Another Shutdown Looming 9/30/2020


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Does anyone think Trump will cave into Nancy yet again? Or is he going to insist on getting money for the wall Mexico still hasn't paid for?

Government? We are safer when they are static.

Business will write off the Democrats for good if they try to Covid shut down again.
Does anyone think Trump will cave into Nancy yet again? Or is he going to insist on getting money for the wall Mexico still hasn't paid for?

Trump will be forced to cave. He will definitely lose if there is a government shutdown.
Does anyone think Trump will cave into Nancy yet again? Or is he going to insist on getting money for the wall Mexico still hasn't paid for?

Remember when Mexicrats forced the longest .Gov shutdown in history because they couldn't secure a good enough deal for Mexico's human cockroaches?
Does anyone think Trump will cave into Nancy yet again? Or is he going to insist on getting money for the wall Mexico still hasn't paid for?

Trump will be forced to cave. He will definitely lose if there is a government shutdown.
Remember when Mexicrats forced the longest .Gov shutdown in history because they couldn't secure a good enough deal for Mexico's human cockroaches?
The article indicates that both sides don’t want a shutdown.

That seems likely given a shutdown just before a General Election would be bad for both Democrats and Republicans.
Does anyone think Trump will cave into Nancy yet again? Or is he going to insist on getting money for the wall Mexico still hasn't paid for?

I understand that you are a left wing American white woman, so I know you know very little about how bills are paid. You just have a magical piece of plastic that the man you have a wide on for pays for, but I will attempt to explain to you how Mexico pays for the wall.

Oh, he said Mexico was going to pay for it'.. ane I see how that is a giggly point for you and your types. Well let me quickly set you straight on this one: Have you compared the old EXTREMELY one-sided NAFTA agreement (negotiated by none other than Jimmy 'peanuts' Carter) with the NEW U.S.M.C. agreement?

Well I have...And let me tell you this: Mexico will now end up paying much MORE for your goods than you will for theirs...And why you might ask?? Because they're far more reliant on the U.S. than you are of them. Yes, it will take time but the bottom line is...Indirectly they WILL end up paying for the wall just like Trump said all along!

The day you understand that you understand little, will be the day you understand a lot.
Does anyone think Trump will cave into Nancy yet again? Or is he going to insist on getting money for the wall Mexico still hasn't paid for?

I understand that you are a left wing American white woman, so I know you know very little about how bills are paid. You just have a magical piece of plastic that the man you have a wide on for pays for, but I will attempt to explain to you how Mexico pays for the wall.

Oh, he said Mexico was going to pay for it'.. ane I see how that is a giggly point for you and your types. Well let me quickly set you straight on this one: Have you compared the old EXTREMELY one-sided NAFTA agreement (negotiated by none other than Jimmy 'peanuts' Carter) with the NEW U.S.M.C. agreement?

Well I have...And let me tell you this: Mexico will now end up paying much MORE for your goods than you will for theirs...And why you might ask?? Because they're far more reliant on the U.S. than you are of them. Yes, it will take time but the bottom line is...Indirectly they WILL end up paying for the wall just like Trump said all along!

The day you understand that you understand little, will be the day you understand a lot.

Poor Short Stack... you still believe the blob.
The article indicates that both sides don’t want a shutdown.

That seems likely given a shutdown just before a General Election would be bad for both Democrats and Republicans.


The blob caving will make him look weak. Republicans don't do weakness...or at least that is what they will tell you. If I'm Nancy...I shove the Democratic C-19 relief package right down his throat. She won't of course. The Democrats never cease to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

It will really help the DEMS in down ticket races as well because the DEMS passed their bill back in May; they have layed down their marker.
No one will cave. If you read the article Nancy and Mnuchin already agreed to "clean" CRs to keep the government open.
By that time the vaccines will be rolled out and the pandemic should be history.
Does anyone think Trump will cave into Nancy yet again? Or is he going to insist on getting money for the wall Mexico still hasn't paid for?

The blob caved...of course:


Another spending bill with no funding for the wall.

Nancy owns him worse than Biden.
Does anyone think Trump will cave into Nancy yet again? Or is he going to insist on getting money for the wall Mexico still hasn't paid for?

No one cares when the federal government shuts down ...especially white supremacists reeeeeeeeeee.!
The only people who care are the Msm and progressives on Twitter

Does anyone think Trump will cave into Nancy yet again? Or is he going to insist on getting money for the wall Mexico still hasn't paid for?

No one cares when the federal government shuts down ...especially white supremacists reeeeeeeeeee.!
The only people who care are the Msm and progressives on Twitter


Trump supporters know more than anyone what white supremacists think....

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