Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.
Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
I do. Drugs are not an excuse for a lousy job. I try to be euphoric when about my chores. Liberals are always dependent of something...haha
"I can do a better job when I'm impaired."
Funny shit!
I guess that's one nice thing about being a Leftie....most don't have and can't retain a "real job" that requires employees to be quick, sharp, enthusiastic and motivated...I suppose I could trim the fuck out of a bush while stoned without issue...haha
That's how you can tell a hard core drug addict. Just like alcoholics believe they perform better when drunk, addicts believe they perform better high. Getting high now becomes a matter of improvement.
Why does Singapore not have the drug problem we do?

They have a liberally applied death penalty and the use of corporal punishment.

Cane a few of the potheads the problem will go away.
Forget heroin crack and narcotics
Get the pot heads!!
Worse yet now is ten grand ain't near worth what it was twenty years ago so if you want to take the money you need on a trip you are forced to get one of the f'ing bankers to handle your money as if you were a child and couldn't handle those big dollars all by yourself.
You are playing my song, brother. Every year that passes, the amount of time we could survive without electricity gets shorter.
We live in the sticks now but drug addicts are a problem here too. I met a guy last year waiting outside the grocery store for a friend to finish shopping. I'd taken the dog out to potty and got to talking with a former Meth addict. He was getting help through therapeutic drugs but from what he told me he'd gone through a lot of misery prior to that trying to find relief. Like I stated earlier there were a lot who got involved early on into the drug scene. Some ended up on the streets and other simply did not survive it at all, only a few I know of ended up with a semi normal life if that is what you would call it when they have to have a lot of prescription drugs to cope everyday. And the crime is outrageous in those areas of the cities now I used to drive through without a second thought. They are full with a lot of half brain dead people shooting at each other, raping, pillaging, beating one another to death or other despicable behaviors. Where do you start to clean all that up? We've tried to help people over the years but addicts have very little consciousness when they get on a roll and my temperament isn't what it used to be with them. Maybe more chemical lobotomies for the people that can't or are unwilling to help themselves get out of those terrible situations will be the answer long term. I don't know at this point. I do think I would rather see them be able to get legal doses of something from a pharmacy more than from a thug type that has no conscious when it comes to those who are not involved.
I think a key insight is it isn't a drug problem we have. Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem, and ALL of our drug laws only make the symptom worse.

If I were king, I'd remove all drug laws immediately and let the chips fall where they may. Those who are determined to commit suicide will anyway, but we would begin to be able to treat the real problem as a society once we could get past the glare of the "War on Drugs". We could say, oh, look, well, obviously our young people are going to hate themselves if we have a movie industry beating them over the head with the message of how despicable they are year after year after year. That puts us in a much stronger position than if, as we sit looking around at our collapsing civilization and all the horrors that that will unleash, we throw up our hands and say, "What can we do? It's the drugs. Let's ramp up the war on them."
I definitely agree with you that the "Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem". And I have thought about that one putting it into the perspective of what I personally suffered at the hands of family members who did drugs when I was little. I took the time even to pick apart every little detail and examine it asking self what exactly went wrong in their lives that made me the target of their dark thoughts and actions. I also examined what could have happened to them that turn them in that direction of trying to destroy someone weaker than them verses the other direction of defending the weakest among them. I pinpointed problems but there not things I wouldn't want to go into in detail on here. Most come down to spirits of pride and resentment. Things grow in people and they don't even realize those things are there most of the time until they look into themselves and ask "what went wrong". Some can't go that far in their own self examination as they can't face what they have done so they substitute facing their own feelings with other things in the world and getting high is one of those options. In the case of several family members that drug and alcohol use just got worse because of that inability to come to terms with that portion in them. Ours wasn't a family most would even consider something like all that could have happen in as it had the outside appearance of a perfect family unit.

