Another vacation for President Bush

Beefheart said:
Zoom and're real assholes..and not worthy of my time.

Closed - minded pretentious assholes.

This will probably get me kicked off...but it's worth it.


I know he is gone. Which is a pity cause we could have had some more fun with him.. But seriously how freakin difficult is it to quote properly? All you have to do is hit quote and then you dont have to touch it. yet in almost every single one of his posts he somehow manages to ruin the quote. which of course ruins the quotes of anyone who quotes him and just freaking makes the whole conversation 1000 times more difficult to follow.

Sad thing about this guy is he is the only one who couldnt see that he was the only close minded pretentious @$$ here.
Avatar4321 said:
I know he is gone. Which is a pity cause we could have had some more fun with him.. But seriously how freakin difficult is it to quote properly? All you have to do is hit quote and then you dont have to touch it. yet in almost every single one of his posts he somehow manages to ruin the quote. which of course ruins the quotes of anyone who quotes him and just freaking makes the whole conversation 1000 times more difficult to follow.

Sad thing about this guy is he is the only one who couldnt see that he was the only close minded pretentious @$$ here.

Perhaps he was too busy trying to make his brownie points. Or, between studying for his management exam and trying to impress his girlfriend, he couldn't handle the pressure.

I'm with you....I understand why people get banned, but I wish they were still around. Good comic relief. People to mess with.

But the board has it's rules and I will support them 100%.
Beefheart said:
Bonnie said:
Sonic managment material for sure!! :cof:

Zoom and're real assholes..and not worthy of my time.

Closed - minded pretentious assholes.

This will probably get me kicked off...but it's worth it.


Why? Did they ask for evidence too?

The evidence locker is STILL empty ........ :poke:
Beefheart said:
Bonnie said:
Sonic managment material for sure!! :cof:

Zoom and're real assholes..and not worthy of my time.

Closed - minded pretentious assholes.

This will probably get me kicked off...but it's worth it.


it seems to me as though a prententious arse has outed themselves
Kathianne said:
GunnyL said:
Yeah, he really did, I just did the formalities, for 24.

yeah...I find it funny that when people act like assholes ( Zoom) mocking me....that's OK...but if you call them assholes...that's a big no - no.

Must be Republican logic.
Beefheart said:
Kathianne said:
yeah...I find it funny that when people act like assholes ( Zoom) mocking me....that's OK...but if you call them assholes...that's a big no - no.

Must be Republican logic.

Welcome back Beefy.

Read my post # 93.
Beefheart said:
Kathianne said:
yeah...I find it funny that when people act like assholes ( Zoom) mocking me....that's OK...but if you call them assholes...that's a big no - no.

Must be Republican logic.

Getting close to breaking the rule that says:

11- Banning -Users that break any rules will be issued a warning, either in the thread the offense took place in or via PM. Continued breaking of the rules will result in a temporary ban of your account, anywhere from 24hrs up to 2 weeks. If the conduct is severely detrimental to the board, the account will be banned permanently.

Moderators will decide whether or not someone has broken the rules. These decisions will not be questioned by existing members. There will be no airing of grievances on the board, in ANY forum, about the way the board is ran. Any posts condemning moderator action will be deleted. Further posts on the subject will result in a ban. If a user has a concern about the board they are free to PM a moderator or administrator.

I have bolded the important part. If you feel that you were treated unfairly, please keep it to PM. I would rather you were able to stick around, you are entertaining.
no1tovote4 said:
Beefheart said:
Getting close to breaking the rule that says:

I have bolded the important part. If you feel that you were treated unfairly, please keep it to PM. I would rather you were able to stick around, you are entertaining.

I agree. With Gabby gone.......
GotZoom said:
Beefheart said:
Welcome back Beefy.

Read my post # 93.

Thanks so're such a swell guy !

But I'm not staying. This is not a message board for politics. It's a sounding board for right wing zealots....with an occasional token left winger thrown in for the wolves to attack or mock.

