Another vacation for President Bush

Beefheart said:
Of course..mothers who lose sons and don't sit idly, waving a flag, piss you off.

But the administration who attacked a country based on lies and innuendos that had nothing to do with 9/11....which has resulted in 1800 deaths....thousands disfigured and limbless...

THAT doesn't piss you off !

I thought your thread was about Bush on vacation....If you want to debate the merits of the Iraq war start another thread...
[. Most Americans don't agree with the crap you are spouting. Get used to it. You will be in the minority for a long time with your view points.[/QUOTE]

Boy you couldn't be more wrong.....
The July polls has stated that more Americans feel that the Iraq war has made the US more unsafe: 47%-39%.
The August polls has the % widening even more.

A significant number of people in the US now believe that going into Iraq has been a major mistake.

So I'm the minority eh?....Better buck up and stop spouting Fox News talking points.
Bonnie said:
I thought your thread was about Bush on vacation....If you want to debate the merits of the Iraq war start another thread...

I think what has happened with Beefy is that he has a new girlfriend. She is definitely out of his league looks wise so he has to make sure she keeps liking him. Either her, her older brother/sister, or mom/dad is very anti-Bush, anti-War. So, in hopes that she keeps interested in him and he will have even the slightest chance in hell to get into her pants, he hangs out with the family and takes very detailed notes of all the anti-Bush/War rants.

What we are seeing is the little snippets he has written down. He posts a couple of things he knows will get us going, then waits for the opportunity to refer to his crib notes and, in his mind, hit us with a zinger. It doesn't matter if it is on target, after all, he is 15 trying to impress his girlfriend; who is probably 12, 13 maybe. He can call her into his room to look at his computer (yeah..smooth move) and see what kind of things he has posted.

Then...since she is in there......

Sad I know, but true. After all, he is just a kid.
As for the 911 commission. that was over last years. You might want to read papers.

I think YOU should start reading the papers...The news item I brought up about the Bush administration still stalling with information was from yesterday August 8th.
Beefheart said:
As for the 911 commission. that was over last years. You might want to read papers.

I think YOU should start reading the papers...The news item I brought up about the Bush administration still stalling with information was from yesterday August 8th.

Doesn't your shift at Sonic start soon?

Grieving mothers grieve and honor their children.{ Quote}

By doing it the Bush administration way and disappearing back into the woodwork ?

Why should the President make time for a woman who is using her sons death for her own fame?[/QUOTE]

She's not. Again....the typical smear tactics of the even against a grieiving mother.
She's trying to bring attention to her statement that the US needs to get out of Iraq.
Who better to do it than a mother who lost her precious son to Bush's War?

If more mothers who lost sons took up this cause..than maybe there might be some sanity brought into this war policy...where to date, there has been none.
What pisses you off is that President Bush has an agenda and has been kicking your asses with it since he was elected. {quote}

No what pisses me off is that Bush had no post war agenda...or planning...which of course you conveniently forget to mention..and that this insurgency...which is getting stronger all the time....was a complete surprise to this administration who thought that we'd be met with parades and flowers after we invaded Iraq. agenda...and what a sorry agenda it has been.
Beefheart said:

Grieving mothers grieve and honor their children.{ Quote}

By doing it the Bush administration way and disappearing back into the woodwork ? As said by girlfriend's dad.

Why should the President make time for a woman who is using her sons death for her own fame?

She's not. Again....the typical smear tactics of the even against a grieiving mother. probably dad again - "smear tactics"
She's trying to bring attention to her statement that the US needs to get out of Iraq. I think older brother/sister
Who better to do it than a mother who lost her precious son to Bush's War? definitely the mom - notice the use of the phrase "precious son"

If more mothers who lost sons took up this cause..than maybe there might be some sanity brought into this war policy...where to date, there has been none. again, the mom with something contributed from the girlfriend - remember, he's trying to get into her pants [/QUOTE]
Beefheart said:

Grieving mothers grieve and honor their children.{ Quote}

By doing it the Bush administration way and disappearing back into the woodwork ?

Why should the President make time for a woman who is using her sons death for her own fame?

She's not. Again....the typical smear tactics of the even against a grieiving mother.
She's trying to bring attention to her statement that the US needs to get out of Iraq.
Who better to do it than a mother who lost her precious son to Bush's War?
If more mothers who lost sons took up this cause..than maybe there might be some sanity brought into this war policy...where to date, there has been none.

Many mothers do feel that way, they don't however honor their children by attempting to help the anit-war agenda propaganda machine do harm to our soldiers over there by giving the terrorists aid and comfort. They honor their fallen children by grieving in private and remembering that their children freely volunteered for the armed services, did their jobs diligently when most others would be too scared, and beleived they died for freedom.
GotZoom said:
Doesn't your shift at Sonic start soon?

You think your insults sound intelligent ?

You're just exposing yourself as someone so intolerant that you have to resort to insults.
Beefheart said:
You think your insults sound intelligent ?

You're just exposing yourself as someone so intolerant that you have to resort to insults.


