Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.

Man you really are ignorant. Go look at all the European countries who have beaten us to the punch.

It works.
Wow? Europe. Socialist losers. How about they defend themselves...see how much $$$ they have for free shit then.
You and brokeloser and Iceweasel give conservatives a bad name. It's like you train to say the most asinine, unsupported, cliched, ad-council derived, unreasoned, shallow, ill-considered, empty-headed, dim-witted, wild-eyed am radio screechfest-sourced, thoughtless, brainless, logic-free, irrational utter bullshit thing there is to say about drug legalization on command. Did you guys find an Instant Every-Negative-Conservative-Stereotype pill or something?

You're kicking your own ass by trying to make the issue so trivial. It's actually a very simple thing to understand....losers, low-life's, bottom feeders, weirdos and general piece of shits are all for the legalization of drugs....Meanwhile, all stand-up, higher grade positive contributors are against it...easy shit to understand.
Ever notice common denominators in every trailer park, barrio, and think drug use and abuse is one of them? Ironic?

THANK GOD....our lowest grade have lost their voice...the rule books are again being written by those who actually matter...hahaha
Lowered teen use

No change in Colorado teens’ marijuana use before and after legalization, study finds – The Denver Post

Lowered violent crimes

Two Years Later: Has the Legalization of Marijuana Affected Crime in Colorado?

Still the traffic deaths are alarming, but were they also drinking and smoking?
Driving while intoxicated from any drug or alcohol should be treated the same.

What difference would that make? Did you ever drink alone, and then drink while smoking pot? Big difference. If you have more people smoking pot, you're going to have more people driving and smoking pot.

BTW, the article you posted about teens is over three years old.

A high driver is a safe driver:2up:

Studies show habitual smokers have no change in their driving while high. Very different than alcohol.

Researchers said alcohol "significantly increased lane departures/minimum and maximum lateral acceleration; these measures were not sensitive to cannabis." Researchers also concluded Cannabis-influenced drivers "may attempt to drive more cautiously to compensate for impairing effects, whereas alcohol-influenced drivers often underestimate their impairment and take more risk."

With respect to comparisons between alcohol and marijuana effects, these substances tend to differ in their effects. In contrast to the compensatory behavior exhibited by subjects under marijuana treatment, subjects who have received alcohol tend to drive in a more risky manner. Both substances impair performance; however, the more cautious behavior of subjects who have received marijuana decreases the impact of the drug on performance, whereas the opposite holds true for alcohol.

Marijuana and Driving: A Review of the Scientific Evidence - - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws
Study finds impact of marijuana on drivers -
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.

Man you really are ignorant. Go look at all the European countries who have beaten us to the punch.

It works.
Wow? Europe. Socialist losers. How about they defend themselves...see how much $$$ they have for free shit then.
You and brokeloser and Iceweasel give conservatives a bad name. It's like you train to say the most asinine, unsupported, cliched, ad-council derived, unreasoned, shallow, ill-considered, empty-headed, dim-witted, wild-eyed am radio screechfest-sourced, thoughtless, brainless, logic-free, irrational utter bullshit thing there is to say about drug legalization on command. Did you guys find an Instant Every-Negative-Conservative-Stereotype pill or something?

You're kicking your own ass by trying to make the issue so trivial. It's actually a very simple thing to understand....losers, low-life's, bottom feeders, weirdos and general piece of shits are all for the legalization of drugs....Meanwhile, all stand-up, higher grade positive contributors are against it...easy shit to understand.
Ever notice common denominators in every trailer park, barrio, and think drug use and abuse is one of them? Ironic?

THANK GOD....our lowest grade have lost their voice...the rule books are again being written by those who actually matter...hahaha
OH its that simple, simpleton? :asshole:
This isn't a war on drugs. It's a war on violence.

Just like alcohol prohibition, the laws themselves are the cause of the violence. You're right though, it's not a war on drugs, it's a fascist policy-war on American Citizens who use non-government approved (non-taxed) recreational substances. Unlike Prohibition, the violence is mostly in other countries that the US press doesn't cover, so there is hardly any US outrage over that violence.
Plus, prescription drugs kill way more people every year than illegal drugs, but they have teams of high-paid lawyers on K Street running up and down the halls of Congress, so the fucking government actually PAYS BILLIONS FOR the more dangerous drugs and hands them out to medicaid recipients and everyone else, but these drugs over here, who don't have lobbyists , and are less dangerous, and people WANT to take them, and will pay for them themselves, the fucking government SPENDS BILLIONS to lock those people up in fucking cages (which have their own armies of lawyers on K St making sure the lawmakers create more lawbreakers, i.e., customers.

