Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

Meanwhile, my educated go-getters who aren't slave to substance, drive nice autos, own homes and are constantly inquiring about doing more and making more.
Ironic? I think not.

So what you are saying, then, is, in order to be a slave to materialism, you have to first stop being a slave to substances?

btw, you meant "coincidence", not "ironic"

Do realize you have spoken like a true loser does. You have depicted yourself as a go-nowhere bottom feeder.
"Trying hard to succeed is too hard."
"People who try hard to succeed are slaves to materialism."
You see, in this country there's kind of a little manual that when followed tends to lead to success and achievement. It's actually quite simple to follow so long as you're not a lazy, low-life piece of shit. It goes something like this:
Be honest
Stay driven
Get educated
Work hard
Spend your days becoming and doing better or thinking of becoming and doing better.
But you would say anyone following "the manual" and who happens to acquire material things as a biproduct of doing the right things the right way is a "slave to materialism".....haha...Oh the Liberal mind is so twisted and confused.
Thanks for the help...I seem to have lost my last literacy bitch.
You apparently missed my little joke, but no biggie. Someone as angry as you seem to be probably doesn't have time for things like humor. I'll say this, though, while there is nothing wrong with
Be honest
Stay driven
Get educated
Work hard
if you are doing so to be "successful", and successful means, to you, rich, then, yes, you are a slave to materialism--even in a Marxist sense--and you are as hollow as Marxism is. Just as Marx undersold value, you undersell success, and both views impoverish.
Why does Singapore not have the drug problem we do?

They have a liberally applied death penalty and the use of corporal punishment.

Cane a few of the potheads the problem will go away.
another place you like......why are you still here?....
To make here more like there.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.
yet you fantasize about the mass murder of pot heads, and when you see a fellow american in distress you pass them without a second thought. Angel from hell maybe.
Drug addicts aren't human. They can and should die in the streets.

You have anxieties and need drugs to lighten your mood. You can't get through your feelings without being high. You can't face being you. Hide behind your drugs.
I have never used drugs. I have never used alcohol. I used to smoke cigarettes but gave it up as it signaled weakness. Only weak people smoke.
oh anyone believes you have never drank.....
I never trusted myself enough to drink.
It wasn't initially why they were declared illegal. By "drug problem", I don't mean people taking drugs.
This isn't a war on drugs. It's a war on violence. Unfortunately, violence and drugs are closely intertwined. It is a commentary on how bad we have become, how evil we have become that have so many people not only willing to accept violence, but supporting violence just to protect drug use. Users will sell their children for a fix and watch them killed. Send the drug freaks to Colombia where they will be at home.

Drug addiction is an illness, not a crime. For 30 years you locked up black drug users. You have quadrupled the number of mostly black and brown men in prison for drug crimes, such that the USA has the highest rate in incarceration in the world. And you wonder why poor black kids are growing up without fathers.

And the drug use continues unabated. In fact, it's increased during this time.

So to suggest that it's just the policies of the last 8 years, that have lead to this crisis, think again. This is more of the toxic legacy of Ronald and Nancy Reagan.
Do you feel the same about alcohol, which is a much more dangerous drug?

No because alcohol is a beverage used in social settings from weddings to bars. People enjoy some of the various brands of alcohol for taste, but nobody using drugs does so for taste. They use drugs for one purpose and one purpose only.

If alcohol was commonly used to get drunk only, then yes, I would feel the same way.
On the contrary, regular smokers do enjoy various strains for taste.
Love me some tangerine dream :coffee:

Taste is not why people smoke pot. You may enjoy different tastes, but you're smoking it to get high.

It's just like cigarettes. Yes, you buy the brand with the most appealing taste, but you are smoking cigarettes for the tar and nicotine, not the taste. If your brand is unavailable, any cigarette will do.
ray people drink to get that buzz too.....

Yes, but many people that drink don't get buzzed and can drive home from the bar or party safely. I'm no virgin, I smoked plenty of pot in my younger day, and for the life of me, I can't remember a time where I lit up to just enjoy the taste.
well i never said that about pot.....but people drink to get a buzz too....
Sorry but I never chose the name. I kept the name because it's a cute little name.

I had katzndogz because I had a cat and a dog. Then the cat passed. When tipsycatlover attached itself to me. I felt like it was a sign in memory of the departed cat who loved being tipsy now and then.
how did the cat get "tipsy"......
Giving alcohol to an animal often kills them. Cats get a bit tipsy on catnip which isn't any kind of drug but a strain of mint.
no it gets them kinda you get your cats you shoot them too?....
Drug addiction is an illness, not a crime. For 30 years you locked up black drug users. You have quadrupled the number of mostly black and brown men in prison for drug crimes, such that the USA has the highest rate in incarceration in the world. And you wonder why poor black kids are growing up without fathers.

Prison is a choice, not bad luck or because of race. I've never been in prison my entire life; not even in jail for a night. I would be willing to bet most here haven't.

