Democrat Politicians of the US of A.

I have posted 2 pictures below, which is an assault rifle and which one isn't? I bet you libs will get it wrong, everytime...

View attachment 113702 View attachment 113703
Can't be too safe....ban them both

What prevented the thousands of people that used handguns to murder people from using so called 'assault weapons' that are available over the counter?

If they qualify to buy a handgun, they qualify to buy a scary looking AR-15.
I don't know. Stupidity? Either that or they lived in a state where assault rifles are banned.
You really don't get it do you? Criminals will use whatever gun they wish. Just so happens that hand guns are much easier to conceal than "assault weapons". That is why so few choose rifles too.

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