It is so sick and corrupted people don't even know. But 98% of the population grew up seeing the government's this-is-your-brain-on-fried-eggs propaganda and that's as far as it goes. Like robots. DRUGS. MUST. BE. ILLEGAL.
Most don't actually pay for those drugs that are addictive themselves. They are generally stealing from someone else to pay for their habits and I'm not talking street kids here. They aren't all from poor families either. There are a lot of addicted drug users from middle and upper middle class families. Even a mild drug addict will steal from anyone whether they be family, neighbors or employers, whether you do or not, others do. In our neighborhood growing up they started with sniffing a little glue, graduated to pot or alcohol whichever they could get their paws on and the next step for many of those was harder drugs.
What difference would that make? Did you ever drink alone, and then drink while smoking pot? Big difference. If you have more people smoking pot, you're going to have more people driving and smoking pot.

BTW, the article you posted about teens is over three years old.

A high driver is a safe driver:2up:

Studies show habitual smokers have no change in their driving while high. Very different than alcohol.

Researchers said alcohol "significantly increased lane departures/minimum and maximum lateral acceleration; these measures were not sensitive to cannabis." Researchers also concluded Cannabis-influenced drivers "may attempt to drive more cautiously to compensate for impairing effects, whereas alcohol-influenced drivers often underestimate their impairment and take more risk."

With respect to comparisons between alcohol and marijuana effects, these substances tend to differ in their effects. In contrast to the compensatory behavior exhibited by subjects under marijuana treatment, subjects who have received alcohol tend to drive in a more risky manner. Both substances impair performance; however, the more cautious behavior of subjects who have received marijuana decreases the impact of the drug on performance, whereas the opposite holds true for alcohol.

Marijuana and Driving: A Review of the Scientific Evidence - - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws
Study finds impact of marijuana on drivers -
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.
you can certainly get strains with low-none THC and high CBD for the pain.
What difference would that make? Did you ever drink alone, and then drink while smoking pot? Big difference. If you have more people smoking pot, you're going to have more people driving and smoking pot.

BTW, the article you posted about teens is over three years old.

A high driver is a safe driver:2up:

Studies show habitual smokers have no change in their driving while high. Very different than alcohol.

Researchers said alcohol "significantly increased lane departures/minimum and maximum lateral acceleration; these measures were not sensitive to cannabis." Researchers also concluded Cannabis-influenced drivers "may attempt to drive more cautiously to compensate for impairing effects, whereas alcohol-influenced drivers often underestimate their impairment and take more risk."

With respect to comparisons between alcohol and marijuana effects, these substances tend to differ in their effects. In contrast to the compensatory behavior exhibited by subjects under marijuana treatment, subjects who have received alcohol tend to drive in a more risky manner. Both substances impair performance; however, the more cautious behavior of subjects who have received marijuana decreases the impact of the drug on performance, whereas the opposite holds true for alcohol.

Marijuana and Driving: A Review of the Scientific Evidence - - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws
Study finds impact of marijuana on drivers -
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.

Man you really are ignorant. Go look at all the European countries who have beaten us to the punch.

It works.
Wow? Europe. Socialist losers. How about they defend themselves...see how much $$$ they have for free shit then.
You and brokeloser and Iceweasel give conservatives a bad name. It's like you train to say the most asinine, unsupported, cliched, ad-council derived, unreasoned, shallow, ill-considered, empty-headed, dim-witted, wild-eyed am radio screechfest-sourced, thoughtless, brainless, logic-free, irrational utter bullshit thing there is to say about drug legalization on command. Did you guys find an Instant Every-Negative-Conservative-Stereotype pill or something?

You're kicking your own ass by trying to make the issue so trivial. It's actually a very simple thing to understand....losers, low-life's, bottom feeders, weirdos and general piece of shits are all for the legalization of drugs....Meanwhile, all stand-up, higher grade positive contributors are against it...easy shit to understand.
Ever notice common denominators in every trailer park, barrio, and think drug use and abuse is one of them? Ironic?

THANK GOD....our lowest grade have lost their voice...the rule books are again being written by those who actually matter...hahaha
A high driver is a safe driver:2up:

Studies show habitual smokers have no change in their driving while high. Very different than alcohol.

Researchers said alcohol "significantly increased lane departures/minimum and maximum lateral acceleration; these measures were not sensitive to cannabis." Researchers also concluded Cannabis-influenced drivers "may attempt to drive more cautiously to compensate for impairing effects, whereas alcohol-influenced drivers often underestimate their impairment and take more risk."

