Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

Joe, you're so ignorant about what the numbers are that you should stop posting right now and go educate yourself! Seriously...

Dogstyle, you keep trying to make this point that it's okay for Zimmerman to shoot unarmed black kids because other blacks are shooting unarmed black kids.

The logic truly escapes me.

It's never right to shoot an unarmed kid. Not if you are a black gangbanger, not if you are a "white hispanic" loser who can't hold down a job, not if you are a Furgeson Police Officer.

The thing is, the Gangbanger will be prosecuted and imprisoned.

It is if you are being beaten and you head is being slammed on the ground. People can die from head injuries. The boy's mistake was physically attacking Zimmerman. He didn't have to do that.
People make choices in life. Some are good choices...some are not. When you make the bad ones often enough, Life has a habit of making you pay dearly for doing so. Trayvon Martin's choices that night were not good ones. To be honest with you, Chris...if it wasn't George Zimmerman that night it would have been someone else another night. Trayvon might not have been the one killed that time. The next time it might have been someone beaten by him that died from his injuries and then we've got others grieving and one more young man going to prison.

Maybe so, maybe not. Maybe he would have changed his life? People do that you know. A lot of people were "problem children" but outgrow it or get help and make changes. What do you want from me? Do you want me to say I'm glad he's dead? Well I'm not glad.
I'm glad there is a 'PI' on this forum.
You're stupid and worst of all fucking boring.
Go get your empty day in on the Oprah forum.
People make choices in life. Some are good choices...some are not. When you make the bad ones often enough, Life has a habit of making you pay dearly for doing so. Trayvon Martin's choices that night were not good ones. To be honest with you, Chris...if it wasn't George Zimmerman that night it would have been someone else another night. Trayvon might not have been the one killed that time. The next time it might have been someone beaten by him that died from his injuries and then we've got others grieving and one more young man going to prison.

Maybe so, maybe not. Maybe he would have changed his life? People do that you know. A lot of people were "problem children" but outgrow it or get help and make changes. What do you want from me? Do you want me to say I'm glad he's dead? Well I'm not glad.
I'm glad there is a 'PI' on this forum.
You're stupid and worst of all fucking boring.
Go get your empty day in on the Oprah forum.

Oh, now there's an intelligent come back. Lol. :lol:
Joe, you're so ignorant about what the numbers are that you should stop posting right now and go educate yourself! Seriously...

Dogstyle, you keep trying to make this point that it's okay for Zimmerman to shoot unarmed black kids because other blacks are shooting unarmed black kids.

The logic truly escapes me.

It's never right to shoot an unarmed kid. Not if you are a black gangbanger, not if you are a "white hispanic" loser who can't hold down a job, not if you are a Furgeson Police Officer.

The thing is, the Gangbanger will be prosecuted and imprisoned.

No, what I keep pointing out is the absolute absurdity of seeing the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin shooting as a crisis in America when on any given weekend dozens of young black men are being shot by other young black men. Yet when young black men are dropping like flies on the streets of Chicago, the hometown of the President, at an alarming rate...he and the Attorney General are fixated on the "problem" of whites shooting blacks, committing vast numbers of FBI agents to investigate what happened in Sanford and Ferguson. It's insanity.

And the only reason it was OK for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin is that Martin attacked him in the first place. It's why people carry concealed protect themselves against those who resort to physical violence like Martin did.
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Being a "child" (age 17?) isn't an excuse to act stupid. It isn't normal for kids to jump an adult and try to beat them to death. This "kid" had some major anger issues.

17 year olds can join the military, but liberals still want to portray them as hapless children.

They are legally children until they are 18, under the guardianship of parents, unless they are moved out, emancipated or are actually in the military. No one said he was "hapless." He WAS a young person who is prone to overreaction, duh.

That has been the narrative of the liberal media, with their race baiting. He was just an innocent kid, and was only shot because he is black.

I never mentioned his race. Unlike you, I am trying to look at this objectively. I also never said he was an innocent kid. Obviously, that is your focus.

