Another slam dunk if Trump plays it right during debate, tell Americans "if I win, I will demand reparations from China for the Wuhan Virus". seen the check from Mexico yet?

It won't be in one lump sum, written on a check, silly pants.

That would work considering how many cross the border every day.

How many?

I would think thousands as that many cross the border every day.

How many, exactly?

Impossible to tell but thousands cross the border every day.

If it's impossible to tell, how do you know it's "thousands"?
He is achieving it with Sudan and their support of terror in the past, why should China not face a class action lawsuit from the world for spreading this virus around the globe without any provocation?

Why would anyone believe that China would pay one penny?

We're still waiting for Mexico to pay for that wall.

You can't be that stupid. Can you?

Seems to me I remember a ME country paying for the dead at Lockerbee.

Oh and Mexico will be paying if Trump gets his over the border tax approved.

I'd say you are the one who is stupid when that happens.
He is achieving it with Sudan and their support of terror in the past, why should China not face a class action lawsuit from the world for spreading this virus around the globe without any provocation?

Why would anyone believe that China would pay one penny?

We're still waiting for Mexico to pay for that wall.

You can't be that stupid. Can you?
obviously, thats your job seen the check from Mexico yet?

It won't be in one lump sum, written on a check, silly pants.

That would work considering how many cross the border every day.

How many?

I would think thousands as that many cross the border every day.

How many, exactly?

Impossible to tell but thousands cross the border every day.

If it's impossible to tell, how do you know it's "thousands"?

Just a guess but I think if you look it up you will find its a damned good guess.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

You aren't a republican because Trump ate all of them, but you are a trumpster.
i would much rather be a TRUMPSTER than a supporter of a treasonist pedophile and its family

If you are a Trumpster, you are a supporter of a treasonist pedophile and his family. seen the check from Mexico yet?

It won't be in one lump sum, written on a check, silly pants.

That would work considering how many cross the border every day.

How many?

I would think thousands as that many cross the border every day.

How many, exactly?

Impossible to tell but thousands cross the border every day.

If it's impossible to tell, how do you know it's "thousands"?

Just a guess but I think if you look it up you will find its a damned good guess.

You said it, you look it up.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

You aren't a republican because Trump ate all of them, but you are a trumpster.
i would much rather be a TRUMPSTER than a supporter of a treasonist pedophile and its family

If you are a Trumpster, you are a supporter of a treasonist pedophile and his family.

Nope. I'm a supporter of a damned good POTUS.

Seem you support the sniffer and his son's rather questionable practices.

Oh and if Trump were treasonous or a pedo he wouldn't be POTUS.

Better luck in 2024. seen the check from Mexico yet?

It won't be in one lump sum, written on a check, silly pants.

That would work considering how many cross the border every day.

How many?

I would think thousands as that many cross the border every day.

How many, exactly?

Impossible to tell but thousands cross the border every day.

If it's impossible to tell, how do you know it's "thousands"?

Just a guess but I think if you look it up you will find its a damned good guess.

You said it, you look it up.

Can't on this computer. I'm lucky I can get the message board. If its not Sheriffs business everything is locked out. "Not secure" is what you get. So if you want to know you will have to look it up.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

He will also raise Capital Gains from 21 to 28% and that will affect the stock market and everyone else. Not very smart.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

Unemployment was at it's lowest levels in years and years when Trump took office. The economy was doing just fine when Trump took office. Trump did nothing to improve the economy, all he did was take credit for Obama's economy, and then crash it into a tree.

The economy slowed down after Trump's election. His job creation, unemployment numbers, GDP and stock market growth for the first three years of his Presidency are all lower than than last 3 years of Obama's second term.

No one cares what will happen with the stock market going forward. 80% of Americans own no stocks or 401K's at all. Furthermore, for those who do, Obama DOUBLED the DOW in his first four term in office. The DOW is barely up 30% in Trump's first term.

If I owned stocks, I'd take Obama's record with the market over Trump or W's record any day of the week - regardless of higher capitals gains taxes. If I get a 200% percent return on my investment, I don't mind paying an extra 7% in capital gains tax at all. I'm WAY further ahead with a Biden in the White House.