With respect to comparisons between alcohol and marijuana effects, these substances tend to differ in their effects. In contrast to the compensatory behavior exhibited by subjects under marijuana treatment, subjects who have received alcohol tend to drive in a more risky manner. Both substances impair performance; however, the more cautious behavior of subjects who have received marijuana decreases the impact of the drug on performance, whereas the opposite holds true for alcohol.

Marijuana and Driving: A Review of the Scientific Evidence - - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws
Study finds impact of marijuana on drivers -
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.
you can certainly get strains with low-none THC and high CBD for the pain.

Oh I know, but not in my state yet. I am almost to the point of buying an ounce from someone I have heard of, but it's different today than 40 years ago and I bought from someone I really trusted, today I trust very few. Hell I don't even trust some of my doctor's lol.
A high driver is a safe driver:2up:

Studies show habitual smokers have no change in their driving while high. Very different than alcohol.

Researchers said alcohol "significantly increased lane departures/minimum and maximum lateral acceleration; these measures were not sensitive to cannabis." Researchers also concluded Cannabis-influenced drivers "may attempt to drive more cautiously to compensate for impairing effects, whereas alcohol-influenced drivers often underestimate their impairment and take more risk."

With respect to comparisons between alcohol and marijuana effects, these substances tend to differ in their effects. In contrast to the compensatory behavior exhibited by subjects under marijuana treatment, subjects who have received alcohol tend to drive in a more risky manner. Both substances impair performance; however, the more cautious behavior of subjects who have received marijuana decreases the impact of the drug on performance, whereas the opposite holds true for alcohol.

Marijuana and Driving: A Review of the Scientific Evidence - - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws
Study finds impact of marijuana on drivers -
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
A high driver is a safe driver:2up:

Studies show habitual smokers have no change in their driving while high. Very different than alcohol.

Researchers said alcohol "significantly increased lane departures/minimum and maximum lateral acceleration; these measures were not sensitive to cannabis." Researchers also concluded Cannabis-influenced drivers "may attempt to drive more cautiously to compensate for impairing effects, whereas alcohol-influenced drivers often underestimate their impairment and take more risk."

With respect to comparisons between alcohol and marijuana effects, these substances tend to differ in their effects. In contrast to the compensatory behavior exhibited by subjects under marijuana treatment, subjects who have received alcohol tend to drive in a more risky manner. Both substances impair performance; however, the more cautious behavior of subjects who have received marijuana decreases the impact of the drug on performance, whereas the opposite holds true for alcohol.

Marijuana and Driving: A Review of the Scientific Evidence - - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws
Study finds impact of marijuana on drivers -
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.

Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.

I slowed down my drinking at about age 40 until I just quit a few years back. It's makes me feel very strange on top of two bp pills a day, guess it helps lower your bp and along with meds going too low.
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.

Man you really are ignorant. Go look at all the European countries who have beaten us to the punch.

It works.
Wow? Europe. Socialist losers. How about they defend themselves...see how much $$$ they have for free shit then.
You and brokeloser and Iceweasel give conservatives a bad name. It's like you train to say the most asinine, unsupported, cliched, ad-council derived, unreasoned, shallow, ill-considered, empty-headed, dim-witted, wild-eyed am radio screechfest-sourced, thoughtless, brainless, logic-free, irrational utter bullshit thing there is to say about drug legalization on command. Did you guys find an Instant Every-Negative-Conservative-Stereotype pill or something?

You're kicking your own ass by trying to make the issue so trivial. It's actually a very simple thing to understand....losers, low-life's, bottom feeders, weirdos and general piece of shits are all for the legalization of drugs....Meanwhile, all stand-up, higher grade positive contributors are against it...easy shit to understand.
Ever notice common denominators in every trailer park, barrio, and think drug use and abuse is one of them? Ironic?

THANK GOD....our lowest grade have lost their voice...the rule books are again being written by those who actually matter...hahaha
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.
you can certainly get strains with low-none THC and high CBD for the pain.

Oh I know, but not in my state yet. I am almost to the point of buying an ounce from someone I have heard of, but it's different today than 40 years ago and I bought from someone I really trusted, today I trust very few. Hell I don't even trust some of my doctor's lol.
Lol, hopefully our federal government will stop denying such a vital medication to Americans. If you look into it (I'm not sure exact numbers) but in places like colorado, pharmaceutical use has plummeted since they legalized medical marijuana. It just has so many uses it can replace so many different medications.
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.

Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.
In Mass. you are allowed up to 6 plants in your private home without requiring a license. (probably 18/21 and up, not sure thought)
You know, there are several good things that have come from CO legalizing marijuana.

One of which is the reduction in narcotic overdoses, because people no longer need to use prescription drugs which in many cases, can lead to heroin use.

