Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

I actually live in Southern know, that shithole full of stoners, drug addicts and low-life's.
Many of my friends and acquaintances are stoners and or drunks. I always find myself too busy raising my children, making money, playing golf, fishing on my boat or traveling...I have no time to be controlled by shit...It must be a shitty feeling to have a "vice".
Not really, I have no problem with what I do. I'm not hurting anyone. It must be a shitty feeling to be a judgemental jerk.

Read his thread a few times slowly, it's like he's saying or singing "My wangs bigger than your wang my wangs bigger than yours oh my wang is bigger than your wang because I eat kennel ration my wang is bigger than yours. lol lol lol
Most men that brag of big wangs have tiny weiners
I ain't bragging heh heh heh...
I've caused many a fair maiden to gasp in wide-eyed surprise before and during coitus.
After that it was hard to get away from them.

Men who brag

Seldom deliver.


How do you know? I can only speak for myself.Are you speaking for yourself?
No because alcohol is a beverage used in social settings from weddings to bars. People enjoy some of the various brands of alcohol for taste, but nobody using drugs does so for taste. They use drugs for one purpose and one purpose only.

If alcohol was commonly used to get drunk only, then yes, I would feel the same way.
Now that just smacks of Puritanism. Why not just let people pursue happiness the best way they see fit?

I do actually, but pot is ruining our nation.

During the recession, my employer put out an ad for a new driver. He had a hell of a time finding one because he insisted they take a drug test. It's not worth training somebody and then lose them because they smoke pot. It's not that my employer wanted drug tests, but it's the federal law that we must take them.

My father is a retired bricklayer. He did very well for himself financially. Granted, very tough work, but years ago, people would kill to get that job. Today, the union can't find anybody willing to work that can pass a drug test. My father knows this because they send retirees the union news letter, and they were begging their retirees to find younger clean people willing to work.

Working in industry, this is a common story with employers. People would rather stay home and smoke pot than jump at an opportunity to make real money and start a new career. I think that's very sad.
The real tradgedy occurs when a dope free black guy with a lower test score gets the job and the higher scoring white doper cries foul.

When did that ever happen? I didn't know they do toxicology tests on people taking tests.
We are talking about job qualifications, some of which require drug testing as well as proficiency tests. Many city, county, state and federal jobs use that criteria as do some private employers.

To my knowledge, government employees don't get drug tested. Their unions have fought long and hard against testing--even the police union.

But if passing a drug test is a requirement, then of course the employer will choose the clean applicant over the dirty one regardless of test scores.
Wow :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

You think quite highly of yourself. That's good it balances out what the rest of us think of you.
Yet you're the one mired in depression and torn by anxiety so much that you can't sleep unless you are drugged up.
Yes i struggle with anxiety many adults do. That in no way makes me a bad person.
You on the other hand.....

People who do not allow themselves to feel, who believe other people aren't worth anything at all, those are the ones who do not feel anziety or much of anything else.

Tipsycatlover often posts that she's a complete emotional and mental cripple and says she works to be even more crippled. Personally, I think that's not something to aspire or envy but apparently, she does.

Not to mention the incredible lies she tells about her long line of Phd's. Whew!
You keep lying. Is this a result of your unfortunate childhood?

I have no Phds. Does the clear it all up.

Oops sorry. I forgot.

You have said you're an MD and an attorney.

And a dog washer.

No. That's a lie too. I've never been an MD. I was a lawyer for many years. Then I retired from that and became a dog groomer, not even a dog washer. Why do you feel a need to make up stories?

After 35 years it was time to be done with whiney ass people who got themselves into trouble. Fuck them. Dogs are much better and making them beautiful is real satisfaction.

After so long of insisting that I once said I was a doctor you should know by now how ridiculous that is. Can you possibly imagine a circumstance in which I would alleviate human suffering? Think! The idea is absurd.
Now that just smacks of Puritanism. Why not just let people pursue happiness the best way they see fit?

I do actually, but pot is ruining our nation.

During the recession, my employer put out an ad for a new driver. He had a hell of a time finding one because he insisted they take a drug test. It's not worth training somebody and then lose them because they smoke pot. It's not that my employer wanted drug tests, but it's the federal law that we must take them.