As far as the movie and entertainment industry goes I think they have played their fair share in helping along instability. So have the preachers, churches and many governing bureaucrats now days as far as that goes. Just letting the chips fall as they may sounds nice but that could also turn the place more chaotic than it is. Its not like the wild west where we can just shoot offenders at will and it would be foolish to allow a larger majority of the population than already is to be more brain damaged by substances that damage their brains before they ever get a decent start on life. Those substances include ones approved by FDA that should have never had approval in foods and medicines. I wouldn't just call it a "war", more like let's nurture our families back to a healthier life so the children have a better chance instead of giving everything over for the sake of commerce and the appearance of "being as good as the Jones" down the road. That needs a road map to accomplish the end goal and so it needs people able to understand how the spirit works within the humans. They have spent trillions attempting to figure out ways how to drive people and herd them into directions to where ever the leadership at the time wanted to take the people and now they are stuck with those end results of angry screwed up masses that have no clue of how to tell their right hand from their left.
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Worse yet now is ten grand ain't near worth what it was twenty years ago so if you want to take the money you need on a trip you are forced to get one of the f'ing bankers to handle your money as if you were a child and couldn't handle those big dollars all by yourself.
You are playing my song, brother. Every year that passes, the amount of time we could survive without electricity gets shorter.
We live in the sticks now but drug addicts are a problem here too. I met a guy last year waiting outside the grocery store for a friend to finish shopping. I'd taken the dog out to potty and got to talking with a former Meth addict. He was getting help through therapeutic drugs but from what he told me he'd gone through a lot of misery prior to that trying to find relief. Like I stated earlier there were a lot who got involved early on into the drug scene. Some ended up on the streets and other simply did not survive it at all, only a few I know of ended up with a semi normal life if that is what you would call it when they have to have a lot of prescription drugs to cope everyday. And the crime is outrageous in those areas of the cities now I used to drive through without a second thought. They are full with a lot of half brain dead people shooting at each other, raping, pillaging, beating one another to death or other despicable behaviors. Where do you start to clean all that up? We've tried to help people over the years but addicts have very little consciousness when they get on a roll and my temperament isn't what it used to be with them. Maybe more chemical lobotomies for the people that can't or are unwilling to help themselves get out of those terrible situations will be the answer long term. I don't know at this point. I do think I would rather see them be able to get legal doses of something from a pharmacy more than from a thug type that has no conscious when it comes to those who are not involved.
I think a key insight is it isn't a drug problem we have. Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem, and ALL of our drug laws only make the symptom worse.

If I were king, I'd remove all drug laws immediately and let the chips fall where they may. Those who are determined to commit suicide will anyway, but we would begin to be able to treat the real problem as a society once we could get past the glare of the "War on Drugs". We could say, oh, look, well, obviously our young people are going to hate themselves if we have a movie industry beating them over the head with the message of how despicable they are year after year after year. That puts us in a much stronger position than if, as we sit looking around at our collapsing civilization and all the horrors that that will unleash, we throw up our hands and say, "What can we do? It's the drugs. Let's ramp up the war on them."

The problem is allowing drugs to enter this country in the first place. Stop that, and you reduce the amount of people that are addicted. Increase that, and you increase the problem.
Worse yet now is ten grand ain't near worth what it was twenty years ago so if you want to take the money you need on a trip you are forced to get one of the f'ing bankers to handle your money as if you were a child and couldn't handle those big dollars all by yourself.
You are playing my song, brother. Every year that passes, the amount of time we could survive without electricity gets shorter.
We live in the sticks now but drug addicts are a problem here too. I met a guy last year waiting outside the grocery store for a friend to finish shopping. I'd taken the dog out to potty and got to talking with a former Meth addict. He was getting help through therapeutic drugs but from what he told me he'd gone through a lot of misery prior to that trying to find relief. Like I stated earlier there were a lot who got involved early on into the drug scene. Some ended up on the streets and other simply did not survive it at all, only a few I know of ended up with a semi normal life if that is what you would call it when they have to have a lot of prescription drugs to cope everyday. And the crime is outrageous in those areas of the cities now I used to drive through without a second thought. They are full with a lot of half brain dead people shooting at each other, raping, pillaging, beating one another to death or other despicable behaviors. Where do you start to clean all that up? We've tried to help people over the years but addicts have very little consciousness when they get on a roll and my temperament isn't what it used to be with them. Maybe more chemical lobotomies for the people that can't or are unwilling to help themselves get out of those terrible situations will be the answer long term. I don't know at this point. I do think I would rather see them be able to get legal doses of something from a pharmacy more than from a thug type that has no conscious when it comes to those who are not involved.
I think a key insight is it isn't a drug problem we have. Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem, and ALL of our drug laws only make the symptom worse.

If I were king, I'd remove all drug laws immediately and let the chips fall where they may. Those who are determined to commit suicide will anyway, but we would begin to be able to treat the real problem as a society once we could get past the glare of the "War on Drugs". We could say, oh, look, well, obviously our young people are going to hate themselves if we have a movie industry beating them over the head with the message of how despicable they are year after year after year. That puts us in a much stronger position than if, as we sit looking around at our collapsing civilization and all the horrors that that will unleash, we throw up our hands and say, "What can we do? It's the drugs. Let's ramp up the war on them."

