Another Victim of Police Brutality - Warning Graphic Content


There it is in pictures to make it easy for you

So everyone in jail shouldn't be there?

Lol, try harder to be stupid won't you?
Ok I've been nice.....what the fuck is your problem?

So just keep on blaming whitey, it's done so much good.

Oh, you want a serious discussion when asking if everyone in jail shouldn't be there? Shit, i thought you were just trolling. I didn't figure you be an actual fool.

Ok man so you want affirmative action on juries? That's gonna make black communities do better?

There it is in pictures to make it easy for you

So everyone in jail shouldn't be there?

Lol, try harder to be stupid won't you?
Ok I've been nice.....what the fuck is your problem?

So just keep on blaming whitey, it's done so much good.

Oh, you want a serious discussion when asking if everyone in jail shouldn't be there? Shit, i thought you were just trolling. I didn't figure you be an actual fool.

Ok man so you want affirmative action on juries? That's gonna make black communities do better?

Yes it will
So everyone in jail shouldn't be there?

Lol, try harder to be stupid won't you?
Ok I've been nice.....what the fuck is your problem?

So just keep on blaming whitey, it's done so much good.

Oh, you want a serious discussion when asking if everyone in jail shouldn't be there? Shit, i thought you were just trolling. I didn't figure you be an actual fool.

Ok man so you want affirmative action on juries? That's gonna make black communities do better?

Yes it will
OMG man....ok keep having the same policies and blaming whitey for all your issues..Make sure you pay Jesse and AL, cant function without those anti-semites.
Lol, try harder to be stupid won't you?
Ok I've been nice.....what the fuck is your problem?

So just keep on blaming whitey, it's done so much good.

Oh, you want a serious discussion when asking if everyone in jail shouldn't be there? Shit, i thought you were just trolling. I didn't figure you be an actual fool.

Ok man so you want affirmative action on juries? That's gonna make black communities do better?

Yes it will
OMG man....ok keep having the same policies and blaming whitey for all your issues..
That's what liberals do my friend - they blame everyone else for their own failures.
Lol, try harder to be stupid won't you?
Ok I've been nice.....what the fuck is your problem?

So just keep on blaming whitey, it's done so much good.

Oh, you want a serious discussion when asking if everyone in jail shouldn't be there? Shit, i thought you were just trolling. I didn't figure you be an actual fool.

Ok man so you want affirmative action on juries? That's gonna make black communities do better?

Yes it will
OMG man....ok keep having the same policies and blaming whitey for all your issues..Make sure you pay Jesse and AL, cant function without those anti-semites.
Wait, you see the difference in the graphic. Why are you pretending that unless blacks are convicted at a 20% increase over whites it won't fix the community? It's funny. I mean, you're seriously asking how being treated fairly would help anything? Lmao
Ok I've been nice.....what the fuck is your problem?

So just keep on blaming whitey, it's done so much good.

Oh, you want a serious discussion when asking if everyone in jail shouldn't be there? Shit, i thought you were just trolling. I didn't figure you be an actual fool.

Ok man so you want affirmative action on juries? That's gonna make black communities do better?

Yes it will
OMG man....ok keep having the same policies and blaming whitey for all your issues..
That's what liberals do my friend - they blame everyone else for their own failures.

Yeah man, it's blacks fault that whites judge blacks more harshly! Sure isn't whites fault. Whitey is innocent! Look at you guys taking all that responsibility lol
Oh, you want a serious discussion when asking if everyone in jail shouldn't be there? Shit, i thought you were just trolling. I didn't figure you be an actual fool.

Ok man so you want affirmative action on juries? That's gonna make black communities do better?

Yes it will
OMG man....ok keep having the same policies and blaming whitey for all your issues..
That's what liberals do my friend - they blame everyone else for their own failures.

Yeah man, it's blacks fault that whites judge blacks more harshly! Sure isn't whites fault. Whitey is innocent! Look at you guys taking all that responsibility lol
OMG, you're so full of shit

whites judges sentence blacks more harshly?
They cite this ridiculous reason for pulling him over....they had a call about someone with a rifle. WTF??? We are allowed to have rifles...these bullshit stops and murders are all about targeting and killing ppl for lawfully packing. They planned on killing that guy. That was the objective.
Ok man so you want affirmative action on juries? That's gonna make black communities do better?