I know that each of my points were 100% factual. But I know how the evidence game works with the right wing.
I've been on other message groups...and this is a typical scenario:
For example, last year I reported about the Bush administration allowing factories to pollute and permit excess mercury contamination.
Because of this catering to industry at the expense of the public health , pregnant women and the elderly are told it is unsafe to eat many types of fish in certain areas of the country.
Of course the right winger started crying" me proof." LOL
So I emailed him 12 news stories on the topic.
His response: "Yeah..they are probably all liberal web sites."
Now you can't pick up a newspaper without hearing a related story on mercury contamination. is not what the right wing wants.
For 8 years...they savagely attacked Clinton on anything and everything that he did. When Bush was elected...all of the wolves...became sheep....and followed in line. They became docile. They didn't care if Bush made mistakes...and what was good for the country...he was their man !
As the mistakes and wrong policies of the Bush Administration started to mount....was there any outrage on the right?
Of course not ! They went into their ostrich act.
Many...not all...are not interested in what is best for the country. They are interested in keeping Bush in power and making excuses for him. They are not loyal to the country...they are loyal to the man.
That is as unpatriotic as you can be.
The simple fact remains that the GOP controls the legislative and executive branches of government of these United States. So the bills passed, policies put into effect, and general climate of the country , the Republicans are responsible for to a greater extent.
There are countless problems being created in the country now ie. the separation of church and state being threatened, the lack of suitable armor for our soldiers in Iraq, lack of a sound energy policy ( The GOP controlled Congress refused to increase the fuel efficiency in automobiles. If they just had the balls to increase it by one single MPG, that would account for all of the oil they are going to get from plundering Alaska ( Many democrats voted this way too)
One day Bush will give a speech on how much he is doing for our troops...and the next day cutting benefits for them. The fact that Bush never holds anyone accountible for their gives them medals of honor.( if you cry for are simply not paying attention to what is happening.)
Could you imagine if Clinton did any of these things ?
I think even the most slow thinking of the right wingers here should be able to get my point.
There is a huge double standard with the right wing. Bush gets a pass on almost everything he does wrong. That is not being a good American.
And for those of you who think Bush does no wrong ( like the character here called Bushlover) well..there is not much to say to you.
How about the morals crowd? Did you hear from them when it was discovered that Jeff Gannon ( I think was his name) got White House credentials to lob softball questions at the president. When it was found out that he was a male prostitute and had dubious press credentials and got in a the White House over much more qualified individuals...where was the outcry from the right wing ? Did you guys savage Bush and the Administration who allowed this to happen? Or did you turn a blind eye to it...and continue your attack on the Democrats?
Could you imagine if Clinton allowed this to happen,instead of this Administration? Most of you would be frothing at the mouth over this. It would be on these boards for weeks...months.
Now take a gander over what you patriotic Americans think is important."Classroom totalitarianism, Liberals slush fund ...Democrat this...Liberal that.
Still bashing the minority party. But when anyone brings out the faults of the Bush Administrtion...they are called "Bush Bashers, or "Doom and Gloom liberals". One guy actually told me that all is right with the world, and I should relax and have a beer.This same guy probably starts foaming at the mouth over the slightest faux pas of a liberal....but,..if it's a Republican...all bets are off.
Hey flash...the Republicans are running this show...and if you can't find anything wrong with what they are simply don't want to look, or are blinded by fake patriotism.
A good American relishes what is right about this country, and takes a stand on what is wrong.
But you don't find this happening at this board. As I said, it's mostly Bush is right, and let's ignore his mistakes and bad policies.
There is no objectivity. There is no looking in the mirror. It's all " We won this election...and damn anyone who points out the problems this Administration is making."
Beefheart said:
GotZoom said:
Thanks so're such a swell guy !