The problem is allowing drugs to enter this country in the first place. Stop that, and you reduce the amount of people that are addicted. Increase that, and you increase the problem.
In the 20s, little kids could buy opiates over the counter in any general store. Why wasn't there a drug problem then?
There were drug problems and it was generational then too.
Why does Singapore not have the drug problem we do?

They have a liberally applied death penalty and the use of corporal punishment.

Cane a few of the potheads the problem will go away.

Why does Singapore not have the drug problem we do?

They have a liberally applied death penalty and the use of corporal punishment.

Cane a few of the potheads the problem will go away.
Forget heroin crack and narcotics
Get the pot heads!!

More often than not they are one in the same.
Weed is generally step one for a low-life reaching his ultimate goal of slamming heroin and or smoking cocaine.
Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.
Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
I do. Drugs are not an excuse for a lousy job. I try to be euphoric when about my chores. Liberals are always dependent of something...haha
"I can do a better job when I'm impaired."
Funny shit!
I guess that's one nice thing about being a Leftie....most don't have and can't retain a "real job" that requires employees to be quick, sharp, enthusiastic and motivated...I suppose I could trim the fuck out of a bush while stoned without issue...haha
That's how you can tell a hard core drug addict. Just like alcoholics believe they perform better when drunk, addicts believe they perform better high. Getting high now becomes a matter of improvement.
Worse yet now is ten grand ain't near worth what it was twenty years ago so if you want to take the money you need on a trip you are forced to get one of the f'ing bankers to handle your money as if you were a child and couldn't handle those big dollars all by yourself.
You are playing my song, brother. Every year that passes, the amount of time we could survive without electricity gets shorter.
We live in the sticks now but drug addicts are a problem here too. I met a guy last year waiting outside the grocery store for a friend to finish shopping. I'd taken the dog out to potty and got to talking with a former Meth addict. He was getting help through therapeutic drugs but from what he told me he'd gone through a lot of misery prior to that trying to find relief. Like I stated earlier there were a lot who got involved early on into the drug scene. Some ended up on the streets and other simply did not survive it at all, only a few I know of ended up with a semi normal life if that is what you would call it when they have to have a lot of prescription drugs to cope everyday. And the crime is outrageous in those areas of the cities now I used to drive through without a second thought. They are full with a lot of half brain dead people shooting at each other, raping, pillaging, beating one another to death or other despicable behaviors. Where do you start to clean all that up? We've tried to help people over the years but addicts have very little consciousness when they get on a roll and my temperament isn't what it used to be with them. Maybe more chemical lobotomies for the people that can't or are unwilling to help themselves get out of those terrible situations will be the answer long term. I don't know at this point. I do think I would rather see them be able to get legal doses of something from a pharmacy more than from a thug type that has no conscious when it comes to those who are not involved.
I think a key insight is it isn't a drug problem we have. Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem, and ALL of our drug laws only make the symptom worse.

If I were king, I'd remove all drug laws immediately and let the chips fall where they may. Those who are determined to commit suicide will anyway, but we would begin to be able to treat the real problem as a society once we could get past the glare of the "War on Drugs". We could say, oh, look, well, obviously our young people are going to hate themselves if we have a movie industry beating them over the head with the message of how despicable they are year after year after year. That puts us in a much stronger position than if, as we sit looking around at our collapsing civilization and all the horrors that that will unleash, we throw up our hands and say, "What can we do? It's the drugs. Let's ramp up the war on them."