Yes it will
OMG man....ok keep having the same policies and blaming whitey for all your issues..
That's what liberals do my friend - they blame everyone else for their own failures.

Yeah man, it's blacks fault that whites judge blacks more harshly! Sure isn't whites fault. Whitey is innocent! Look at you guys taking all that responsibility lol
OMG, you're so full of shit

whites judges sentence blacks more harshly?

Even with the picture graphic you can't see it?
Yes it will
OMG man....ok keep having the same policies and blaming whitey for all your issues..
That's what liberals do my friend - they blame everyone else for their own failures.

Yeah man, it's blacks fault that whites judge blacks more harshly! Sure isn't whites fault. Whitey is innocent! Look at you guys taking all that responsibility lol
OMG, you're so full of shit

whites judges sentence blacks more harshly?

Even with the picture graphic you can't see it?

Ok, then your for standardized punishments?
Yes because they see it happen in their community. Try killing someone then asking how the family feels about you. You may be shocked to know its not a positive because black people be tripping off of death...for no reason I guess
So you wont have a problem with the rest of us not trusting black people, since they are well known for being violent. You will understand why black people are watched more closely when they go in stores, since they are notorious for stealing. You will understand why cops are more on edge around black people, because they are known for violence.

What a fine way to explain discrimination.
You mean like how you just said the black community discriminates against cops?
Contumacious - your dumb ass needs to stop stirring the pot. This is an old video from months ago that everyone has already seen. In addition, this was suicide by cop. This individual intentionally ignored all instructions and pretended to have something deadly in his hands specifically so that the officers would shoot him. This was a clean shoot all the way around.

I used to have a lot of respect for you - but you've turned into a complete and total asshole with this issue. You're trying to stir up shit and cause an uprising. It's crap and you should be completely ashamed of yourself.
Contumacious - your dumb ass needs to stop stirring the pot. This is an old video from months ago that everyone has already seen. In addition, this was suicide by cop. This individual intentionally ignored all instructions and pretended to have something deadly in his hands specifically so that the officers would shoot him. This was a clean shoot all the way around.

I used to have a lot of respect for you - but you've turned into a complete and total asshole with this issue. You're trying to stir up shit and cause an uprising. It's crap and you should be completely ashamed of yourself.

Post #132 deals with the recent shooting of an UNarmed Afro-American who was shot by the Tulsa PD

The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. Its Police Force also now ranks near the top in violence against Citizens. But hey, i know we're not supposed to talk about it. Just shut up and do what Big Brother tells you to. Nothing to see here folks. ;)
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The US now ranks #1 in the world in imprisoning its Citizens. It's Police Force also now ranks near the top in violence against Citizens. But hey, i know we're not supposed to talk about it. Just shut up and do what Big Brother tells you to. Nothing to see here folks. ;)

Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals

The American police perform no positive function. They pose a much larger threat to citizens than do the criminals who operate without a police badge. Americans would be safer if the police forces were abolished.

The police have been militarized and largely federalized by the Pentagon and the gestapo Homeland Security. The role of the federal government in equipping state and local police with military weapons, including tanks, and training in their use has essentially removed the police from state and local control. No matter how brutal any police officer, it is rare that any suffer more than a few months suspension, usually with full pay, while a report is concocted that clears them of any wrong doing.

In America today, police murder with impunity. All the psychopaths have to say is, “I thought his wallet was a gun,” or “we had to taser the unconscious guy we found lying on the ground, because he wouldn’t obey our commands to get up.”

Sounds like suicide by cop to me.

In either case, I don't suspect we'll hear much from BLM. Police shooting a white boy isn't lucrative for the race hustlers.
It does sound like suicide by cop. The biggest question is why didn't this guy just comply? Was he on drugs?
Sounds like suicide by cop to me.

In either case, I don't suspect we'll hear much from BLM. Police shooting a white boy isn't lucrative for the race hustlers.
It does sound like suicide by cop. The biggest question is why didn't this guy just comply? Was he on drugs?

Post #132 deals with the recent shooting of an UNarmed Afro-American who was shot by the Tulsa PD

It would be better to abolish all police departments, courts and empty the prisons. There would be a lengthy period of adjustment as citizans shot one another willy nilly. Think permanent Purge. But it would eventually even out.
It would be better to abolish all police departments, courts and empty the prisons. There would be a lengthy period of adjustment as citizans shot one another willy nilly. Think permanent Purge. But it would eventually even out.
I really hope you don't vote.

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