Another Triumph for Texas: Best/Worst States for Business 2012

Oh goody, a whole bunch of low-paying, no benefits, part-time crap jobs. The only decent jobs being created are government jobs, so... Congratulations? Of course, a near slave workforce with the COMMUNITY & FEDERAL GOVERNMENT having to pick up the slack is a CEO's wet dream, so, yes, I would bet he's VERY pleased with himself.
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Of course CEO's like Texas! The current GOP legislature and GOP Governor will PAY them to move business here with tax dollars! And, nobody will say anything when they pay minimum wages and hire illegals to do the work.

Case in point: A few years ago, Tyson Foods received a $3 million pay out from a tax-payer financed fund controlled by Rick Perry to open a meat processing plant in Sherman, a building they ALREADY OWNED, but which was sitting empty! Moreover, they got long-term tax forgiveness and were REQUIRED by the local Republican-dominated government to reduce their intended starting salary by almost half so they wouldn't compete with local business for labor. Tyson is well known for recruiting foreign workers, so one shouldn't be surprised to visit that plant today and find that the dominate language is Spanish and the starting wage is about 9 bucks an hour.

That's the reality of Texas' "business friendly" atmosphere and that story has been repeated all over the state.

Another poor loser

Nope. As I've noted before my first contact with Texans was in boot camp. As a group they were the loudest, dumbest and most intolerant group of neer-do-wells I ever experienced. That said I have in-laws, nephews and a Niece in Texas and have visited several times; San Antonio is my favorite followed closely by the Galveston. OK to visit, but where I come from I can (and have) surfed in the Pacific in the morning and snow skied in the evening near Lake Tahoe.

Another poor loser

Nope. As I've noted before my first contact with Texans was in boot camp. As a group they were the loudest, dumbest and most intolerant group of neer-do-wells I ever experienced. That said I have in-laws, nephews and a Niece in Texas and have visited several times; San Antonio is my favorite followed closely by the Galveston. OK to visit, but where I come from I can (and have) surfed in the Pacific in the morning and snow skied in the evening near Lake Tahoe.

If you find S.A. to be your favorite city in Texas you haven't seen much of the state.
Or you have incredibly bad taste. And I'll say the same about Galveston.
Sounds like you visited your relatives and took a drive to Galveston.
I'm going to guess that it's an abundant supply of cheap labor that's drawing businesses to Texas.
I'm going to guess that it's an abundant supply of cheap labor that's drawing businesses to Texas.

That and a friendly business environment. In other words we dont tax them into oblivion.
And having so many jobs means it's an employee market. And wages go up.

Oh....and a lot of that so called cheap labor are yankees who moved here for those jobs.
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Oh....and a lot of that so called cheap labor are yankees who moved here for those jobs.

Right... no one would move from New York to Texas unless forced. I wouldn't. I'd quit before having to take that much of a pay dive. Except to Austin, maybe...

Another poor loser

Nope. As I've noted before my first contact with Texans was in boot camp. As a group they were the loudest, dumbest and most intolerant group of neer-do-wells I ever experienced. That said I have in-laws, nephews and a Niece in Texas and have visited several times; San Antonio is my favorite followed closely by the Galveston. OK to visit, but where I come from I can (and have) surfed in the Pacific in the morning and snow skied in the evening near Lake Tahoe.

If you find S.A. to be your favorite city in Texas you haven't seen much of the state.
Or you have incredibly bad taste. And I'll say the same about Galveston.
Sounds like you visited your relatives and took a drive to Galveston.

Close. The in-laws live in Houston; their kids went to school at A&M and UT and Mrs. Catcher and I spent several days at the Beach and learning the 'Hurricande History in Galveston, before catching a cruise ship. I understand Austin is cool - I've only been to the airport but was surprised to see from the air how much of water and greenery in the area. S.A. had some of the best enchilada sauce I've tasted and the Alamo and River Walk are exceptional.

I admit I didn't run into any of the neer-do-wells I noted above, though I met a cracker when at my sister & brother-in-law's 'ranch' in Florida. He was not much different than those boys at NTCSD.
I'm going to guess that it's an abundant supply of cheap labor that's drawing businesses to Texas.

That and a friendly business environment. In other words we dont tax them into oblivion.
And having so many jobs means it's an employee market. And wages go up.

Oh....and a lot of that so called cheap labor are yankees who moved here for those jobs.

And businesses move out.
That and a friendly business environment. In other words we dont tax them into oblivion.
And having so many jobs means it's an employee market. And wages go up.

Except, that is NOT happening as the private sector colludes to keep wages down.
I'm going to guess that it's an abundant supply of cheap labor that's drawing businesses to Texas.

That and a friendly business environment. In other words we dont tax them into oblivion.
And having so many jobs means it's an employee market. And wages go up.

Oh....and a lot of that so called cheap labor are yankees who moved here for those jobs.

And businesses move out.


Texas Dominates The Best Cities For Good Jobs

Thanks for playing.

When you have some evidence to support your absurd blithering, let us know.

Of course CEO's like Texas! The current GOP legislature and GOP Governor will PAY them to move business here with tax dollars! And, nobody will say anything when they pay minimum wages and hire illegals to do the work.


More liberal whining and disinformation

Minimum wage?


5-year expected annual job growth rate: 2.8%
Per capita income: $39,548
Unemployment rate: 5.9%


The Big D shrugged off the bankruptcy of American Airlines to add thousands of jobs last year and is expected to keep up the pace with growth in financial services, energy and healthcare.

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