The problem is allowing drugs to enter this country in the first place. Stop that, and you reduce the amount of people that are addicted. Increase that, and you increase the problem.
Worse yet now is ten grand ain't near worth what it was twenty years ago so if you want to take the money you need on a trip you are forced to get one of the f'ing bankers to handle your money as if you were a child and couldn't handle those big dollars all by yourself.
You are playing my song, brother. Every year that passes, the amount of time we could survive without electricity gets shorter.
We live in the sticks now but drug addicts are a problem here too. I met a guy last year waiting outside the grocery store for a friend to finish shopping. I'd taken the dog out to potty and got to talking with a former Meth addict. He was getting help through therapeutic drugs but from what he told me he'd gone through a lot of misery prior to that trying to find relief. Like I stated earlier there were a lot who got involved early on into the drug scene. Some ended up on the streets and other simply did not survive it at all, only a few I know of ended up with a semi normal life if that is what you would call it when they have to have a lot of prescription drugs to cope everyday. And the crime is outrageous in those areas of the cities now I used to drive through without a second thought. They are full with a lot of half brain dead people shooting at each other, raping, pillaging, beating one another to death or other despicable behaviors. Where do you start to clean all that up? We've tried to help people over the years but addicts have very little consciousness when they get on a roll and my temperament isn't what it used to be with them. Maybe more chemical lobotomies for the people that can't or are unwilling to help themselves get out of those terrible situations will be the answer long term. I don't know at this point. I do think I would rather see them be able to get legal doses of something from a pharmacy more than from a thug type that has no conscious when it comes to those who are not involved.
I think a key insight is it isn't a drug problem we have. Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem, and ALL of our drug laws only make the symptom worse.

If I were king, I'd remove all drug laws immediately and let the chips fall where they may. Those who are determined to commit suicide will anyway, but we would begin to be able to treat the real problem as a society once we could get past the glare of the "War on Drugs". We could say, oh, look, well, obviously our young people are going to hate themselves if we have a movie industry beating them over the head with the message of how despicable they are year after year after year. That puts us in a much stronger position than if, as we sit looking around at our collapsing civilization and all the horrors that that will unleash, we throw up our hands and say, "What can we do? It's the drugs. Let's ramp up the war on them."

The problem is allowing drugs to enter this country in the first place. Stop that, and you reduce the amount of people that are addicted. Increase that, and you increase the problem.
In the 20s, little kids could buy opiates over the counter in any general store. Why wasn't there a drug problem then?
Because the penalties were immediate and draconian. If you pissed someone off being under the influence was no excuse. Your body was found. There was no medical care and overdosing meant you died. Get high in the wrong place and any manner of predator ate you.

Families could care for you by locking you in a basement or chaining you to an attic wall. There was no welfare and no labor board to complain to when you got tossed out without pay. You found something to do or you starved to death. Rob someone and you died, instantly. Little kids were mostly armed.

Sure bring back those days.
Worse yet now is ten grand ain't near worth what it was twenty years ago so if you want to take the money you need on a trip you are forced to get one of the f'ing bankers to handle your money as if you were a child and couldn't handle those big dollars all by yourself.
You are playing my song, brother. Every year that passes, the amount of time we could survive without electricity gets shorter.
We live in the sticks now but drug addicts are a problem here too. I met a guy last year waiting outside the grocery store for a friend to finish shopping. I'd taken the dog out to potty and got to talking with a former Meth addict. He was getting help through therapeutic drugs but from what he told me he'd gone through a lot of misery prior to that trying to find relief. Like I stated earlier there were a lot who got involved early on into the drug scene. Some ended up on the streets and other simply did not survive it at all, only a few I know of ended up with a semi normal life if that is what you would call it when they have to have a lot of prescription drugs to cope everyday. And the crime is outrageous in those areas of the cities now I used to drive through without a second thought. They are full with a lot of half brain dead people shooting at each other, raping, pillaging, beating one another to death or other despicable behaviors. Where do you start to clean all that up? We've tried to help people over the years but addicts have very little consciousness when they get on a roll and my temperament isn't what it used to be with them. Maybe more chemical lobotomies for the people that can't or are unwilling to help themselves get out of those terrible situations will be the answer long term. I don't know at this point. I do think I would rather see them be able to get legal doses of something from a pharmacy more than from a thug type that has no conscious when it comes to those who are not involved.
I think a key insight is it isn't a drug problem we have. Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem, and ALL of our drug laws only make the symptom worse.

If I were king, I'd remove all drug laws immediately and let the chips fall where they may. Those who are determined to commit suicide will anyway, but we would begin to be able to treat the real problem as a society once we could get past the glare of the "War on Drugs". We could say, oh, look, well, obviously our young people are going to hate themselves if we have a movie industry beating them over the head with the message of how despicable they are year after year after year. That puts us in a much stronger position than if, as we sit looking around at our collapsing civilization and all the horrors that that will unleash, we throw up our hands and say, "What can we do? It's the drugs. Let's ramp up the war on them."