Capital gain on a $100,000 investment with a 100% capital gain = $100,000, less 28% CGT, leaving a net gain of $72,000. Capital gain on a $100,000 investment with a 30% return = $30,000, less 21% CGT, leaving a net gain of $23,400. $72,000 is a three times as much as Dumb Donald's plan.

Cutting taxes for billionaires isn't putting money into anyone's pockets but those already in the Top 1%. Worse, it's taking the money out of the pockets of the working and middle classes. Wealth inequity accelerates with every tax cut, as does poverty. Neither of these things were a problem before 1980, and neither are a problem in the rest of the first world where 80% of the wealth isn't flowing to the top 20%.

Only an idiot thinks manmade climate change is a "hoax".
Last edited:
The WHO should also be held accountable.

We can't get our billions back that we have wasted funding the pinko Chinese puppets running the WHO..

But we should stop giving them money, and/or the WHO should be dissolved.

Lol stop pretending you know what the WHO is or what they do.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

You aren't a republican because Trump ate all of them, but you are a trumpster.
i would much rather be a TRUMPSTER than a supporter of a treasonist pedophile and its family

If you are a Trumpster, you are a supporter of a treasonist pedophile and his family.

Nope. I'm a supporter of a damned good POTUS.

Seem you support the sniffer and his son's rather questionable practices.

Oh and if Trump were treasonous or a pedo he wouldn't be POTUS.

Better luck in 2024.

By his own words he is a pedo, and the treasonous part hasn't had it's day in court yet.
The WHO should also be held accountable.

We can't get our billions back that we have wasted funding the pinko Chinese puppets running the WHO..

But we should stop giving them money, and/or the WHO should be dissolved.

Lol stop pretending you know what the WHO is or what they do.
take your own advice
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

He will also raise Capital Gains from 21 to 28% and that will affect the stock market and everyone else. Not very smart.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

Unemployment was at it's lowest levels in years and years when Trump took office. The economy was doing just fine when Trump took office. Trump did nothing to improve the economy, all he did was take credit for Obama's economy, and then crash it into a tree.

The economy slowed down after Trump's election. His job creation, unemployment numbers, GDP and stock market growth for the first three years of his Presidency are all lower than than last 3 years of Obama's second term.

No one cares what will happen with the stock market going forward. 80% of Americans own no stocks or 401K's at all. Furthermore, for those who do, Obama DOUBLED the DOW in his first four term in office. The DOW is barely up 30% in Trump's first term.

If I owned stocks, I'd take Obama's record with the market over Trump or W's record any day of the week - regardless of higher capitals gains taxes. If I get a 200% percent return on my investment, I don't mind paying an extra in capital gains tax 7% tax at all on that capital gain. I'm WAY further ahead with a Biden in the White House.

Cutting taxes for billionaires isn't putting money into anyone's pockets but those already in the Top 1%. Worse, it's taking the money out of the pockets of the working and middle classes. Wealth inequity accelerates with every tax cut, as does poverty. Neither of these things were a problem before 1980, and neither are a problem in the rest of the first world where 80% of the wealth isn't flowing to the top 20%.

Only an idiot thinks manmade climate change is a "hoax".

Well for the lousy job you say he did. Trump did well. UE the lowest its been in 50 years, Jobs all across the country and a great economy. Oh Barry left him a fair hand but Trump improved on it by getting rid of Barry's business stopping EO's and putting in his own which helped business. Companies hire and that's great for the economy.

I'm no billionaire and I've done quite well in the four years Trump has been POTUS.

Oh brother. You and climate change. Al Gore laughed his way to the bank with his Climate Change gig.

Hell in 1815 or thereabouts there was no summer. It snowed in July and August and there was no carbon foot print back then. People starved because they couldn't grow crops. Again. No carbon footprint in 1815.

The Climate changed just as it has been doing for billions of years. Its doesn't take a carbon footprint for that to happen.

But you go ahead and embrace the climate change bullshit. I'll just stand over here and LMAO at you.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

He will also raise Capital Gains from 21 to 28% and that will affect the stock market and everyone else. Not very smart.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

Unemployment was at it's lowest levels in years and years when Trump took office. The economy was doing just fine when Trump took office. Trump did nothing to improve the economy, all he did was take credit for Obama's economy, and then crash it into a tree.

