Another swamp creature evicted from the swamp...

Trump spends $10 million bucks playing golf on the weekends

he spends $1 million bucks a day just so his trophy wife doesnt have to sleep in the same bed with him

now why would the Ethics Chief resign ?

gee, lemme think .......................

oh yeah, Don Cheeto is a shit stick.
hahahahahahaahaha tell you what, you put up a link that backs that post. just one.
Omg. You really don't know the purpose of the EPA and know what great work they do.
Not this one of course. Pruit's goal is to destroy the environment for corporate profits.
so why are you against posting the link that proves your post? here, not sure why you are afraid to post the link.

EPA History | US EPA

"Born in the wake of elevated concern about environmental pollution, EPA was established on December 2, 1970 to consolidate in one agency a variety of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities to ensure environmental protection. Since its inception, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people."

Now what part of that is the new EPA guy touching? none, he is taking out regs that go beyond the scope and climate nonsense.
Like so many of Trump appointees, Pruitt was hired to dismantle the EPA... and every move he has made proves it..
Disagree? Talk to Steve Bannon who verified it.

You don't know shit.

Good. The EPA needs to be dismantled. That's why we voted Trump.
I see you're for drinking polluted water and breathing toxic air. Maybe you should explain that..
Ahh look at the little lib and his extremism good little lib.
Yep. There is no place in the trump admin for his honesty and integrity. We already know that trump is breaking the law hut as long as Rs need him to ram their higher taxes and poisoning the working class, trump will get away with it.

Luckily, there's nothing he can do about the Russia investigation.

Anybody wanna bet the cheeto won't replace him?


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Lib Ahhhh look at the talking points raining in. WOW
I wonder how much Apple paid Trumps family?

"With the threat of tariffs on iPhones approaching in August, Apple Inc.AAPL 1.20% stood to lose billions of dollars in profit. Chief Executive Tim Cook reached out to one of his most important contacts in Washington, Jared Kushner.

Mr. Kushner arranged a call between Mr. Cook and his father-in-law, President Trump, people familiar with the call said, giving the Apple chief a chance to explain how tariffs would increase iPhone prices and impair Apple’s ability to compete against rivals such as Samsung Electronics Co.

Within days, the Trump administration scaled back its tariff plan to exempt a swath of electronics products, including iPhones, saying it wanted to protect consumers ahead of the holiday shopping season. The call from Mr. Cook influenced the decision, a person close to the administration said.

A day after that move, Apple issued a press release trumpeting job growth, saying that since 2011 it had quadrupled the number of jobs its business supports in the U.S. Later, Mr. Trump publicly praised Mr. Cook’s power of persuasion, saying the CEO had made a compelling argument about tariffs."
I wonder how much Apple paid Trumps family?

"With the threat of tariffs on iPhones approaching in August, Apple Inc.AAPL 1.20% stood to lose billions of dollars in profit. Chief Executive Tim Cook reached out to one of his most important contacts in Washington, Jared Kushner.

Mr. Kushner arranged a call between Mr. Cook and his father-in-law, President Trump, people familiar with the call said, giving the Apple chief a chance to explain how tariffs would increase iPhone prices and impair Apple’s ability to compete against rivals such as Samsung Electronics Co.

Within days, the Trump administration scaled back its tariff plan to exempt a swath of electronics products, including iPhones, saying it wanted to protect consumers ahead of the holiday shopping season. The call from Mr. Cook influenced the decision, a person close to the administration said.

A day after that move, Apple issued a press release trumpeting job growth, saying that since 2011 it had quadrupled the number of jobs its business supports in the U.S. Later, Mr. Trump publicly praised Mr. Cook’s power of persuasion, saying the CEO had made a compelling argument about tariffs."
nice business move. why do you care exactly? when you show concern for the money Hunter Biden made, your post would have some merit, instead, you look like a whiner.

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