No,it isn't my focus, that has been the media's focus this whole time. My focus was on the facts of the case, which clearly show Martin was at fault for assault and Zimmerman was within his rights to defend himself.

And my point is that the whole situation might have been avoided if some people had used their brains instead of their brawn.

I'm baffled by your contention that George Zimmerman ever used "brawn", Chris. I've never for a moment believed that George Zimmerman wanted to confront Trayvon Martin. He could have easily done so at the point that Martin circled Zimmerman's SUV. Instead he stayed inside of his vehicle with the windows up calling the Police. He let's Martin move away and doesn't get out of the SUV until he sees the young man take off running. At that point he's simply trying to keep Martin in sight until the Police arrive.
looks like a major let down for the zimmerman haters

they have been waiting so long

maybe next time something will stick

Trayvon Martin: DOJ Announces No Charges Against George Zimmerman

Justice Department officials met with Martin's family today, and were told that they will not be filing charges against George Zimmerman, who shot the 17-year-old after a confrontation in 2012. Thursday marks three years to the day since Martin was killed.

Federal prosecutors concluded there is not sufficient evidence to prove Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Fla., intentionally violated Martin's civil rights.

Trayvon Martin DOJ Announces No Charges Against George Zimmerman - ABC News
Yep, I'm a Zimmerman hater, and I hope he dies alone.

This doesn't slow me down a bit.

I'll still hate him unconditionally because he's a pussy, who had to shot his way out of a fight he was losing it to a 17 year old.

I know Zimmerman supporters would love for hatred of him to go away, but it won't.

There is no way this guy can be happy in life. Nobody who is hated by millions gets out happily.

Keep your hatred, it's all good. Why would I care if you hate someone or not, why would anyone outside your immediate family care who the hell you like or hate? You think you are special or something? No one cares, you are just an unknown person. Get over yourself...psycho.
You caring never crossed my mind.

One person did take the time to thank me for my previous comments, so at least one person cares.

Racists like you deserve the same fate that awaits Zimmerman, because yu're going to have to explain all this to God someday, and he won't believe all that crap about the second amendment, and how you don't hate blacks
They are legally children until they are 18, under the guardianship of parents, unless they are moved out, emancipated or are actually in the military. No one said he was "hapless." He WAS a young person who is prone to overreaction, duh.

That has been the narrative of the liberal media, with their race baiting. He was just an innocent kid, and was only shot because he is black.

I never mentioned his race. Unlike you, I am trying to look at this objectively. I also never said he was an innocent kid. Obviously, that is your focus.

No,it isn't my focus, that has been the media's focus this whole time. My focus was on the facts of the case, which clearly show Martin was at fault for assault and Zimmerman was within his rights to defend himself.

And my point is that the whole situation might have been avoided if some people had used their brains instead of their brawn.

I'm baffled by your contention that George Zimmerman ever used "brawn", Chris. I've never for a moment believed that George Zimmerman wanted to confront Trayvon Martin. He could have easily done so at the point that Martin circled Zimmerman's SUV. Instead he stayed inside of his vehicle with the windows up calling the Police. He let's Martin move away and doesn't get out of the SUV until he sees the young man take off running. At that point he's simply trying to keep Martin in sight until the Police arrive.

He should have never left his vehicle to follow him, IMO. I'm certainly not saying Trayvon is innocent either. I think both are guilty of stupidity, like I said before.

For one thing, Zimmerman had no idea who this boy was or what he was capable of. He could have waited in his car and told the police which direction he last saw the suspect heading in. Also, do people normally call the police and follow a person for walking down the roadway?
looks like a major let down for the zimmerman haters

they have been waiting so long

maybe next time something will stick

Trayvon Martin: DOJ Announces No Charges Against George Zimmerman

Justice Department officials met with Martin's family today, and were told that they will not be filing charges against George Zimmerman, who shot the 17-year-old after a confrontation in 2012. Thursday marks three years to the day since Martin was killed.

Federal prosecutors concluded there is not sufficient evidence to prove Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Fla., intentionally violated Martin's civil rights.