Another is that the violent crime rate has been reduced.

Yet another is that CO has some of the best tax revenue of any state out there.

If people in NH and VT would use their heads and legalize it, they might be able to reduce their heroin problem. One of the uses of medical marijuana is in the treatment of heroin withdrawl, because marijuana helps with nausea, joint pain, and nervousness, all things associated with heroin withdrawl. Matter of fact, saw an episode of Weediquette on VICE Channel where they were using it for treatment for heroin addicts. In the year that they have been operating, they have a 60 percent success rate. Those are unheard of numbers for heroin addicts.

And................fwiw.................marijuana isn't the gateway drug that people try to say it is. If you wouldn't do something sober, you won't do it stoned, because marijuana doesn't reduce your inhibitions. Alcohol on the other hand, DOES. How many stories have we all heard or seen of people who have had too much to drink and did things they wouldn't normally do?

And, as far as the gateway drug to hard drugs? Know what the leading cause is of heroin addiction in the US today? Prescription drugs. People get on painkillers that are prescribed by their doctor, and when the script runs out, they are addicted but can't get any more painkillers, so they turn to the nearest similar substance, which is heroin.
Yes and NO in same cases Pot works better than chemo drugs and this I agree with the substitute for alcohol is not. Whiskey does big damage to the body and so does Pot so smoking it is bad. In pill form not so bad. For Medical use I think it Could be good.

What damage does pot do to the body?
smoking anything damages your lungs.
Pot in any other form is harmless. A Mcdonalds burger is more dangerous.
Something I didn't realize is (and maybe this is what Sessions is addressing) the trend is away from even locking up the "big boys". Why put their best producers out of commission? Let them keep the income coming, just swing through on a regular basis and drain them. Like milch animals. The narcs must love it. They get to play cops and robbers on a regular basis AND protect and serve the public in a brand new smokin fast speedboat they just took last year from some guy and test every weekend when the weather is nice.
Man you really are ignorant. Go look at all the European countries who have beaten us to the punch.

It works.
Wow? Europe. Socialist losers. How about they defend themselves...see how much $$$ they have for free shit then.
You and brokeloser and Iceweasel give conservatives a bad name. It's like you train to say the most asinine, unsupported, cliched, ad-council derived, unreasoned, shallow, ill-considered, empty-headed, dim-witted, wild-eyed am radio screechfest-sourced, thoughtless, brainless, logic-free, irrational utter bullshit thing there is to say about drug legalization on command. Did you guys find an Instant Every-Negative-Conservative-Stereotype pill or something?

You're kicking your own ass by trying to make the issue so trivial. It's actually a very simple thing to understand....losers, low-life's, bottom feeders, weirdos and general piece of shits are all for the legalization of drugs....Meanwhile, all stand-up, higher grade positive contributors are against it...easy shit to understand.
Ever notice common denominators in every trailer park, barrio, and think drug use and abuse is one of them? Ironic?

THANK GOD....our lowest grade have lost their voice...the rule books are again being written by those who actually matter...hahaha
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.
you can certainly get strains with low-none THC and high CBD for the pain.

Oh I know, but not in my state yet. I am almost to the point of buying an ounce from someone I have heard of, but it's different today than 40 years ago and I bought from someone I really trusted, today I trust very few. Hell I don't even trust some of my doctor's lol.
Lol, hopefully our federal government will stop denying such a vital medication to Americans. If you look into it (I'm not sure exact numbers) but in places like colorado, pharmaceutical use has plummeted since they legalized medical marijuana. It just has so many uses it can replace so many different medications.

I have done a lot of research in the past couple of years. The story I told about my friend who drove out there and brought it back really was so he could deal with stage 4 melanoma and hopefully help reverse it some, but he was diagnosed to late and died just a few months after. One of my clients with stage 3 melanoma along with immunotherapy and cannabis oil is in remission. Guess they caught his early enough. Met a woman at my eye doctor the other day says she's 75 and has glaucoma and said she uses it for the pressure. In my job I work with many senior's and you'd be surprised to find out there may be more old people using than one thought. Well we are all from the 60's.

This guy was on Dr Gupta's marijuana special last year where Gupta had changes is mind that it has medicinal use. Rosenfeld is a very successful financial adviser in southern Florida.

The US Government Has Sent This Guy 300 Joints Each Month for 34 Years
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.

Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.

I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.

Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.

I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.
Do you feel the same about alcohol, which is a much more dangerous drug?
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.

Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.

I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.


It should be isolated from children but so should alcohol and it's not.

Can't get over the coupon's. I wonder if the corner dealer would accept them? lol

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