The economy slowed down after Trump's election. His job creation, unemployment numbers, GDP and stock market growth for the first three years of his Presidency are all lower than than last 3 years of Obama's second term.

No one cares what will happen with the stock market going forward. 80% of Americans own no stocks or 401K's at all. Furthermore, for those who do, Obama DOUBLED the DOW in his first four term in office. The DOW is barely up 30% in Trump's first term.

If I owned stocks, I'd take Obama's record with the market over Trump or W's record any day of the week - regardless of higher capitals gains taxes. If I get a 200% percent return on my investment, I don't mind paying an extra in capital gains tax 7% tax at all on that capital gain. I'm WAY further ahead with a Biden in the White House.

Cutting taxes for billionaires isn't putting money into anyone's pockets but those already in the Top 1%. Worse, it's taking the money out of the pockets of the working and middle classes. Wealth inequity accelerates with every tax cut, as does poverty. Neither of these things were a problem before 1980, and neither are a problem in the rest of the first world where 80% of the wealth isn't flowing to the top 20%.

Only an idiot thinks manmade climate change is a "hoax".

Well for the lousy job you say he did. Trump did well. UE the lowest its been in 50 years, Jobs all across the country and a great economy. Oh Barry left him a fair hand but Trump improved on it by getting rid of Barry's business stopping EO's and putting in his own which helped business. Companies hire and that's great for the economy.

I'm no billionaire and I've done quite well in the four years Trump has been POTUS.

Oh brother. You and climate change. Al Gore laughed his way to the bank with his Climate Change gig.

Hell in 1815 or thereabouts there was no summer. It snowed in July and August and there was no carbon foot print back then. People starved because they couldn't grow crops. Again. No carbon footprint in 1815.

The Climate changed just as it has been doing for billions of years. Its doesn't take a carbon footprint for that to happen.

But you go ahead and embrace the climate change bullshit. I'll just stand over here and LMAO at you.

How are you doing right now? What was happening while Trump was coasting on the Obama economy's coattails is gone and it's not coming back under this president. Harking back to what happened before Trump crashed the economy when he has no plan on how to re-open the economy is idiocy on the hoof, albeit typical of you.

Biden restarted the economy for Obama, and Joe has a plan based on his prior experience. Trump is relying on the same magical thinking, that put you in this mess in the first place.

Everything you believe is "crackpot" has been very successful everywhere else in the world, and we're all doing a whole lot better than you are. You're really close to a banana republic economy right now and Trump has no plan to do anything different than right now. Shovel money to billionaires and continue to line his own pockets.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

You aren't a republican because Trump ate all of them, but you are a trumpster.
i would much rather be a TRUMPSTER than a supporter of a treasonist pedophile and its family

If you are a Trumpster, you are a supporter of a treasonist pedophile and his family.

Nope. I'm a supporter of a damned good POTUS.

Seem you support the sniffer and his son's rather questionable practices.

Oh and if Trump were treasonous or a pedo he wouldn't be POTUS.

Better luck in 2024.

By his own words he is a pedo, and the treasonous part hasn't had it's day in court yet.
i see the pedophile supporter is accusing the wrong people....look in the support them

I see an accusation of pedophilia which I have reported to admins.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

He will also raise Capital Gains from 21 to 28% and that will affect the stock market and everyone else. Not very smart.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

Unemployment was at it's lowest levels in years and years when Trump took office. The economy was doing just fine when Trump took office. Trump did nothing to improve the economy, all he did was take credit for Obama's economy, and then crash it into a tree.

The economy slowed down after Trump's election. His job creation, unemployment numbers, GDP and stock market growth for the first three years of his Presidency are all lower than than last 3 years of Obama's second term.

No one cares what will happen with the stock market going forward. 80% of Americans own no stocks or 401K's at all. Furthermore, for those who do, Obama DOUBLED the DOW in his first four term in office. The DOW is barely up 30% in Trump's first term.

If I owned stocks, I'd take Obama's record with the market over Trump or W's record any day of the week - regardless of higher capitals gains taxes. If I get a 200% percent return on my investment, I don't mind paying an extra in capital gains tax 7% tax at all on that capital gain. I'm WAY further ahead with a Biden in the White House.