The race card doesn't work either when it comes to drugs because blacks also lead the country (per capita) in violent crimes, robberies and murder.
No because alcohol is a beverage used in social settings from weddings to bars. People enjoy some of the various brands of alcohol for taste, but nobody using drugs does so for taste. They use drugs for one purpose and one purpose only.

If alcohol was commonly used to get drunk only, then yes, I would feel the same way.
On the contrary, regular smokers do enjoy various strains for taste.
Love me some tangerine dream :coffee:

Taste is not why people smoke pot. You may enjoy different tastes, but you're smoking it to get high.

It's just like cigarettes. Yes, you buy the brand with the most appealing taste, but you are smoking cigarettes for the tar and nicotine, not the taste. If your brand is unavailable, any cigarette will do.
ray people drink to get that buzz too.....

Yes, but many people that drink don't get buzzed and can drive home from the bar or party safely. I'm no virgin, I smoked plenty of pot in my younger day, and for the life of me, I can't remember a time where I lit up to just enjoy the taste.
well i never said that about pot.....but people drink to get a buzz too....
I'm a very small woman even one drink gets me buzzed. If I have a joint or a drink I expect a buzz either way.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
I do. Drugs are not an excuse for a lousy job. I try to be euphoric when about my chores. Liberals are always dependent of something...haha
"I can do a better job when I'm impaired."
Funny shit!
I guess that's one nice thing about being a Leftie....most don't have and can't retain a "real job" that requires employees to be quick, sharp, enthusiastic and motivated...I suppose I could trim the fuck out of a bush while stoned without issue...haha
That's how you can tell a hard core drug addict. Just like alcoholics believe they perform better when drunk, addicts believe they perform better high. Getting high now becomes a matter of improvement. true.
Only a stoner makes the claim that stoners are more productive stoned...just more of that backward perception of reality you see from the Left.
The stoners on my payroll drive piece of shit autos, have nothing saved, live week to week and barely make ends meet, yet not one of them ever request to work overtime or weekends and they never ask what more they could do to earn more...haha
Meanwhile, my educated go-getters who aren't slave to substance, drive nice autos, own homes and are constantly inquiring about doing more and making more.
Ironic? I think not.
A drugged perception of reality is much more pernicious than a drunk perception of reality. Drunks are never as convinced of their superiority as druggies. A child of a drunk may become a drunk themselves. But that alcoholic parent will not think themselves a good parent by starting their child on alcohol before they go to kindergarten.
In my experience alcohol makes me feel more superior and pot more cautious.
Do you feel the same about alcohol, which is a much more dangerous drug?

No because alcohol is a beverage used in social settings from weddings to bars. People enjoy some of the various brands of alcohol for taste, but nobody using drugs does so for taste. They use drugs for one purpose and one purpose only.

If alcohol was commonly used to get drunk only, then yes, I would feel the same way.
On the contrary, regular smokers do enjoy various strains for taste.
Love me some tangerine dream :coffee:

Taste is not why people smoke pot. You may enjoy different tastes, but you're smoking it to get high.

It's just like cigarettes. Yes, you buy the brand with the most appealing taste, but you are smoking cigarettes for the tar and nicotine, not the taste. If your brand is unavailable, any cigarette will do.
ray people drink to get that buzz too.....

Yes, but many people that drink don't get buzzed and can drive home from the bar or party safely. I'm no virgin, I smoked plenty of pot in my younger day, and for the life of me, I can't remember a time where I lit up to just enjoy the taste.
People with a high tolerance to weed don't necessarily get "stoned" of each joint or bowl. Sometimes it is just tasting a strain.
Why does Singapore not have the drug problem we do?

They have a liberally applied death penalty and the use of corporal punishment.

Cane a few of the potheads the problem will go away.

Why does Singapore not have the drug problem we do?

They have a liberally applied death penalty and the use of corporal punishment.

Cane a few of the potheads the problem will go away.
Forget heroin crack and narcotics
Get the pot heads!!

More often than not they are one in the same.
Weed is generally step one for a low-life reaching his ultimate goal of slamming heroin and or smoking cocaine.
oh yea the "gateway drug" ...thats still a belief? Lol

Gateway to the fridge I always say.
oh yea the "gateway drug" ...thats still a belief? Lol

Gateway to the fridge I always say.

Ask virtually any hardcore druggie what was the very drug they used, and I'll guarantee 90+% of them will say marijuana.

"About 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become abusers, according to a study endorsed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Other estimates have placed that number even higher, with young people particularly susceptible to dependency."

Read more: Marijuana Addiction Is Rare, but Very Real
No because alcohol is a beverage used in social settings from weddings to bars. People enjoy some of the various brands of alcohol for taste, but nobody using drugs does so for taste. They use drugs for one purpose and one purpose only.