The problem is allowing drugs to enter this country in the first place. Stop that, and you reduce the amount of people that are addicted. Increase that, and you increase the problem.
Worse yet now is ten grand ain't near worth what it was twenty years ago so if you want to take the money you need on a trip you are forced to get one of the f'ing bankers to handle your money as if you were a child and couldn't handle those big dollars all by yourself.
You are playing my song, brother. Every year that passes, the amount of time we could survive without electricity gets shorter.
We live in the sticks now but drug addicts are a problem here too. I met a guy last year waiting outside the grocery store for a friend to finish shopping. I'd taken the dog out to potty and got to talking with a former Meth addict. He was getting help through therapeutic drugs but from what he told me he'd gone through a lot of misery prior to that trying to find relief. Like I stated earlier there were a lot who got involved early on into the drug scene. Some ended up on the streets and other simply did not survive it at all, only a few I know of ended up with a semi normal life if that is what you would call it when they have to have a lot of prescription drugs to cope everyday. And the crime is outrageous in those areas of the cities now I used to drive through without a second thought. They are full with a lot of half brain dead people shooting at each other, raping, pillaging, beating one another to death or other despicable behaviors. Where do you start to clean all that up? We've tried to help people over the years but addicts have very little consciousness when they get on a roll and my temperament isn't what it used to be with them. Maybe more chemical lobotomies for the people that can't or are unwilling to help themselves get out of those terrible situations will be the answer long term. I don't know at this point. I do think I would rather see them be able to get legal doses of something from a pharmacy more than from a thug type that has no conscious when it comes to those who are not involved.
I think a key insight is it isn't a drug problem we have. Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem, and ALL of our drug laws only make the symptom worse.

If I were king, I'd remove all drug laws immediately and let the chips fall where they may. Those who are determined to commit suicide will anyway, but we would begin to be able to treat the real problem as a society once we could get past the glare of the "War on Drugs". We could say, oh, look, well, obviously our young people are going to hate themselves if we have a movie industry beating them over the head with the message of how despicable they are year after year after year. That puts us in a much stronger position than if, as we sit looking around at our collapsing civilization and all the horrors that that will unleash, we throw up our hands and say, "What can we do? It's the drugs. Let's ramp up the war on them."

The problem is allowing drugs to enter this country in the first place. Stop that, and you reduce the amount of people that are addicted. Increase that, and you increase the problem.
In the 20s, little kids could buy opiates over the counter in any general store. Why wasn't there a drug problem then?

There wasn't? Maybe you better read this:

The Buyers - A Social History Of America's Most Popular Drugs | Drug Wars | FRONTLINE | PBS
Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
I do. Drugs are not an excuse for a lousy job. I try to be euphoric when about my chores. Liberals are always dependent of something...haha
"I can do a better job when I'm impaired."
Funny shit!
I guess that's one nice thing about being a Leftie....most don't have and can't retain a "real job" that requires employees to be quick, sharp, enthusiastic and motivated...I suppose I could trim the fuck out of a bush while stoned without issue...haha
That's how you can tell a hard core drug addict. Just like alcoholics believe they perform better when drunk, addicts believe they perform better high. Getting high now becomes a matter of improvement. true.
Only a stoner makes the claim that stoners are more productive stoned...just more of that backward perception of reality you see from the Left.
The stoners on my payroll drive piece of shit autos, have nothing saved, live week to week and barely make ends meet, yet not one of them ever request to work overtime or weekends and they never ask what more they could do to earn more...haha
Meanwhile, my educated go-getters who aren't slave to substance, drive nice autos, own homes and are constantly inquiring about doing more and making more.
Ironic? I think not.
Worse yet now is ten grand ain't near worth what it was twenty years ago so if you want to take the money you need on a trip you are forced to get one of the f'ing bankers to handle your money as if you were a child and couldn't handle those big dollars all by yourself.
You are playing my song, brother. Every year that passes, the amount of time we could survive without electricity gets shorter.
We live in the sticks now but drug addicts are a problem here too. I met a guy last year waiting outside the grocery store for a friend to finish shopping. I'd taken the dog out to potty and got to talking with a former Meth addict. He was getting help through therapeutic drugs but from what he told me he'd gone through a lot of misery prior to that trying to find relief. Like I stated earlier there were a lot who got involved early on into the drug scene. Some ended up on the streets and other simply did not survive it at all, only a few I know of ended up with a semi normal life if that is what you would call it when they have to have a lot of prescription drugs to cope everyday. And the crime is outrageous in those areas of the cities now I used to drive through without a second thought. They are full with a lot of half brain dead people shooting at each other, raping, pillaging, beating one another to death or other despicable behaviors. Where do you start to clean all that up? We've tried to help people over the years but addicts have very little consciousness when they get on a roll and my temperament isn't what it used to be with them. Maybe more chemical lobotomies for the people that can't or are unwilling to help themselves get out of those terrible situations will be the answer long term. I don't know at this point. I do think I would rather see them be able to get legal doses of something from a pharmacy more than from a thug type that has no conscious when it comes to those who are not involved.
I think a key insight is it isn't a drug problem we have. Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem, and ALL of our drug laws only make the symptom worse.