Cutting taxes for billionaires isn't putting money into anyone's pockets but those already in the Top 1%. Worse, it's taking the money out of the pockets of the working and middle classes. Wealth inequity accelerates with every tax cut, as does poverty. Neither of these things were a problem before 1980, and neither are a problem in the rest of the first world where 80% of the wealth isn't flowing to the top 20%.

Only an idiot thinks manmade climate change is a "hoax".

Well for the lousy job you say he did. Trump did well. UE the lowest its been in 50 years, Jobs all across the country and a great economy. Oh Barry left him a fair hand but Trump improved on it by getting rid of Barry's business stopping EO's and putting in his own which helped business. Companies hire and that's great for the economy.

I'm no billionaire and I've done quite well in the four years Trump has been POTUS.

Oh brother. You and climate change. Al Gore laughed his way to the bank with his Climate Change gig.

Hell in 1815 or thereabouts there was no summer. It snowed in July and August and there was no carbon foot print back then. People starved because they couldn't grow crops. Again. No carbon footprint in 1815.

The Climate changed just as it has been doing for billions of years. Its doesn't take a carbon footprint for that to happen.

But you go ahead and embrace the climate change bullshit. I'll just stand over here and LMAO at you.

How are you doing right now? What was happening while Trump was coasting on the Obama economy's coattails is gone and it's not coming back under this president. Harking back to what happened before Trump crashed the economy when he has no plan on how to re-open the economy is idiocy on the hoof, albeit typical of you.

Biden restarted the economy for Obama, and Joe has a plan based on his prior experience. Trump is relying on the same magical thinking, that put you in this mess in the first place.

Everything you believe is "crackpot" has been very successful everywhere else in the world, and we're all doing a whole lot better than you are. You're really close to a banana republic economy right now and Trump has no plan to do anything different than right now. Shovel money to billionaires and continue to line his own pockets.

Trump didn't crash the economy the Chinese virus did that. You know the virus the Dems called a hoax.

Biden's plan will be a train wreck especially if he get the green shit he wants.

I'm doing just fine. Oh and the economy will be back once the Chinese virus is licked. Trump will bring it back. If Biden gets elected it will be a train wreck.

Seems you forgot Trump donates his salary where he thinks it will help. He certainly isn't lining his pockets but you might want to check Biden's pockets. Hunter has funneled quite bit his way if the stories are true.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

He will also raise Capital Gains from 21 to 28% and that will affect the stock market and everyone else. Not very smart.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

Unemployment was at it's lowest levels in years and years when Trump took office. The economy was doing just fine when Trump took office. Trump did nothing to improve the economy, all he did was take credit for Obama's economy, and then crash it into a tree.

The economy slowed down after Trump's election. His job creation, unemployment numbers, GDP and stock market growth for the first three years of his Presidency are all lower than than last 3 years of Obama's second term.

No one cares what will happen with the stock market going forward. 80% of Americans own no stocks or 401K's at all. Furthermore, for those who do, Obama DOUBLED the DOW in his first four term in office. The DOW is barely up 30% in Trump's first term.

If I owned stocks, I'd take Obama's record with the market over Trump or W's record any day of the week - regardless of higher capitals gains taxes. If I get a 200% percent return on my investment, I don't mind paying an extra in capital gains tax 7% tax at all on that capital gain. I'm WAY further ahead with a Biden in the White House.

Cutting taxes for billionaires isn't putting money into anyone's pockets but those already in the Top 1%. Worse, it's taking the money out of the pockets of the working and middle classes. Wealth inequity accelerates with every tax cut, as does poverty. Neither of these things were a problem before 1980, and neither are a problem in the rest of the first world where 80% of the wealth isn't flowing to the top 20%.

Only an idiot thinks manmade climate change is a "hoax".

Well for the lousy job you say he did. Trump did well. UE the lowest its been in 50 years, Jobs all across the country and a great economy. Oh Barry left him a fair hand but Trump improved on it by getting rid of Barry's business stopping EO's and putting in his own which helped business. Companies hire and that's great for the economy.

I'm no billionaire and I've done quite well in the four years Trump has been POTUS.

Oh brother. You and climate change. Al Gore laughed his way to the bank with his Climate Change gig.