If alcohol was commonly used to get drunk only, then yes, I would feel the same way.
On the contrary, regular smokers do enjoy various strains for taste.
Love me some tangerine dream :coffee:

Taste is not why people smoke pot. You may enjoy different tastes, but you're smoking it to get high.

It's just like cigarettes. Yes, you buy the brand with the most appealing taste, but you are smoking cigarettes for the tar and nicotine, not the taste. If your brand is unavailable, any cigarette will do.
ray people drink to get that buzz too.....

Yes, but many people that drink don't get buzzed and can drive home from the bar or party safely. I'm no virgin, I smoked plenty of pot in my younger day, and for the life of me, I can't remember a time where I lit up to just enjoy the taste.
People with a high tolerance to weed don't necessarily get "stoned" of each joint or bowl. Sometimes it is just tasting a strain.

Then why have I never met one?

I used to smoke pot, my friends used to smoke pot, a few family members of mine used to smoke pot, so don't think you can slip that one by me as if I were ignorant on the subject. Nobody smokes weed unless it's to get high.
oh yea the "gateway drug" ...thats still a belief? Lol

Gateway to the fridge I always say.

Ask virtually any hardcore druggie what was the very drug they used, and I'll guarantee 90+% of them will say marijuana.

"About 9 percent of people who use marijuana will become abusers, according to a study endorsed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Other estimates have placed that number even higher, with young people particularly susceptible to dependency."

Read more: Marijuana Addiction Is Rare, but Very Real
virtually any human will tell you marijuana was the first drug they used. Thats because its easy to find, cheap, and harmless.
if about 9% of people become abusers that means 91% don't. I'm willing to chalk that up to that 9% having an addictive personality.
You really make no point here at all.
On the contrary, regular smokers do enjoy various strains for taste.
Love me some tangerine dream :coffee:

Taste is not why people smoke pot. You may enjoy different tastes, but you're smoking it to get high.

It's just like cigarettes. Yes, you buy the brand with the most appealing taste, but you are smoking cigarettes for the tar and nicotine, not the taste. If your brand is unavailable, any cigarette will do.
ray people drink to get that buzz too.....

Yes, but many people that drink don't get buzzed and can drive home from the bar or party safely. I'm no virgin, I smoked plenty of pot in my younger day, and for the life of me, I can't remember a time where I lit up to just enjoy the taste.
People with a high tolerance to weed don't necessarily get "stoned" of each joint or bowl. Sometimes it is just tasting a strain.

Then why have I never met one?

I used to smoke pot, my friends used to smoke pot, a few family members of mine used to smoke pot, so don't think you can slip that one by me as if I were ignorant on the subject. Nobody smokes weed unless it's to get high.
like i said someone with a high tolerance might have to smoke 2-4 joints to get high. If their pal gets some great weed in from cali and they roll 1 joint to try the strain they may or may not get "stoned"
I never implied you were ignorant to the subject, just throwing out another point of few from a decade long smoker.
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Why does Singapore not have the drug problem we do?

They have a liberally applied death penalty and the use of corporal punishment.

Cane a few of the potheads the problem will go away.
another place you like......why are you still here?....
To make here more like there.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.
yet you fantasize about the mass murder of pot heads, and when you see a fellow american in distress you pass them without a second thought. Angel from hell maybe.
Drug addicts aren't human. They can and should die in the streets.

You have anxieties and need drugs to lighten your mood. You can't get through your feelings without being high. You can't face being you. Hide behind your drugs.
I have never used drugs. I have never used alcohol. I used to smoke cigarettes but gave it up as it signaled weakness. Only weak people smoke.
oh anyone believes you have never drank.....
I never trusted myself enough to drink.
understandable, you're definitely on the coocoo side
like i said someone with a high tolerance might have to smoke 2-4 joints to get high. If their pal gets some great weed in from cali and they roll 1 joint to try the strain they may or may not get "stoned"
I never implied you were ignorant to the subject, just throwing out another point of few from a decade long smoker.

Does explain a lot.
Ask virtually any hardcore druggie what was the very drug they used, and I'll guarantee 90+% of them will say marijuana.

In reality most of those people started with nicotine or alcohol first before they tried marijuana.
This isn't a war on drugs. It's a war on violence. Unfortunately, violence and drugs are closely intertwined. It is a commentary on how bad we have become, how evil we have become that have so many people not only willing to accept violence, but supporting violence just to protect drug use. Users will sell their children for a fix and watch them killed. Send the drug freaks to Colombia where they will be at home.

Drug addiction is an illness, not a crime. For 30 years you locked up black drug users. You have quadrupled the number of mostly black and brown men in prison for drug crimes, such that the USA has the highest rate in incarceration in the world. And you wonder why poor black kids are growing up without fathers.

And the drug use continues unabated. In fact, it's increased during this time.

So to suggest that it's just the policies of the last 8 years, that have lead to this crisis, think again. This is more of the toxic legacy of Ronald and Nancy Reagan.
Drug addiction is an illness. Make it terminal, quickly.

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