But I'm not staying. This is not a message board for politics. It's a sounding board for right wing zealots....with an occasional token left winger thrown in for the wolves to attack or mock.

I know that each of my points were 100% factual. But I know how the evidence game works with the right wing.
I've been on other message groups...and this is a typical scenario:
For example, last year I reported about the Bush administration allowing factories to pollute and permit excess mercury contamination.
Because of this catering to industry at the expense of the public health , pregnant women and the elderly are told it is unsafe to eat many types of fish in certain areas of the country.
Of course the right winger started crying" me proof." LOL
So I emailed him 12 news stories on the topic.
His response: "Yeah..they are probably all liberal web sites."
Now you can't pick up a newspaper without hearing a related story on mercury contamination. is not what the right wing wants.
For 8 years...they savagely attacked Clinton on anything and everything that he did. When Bush was elected...all of the wolves...became sheep....and followed in line. They became docile. They didn't care if Bush made mistakes...and what was good for the country...he was their man !
As the mistakes and wrong policies of the Bush Administration started to mount....was there any outrage on the right?
Of course not ! They went into their ostrich act.
Many...not all...are not interested in what is best for the country. They are interested in keeping Bush in power and making excuses for him. They are not loyal to the country...they are loyal to the man.
That is as unpatriotic as you can be.
The simple fact remains that the GOP controls the legislative and executive branches of government of these United States. So the bills passed, policies put into effect, and general climate of the country , the Republicans are responsible for to a greater extent.
There are countless problems being created in the country now ie. the separation of church and state being threatened, the lack of suitable armor for our soldiers in Iraq, lack of a sound energy policy ( The GOP controlled Congress refused to increase the fuel efficiency in automobiles. If they just had the balls to increase it by one single MPG, that would account for all of the oil they are going to get from plundering Alaska ( Many democrats voted this way too)
One day Bush will give a speech on how much he is doing for our troops...and the next day cutting benefits for them. The fact that Bush never holds anyone accountible for their gives them medals of honor.( if you cry for are simply not paying attention to what is happening.)
Could you imagine if Clinton did any of these things ?
I think even the most slow thinking of the right wingers here should be able to get my point.
There is a huge double standard with the right wing. Bush gets a pass on almost everything he does wrong. That is not being a good American.
And for those of you who think Bush does no wrong ( like the character here called Bushlover) well..there is not much to say to you.
How about the morals crowd? Did you hear from them when it was discovered that Jeff Gannon ( I think was his name) got White House credentials to lob softball questions at the president. When it was found out that he was a male prostitute and had dubious press credentials and got in a the White House over much more qualified individuals...where was the outcry from the right wing ? Did you guys savage Bush and the Administration who allowed this to happen? Or did you turn a blind eye to it...and continue your attack on the Democrats?
Could you imagine if Clinton allowed this to happen,instead of this Administration? Most of you would be frothing at the mouth over this. It would be on these boards for weeks...months.
Now take a gander over what you patriotic Americans think is important."Classroom totalitarianism, Liberals slush fund ...Democrat this...Liberal that.
Still bashing the minority party. But when anyone brings out the faults of the Bush Administrtion...they are called "Bush Bashers, or "Doom and Gloom liberals". One guy actually told me that all is right with the world, and I should relax and have a beer.This same guy probably starts foaming at the mouth over the slightest faux pas of a liberal....but,..if it's a Republican...all bets are off.
Hey flash...the Republicans are running this show...and if you can't find anything wrong with what they are simply don't want to look, or are blinded by fake patriotism.
A good American relishes what is right about this country, and takes a stand on what is wrong.
But you don't find this happening at this board. As I said, it's mostly Bush is right, and let's ignore his mistakes and bad policies.
There is no objectivity. There is no looking in the mirror. It's all " We won this election...and damn anyone who points out the problems this Administration is making." you (or...your girlfriend's dad or your US Government teacher) on a roll and look what happens.

I'm not going to cover every line you wrote. I will say a couple of things.

