Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.

Yep she doesn't drink from first eye opening until hitting the bed that night. Hint
Don't apologize! You said earlier you're not a pot smoker, here's some insight-
People who don't smoke often, and are driving tend to make more mistakes.
People who smoke daily, and are driving tend to see no change in their abilities.
That's science I can personally confirm from experience. lol
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
--------------------------------------------------------- i just watch news from areas like Denver Colorado and all i see is dopers [legal] and that can't be good for the USA except for the legal store owners and the states tax collection . Doctors and their over prescribing is also something that should be stopped CNelson .
A good deal of the news out of Denver has to do with being the first state in the country to legalize pot, so it makes sense they are showing pot users for the b-roll. Significantly, the news coming out of Denver is NOT about runaway violent crime, nor is it about how society has collapsed since drugs were legalized.
--------------------------------------------------------- they look like bums all over the streets and i imagine its the same in other states where pot is legal . One state that i'm thinking of has a small town , maybe 15. 000 people and there must be 20 - 30 legal weed shops in town , maybe more , Can't be good for the USA a nation of dopers CNelson .
What's wrong with dopers?

Remembering when.

Kid, Why do you think they call it Dope?

Those were great ads. We need more of them. NOW. Kids are swayed by pop culture. One of my students is in drug court and I've been trying to nudge her toward visiting younger kids, maybe 6th grade or so, and talking to them about drugs and how some of them can really fuck up your life. She's worked hard and been through hell. You'd think kids seeing their older sibs going through it would catch on, but they don't seem to. Someone needs to catch them young and warn them about the ones that are so damned addictive.

The reason kids start taking drugs isn't that they weren't warned enough, or the right way, or by the right people, the reason some kids go beyond the peer pressure stuff and dive into drugs (and alcohol) is that drugs change the way you feel. And some kids can't stand the way they feel. More and more white kids are in this category. That's where we need to be looking for answers. Why do white kids feel so bad? I'm looking at (((you))), Hollywood.
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.

Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.

I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.


It should be isolated from children but so should alcohol and it's not.

Can't get over the coupon's. I wonder if the corner dealer would accept them? lol
buy a dime, get one free :rofl:
From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.



On the ole Plantation, sipping juleps on the veranda, there's talk the slaves are getting funny ideas, maybe smoking the devil's weed. This cannot be allowed and our neighbor, Jeb, a stalwart citizen and plantation owner, will not allow it.
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.

Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.

I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.
Do you feel the same about alcohol, which is a much more dangerous drug?

No because alcohol is a beverage used in social settings from weddings to bars. People enjoy some of the various brands of alcohol for taste, but nobody using drugs does so for taste. They use drugs for one purpose and one purpose only.

If alcohol was commonly used to get drunk only, then yes, I would feel the same way.
Perhaps it is like the 1 drink an hour rule..your body metabolises it..depending on your weight 2drinks...

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app

3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.
3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.

Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.

I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.
Do you feel the same about alcohol, which is a much more dangerous drug?

No because alcohol is a beverage used in social settings from weddings to bars. People enjoy some of the various brands of alcohol for taste, but nobody using drugs does so for taste. They use drugs for one purpose and one purpose only.

If alcohol was commonly used to get drunk only, then yes, I would feel the same way.
On the contrary, regular smokers do enjoy various strains for taste.
Love me some tangerine dream :coffee:
3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.
yet you fantasize about the mass murder of pot heads, and when you see a fellow american in distress you pass them without a second thought. Angel from hell maybe.
3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.

Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.

I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.


It should be isolated from children but so should alcohol and it's not.

Can't get over the coupon's. I wonder if the corner dealer would accept them? lol
buy a dime, get one free :rofl:

Crap, it's like pizza, pizza.
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.
Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
Then there is the corrosive effect on our law enforcement the practice has had of asset forfeiture, which grew out of our insane war on an inanimate object. A majority of police departments in the United States now get more than 50% of their annual budgets from the proceeds from armed seizures (robbery) of the property of private citizens. How glaringly stupid can a policy be? Any reasonably bright eight-year-old should be able to see why you don't give the guys with the guns a financial incentive to discover lawbreakers.
I have heard some horror stories on asset forfeiture but that was generally from local law enforcement.

We had a neighborly friend that once upon a time owned a large trucking firm. He'd built it from the ground up. He started running drugs as the money was good. He used to tell me, 'I had a million dollars once, the government stole it and told me I had to like it'. He lost it all, the trucking firm, the money he'd saved up and his beautiful wife. The one thing that he couldn't get over was loosing his beautiful wife. He was doing the 'fly now pay later' when he ran the drugs with his firm. We met him during the time he was very humbly paying the price. He was test driving cigarette boats out of Miami Bay before there ever was a Miami Vice television show.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.

Yea, I never because very active if at a party we all just talked and laughed, if just my wife and I we would listen to music with the tv on and the sound down, or if a good comedy was on watch it. The different strains today are different, hell I was even reading there is one you can function damn near normal and also lose weight.

Here's an idea, if someone over 65 wants to grow their own and do it in the privacy of their home, let them.

I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.


It should be isolated from children but so should alcohol and it's not.