If I were king, I'd remove all drug laws immediately and let the chips fall where they may. Those who are determined to commit suicide will anyway, but we would begin to be able to treat the real problem as a society once we could get past the glare of the "War on Drugs". We could say, oh, look, well, obviously our young people are going to hate themselves if we have a movie industry beating them over the head with the message of how despicable they are year after year after year. That puts us in a much stronger position than if, as we sit looking around at our collapsing civilization and all the horrors that that will unleash, we throw up our hands and say, "What can we do? It's the drugs. Let's ramp up the war on them."
I definitely agree with you that the "Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem". And I have thought about that one putting it into the perspective of what I personally suffered at the hands of family members who did drugs when I was little. I took the time even to pick apart every little detail and examine it asking self what exactly went wrong in their lives that made me the target of their dark thoughts and actions. I also examined what could have happened to them that turn them in that direction of trying to destroy someone weaker than them verses the other direction of defending the weakest among them. I pinpointed problems but there not things I wouldn't want to go into in detail on here. Most come down to spirits of pride and resentment. Things grow in people and they don't even realize those things are there most of the time until they look into themselves and ask "what went wrong". Some can't go that far in their own self examination as they can't face what they have done so they substitute facing their own feelings with other things in the world and getting high is one of those options. In the case of several family members that drug and alcohol use just got worse because of that inability to come to terms with that portion in them. Ours wasn't a family most would even consider something like all that could have happen in as it had the outside appearance of a perfect family unit.

As far as the movie and entertainment industry goes I think they have played their fair share in helping along instability. So have the preachers, churches and many governing bureaucrats now days as far as that goes. Just letting the chips fall as they may sounds nice but that could also turn the place more chaotic than it is. Its not like the wild west where we can just shoot offenders at will and it would be foolish to allow a larger majority of the population than already is to be more brain damaged by substances that damage their brains before they ever get a decent start on life. Those substances include ones approved by FDA that should have never had approval in foods and medicines. I wouldn't just call it a "war", more like let's nurture our families back to a healthier life so the children have a better chance instead of giving everything over for the sake of commerce and the appearance of "being as good as the Jones" down the road. That needs a road map to accomplish the end goal and so it needs people able to understand how the spirit works within the humans. They have spent trillions attempting to figure out ways how to drive people and herd them into directions to where ever the leadership at the time wanted to take the people and now they are stuck with those end results of angry screwed up masses that have no clue of how to tell their right hand from their left.
To me the difference between Hollywood and the preachers in terms of damage they are causing is only one of them is intentional.
Meanwhile, my educated go-getters who aren't slave to substance, drive nice autos, own homes and are constantly inquiring about doing more and making more.
Ironic? I think not.

So what you are saying, then, is, in order to be a slave to materialism, you have to first stop being a slave to substances?

btw, you meant "coincidence", not "ironic"
Meanwhile, my educated go-getters who aren't slave to substance, drive nice autos, own homes and are constantly inquiring about doing more and making more.
Ironic? I think not.

So what you are saying, then, is, in order to be a slave to materialism, you have to first stop being a slave to substances?

btw, you meant "coincidence", not "ironic"