You are very strong in your beliefs. That is fine. As we "Bush-lovers" are. What do you expect us to do? Not defend our thoughts and beliefs? We will defend then, and our President, just as fervently as you will bash him.

A few thoughts about Clinton. He felt he could govern the the most powerful country in the world while an intern was under his desk performing oral sex.

When Clinton was in office, his "then-sheep" are the now Bush-bashing "wolves."

You really need to post links. Simply saying we aren't paying attention isn't good enough.

I will tell you just like I told someone else here, if there is something that a Republican needs to be taken to task about, and I agree that he/she is wrong, I will be the first one to jump on the bandwagon about that particular instance.

I just haven't been shown anything yet.

You know, I sure am glad your girlfriend's family isn't Republican.

You wouldn't be nearly as fun.
You are so wrong...if ya stayed long enough you would even see some of us conservatives take snips at GW and the GOP as well as the DNC...You are the one with a one track mind! Both Parties are guilty to some extent...and get the razing they deserve when they deserve it!
You know, I sure am glad your girlfriend's family isn't Republican. {quote}

One last word....Your condescending comments like above about "my girlfriend" and such just makes you look idiotic....and very immature.
FYI-I am a happily married man with a son who just graduated college....not that you deserve to know anything about me.

And " You haven't seen anything yet" (about this administration at fault)
I gave about 5 or 6 of them ....LOL...Jeff Gannon...Bush giving medals to people responsible for the worst national security failure in history, No sound energy policy...etc.etc.etc.
Still wearing blinders I see.
And about Clinton. I'm one who can admit Clinton's mistakes and successes.
You "wolves" ...all you can talk about is "blow jobs".
20 years from now...if there is ever another Republican elected after the Bush'll still be blaming Bill Clinton for any misdeed a Republican does.

There is no accountibility at this White House. There is no objectivity at this message board.

Bush didn't lead us to war under false pretenses. There is a strong environmental policy. Bush isn't in bed with the Christian right and blurring separation of church and state. You can't find anything wrong with that.
I understand the drill.
Beefheart said:
You know, I sure am glad your girlfriend's family isn't Republican. {quote}

One last word....Your condescending comments like above about "my girlfriend" and such just makes you look idiotic....and very immature.
FYI-I am a happily married man with a son who just graduated college....not that you deserve to know anything about me.

And " You haven't seen anything yet" (about this administration at fault)
I gave about 5 or 6 of them ....LOL...Jeff Gannon...Bush giving medals to people responsible for the worst national security failure in history, No sound energy policy...etc.etc.etc.
Still wearing blinders I see.
And about Clinton. I'm one who can admit Clinton's mistakes and successes.
You "wolves" ...all you can talk about is "blow jobs".
20 years from now...if there is ever another Republican elected after the Bush'll still be blaming Bill Clinton for any misdeed a Republican does.

There is no accountibility at this White House. There is no objectivity at this message board.

Bush didn't lead us to war under false pretenses. There is a strong environmental policy. Bush isn't in bed with the Christian right and blurring separation of church and state. You can't find anything wrong with that.
I understand the drill.

If that is the case, then I take back everything I said about your "alledged" girlfriend and family.

Congrats on your son's graduation from college. I know you are proud.

I'm not going to get too upset about the Gannon situation; there were other reporters in there that could take up his slack.

Energy, defense, finance, etc...generalities.

I do take Clinton's sexual indiscretions very seriously. He brought shame to the White House. He took is position - that of the most powerful man in the world - and used it to pick up chicks.

Then he brought them back to his "pad" to show him his "etchings" and had them perform sex while he talked to another world leader.

Take that, with the claims from other women (yes, I't been proved, etc) and you paint a picture of a very sad, disturbed man who did not take his job very seriously.

He was an embarrassment. During his term, newspapers around the world talked about the powerful United States in the vein of a punch line.

