Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.

No wonder you're so disagreeable. Are you a nun?
evil nuns exist?

Oh I know, I went to a Catholic school for 12 years. As I got older I always wondered if they wore anything under those habits. I've been a sick puppy all my life. There was this one cute nun I started to notice in high school. To this day I can't believe she chose the nunnery instead of leading a life of sin. lol
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.

No wonder you're so disagreeable. Are you a nun?
evil nuns exist?

Oh I know, I went to a Catholic school for 12 years. As I got older I always wondered if they wore anything under those habits. I've been a sick puppy all my life. There was this one cute nun I started to notice in high school. To this day I can't believe she chose the nunnery instead of leading a life of sin. lol
I am a catholic school product as well :beer:
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.
Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
No...oddly the dynamic actually works out for us. We aren't promoting stoners and they honestly don't keeps us from re-training at our entry level positions. As long as they can score their dime bag every few days...they're happy.
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.
Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
No...oddly the dynamic actually works out for us. We aren't promoting stoners and they honestly don't keeps us from re-training at our entry level positions. As long as they can score their dime bag every few days...they're happy.
My company has several stoners in very high places.
The stigma and misunderstanding of marijuana is remarkable in this day and age.
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?

Tipsycatlover thinks no one else can see the name she chose for herself on this board.

She used to have a different name but she CHOSE to change it to Drunk Cat Lady.

yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.

No wonder you're so disagreeable. Are you a nun?
evil nuns exist?

Oh I know, I went to a Catholic school for 12 years. As I got older I always wondered if they wore anything under those habits. I've been a sick puppy all my life. There was this one cute nun I started to notice in high school. To this day I can't believe she chose the nunnery instead of leading a life of sin. lol
I am a catholic school product as well :beer:

You're not a nun, are you?

I don't know if you go to church today nor care, but when I was in that school we had to go everyday and on Sunday's I figured I went enough for a lifetime and no longer believe (if I every did) you must go to church to be a good person.
I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.

No wonder you're so disagreeable. Are you a nun?
I am a very happy and well adjusted person who has no compassion or sympathy to those that somehow need drugs.
This isn't a war on drugs. It's a war on violence.

Just like alcohol prohibition, the laws themselves are the cause of the violence. You're right though, it's not a war on drugs, it's a fascist policy-war on American Citizens who use non-government approved (non-taxed) recreational substances. Unlike Prohibition, the violence is mostly in other countries that the US press doesn't cover, so there is hardly any US outrage over that violence.
Ask a heroin addict how recreational it is.
I had a guy that worked on patrol cars who was addicted to heroin. He said that he could quit anytime he wanted to because he had quit 30 times before. The guy was really a nice person, but would steal your teeth if you were not around. I know who they feel I have been out of cigars for 22 years and still want to lite up. Richard Prior in his act did a short thing about Mr Cocaine talking with him it was funny but sad.
3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?

Tipsycatlover thinks no one else can see the name she chose for herself on this board.

She used to have a different name but she CHOSE to change it to Drunk Cat Lady.

drunkkitty is very judgey, for a drunk.
Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.
Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
No...oddly the dynamic actually works out for us. We aren't promoting stoners and they honestly don't keeps us from re-training at our entry level positions. As long as they can score their dime bag every few days...they're happy.
My company has several stoners in very high places.
The stigma and misunderstanding of marijuana is remarkable in this day and age.

The owner of mine and he along with the help of us employee's has grown over a $120 million business and most of us do pretty good. Didn't someone say we all lived in trailer parks and were scum of the earth in this thread?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.

No wonder you're so disagreeable. Are you a nun?
evil nuns exist?

Oh I know, I went to a Catholic school for 12 years. As I got older I always wondered if they wore anything under those habits. I've been a sick puppy all my life. There was this one cute nun I started to notice in high school. To this day I can't believe she chose the nunnery instead of leading a life of sin. lol
I am a catholic school product as well :beer:

You're not a nun, are you?

I don't know if you go to church today nor care, but when I was in that school we had to go everyday and on Sunday's I figured I went enough for a lifetime and no longer believe (if I every did) you must go to church to be a good person.
God no, i chose the life of sin:biggrin:
While I enjoy studying various religions I myself am not religious at all. Haven't been to church since high school masses lol
I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?

