Another Victim of Police Brutality - Warning Graphic Content

Backwards again, when Jesse shows up he gets attention. Thats why he charges for that media exposure to the issue. And there are plenty of rallies on black crime. When you say no rallies you're thinking about white on white crime.

Show me Jesse at one of those rallies?

75 grand seriously?
If it brought attention and he cared, why not do more black on black?

Most people see the game, you dont...oh well

Column: Jesse Jackson rallies to stop black-on-black carnage

You said it never happens. He's never at those rallies. I proved you wrong and blows a hole in your entire premise

Rallies, interventions, and mentoring like that happens every single day in the black community.

But as a mentor of middle school boys at risk, I can tell you they already know they are targeted and have no faith in the justice system. Every time another innocent/unarmed young brother gets murdered by cops .. my job just got harder.

Sanity and respect in policing would instill sanity and respect among those who have no faith in this system.
Racist gatherings, gang recruiting, and a gang training, like that that happens everyday in the black community.

You don't know shit about the black community other that what you get in your 'How to be a Racist' manual.
I know I have listened to them whine my whole life.
Backwards again, when Jesse shows up he gets attention. Thats why he charges for that media exposure to the issue. And there are plenty of rallies on black crime. When you say no rallies you're thinking about white on white crime.

Show me Jesse at one of those rallies?

75 grand seriously?
If it brought attention and he cared, why not do more black on black?

Most people see the game, you dont...oh well

Column: Jesse Jackson rallies to stop black-on-black carnage

You said it never happens. He's never at those rallies. I proved you wrong and blows a hole in your entire premise

Rallies, interventions, and mentoring like that happens every single day in the black community.

But as a mentor of middle school boys at risk, I can tell you they already know they are targeted and have no faith in the justice system. Every time another innocent/unarmed young brother gets murdered by cops .. my job just got harder.

Sanity and respect in policing would instill sanity and respect among those who have no faith in this system.
Ah so they are taught this hate at a young age, explains alot.

Absolutely .. and the police taught them .. just as they taught me.
Show me Jesse at one of those rallies?

75 grand seriously?
If it brought attention and he cared, why not do more black on black?

Most people see the game, you dont...oh well

Column: Jesse Jackson rallies to stop black-on-black carnage

You said it never happens. He's never at those rallies. I proved you wrong and blows a hole in your entire premise

Rallies, interventions, and mentoring like that happens every single day in the black community.

But as a mentor of middle school boys at risk, I can tell you they already know they are targeted and have no faith in the justice system. Every time another innocent/unarmed young brother gets murdered by cops .. my job just got harder.

Sanity and respect in policing would instill sanity and respect among those who have no faith in this system.
Ah so they are taught this hate at a young age, explains alot.

Absolutely .. and the police taught them .. just as they taught me.
You left out last square where he talks about his disappointment with black communities lack of responsibility for this.
So closed how has whitey.brought you down?
I know lots of black people, he'll some are my bosses, how does that happen?
Column: Jesse Jackson rallies to stop black-on-black carnage

You said it never happens. He's never at those rallies. I proved you wrong and blows a hole in your entire premise

Rallies, interventions, and mentoring like that happens every single day in the black community.

But as a mentor of middle school boys at risk, I can tell you they already know they are targeted and have no faith in the justice system. Every time another innocent/unarmed young brother gets murdered by cops .. my job just got harder.

Sanity and respect in policing would instill sanity and respect among those who have no faith in this system.
Ah so they are taught this hate at a young age, explains alot.

Absolutely .. and the police taught them .. just as they taught me.
You left out last square where he talks about his disappointment with black communities lack of responsibility for this.

Blacks are responsible for police actions too? Are cops responsible at all or just when you want to call them heros?
Yes because they see it happen in their community. Try killing someone then asking how the family feels about you. You may be shocked to know its not a positive because black people be tripping off of death...for no reason I guess
So you wont have a problem with the rest of us not trusting black people, since they are well known for being violent. You will understand why black people are watched more closely when they go in stores, since they are notorious for stealing. You will understand why cops are more on edge around black people, because they are known for violence.
Rallies, interventions, and mentoring like that happens every single day in the black community.

But as a mentor of middle school boys at risk, I can tell you they already know they are targeted and have no faith in the justice system. Every time another innocent/unarmed young brother gets murdered by cops .. my job just got harder.

Sanity and respect in policing would instill sanity and respect among those who have no faith in this system.
Ah so they are taught this hate at a young age, explains alot.

Absolutely .. and the police taught them .. just as they taught me.
You left out last square where he talks about his disappointment with black communities lack of responsibility for this.

Blacks are responsible for police actions too? Are cops responsible at all or just when you want to call them heros?
Yes because they see it happen in their community. Try killing someone then asking how the family feels about you. You may be shocked to know its not a positive because black people be tripping off of death...for no reason I guess
So you wont have a problem with the rest of us not trusting black people, since they are well known for being violent. You will understand why black people are watched more closely when they go in stores, since they are notorious for stealing. You will understand why cops are more on edge around black people, because they are known for violence.

What a fine way to explain discrimination.
Rallies, interventions, and mentoring like that happens every single day in the black community.

But as a mentor of middle school boys at risk, I can tell you they already know they are targeted and have no faith in the justice system. Every time another innocent/unarmed young brother gets murdered by cops .. my job just got harder.

Sanity and respect in policing would instill sanity and respect among those who have no faith in this system.
Ah so they are taught this hate at a young age, explains alot.

Absolutely .. and the police taught them .. just as they taught me.
You left out last square where he talks about his disappointment with black communities lack of responsibility for this.

Blacks are responsible for police actions too? Are cops responsible at all or just when you want to call them heros?

They are reaponsible...we have courts for that
19 years old, shoot twice more while he was on the ground from two previous rounds.the guy was acting weird but to expect a gun shoot victim, to do exactly as the order him to,i call the cops chicken shits,the was multiple ways out of this with out putting 4 rounds into someone.the last to the cops oh well I get to shoot you again isn't what we want in our police force.his hands never were raised as if pointing a gun,lookd like a good 35- 40 feet ft the cops,snd as one poster put it, he did not charge the cops he took some steps towards them their lives where never in danger.

Cops don't even make the top ten most dangerous jobs,this I was scared while valid often,not in this case,the two more rounds while on the ground was to much.Which ever cop was screaming like a little girl shouldnt be allowed to carry s gun.
Is there any other way to handle these situations? They did shoot him several times while he was on the ground. Maybe there's another non-lethal way of handling things? But i don't know. I'm not in law enforcement.
They could resort to tasers if they had those. But as far as shooting him while he's still on the ground - he continued to reach. And it's very easy to shoot and kill someone while lying on the ground with bullet holes in your. Happens all the time in war. Just ask anyone who has served and seen action.

This shooting from start to finish was 100% justified. Just as the shooting of that thug Michael Brown was 100% justified.

There it is in pictures to make it easy for you

So everyone in jail shouldn't be there?

Lol, try harder to be stupid won't you?
Ok I've been nice.....what the fuck is your problem?

So just keep on blaming whitey, it's done so much good.

Oh, you want a serious discussion when asking if everyone in jail shouldn't be there? Shit, i thought you were just trolling. I didn't figure you be an actual fool.

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