Another slam dunk if Trump plays it right during debate, tell Americans "if I win, I will demand reparations from China for the Wuhan Virus".

Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.
and xiden voters obviously support treason, pedophiles and crackheads, so, who is lacking critical thinking skills?

Just because you keep saying that crazy shit doesn't make it true. No matter how many times you say it.
now - apply that to 99.9% of the crap you say and you'll understand how most in here see you.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.
and xiden voters obviously support treason, pedophiles and crackheads, so, who is lacking critical thinking skills?

Just because you keep saying that crazy shit doesn't make it true. No matter how many times you say it.
tell the fbi that, tell hunters lawyer who wants the computors returned, tell the underaged girls he raped that, as said b4, you support this? that makes you just as guilty

I already told everybody that. You didn't read my previous post?
i try not to read anything you type, because its just gibberish. and no the--and you support this-- question only requires a yes or no answer. you shouldnt deflect on that
Right after the Mexicans pay for the wall?
They have been for many months through their soldiers being on their side of the border, not to mention whats going to be implement at the border crossing ports.
You see Trump actually has a plan and actually keeps his promises.
Care to return to the promises he made on the campaign trail in 2016 ?
He is achieving it with Sudan and their support of terror in the past, why should China not face a class action lawsuit from the world for spreading this virus around the globe without any provocation?

China ought to face class action mushroom clouds instead . . . and you damn well know it.

Typical Republican - always wanting to start and war and blow things up.
AMERICA hasnt even thought about a war in 4 years...finally..... thats how the demonrats will get rid of you, not them, and tell you its necessary
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.
and xiden voters obviously support treason, pedophiles and crackheads, so, who is lacking critical thinking skills?

Just because you keep saying that crazy shit doesn't make it true. No matter how many times you say it.
tell the fbi that, tell hunters lawyer who wants the computors returned, tell the underaged girls he raped that, as said b4, you support this? that makes you just as guilty

I already told everybody that. You didn't read my previous post?
i try not to read anything you type, because its just gibberish. and no the--and you support this-- question only requires a yes or no answer. you shouldnt deflect on that

Keep that up, and you'll hurt my feelings. seen the check from Mexico yet?

It won't be in one lump sum, written on a check, silly pants.

That would work considering how many cross the border every day.

How many?

I would think thousands as that many cross the border every day.

How many, exactly?
There will be no reparations from China.. You racists are fucking ignorant. There are conditions that must be met for reparations and American business people catching a virus from traveling to a foreign country ain't one of them.
China inventing a virus and then releasing it on purpose or accident and then lying their arses off as they knowingly and purposely spread the disease goes both to civil and criminal behavior. Seize assets of China---------stop manufacturing and allowing them to make money anywhere in the world. Chi-coms are pigs.
There will be no reparations from China.. You racists are fucking ignorant. There are conditions that must be met for reparations and American business people catching a virus from traveling to a foreign country ain't one of them.

As we suspected. You are a racist.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

He will also raise Capital Gains from 21 to 28% and that will affect the stock market and everyone else. Not very smart.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

You aren't a republican because Trump ate all of them, but you are a trumpster. seen the check from Mexico yet?

It won't be in one lump sum, written on a check, silly pants.

That would work considering how many cross the border every day.

How many?

I would think thousands as that many cross the border every day.

Aren't most of the people crossing the border every day Americans going to and returning from Mexico? If Mexicans are moving freely back and forth across the border, why do illegal immigrants hire coyotes, and undertake dangerous border crossings?

So a "border tax", would be mostly paid by Americans visiting and return from Mexico. Mexicans aren't the ones who are crossing the border by the thousands. Anyone with a lick of common sense would know that immediately. Why do conservatives never see how they're being played by Republican lies?

If I wanted to move to the USA, I would just drive to Niagara Falls, cross the border telling them I was going to visit my friend in New York City, or fly to Las Vegas telling them I was there to visit my niece and then never go home. Americans wanting to sneak could just say they were coming to Toronto for a baseball game, or the Gay Pride or something similar. Or they can go for a walk in the woods in New York, Maine or Vermont. seen the check from Mexico yet?

It won't be in one lump sum, written on a check, silly pants.

That would work considering how many cross the border every day.

How many?

I would think thousands as that many cross the border every day.

How many, exactly?

Impossible to tell but thousands cross the border every day. seen the check from Mexico yet?

It won't be in one lump sum, written on a check, silly pants.

That would work considering how many cross the border every day.

How many?

I would think thousands as that many cross the border every day.

Aren't most of the people crossing the border every day Americans going to and returning from Mexico? If Mexicans are moving freely back and forth across the border, why do illegal immigrants hire coyotes, and undertake dangerous border crossings?