Can't get over the coupon's. I wonder if the corner dealer would accept them? lol
buy a dime, get one free :rofl:

Crap, it's like pizza, pizza.
3 hours lol.

You know over the years if these people would have not increased the thc tenfold or more you wouldn't get stoned out of your minds and then try and drive. When I smoked regularly at the end of about 4 hours would go to bed and have a good nights sleep. I never had the desire to drive.

Now when I drank heavy I did have the desire to drive and I drove like a bat out of hell, had several accidents and head on collision all between 18 and 25. My head on was on graduation night from high school at a party where the parents supplied the booze. No one severely injured and that was before seat belts.

I guess I just cannot understand from my experience smoking marijuana why anyone would want to drive? Well maybe to get something to eat and I did a couple time's to a taco joint about 2 blocks from my house, but normally loaded up on snacks before or would grill out after smoking. I have had some Co pot a few times in the past year from someone who drove from east coast out and brought quite a bit back and it was more like what I smoked 40 years ago. He did say that they sold all sort of different strength's out there and he had bought a little and smoked it out there and said it put him out. Now mind you he was not some kid he was 67 at the time. Well anyway I am not for the stronger stuff or anyone driving, but if was lower thc I'd smoke everyday for my severe back pain, that I actually considered asking my doc for oxycontin yesterday, but changed my mind. I had a friend that was up to 8 oxy's a day, driving and 71 years old. I don't know if he died from an overdose or age related.

I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.

No wonder you're so disagreeable. Are you a nun?
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.
Potheads don't care about anything but getting high? Bold, unk. Bold and more ignorant than your usual posts.

It's true...I employ a number of people and I know exactly who my stoners are...they're the ones who move like snails, have no ability to retain information, lack drive and motivation to do and be better. They're my lifer fork lift operators and warehouse workers.
Stoners are always easy to pick out of a crowd.
I have several smart, dedicated, and hard working stoners.
Responsible stoners don't come to work STONED!
Looks like you got some folks to fire.
I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.

No wonder you're so disagreeable. Are you a nun?
evil nuns exist?
I'm not sure that's true. I believe I've read that alcohol consumption went down after Prohibition was repealed. That makes perfect sense to me. Making something illegal is often the best way to make it popular. We humans! In any case, as with alcohol, the lion's share of the negative impact on society of the prohibition of both alcohol and drugs derives from their illegality.

Marijuana use increases in Colorado, according to new federal survey – The Denver Post

I personally know two people who moved there for their pot laws. And, a count of pot users when pot is legal is bound to catch many who hid it before.

I don't believe that for a minute. When I was younger and smoked pot, I could care less who knew. That would be especially true if they were strangers only taking a survey.

According to their local CBS station, your assumptions are wrong. Here are the stats:

Here are the highlights in just three years since legalization:

  • Marijuana-related traffic deaths increased 48 percent.
  • Over 20 percent of all traffic deaths were marijuana related compared to only 10 percent six years ago.
  • Marijuana-related emergency department visits increased 49 percent.
  • Marijuana-related hospitalizations increased 32 percent.
  • Marijuana-related calls to the Rocky Mountain Poison Center increased 100 percent.
  • Diversion of Colorado marijuana to other states increased 37 percent by vehicle and 427 percent by parcels.
  • Colorado youth now rank number one in the nation for marijuana use and 74 percent higher than the national average.
  • Colorado college-age group now rank number one in the nation for marijuana use and 62 percent higher than the national average.
  • Colorado adults now rank number one in the nation for marijuana use and 104 percent higher than the national average.

We don't have such drastic changes because some pot smokers came out of the closet. What we have is (the obvious) more people using pot. So now picture these results nationwide. Now picture the results if we legalized all drugs nationwide. What kind of country would we have?
How many overdose related deaths? Let's compare and contrast that metric.

Last year over 50,000 American deaths from overdose.
I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.
yet you fantasize about the mass murder of pot heads, and when you see a fellow american in distress you pass them without a second thought. Angel from hell maybe.
Drug addicts aren't human. They can and should die in the streets.

You have anxieties and need drugs to lighten your mood. You can't get through your feelings without being high. You can't face being you. Hide behind your drugs.
I am not a drinker. My body doesn't take it well, I am a woman with a very small frame and it usually makes me sick. I don't like the feeling of being drunk and I feel out of control.
Marijuana has always been my vice.
It calms my anxiety, lightens my mood, lessens panic attacks, helps my appetite, and gives me some great sleep.
So that's what's wrong with you! That clears up a lot.
yup you caught me...... Now, more importantly, WTF is wrong with you?!!?!?!?
I am perfect. I have no vices. I don't drink, smoke, use drugs, gamble look at porn and I don't like sex. I am an angel upon the earth.
yet you fantasize about the mass murder of pot heads, and when you see a fellow american in distress you pass them without a second thought. Angel from hell maybe.
Drug addicts aren't human. They can and should die in the streets.

You have anxieties and need drugs to lighten your mood. You can't get through your feelings without being high. You can't face being you. Hide behind your drugs.
can't deal with humans like you without a buzz to lighten my mood- that is true.
I don't think anyone should die in the streets. I guess this druggie is a much better person than you. How do you feel about that, angel?

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