Another Triumph for Texas: Best/Worst States for Business 2012

Texas!!!!!! I've lived in this state for just over a year and LOVE it.

I'm trying to get back.

Bastrop would be nice, but I'm wondering how much burned.

Quite a bit. You can still see the scars (obviously) Where do you live now?

East of Boulder, CO.

Very nice fireants, hurricanes, Katrina refugees (although I understand many of them are wonderfully friendly), 100% humidity, 100 F for 6 months. I visited Houston a few weeks ago and was right at home in Pappadeauxs eating 1 dozen oysters for $5 at happy hour.
Oh goody, a whole bunch of low-paying, no benefits, part-time crap jobs. The only decent jobs being created are government jobs, so... Congratulations? Of course, a near slave workforce with the COMMUNITY & FEDERAL GOVERNMENT having to pick up the slack is a CEO's wet dream, so, yes, I would bet he's VERY pleased with himself.

The Minimum Wage Trap in Texas - Room for Debate -
Under Perry, Texas leads in job growth, though many are low-wage | - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

We have it good here in Texas. Please keep spewing your BS. It's helps keep the flow of ignorant libs down.
And I know it really burns your ass to see Texas succeed unlike all the lib states that are crashing and burning.
Oh....and a lot of that so called cheap labor are yankees who moved here for those jobs.

Right... no one would move from New York to Texas unless forced. I wouldn't. I'd quit before having to take that much of a pay dive. Except to Austin, maybe...

So you admit you're a partisan hack. I just wish all your yankee friends felt the same way.
Oh ....I retired at 46 in this low paying state. I guess if you're a union ditch digger you might see a pay cut. Because we pay people what they are worth,not what unions say workers are worth.
You can buy a five thousand square foot custom home for under a half million. Everyone can drive a new car or truck because we dont tax you on the value every year.
While up north you drive piece of shit rust buckets and live in a fourteen hundred square foot shack that cost a half mill.
The quality of life here is so much better it's amazing.
Nope. As I've noted before my first contact with Texans was in boot camp. As a group they were the loudest, dumbest and most intolerant group of neer-do-wells I ever experienced. That said I have in-laws, nephews and a Niece in Texas and have visited several times; San Antonio is my favorite followed closely by the Galveston. OK to visit, but where I come from I can (and have) surfed in the Pacific in the morning and snow skied in the evening near Lake Tahoe.

If you find S.A. to be your favorite city in Texas you haven't seen much of the state.
Or you have incredibly bad taste. And I'll say the same about Galveston.
Sounds like you visited your relatives and took a drive to Galveston.

Close. The in-laws live in Houston; their kids went to school at A&M and UT and Mrs. Catcher and I spent several days at the Beach and learning the 'Hurricande History in Galveston, before catching a cruise ship. I understand Austin is cool - I've only been to the airport but was surprised to see from the air how much of water and greenery in the area. S.A. had some of the best enchilada sauce I've tasted and the Alamo and River Walk are exceptional.

I admit I didn't run into any of the neer-do-wells I noted above, though I met a cracker when at my sister & brother-in-law's 'ranch' in Florida. He was not much different than those boys at NTCSD.

Austin is a cool town. Everyone calls it a liberal town but you wouldnt know it by visiting.
Dems are a little different here. They're not into all the protesting and what not.
And I will admit that the Houston area is not a treat to the eyes but you can make a shitload of money despite what some say.
I know that when the wife retires in the next few years i'm moving to more scenic views.
If your goal is to make a lot of money and retire early Houston is great place to do it assuming you dont dig ditches for a living.

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