Do realize you have spoken like a true loser does. You have depicted yourself as a go-nowhere bottom feeder.
"Trying hard to succeed is too hard."
"People who try hard to succeed are slaves to materialism."
You see, in this country there's kind of a little manual that when followed tends to lead to success and achievement. It's actually quite simple to follow so long as you're not a lazy, low-life piece of shit. It goes something like this:
Be honest
Stay driven
Get educated
Work hard
Spend your days becoming and doing better or thinking of becoming and doing better.
But you would say anyone following "the manual" and who happens to acquire material things as a biproduct of doing the right things the right way is a "slave to materialism".....haha...Oh the Liberal mind is so twisted and confused.
Thanks for the help...I seem to have lost my last literacy bitch.
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Worse yet now is ten grand ain't near worth what it was twenty years ago so if you want to take the money you need on a trip you are forced to get one of the f'ing bankers to handle your money as if you were a child and couldn't handle those big dollars all by yourself.
You are playing my song, brother. Every year that passes, the amount of time we could survive without electricity gets shorter.
We live in the sticks now but drug addicts are a problem here too. I met a guy last year waiting outside the grocery store for a friend to finish shopping. I'd taken the dog out to potty and got to talking with a former Meth addict. He was getting help through therapeutic drugs but from what he told me he'd gone through a lot of misery prior to that trying to find relief. Like I stated earlier there were a lot who got involved early on into the drug scene. Some ended up on the streets and other simply did not survive it at all, only a few I know of ended up with a semi normal life if that is what you would call it when they have to have a lot of prescription drugs to cope everyday. And the crime is outrageous in those areas of the cities now I used to drive through without a second thought. They are full with a lot of half brain dead people shooting at each other, raping, pillaging, beating one another to death or other despicable behaviors. Where do you start to clean all that up? We've tried to help people over the years but addicts have very little consciousness when they get on a roll and my temperament isn't what it used to be with them. Maybe more chemical lobotomies for the people that can't or are unwilling to help themselves get out of those terrible situations will be the answer long term. I don't know at this point. I do think I would rather see them be able to get legal doses of something from a pharmacy more than from a thug type that has no conscious when it comes to those who are not involved.
I think a key insight is it isn't a drug problem we have. Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem, and ALL of our drug laws only make the symptom worse.

If I were king, I'd remove all drug laws immediately and let the chips fall where they may. Those who are determined to commit suicide will anyway, but we would begin to be able to treat the real problem as a society once we could get past the glare of the "War on Drugs". We could say, oh, look, well, obviously our young people are going to hate themselves if we have a movie industry beating them over the head with the message of how despicable they are year after year after year. That puts us in a much stronger position than if, as we sit looking around at our collapsing civilization and all the horrors that that will unleash, we throw up our hands and say, "What can we do? It's the drugs. Let's ramp up the war on them."
I definitely agree with you that the "Drug abuse is just a symptom of a deeper problem". And I have thought about that one putting it into the perspective of what I personally suffered at the hands of family members who did drugs when I was little. I took the time even to pick apart every little detail and examine it asking self what exactly went wrong in their lives that made me the target of their dark thoughts and actions. I also examined what could have happened to them that turn them in that direction of trying to destroy someone weaker than them verses the other direction of defending the weakest among them. I pinpointed problems but there not things I wouldn't want to go into in detail on here. Most come down to spirits of pride and resentment. Things grow in people and they don't even realize those things are there most of the time until they look into themselves and ask "what went wrong". Some can't go that far in their own self examination as they can't face what they have done so they substitute facing their own feelings with other things in the world and getting high is one of those options. In the case of several family members that drug and alcohol use just got worse because of that inability to come to terms with that portion in them. Ours wasn't a family most would even consider something like all that could have happen in as it had the outside appearance of a perfect family unit.

As far as the movie and entertainment industry goes I think they have played their fair share in helping along instability. So have the preachers, churches and many governing bureaucrats now days as far as that goes. Just letting the chips fall as they may sounds nice but that could also turn the place more chaotic than it is. Its not like the wild west where we can just shoot offenders at will and it would be foolish to allow a larger majority of the population than already is to be more brain damaged by substances that damage their brains before they ever get a decent start on life. Those substances include ones approved by FDA that should have never had approval in foods and medicines. I wouldn't just call it a "war", more like let's nurture our families back to a healthier life so the children have a better chance instead of giving everything over for the sake of commerce and the appearance of "being as good as the Jones" down the road. That needs a road map to accomplish the end goal and so it needs people able to understand how the spirit works within the humans. They have spent trillions attempting to figure out ways how to drive people and herd them into directions to where ever the leadership at the time wanted to take the people and now they are stuck with those end results of angry screwed up masses that have no clue of how to tell their right hand from their left.
To me the difference between Hollywood and the preachers in terms of damage they are causing is only one of them is intentional.
I'd be curious to understand your line of thinking on that.
It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
I do. Drugs are not an excuse for a lousy job. I try to be euphoric when about my chores. Liberals are always dependent of something...haha
"I can do a better job when I'm impaired."
Funny shit!
I guess that's one nice thing about being a Leftie....most don't have and can't retain a "real job" that requires employees to be quick, sharp, enthusiastic and motivated...I suppose I could trim the fuck out of a bush while stoned without issue...haha
That's how you can tell a hard core drug addict. Just like alcoholics believe they perform better when drunk, addicts believe they perform better high. Getting high now becomes a matter of improvement. true.
Only a stoner makes the claim that stoners are more productive stoned...just more of that backward perception of reality you see from the Left.
The stoners on my payroll drive piece of shit autos, have nothing saved, live week to week and barely make ends meet, yet not one of them ever request to work overtime or weekends and they never ask what more they could do to earn more...haha
Meanwhile, my educated go-getters who aren't slave to substance, drive nice autos, own homes and are constantly inquiring about doing more and making more.
Ironic? I think not.
A drugged perception of reality is much more pernicious than a drunk perception of reality. Drunks are never as convinced of their superiority as druggies. A child of a drunk may become a drunk themselves. But that alcoholic parent will not think themselves a good parent by starting their child on alcohol before they go to kindergarten.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.
yet you fantasize about the mass murder of pot heads, and when you see a fellow american in distress you pass them without a second thought. Angel from hell maybe.
Drug addicts aren't human. They can and should die in the streets.