I guess you told me.
. So if you don't respond for a while I understand, the dictionary can be a confusing place for people who don't use it frequently.[/QUOTE]


Your condesending comments smacks of a petulant,insecure little boy who never had any love from his mother.

Grow up.
Since we are talking about insult, think about this.

As Bonnie pointed out, if a mother wanted to honor her lost son, she would support his desire to serve and defend our country. In fact, it wouldn't even matter if she agreed with the war or not.

Just the fact that her son felt so strongly about serving in our military should be enough.

We are at a time where there is a volunteer military. No one came into their house in the middle of the night and "took" him to serve in the miltary. He walked down to the recruiting station on his own free will and enlisted.

He apparently discussed this with her, she knew ahead of time and they both knew the risks.

In fact, she was proud of his service; as was indicated by her FIRST visit with President Bush - which she spoke so highly and fondly of.

Now...with her doing what she is now, she is dishonoring his memory. And dishonoring every single military member who lost their life. And dishonoring every family member of every single military member who lost their life.

And, dishonoring the military members and their families who are still serving.


Beefy, her behaviour is insulting.
GotZoom said:
Since we are talking about insult, think about this.

As Bonnie pointed out, if a mother wanted to honor her lost son, she would support his desire to serve and defend our country. In fact, it wouldn't even matter if she agreed with the war or not.

Just the fact that her son felt so strongly about serving in our military should be enough.

We are at a time where there is a volunteer military. No one came into their house in the middle of the night and "took" him to serve in the miltary. He walked down to the recruiting station on his own free will and enlisted.

He apparently discussed this with her, she knew ahead of time and they both knew the risks.

In fact, she was proud of his service; as was indicated by her FIRST visit with President Bush - which she spoke so highly and fondly of.

Now...with her doing what she is now, she is dishonoring his memory. And dishonoring every single military member who lost their life. And dishonoring every family member of every single military member who lost their life.

And, dishonoring the military members and their families who are still serving.


Beefy, her behaviour is insulting.

Nice wakeup call.. Too bad it will go sailing over the top of his pointy little head...
Now...with her doing what she is now, she is dishonoring his memory. And dishonoring every single military member who lost their life. And dishonoring every family member of every single military member who lost their life.

And, dishonoring the military members and their families who are still serving.

I'm not surprised you feel this way. Anyone who wants to stop any war is labeled "dishonoring the military"...which is disingenuous of course.

But of course you're wrong again. She has stated the purpose behind what she is doing. I guess you conveniently missed that.
She doesn't want any other mother's son to have to go through what she had to.
It's as simple as that.
No more deaths in Bush's dirty little war.

Of course....all of these condemnations of a grieving mother at this site by all of you good proud Americans, is just following in the footsteps of your hero Karl Rove...the ultimate smear-monger.'re doing his dirty work for him. I'm sure the Bush Administration would be proud of you.
Beefheart said:
Now...with her doing what she is now, she is dishonoring his memory. And dishonoring every single military member who lost their life. And dishonoring every family member of every single military member who lost their life.

And, dishonoring the military members and their families who are still serving.

I'm not surprised you feel this way. Anyone who wants to stop any war is labeled "dishonoring the military"...which is disingenuous of course.

But of course you're wrong again. She has stated the purpose behind what she is doing. I guess you conveniently missed that.
She doesn't want any other mother's son to have to go through what she had to.
It's as simple as that.
No more deaths in Bush's dirty little war.

Of course....all of these condemnations of a grieving mother at this site by all of you good proud Americans, is just following in the footsteps of your hero Karl Rove...the ultimate smear-monger.'re doing his dirty work for him. I'm sure the Bush Administration would be proud of you.

Now this is from the girlfriend's dad. I just know it.

He will be so proud.


I'm wondering Beefy..have you ever served....ohh..that's aren't old enough.

Ok...know anybody who has? Friend's older brother/sister. Does your mom and dad have friends who have served?

Do you really know what it means to serve in the military?
GotZoom said:
Doesn't your shift at Sonic start soon?

Sonic managment material for sure!! :cof:

Do you have one of those by you? When Im South I always go there for those frozen icy drinks...YUM
Bonnie said:
Sonic managment material for sure!! :cof:

Do you have one of those by you? When Im South I always go there for those frozen icy drinks...YUM

Beefy - management. Hard to comprehend but I guess I can see it. He is fast at taking notes so he can probably juggle taking an order, cooking fries, and mopping up a spilled chocolate shake.

I (heart) Sonic. Smoothies...the Lemon Slushie (extra lemon of course)...and those new Cream Pie things.....

Nothing better when it is 98 degrees outside.
GotZoom said:
Beefy - management. Hard to comprehend but I guess I can see it. He is fast at taking notes so he can probably juggle taking an order, cooking fries, and mopping up a spilled chocolate shake.

I (heart) Sonic. Smoothies...the Lemon Slushie (extra lemon of course)...and those new Cream Pie things.....

Nothing better when it is 98 degrees outside.

Pouty lower lip...We have no Sonics here :(

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