My father is a retired bricklayer. He did very well for himself financially. Granted, very tough work, but years ago, people would kill to get that job. Today, the union can't find anybody willing to work that can pass a drug test. My father knows this because they send retirees the union news letter, and they were begging their retirees to find younger clean people willing to work.

Working in industry, this is a common story with employers. People would rather stay home and smoke pot than jump at an opportunity to make real money and start a new career. I think that's very sad.
The real tradgedy occurs when a dope free black guy with a lower test score gets the job and the higher scoring white doper cries foul.

When did that ever happen? I didn't know they do toxicology tests on people taking tests.
We are talking about job qualifications, some of which require drug testing as well as proficiency tests. Many city, county, state and federal jobs use that criteria as do some private employers.

To my knowledge, government employees don't get drug tested. Their unions have fought long and hard against testing--even the police union.

But if passing a drug test is a requirement, then of course the employer will choose the clean applicant over the dirty one regardless of test scores.
What Kind of Drug Tests Are Given for Civil Service Jobs?
There is more and more litigation. As long as people can sue employers on the grounds that the employer hired that drunk or doper, employers will test everyone.

You can't sue for getting drug tested.
All right, you misunderstood. A customer, patron, business invitee or even a tresspasser can sue the employer of an allegedly impaired employee on the grounds of respondeat superior or at least negligent hiring.
There is more and more litigation. As long as people can sue employers on the grounds that the employer hired that drunk or doper, employers will test everyone.

You can't sue for getting drug tested.
That is not what Tipsy said. The suit, according to Tips, would be filed against the employer for hiring a doper over a non- doper. I don't necessarily agree with that either but that's what Tips said.
There is more and more litigation. As long as people can sue employers on the grounds that the employer hired that drunk or doper, employers will test everyone.

You can't sue for getting drug tested.
That is not what Tipsy said. The suit, according to Tips, would be filed against the employer for hiring a doper over a non- doper. I don't necessarily agree with that either but that's what Tips said.
That isn't what I said either.
There is more and more litigation. As long as people can sue employers on the grounds that the employer hired that drunk or doper, employers will test everyone.

You can't sue for getting drug tested.
That is not what Tipsy said. The suit, according to Tips, would be filed against the employer for hiring a doper over a non- doper. I don't necessarily agree with that either but that's what Tips said.
That isn't what I said either.
Well not exactly word for word but the core meaning jibes. Heh heh heh.
From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.



Back to the OP -

The whole point of the do-called "war on drugs" is to increase profit to the 1%.

Building duh donuld's idiotic wall has the same goal - enriching trumps cronies and owners. It will do nothing to slow or stop drug traffic. As long as there as there is a demand, the cartels will get the drugs in.

We know quite a few things that have not worked. Isn't it time we tried other modes of attack?

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I drove a couple times on pot and didn't like it one bit. Pot never effected me like it did other people. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do is sit back and listen to music whereas other people who smoked pot got more active and wanted to throw a baseball around or something. Pot made me paranoid and somewhat out of control.

Beer is different. It agrees with me much more than pot. I could probably drink an eight pack and drive like a champ. I don't of course because I have a CDL and I would lose my job if I ever got caught. When I go out now, I don't touch a drop.
Marijuana has always been my vice.

"Marijuana has always been my vice."

Serious question.
Is there even one single Liberal whom does not have a "vice"?

I don't know, ask a liberal. You really must live a sheltered life. Maybe you've been retired for years and don't really know the magnitude of people smoking, eating or vaping marijuana. You may live in a state that it's not legal in any form and the people who know you that may use know you are the kind of person that would call the police if you knew. I don't know.

I actually live in Southern know, that shithole full of stoners, drug addicts and low-life's.
Many of my friends and acquaintances are stoners and or drunks. I always find myself too busy raising my children, making money, playing golf, fishing on my boat or traveling...I have no time to be controlled by shit...It must be a shitty feeling to have a "vice".
Not really, I have no problem with what I do. I'm not hurting anyone. It must be a shitty feeling to be a judgemental jerk.

