Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

Why does Singapore not have the drug problem we do?

They have a liberally applied death penalty and the use of corporal punishment.

Cane a few of the potheads the problem will go away.
another place you like......why are you still here?....
To make here more like there.
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.
yet you fantasize about the mass murder of pot heads, and when you see a fellow american in distress you pass them without a second thought. Angel from hell maybe.
Drug addicts aren't human. They can and should die in the streets.

You have anxieties and need drugs to lighten your mood. You can't get through your feelings without being high. You can't face being you. Hide behind your drugs.
I have never used drugs. I have never used alcohol. I used to smoke cigarettes but gave it up as it signaled weakness. Only weak people smoke.
oh anyone believes you have never drank.....
I never trusted myself enough to drink.
understandable, you're definitely on the coocoo side
Is that justifying your own drug addiction?
Ask virtually any hardcore druggie what was the very drug they used, and I'll guarantee 90+% of them will say marijuana.

In reality most of those people started with nicotine or alcohol first before they tried marijuana.
All of them started with water, sugar and salt long before Marijuana.

I know the propagandist like to play with stats (but that was just stupid). Most drug users try those two legal drugs first. Those two drugs account for more deaths than all illegal drugs combined.
Why does Singapore not have the drug problem we do?

They have a liberally applied death penalty and the use of corporal punishment.

Cane a few of the potheads the problem will go away.
another place you like......why are you still here?....
To make here more like there.
yet you fantasize about the mass murder of pot heads, and when you see a fellow american in distress you pass them without a second thought. Angel from hell maybe.
Drug addicts aren't human. They can and should die in the streets.

You have anxieties and need drugs to lighten your mood. You can't get through your feelings without being high. You can't face being you. Hide behind your drugs.
I have never used drugs. I have never used alcohol. I used to smoke cigarettes but gave it up as it signaled weakness. Only weak people smoke.
oh anyone believes you have never drank.....
I never trusted myself enough to drink.
understandable, you're definitely on the coocoo side
Is that justifying your own drug addiction?
eh, I'm just a plant lover :biggrin:
Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.
Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
I do. Drugs are not an excuse for a lousy job. I try to be euphoric when about my chores. Liberals are always dependent of something...haha
"I can do a better job when I'm impaired."
Funny shit!
I guess that's one nice thing about being a Leftie....most don't have and can't retain a "real job" that requires employees to be quick, sharp, enthusiastic and motivated...I suppose I could trim the fuck out of a bush while stoned without issue...haha
the right wing is worse for having nothing but repeal or red herrings, and claiming to not even do drugs.

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