Another Word/Phrase Hillary Wont Say. Bomb Or "We Need To Bomb". Michael Dukakis 2.0?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:blahblah::lalala: This is another issue they should bring up in the media, we already know what "Words/Phrases" of which some of our leading Democrats wont say, but have you noticed that when ever Hillary is questioned about what she will do about ISIS or terrorism, she never brings up bombing the enemy. It seems like she just want to have a "Love And Tender Kindness" Lollypop and Hot-Pockets Summit at the White House after ever terrorist attack. Right? Whats The Matter Hillary? God, even Mr. Rodgers has the guts to say "We Need To Bomb The $#@!# it "Out Of ISIS,,,Can You Say That? Bomb The Chit?

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