Oh yeah, it totally sucks to have expectations of people and to believe that humans should hold themselves to a higher standard. It just kills me...haha
Why does low grade trash hate "judgemental" people and higher standards?
I wonder if they hate the idea of self accountability and meeting a higher standard...hmmm? This is so confusing.
What I find odd is that our higher class can't give a shit about judgmental people....Hmmm, I wonder if they know the meet a standard?
From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.



Back to the OP -

The whole point of the do-called "war on drugs" is to increase profit to the 1%.

Building duh donuld's idiotic wall has the same goal - enriching trumps cronies and owners. It will do nothing to slow or stop drug traffic. As long as there as there is a demand, the cartels will get the drugs in.

We know quite a few things that have not worked. Isn't it time we tried other modes of attack?

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I think you've mislead yourself once again....step out of the backward bizarro world for a minute...the wall will slow the flow of drugs and will nearly stop the flow of human cockroaches.
Let me dumb this down for your elementary mind.
You have a corner lot, people cut through your front yard and use it as a short cut. You build a wall around the perimeter of your front yard, people stop cutting through your front yard....TA-DAH!
See how easy that was?
(You then shoot the very few filthy piece of shits who climb your wall in an attempt to harm you)
Back to the OP -

The whole point of the do-called "war on drugs" is to increase profit to the 1%.

Building duh donuld's idiotic wall has the same goal - enriching trumps cronies and owners. It will do nothing to slow or stop drug traffic. As long as there as there is a demand, the cartels will get the drugs in.

We know quite a few things that have not worked. Isn't it time we tried other modes of attack?

We tried building a wall?

DumBama spent over 8 billion dollars for trains to nowhere that nobody will take; you know, to make those one-percenters happy. At least with a wall, we will have something to show for our money.
If we do not find a way to convince people that they can get through the day without being high the drug problem will never be solved. Stop importation of drugs, smash the labs and burn the pot fields and the people will turn to jenkem.

We have never fought a war on drugs. The only one who is, is the Phillipines. In a war you kill people and smash things. You do not give the enemy rehab and medical care.
There is more and more litigation. As long as people can sue employers on the grounds that the employer hired that drunk or doper, employers will test everyone.

You can't sue for getting drug tested.
That is not what Tipsy said. The suit, according to Tips, would be filed against the employer for hiring a doper over a non- doper. I don't necessarily agree with that either but that's what Tips said.

I misunderstood. But you can't sue for that either.
Insurers will be asking for drug and alcohol tests for many years into the future. It can only increase.
Once I failed a drug test for marijuana.
I was taken in the office and sure I would be fired.
They told me they couldn't lose me and wanted to promote me, since it was "only pot" they didn't care... hahaha took me totally by surprise! I ended up leaving them within the year for a job that doubled my pay. :eusa_drool:
Yet you're the one mired in depression and torn by anxiety so much that you can't sleep unless you are drugged up.
Yes i struggle with anxiety many adults do. That in no way makes me a bad person.
You on the other hand.....

People who do not allow themselves to feel, who believe other people aren't worth anything at all, those are the ones who do not feel anziety or much of anything else.

Tipsycatlover often posts that she's a complete emotional and mental cripple and says she works to be even more crippled. Personally, I think that's not something to aspire or envy but apparently, she does.

Not to mention the incredible lies she tells about her long line of Phd's. Whew!
You keep lying. Is this a result of your unfortunate childhood?

I have no Phds. Does the clear it all up.

Oops sorry. I forgot.

You have said you're an MD and an attorney.

And a dog washer.

No. That's a lie too. I've never been an MD. I was a lawyer for many years. Then I retired from that and became a dog groomer, not even a dog washer. Why do you feel a need to make up stories?

After 35 years it was time to be done with whiney ass people who got themselves into trouble. Fuck them. Dogs are much better and making them beautiful is real satisfaction.

After so long of insisting that I once said I was a doctor you should know by now how ridiculous that is. Can you possibly imagine a circumstance in which I would alleviate human suffering? Think! The idea is absurd.

My husband is just about ready to retire as an attorney as well...I worked in his office helping out a bit, and what a depressing one contacts an attorney to be happy, except if they win money maybe..
He is sick of it too..