Tipsycatlover thinks no one else can see the name she chose for herself on this board.

She used to have a different name but she CHOSE to change it to Drunk Cat Lady.

drunkkitty is very judgey, for a drunk.

Most drunks are.
Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.
Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
No...oddly the dynamic actually works out for us. We aren't promoting stoners and they honestly don't keeps us from re-training at our entry level positions. As long as they can score their dime bag every few days...they're happy.
My company has several stoners in very high places.
The stigma and misunderstanding of marijuana is remarkable in this day and age.

I was always disappointed in marijuana. I hadn't smoked it since the 70s, then had a house cleaner who would come to work drunk. Very weird to have an employee who would throw up in the toilet she was cleaning. Not joking about that.

Anyway, she gave me supposedly "good shit" and it was just like it was in the 70s.


I like red wine way too much. I could easily put away a bottle of red wine and want more. That scared me and its way too many calories though so I don't drink it at all any more.

One Pim's with ginger ale in the evening. That's it. And I never eat or drink after 7pm.
Last edited:
3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?

Tipsycatlover thinks no one else can see the name she chose for herself on this board.

She used to have a different name but she CHOSE to change it to Drunk Cat Lady.

Actually I didn't choose it at all. Some glitch in the system just tagged it on to me when I forgot my password and I never changed it. I sort of like tipsycats anyway. I don't have any cats but i remember everyone I did have.
No wonder you're so disagreeable. Are you a nun?
evil nuns exist?

Oh I know, I went to a Catholic school for 12 years. As I got older I always wondered if they wore anything under those habits. I've been a sick puppy all my life. There was this one cute nun I started to notice in high school. To this day I can't believe she chose the nunnery instead of leading a life of sin. lol
I am a catholic school product as well :beer:

You're not a nun, are you?

I don't know if you go to church today nor care, but when I was in that school we had to go everyday and on Sunday's I figured I went enough for a lifetime and no longer believe (if I every did) you must go to church to be a good person.
God no, i chose the life of sin:biggrin:
While I enjoy studying various religions I myself am not religious at all. Haven't been to church since high school masses lol

Wow a real heathen. But neither have I except for a wedding or two.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.

No wonder you're so disagreeable. Are you a nun?
I am a very happy and well adjusted person who has no compassion or sympathy to those that somehow need drugs.
"who has no compassion"
there i fixed it for you
Sorry Aries, I usually agree with you..but any buzz is a high while driving. So is taking Ambien ,or any drug that impairs .

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
Marijuana has always been my vice.

"Marijuana has always been my vice."

Serious question.
Is there even one single Liberal whom does not have a "vice"?
Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
No...oddly the dynamic actually works out for us. We aren't promoting stoners and they honestly don't keeps us from re-training at our entry level positions. As long as they can score their dime bag every few days...they're happy.
My company has several stoners in very high places.
The stigma and misunderstanding of marijuana is remarkable in this day and age.

I was always disappointed in marijuana. I hadn't smoked it since the 70s, then had a house cleaner who would come to work drunk. very weird to have an employee who would throw up in the toilet she was cleaning. Not joking about that.

Anyway, she gave me supposedly "good shit" and it was just like it was in the 70s.


Did you forget to inhale lol?
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.

No wonder you're so disagreeable. Are you a nun?
evil nuns exist?

Oh I know, I went to a Catholic school for 12 years. As I got older I always wondered if they wore anything under those habits. I've been a sick puppy all my life. There was this one cute nun I started to notice in high school. To this day I can't believe she chose the nunnery instead of leading a life of sin. lol
Dolores Hart was a beautiful actress and became a nun. There isn't anything to wonder about. Some get the call. Some don't.
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
Marijuana has always been my vice.

"Marijuana has always been my vice."

Serious question.
Is there even one single Liberal whom does not have a "vice"?

I don't know, ask a liberal. You really must live a sheltered life. Maybe you've been retired for years and don't really know the magnitude of people smoking, eating or vaping marijuana. You may live in a state that it's not legal in any form and the people who know you that may use know you are the kind of person that would call the police if you knew. I don't know.

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