So a "border tax", would be mostly paid by Americans visiting and return from Mexico. Mexicans aren't the ones who are crossing the border by the thousands. Anyone with a lick of common sense would know that immediately. Why do conservatives never see how they're being played by Republican lies?

If I wanted to move to the USA, I would just drive to Niagara Falls, cross the border telling them I was going to visit my friend in New York City, or fly to Las Vegas telling them I was there to visit my niece and then never go home. Americans wanting to sneak could just say they were coming to Toronto for a baseball game, or the Gay Pride or something similar. Or they can go for a walk in the woods in New York, Maine or Vermont.

Sure American cross the border but Mexicans also cross the border by the thousands every day.
He is achieving it with Sudan and their support of terror in the past, why should China not face a class action lawsuit from the world for spreading this virus around the globe without any provocation?

I seen to have heard this line before. "I'm going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it". Where is that cheque from Mexico? Shouldn't they have paid for that wall by now? Trump needs new material. Recycling the lies that worked in 2016 is failing miserably today, because Americans have learned from their mistakes, and that Trump lies.

The idiocy of Trump wasting government money suing the Sudan is ridiculous. Even if the USA wins the lawsuit, how are you going to collect from a one of the poorest nations on earth with one of the lowest GDP in the world? The answer is, you can't. Only an idiot enters into a lawsuit when the other party is broke and you have no hope of collecting, even if you win. Donald Trump is that idiot, who has used law suits to courts and bully intimidate others all of his life.

Suing China is a fools errand meant to deflect from the failure of his response to the pandemic. All that China would have to do, is to point out that other first world countries have not suffered the levels of disease, death or economic devastation as the USA, and the court would find for the Defendant. The Chinese would point out that most of the problems in the USA were caused by the inaction and lack of preparation by the Trump administration, during the period of January 2nd, when China warned the world, and March 13th when Trump announced his task force.

Incidentally, many of the states are planning "manslaughter" or "negligent homicide" charges against Donald Trump for promoting false information on the pandemic which has cost tens of thousands of American lives.
There are other ways to make Mexico pay for it...........for instance, cutting down the welfare money that their illegals to america were once sending them. Trump's wall is saving us billions $$$$
He is achieving it with Sudan and their support of terror in the past, why should China not face a class action lawsuit from the world for spreading this virus around the globe without any provocation?

Why would anyone believe that China would pay one penny?

We're still waiting for Mexico to pay for that wall.

You can't be that stupid. Can you?
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

You aren't a republican because Trump ate all of them, but you are a trumpster.

Damned right I'm a deplorable.

I'll be voting for Trump this Friday. Early voting in Florida.

I haven't been a Rep for decades. Independent is the way to go.
Definitely but it has to be a coalition of nations led by Trump IMO.

Nobody will join Trump in anything. I believe we still have some allies who would help America if we needed it despite Trump's crap, but nobody would lift a finger to help that fat orange idiot.
You give a bad name to fat orange idiots
and you support pedophiles? i see

50% of Trump voters believe in Q-anon. 30% of Trump voters believe in birtherism. Trump voters are clearly lacking in critical thinking skills and will believe anything.

Biden voters are just plain stupid. Who would vote for someone who will raise taxes and implement green shit that would bankrupt the country??

Oh wait. I forgot. You're a stupid Biden supporter. Never mind.

Yes, a President with policies, plans and good ideas, who needs that?

Trump cut taxes and tried to bring back coal, and refuses to address climate change. Trump really has bankrupted and destroyed the economy? If not for the tax cuts to billionaires, your deficit would be less than half of what is now is. How has that all worked out for you so far?

Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, and the top 10% of taxpayers. You must be really, really rich if you don't support raising taxes on billionaires. If not, you're a complete fool who continues to believe Republican bullshit and lies.

Well obviously we need taxes raised and green shit that will bankrupt everyone.

Sure he is. He's raising taxes on corps and people who make 400,000 or more. Of course he's to dumb to know that cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew this but Biden sure as hell doesn't.

Oh and his green shit will tank everything.

Seems you forgot. Before the Chinese virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We also had a great economy and all that with good plans and good ideas. All that with Trump at the helm.

Climate change is a hoax. The climate has been changing for billions of years and will continue to change when you are dust.

You're the complete fool and just love Biden's lies. I'm not a republican. Just someone who's way smarter than your stupid ass will ever be.

You aren't a republican because Trump ate all of them, but you are a trumpster.
i would much rather be a TRUMPSTER than a supporter of a treasonist pedophile and its family

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