Now let me ask...what about sugar and food? It is hard to trust someone without a vise...haaaa
Then there is the corrosive effect on our law enforcement the practice has had of asset forfeiture, which grew out of our insane war on an inanimate object. A majority of police departments in the United States now get more than 50% of their annual budgets from the proceeds from armed seizures (robbery) of the property of private citizens. How glaringly stupid can a policy be? Any reasonably bright eight-year-old should be able to see why you don't give the guys with the guns a financial incentive to discover lawbreakers.
I have heard some horror stories on asset forfeiture but that was generally from local law enforcement.

We had a neighborly friend that once upon a time owned a large trucking firm. He'd built it from the ground up. He started running drugs as the money was good. He used to tell me, 'I had a million dollars once, the government stole it and told me I had to like it'. He lost it all, the trucking firm, the money he'd saved up and his beautiful wife. The one thing that he couldn't get over was loosing his beautiful wife. He was doing the 'fly now pay later' when he ran the drugs with his firm. We met him during the time he was very humbly paying the price. He was test driving cigarette boats out of Miami Bay before there ever was a Miami Vice television show.

I think it's gotten really bad in some small towns. The narcs scoop up all the big plums and get used to that lifestyle, but as they get bigger and more decked out with all the latest technology, paid for by their victims, their prey become smaller and smaller until eventually they are seizing the family car from high school kids are caught with a dime bag of meth in it.
I can see within reason someone that used illegal means to gain wealth to have seizure laws for that instance but I have often wondered about abuse that could ensue. If someone borrowed a car or trailer from you could your property be seized. If so would a little person be able to pay attorneys to retrieve it in the courts or would it be worth it since the attorney bill would cost as much as to replace the item. Heck they took an antique clip from my 70 year old mom at the airport claiming it could be used as a weapon when they first started that whole affair. She was already through the gates and couldn't even get back to where we were to give it to me for I could mail it to her. Back when they put all the info on what was going down with pulling over out of stater's in nice vehicles in Louisiana my daughter called me as we were going through there in the next day or two. She wanted me to drive all the way around Louisiana on our way to Florida verses taking a chance on driving through there and them seizing my customized pickup truck. I told her not to get frenzied I'd be fine. Day or two later as we were going through my parents were behind me in their pickup camper when a state police went flying by them and slowed at my bumper. We weren't sure if the guy ran the plates and learned it was corporate own or if it was the big dogs in the cab with me that deterred him. Whichever one it was either the dogs or plates after a brief checking us out going down the road he decided to pass and went on.
I don't care if the law leaves people alone who want to smoke pot, but where it's legal, they have pot shops, television commercials, and coupons in the newspaper and things like that I don't care for. I think pot should be isolated from children and not made so socially acceptable. If they want to smoke pot when they get older, that's their business, but it shouldn't be promoted.
Do you feel the same about alcohol, which is a much more dangerous drug?

No because alcohol is a beverage used in social settings from weddings to bars. People enjoy some of the various brands of alcohol for taste, but nobody using drugs does so for taste. They use drugs for one purpose and one purpose only.

If alcohol was commonly used to get drunk only, then yes, I would feel the same way.
Now that just smacks of Puritanism. Why not just let people pursue happiness the best way they see fit?

I do actually, but pot is ruining our nation.

During the recession, my employer put out an ad for a new driver. He had a hell of a time finding one because he insisted they take a drug test. It's not worth training somebody and then lose them because they smoke pot. It's not that my employer wanted drug tests, but it's the federal law that we must take them.

My father is a retired bricklayer. He did very well for himself financially. Granted, very tough work, but years ago, people would kill to get that job. Today, the union can't find anybody willing to work that can pass a drug test. My father knows this because they send retirees the union news letter, and they were begging their retirees to find younger clean people willing to work.

Working in industry, this is a common story with employers. People would rather stay home and smoke pot than jump at an opportunity to make real money and start a new career. I think that's very sad.
I very rarely smoke pot and would have no problem passing any drug test, but I wouldn't work for a company that required me to turn over my piss to them. It's degrading and an invasion of privacy, in my view.
I'd be more inclined to desire to have the legislators, law enforcement, judges, government employees, etc. that would comply with drug testing and do the same with all their rules they apply to us peons in the cheap seats. After all they work for the public.

No one should require something of an employee that they would not have been willing to do their selves or have done themselves.

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