Hell in 1815 or thereabouts there was no summer. It snowed in July and August and there was no carbon foot print back then. People starved because they couldn't grow crops. Again. No carbon footprint in 1815.

The Climate changed just as it has been doing for billions of years. Its doesn't take a carbon footprint for that to happen.

But you go ahead and embrace the climate change bullshit. I'll just stand over here and LMAO at you.

How are you doing right now? What was happening while Trump was coasting on the Obama economy's coattails is gone and it's not coming back under this president. Harking back to what happened before Trump crashed the economy when he has no plan on how to re-open the economy is idiocy on the hoof, albeit typical of you.

Biden restarted the economy for Obama, and Joe has a plan based on his prior experience. Trump is relying on the same magical thinking, that put you in this mess in the first place.

Everything you believe is "crackpot" has been very successful everywhere else in the world, and we're all doing a whole lot better than you are. You're really close to a banana republic economy right now and Trump has no plan to do anything different than right now. Shovel money to billionaires and continue to line his own pockets.

Trump didn't crash the economy the Chinese virus did that. You know the virus the Dems called a hoax.

Biden's plan will be a train wreck especially if he get the green shit he wants.

I'm doing just fine. Oh and the economy will be back once the Chinese virus is licked. Trump will bring it back. If Biden gets elected it will be a train wreck.

Seems you forgot Trump donates his salary where he thinks it will help. He certainly isn't lining his pockets but you might want to check Biden's pockets. Hunter has funneled quite bit his way if the stories are true.

The Chinese virus cut taxes and ran up the deficit The Chinese virus funnelled the stimulous to large corporations and not working people? The Chinese virus gave tax breaks to millionaires in the stimulus? The Chinese virus refused to shut down and stay shut down until the virus was quashed.

Trump's response to the Chinese virus crashed the economy. Of all of the first world countries in the world, only the USA lost -32% GDP in the second quarter. Canada -11.2%, EU -11.5%
Do you have any financial analysts or statisticians to back up this bullshit or did Trump just pull that straight out of his ass, and you swallowed it whole? Unfortunately we can't do a financial analysis of Trump's economic plans and policies because HE DOESN'T HAVE ONE.

Trump donates his salary to impress gullible fools like you, while he stuffs his pockets full of cash through shady means:

Laughing at people who are doing a whole lot better than you are. Every day, in every way, you prove how gullible you are.
Only an idiot thinks manmade climate change is a "hoax".
Those darn ice ages that we had.
I just knew that ice was going to melt.
Now here we are with virtually no change in comparison to earths history, combined with no concrete evidence that any modern heating events, here on earth is caused from man.
Yet, it still spews like a virus from the mouths of the brainwashed.
So much for the real scientist.
Only an idiot thinks manmade climate change is a "hoax".
Those darn ice ages that we had.
I just knew that ice was going to melt.
Now here we are with virtually no change in comparison to earths history, combined with no concrete evidence that any modern heating events, here on earth is caused from man.
Yet, it still spews like a virus from the mouths of the brainwashed.
So much for the real scientist.

If any of that bullshit you just posted was true, you might have a point. Core drilling into the pack ice in the Antartic shows that the there has never been a time in the earth's history when there was more "carbon" in the air, and that this acceleration in climate change is occuring faster than ever. The increase in carbon in the atmosphere correlates with the increased in the use of fossil fuels, and further correlates with the change in climate.

The bullshit you're spouting comes straight out of the mouths of scientists bought and paid for by the petroleum industry. There is far more money to be made in the conversion to green energy, than there is to continue using fossil fuels. Not to mention cleaner air and water, and a healthier climate.

Evolve or die. That mantra is never more true of the American conservatives clinging to their coal and oil, even as violent climate events, floods and wildfires are costing your economy hundreds of billions of dollars.
That mantra is never more true of the American conservatives clinging to their coal and oil, even as violent climate events, floods and wildfires are costing your economy hundreds of billions of dollars.
Can you possibly compare the emissions of the U.S. to other major countries like China or Russia, for example ?
Even if what you are saying was true, then what do you propose about these other countries ? Thats right the Green New Deal will save the America that is already doing virtually no polluting in comparison to all the other major countries. I bet Biden will make those pesky polluters pay.
And, who are some of the people buying oceanfront properties that believe in this climate change ?

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