Another white male hetero....geesh!

To be fair, it had nothing to do with him being white or straight -- he was obviously mentally ill...

If he was black, my opinion may change however -- since blacks are violent savages with unusually low instances of mental illness.
So was it his whiteness, maleness, or heterosexuality that caused this crime? Or did the gun do it?
Feel free to excuse him......doesn't surprise me.
You're the one who brought up these factors. We can't solve the problem in the future without understanding the motivating factors.

The default position is the gun did it. We'll go with that.
Personally? I would be filing suit against the dept. Waiting for hours upon hours when 4 defenseless children were in there, is worse than waiting a short time to go into Parkland. I’m really pissed. It matters not his skin color.
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He/she/it is on its white male crusade.

My question remains. How does the OP know he was a Heterosexual? There is no test on a dead body that will tell if the individual was Straight or a closeted Homosexual.

You could run tests about ethnicity, about sex,just about any other factor, but none exists to determine sexuality.

So it's just as fair to say this was just another Homosexual killing kids.

How do you know he was Heterosexual. Just as likely he was a closeted Homosexual. Unless you have some test, then you can't know.

Oh, wait
It happens too often. A man seems to be leading a normal life - wife, kids, house, job, everything. Then he comes out as gay and leaves his wife and kids for the gay lifestyle.

How do you know he was Heterosexual. Just as likely he was a closeted Homosexual. Unless you have some test, then you can't know.

Oh, wait
It happens too often. A man seems to be leading a normal life - wife, kids, house, job, everything. Then he comes out as gay and leaves his wife and kids for the gay lifestyle.
Unlike this guy who had a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, shot a cop, shot his kids and his girlfriend's kids....and then offed himself.

Hetero thru and thru.

How do you know he was Heterosexual. Just as likely he was a closeted Homosexual. Unless you have some test, then you can't know.

Oh, wait
It happens too often. A man seems to be leading a normal life - wife, kids, house, job, everything. Then he comes out as gay and leaves his wife and kids for the gay lifestyle.
Unlike this guy who had a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, shot a cop, shot his kids and his girlfriend's kids....and then offed himself.

Hetero thru and thru.

Lesbians would just drive a car over a cliff killing her kids?

Nah, this guy was clearly a closeted homosexual.

How do you know he was Heterosexual. Just as likely he was a closeted Homosexual. Unless you have some test, then you can't know.

Oh, wait
You mean his having a girlfriend and two of the kids HE MURDERED being his?

But leave it to trumpanzees to try to peg him as gay. That's a closeted move.

We all know that if his significant other identified as a chick but had a dick the media would call him a her. a stupid thread title. If you believe that any of these factors had anything to do with this person's are a fool.
If you are trolling the masses..surely you can do better?

T's & P's? If your response to this tragedy is a post such as this...allow me to doubt you give a shit about either the children or the police.

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