Womanizer, philanderer, being unfaithful to his wife.

Yes...those are all things to be proud of.

What a legacy.
He was an embarrassment. During his term, newspapers around the world talked about the powerful United States in the vein of a punch line. {quote}

I guess you don't travel I don't know what you read...but...
When I was in Europe, in the 90's, most Europeans couldn't believe how ridiculous Americans were being about the "sex thing" . Only in America do people get their panties in a bunch over sex. Clinton was respected around the world....much more than Bush is today. Most intelligent non puritanical people couldn't care less about a person's sex life.
Should he have done it in the White House course not.
Should the Republicans have spent millions on a semen stain and brought the goverment to a halt over it ? Only the wolves seething with hate for the president..and not caring about the country... would think so.

And what ALL of you right wingers won't admit...or that if Bill Clinton ran in 2004...he would have won...comfortably.

But the issue is not Bill Clinton any longer.
Bush...and his far right wing zealots are.

Womanizer, philanderer, being unfaithful to his wife.

Yes...those are all things to be proud of.

What a legacy.[/QUOTE]

and Bush.......buffoon...."Is are children learning" NO !
attacking a soverign country in response to 9/11...even though they had nothing to do with 9/11....1800 Americans dead...thousands maimed..
Our soldiers benefits cut...and having to buy their own armor...
North Korea developing nuclear weapons on Bush's watch...while he wastes our money, military and resources in Iraq.Terrorists groups developing and expanding while Bush is focused on Iraq. Americans now thinking we are more unsafe under Bush. The worst deficit in the history of the country.
The largest spending president in history. The first president never to veto a spending bill. The rich getting richer...and the poor getting poorer. (That is a fact)
The first person to run for president who was a felon.
That is the George Bush legacy.
Makes a Republican proud eh?

I'm outta here...ciao.
Beefheart said:
He was an embarrassment. During his term, newspapers around the world talked about the powerful United States in the vein of a punch line. {quote}

I guess you don't travel I don't know what you read...but...
When I was in Europe, in the 90's, most Europeans couldn't believe how ridiculous Americans were being about the "sex thing" . Only in America do people get their panties in a bunch over sex. Clinton was respected around the world....much more than Bush is today. Most intelligent non puritanical people couldn't care less about a person's sex life.
Should he have done it in the White House course not.
Should the Republicans have spent millions on a semen stain and brought the goverment to a halt over it ? Only the wolves seething with hate for the president..and not caring about the country... would think so.

And what ALL of you right wingers won't admit...or that if Bill Clinton ran in 2004...he would have won...comfortably.

But the issue is not Bill Clinton any longer.
Bush...and his far right wing zealots are.

Womanizer, philanderer, being unfaithful to his wife.

Yes...those are all things to be proud of.

What a legacy.

and Bush.......buffoon...."Is are children learning" NO !
attacking a soverign country in response to 9/11...even though they had nothing to do with 9/11....1800 Americans dead...thousands maimed..
Our soldiers benefits cut...and having to buy their own armor...
North Korea developing nuclear weapons on Bush's watch...while he wastes our money, military and resources in Iraq.Terrorists groups developing and expanding while Bush is focused on Iraq. Americans now thinking we are more unsafe under Bush. The worst deficit in the history of the country.
The largest spending president in history. The first president never to veto a spending bill. The rich getting richer...and the poor getting poorer. (That is a fact)
The first person to run for president who was a felon.
That is the George Bush legacy.
Makes a Republican proud eh?

I'm outta here...ciao.[/QUOTE]

This ought to be good. A Felon? Have a link? Or proof? Court docket?

I lived overseas for 12 years...and still talk to many of my friends.

Yes..some of them thought it was all over's just sex...but they were amazed at how careless he was. The President...and the only place he could find was the oval office?