You have anxieties and need drugs to lighten your mood. You can't get through your feelings without being high. You can't face being you. Hide behind your drugs.
I have never used drugs. I have never used alcohol. I used to smoke cigarettes but gave it up as it signaled weakness. Only weak people smoke.
oh anyone believes you have never drank.....
Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.

I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.
Do you feel the same about alcohol, which is a much more dangerous drug?

No because alcohol is a beverage used in social settings from weddings to bars. People enjoy some of the various brands of alcohol for taste, but nobody using drugs does so for taste. They use drugs for one purpose and one purpose only.

If alcohol was commonly used to get drunk only, then yes, I would feel the same way.
On the contrary, regular smokers do enjoy various strains for taste.
Love me some tangerine dream :coffee:

Taste is not why people smoke pot. You may enjoy different tastes, but you're smoking it to get high.

It's just like cigarettes. Yes, you buy the brand with the most appealing taste, but you are smoking cigarettes for the tar and nicotine, not the taste. If your brand is unavailable, any cigarette will do.
ray people drink to get that buzz too.....
Sorry but I never chose the name. I kept the name because it's a cute little name.

I had katzndogz because I had a cat and a dog. Then the cat passed. When tipsycatlover attached itself to me. I felt like it was a sign in memory of the departed cat who loved being tipsy now and then.
how did the cat get "tipsy"......
I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.
Do you feel the same about alcohol, which is a much more dangerous drug?

No because alcohol is a beverage used in social settings from weddings to bars. People enjoy some of the various brands of alcohol for taste, but nobody using drugs does so for taste. They use drugs for one purpose and one purpose only.

If alcohol was commonly used to get drunk only, then yes, I would feel the same way.
On the contrary, regular smokers do enjoy various strains for taste.
Love me some tangerine dream :coffee:

Taste is not why people smoke pot. You may enjoy different tastes, but you're smoking it to get high.

It's just like cigarettes. Yes, you buy the brand with the most appealing taste, but you are smoking cigarettes for the tar and nicotine, not the taste. If your brand is unavailable, any cigarette will do.
ray people drink to get that buzz too.....

Yes, but many people that drink don't get buzzed and can drive home from the bar or party safely. I'm no virgin, I smoked plenty of pot in my younger day, and for the life of me, I can't remember a time where I lit up to just enjoy the taste.
Why does Singapore not have the drug problem we do?

They have a liberally applied death penalty and the use of corporal punishment.

Cane a few of the potheads the problem will go away.
another place you like......why are you still here?....
Sorry but I never chose the name. I kept the name because it's a cute little name.

I had katzndogz because I had a cat and a dog. Then the cat passed. When tipsycatlover attached itself to me. I felt like it was a sign in memory of the departed cat who loved being tipsy now and then.
how did the cat get "tipsy"......
Giving alcohol to an animal often kills them. Cats get a bit tipsy on catnip which isn't any kind of drug but a strain of mint.
In the 20s, little kids could buy opiates over the counter in any general store. Why wasn't there a drug problem then?

Obviously, there was which explains why they were declared illegal. As you know, arsenic, strychnine, and cyanide were all commonly used in cosmetics, flypaper and numerous other products. Should that continue too?

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