Again..everything else....Democratic blah blah blah...all the usual thing.
GotZoom said:
and Bush.......buffoon...."Is are children learning" NO !
attacking a soverign country in response to 9/11...even though they had nothing to do with 9/11....1800 Americans dead...thousands maimed..
Our soldiers benefits cut...and having to buy their own armor...
North Korea developing nuclear weapons on Bush's watch...while he wastes our money, military and resources in Iraq.Terrorists groups developing and expanding while Bush is focused on Iraq. Americans now thinking we are more unsafe under Bush. The worst deficit in the history of the country.
The largest spending president in history. The first president never to veto a spending bill. The rich getting richer...and the poor getting poorer. (That is a fact)
The first person to run for president who was a felon.
That is the George Bush legacy.
Makes a Republican proud eh?

I'm outta here...ciao.

This ought to be good. A Felon? Have a link? Or proof? Court docket?

I lived overseas for 12 years...and still talk to many of my friends.

Yes..some of them thought it was all over's just sex...but they were amazed at how careless he was. The President...and the only place he could find was the oval office?

Again..everything else....Democratic blah blah blah...all the usual thing.


was refering to the Felony DUI/manslaughter charge brought against another person with the name 'George Bush' in was shown to be a completely different person...Just more half truths to make a point...Libs are very good at it...mental disorder that is!
(different person with the same name)
Beefheart said:
You know, I sure am glad your girlfriend's family isn't Republican. {quote}

One last word....Your condescending comments like above about "my girlfriend" and such just makes you look idiotic....and very immature.
FYI-I am a happily married man with a son who just graduated college....not that you deserve to know anything about me.

And " You haven't seen anything yet" (about this administration at fault)
I gave about 5 or 6 of them ....LOL...Jeff Gannon...Bush giving medals to people responsible for the worst national security failure in history, No sound energy policy...etc.etc.etc.
Still wearing blinders I see.
And about Clinton. I'm one who can admit Clinton's mistakes and successes.
You "wolves" ...all you can talk about is "blow jobs".
20 years from now...if there is ever another Republican elected after the Bush'll still be blaming Bill Clinton for any misdeed a Republican does.

There is no accountibility at this White House. There is no objectivity at this message board.

Bush didn't lead us to war under false pretenses. There is a strong environmental policy. Bush isn't in bed with the Christian right and blurring separation of church and state. You can't find anything wrong with that.
I understand the drill.

You are everything that you accuse others of being....You are a left wing closed minded zealot who picks and chooses what you believe based on your political leanings. You are arrogant, combative and what appears to be a very unhappy person.

Clinton did a few good things, but overall he was an embarrasement and will always be...period! You want to talk about soldiers not having what they need to fight..I have a friend who flew an Apache helicopter and almost got killed like his comrades because Clinton sent them into hostile territory without enough men or equiptment which resulted in our boys dead bodies getting dragged thru the streets while he was just having harmless sex.

Bush is doing what he thinks is right in fighting terror, you can agree or disagree with his actions but unless you have solid proof you are clueless as to his motives. You want a better energy bill, then lobby your senators!
And guess what a large majority of Christian voters put Bush in office so whether you like it or not he will be representing them along with the rest of the country, but if your brain coudl just get passed this ridiculous fear that somehow your athiestic rights will be trampled all over then get a grip no one cares about your sex life or the fact that you don't wish to see religious objects in the public forum, if you don't like to look then don't, I think you'll survive those dreaded nativity scenes at Christmas!!!!!

No one is saying Bush is perfect, but if you actually believe that the press is giving Bush a pass on everything you are out of your mind!! By the way it was an independant council along with Janet Reno that appointed Kenneth Starr to investigate Clinton's illegalities....Yes ILLEGALITIES not for sex but for perjury in office............And it was the press that gave Clinton a pass because they liked him and his socialist wife!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOu want to talk deficits....Sure Clinton had a low one..he taxed anyone who could rub two nickels together and descimated our that's great ecomonic policy..Anyone could shrink a deficit doing that..

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