Trayvon Martin DOJ Announces No Charges Against George Zimmerman - ABC News
Yep, I'm a Zimmerman hater, and I hope he dies alone.

This doesn't slow me down a bit.

I'll still hate him unconditionally because he's a pussy, who had to shot his way out of a fight he was losing it to a 17 year old.

I know Zimmerman supporters would love for hatred of him to go away, but it won't.

There is no way this guy can be happy in life. Nobody who is hated by millions gets out happily.

Keep your hatred, it's all good. Why would I care if you hate someone or not, why would anyone outside your immediate family care who the hell you like or hate? You think you are special or something? No one cares, you are just an unknown person. Get over yourself...psycho.
You caring never crossed my mind.

One person did take the time to thank me for my previous comments, so at least one person cares.

Racists like you deserve the same fate that awaits Zimmerman, because yu're going to have to explain all this to God someday, and he won't believe all that crap about the second amendment, and how you don't hate blacks

So by not thinking Zimmerman is guilty makes a person a racist? Interesting conclusion. So by saying Zimmerman is guilty then that would make you racist against Hispanics?

Not sure racism works in your little world but the color of people's skin matter a lot to you.

I'm sure God and I will figure it out. Just as he will deal with the hatred you display towards others you don't even know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
looks like a major let down for the zimmerman haters

they have been waiting so long

maybe next time something will stick

Trayvon Martin: DOJ Announces No Charges Against George Zimmerman

Justice Department officials met with Martin's family today, and were told that they will not be filing charges against George Zimmerman, who shot the 17-year-old after a confrontation in 2012. Thursday marks three years to the day since Martin was killed.

Federal prosecutors concluded there is not sufficient evidence to prove Zimmerman, a neighborhood watchman in Sanford, Fla., intentionally violated Martin's civil rights.

Trayvon Martin DOJ Announces No Charges Against George Zimmerman - ABC News
Yep, I'm a Zimmerman hater, and I hope he dies alone.

This doesn't slow me down a bit.

I'll still hate him unconditionally because he's a pussy, who had to shot his way out of a fight he was losing it to a 17 year old.

I know Zimmerman supporters would love for hatred of him to go away, but it won't.

There is no way this guy can be happy in life. Nobody who is hated by millions gets out happily.

Keep your hatred, it's all good. Why would I care if you hate someone or not, why would anyone outside your immediate family care who the hell you like or hate? You think you are special or something? No one cares, you are just an unknown person. Get over yourself...psycho.
You caring never crossed my mind.

One person did take the time to thank me for my previous comments, so at least one person cares.

Racists like you deserve the same fate that awaits Zimmerman, because yu're going to have to explain all this to God someday, and he won't believe all that crap about the second amendment, and how you don't hate blacks

So by not thinking Zimmerman is guilty makes a person a racist? Interesting conclusion. So by saying Zimmerman is guilty then that would make you racist against Hispanics?

Not sure racism works in your little world but the color of people's skin matter a lot to you.

I'm sure God and I will figure it out. Just as he will deal with the hatred you display towards others you don't even know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

God, I hate the race card. It sucks and is just a way to try and shut down discussion. Doesn't work though. :D Just like if you don't like Obama policies, you must be a racist.

BUT, it IS alright to shoot someone who is criminally attacking you.
Zimmerman had every right to shoot the criminal, Martin. .
The good officer was also defending himself against a 300 lb criminal that was assaulting him and resisting arrest.
It is called "SELF-DEFENSE".
Defending yourself against a criminal that is committing an assault and battery against you is legal and moral.
??? why do you liberals ALWAYS defend the criminal against the honest, law-abiding citizen????

I mean, yeah, what's the world coming to when white guys can't shoot black children with impunity?
It is if you are being beaten and you head is being slammed on the ground. People can die from head injuries. The boy's mistake was physically attacking Zimmerman. He didn't have to do that.

1) Works on the assumption that Zimmerman didn't throw the first punch. Given how many other times we've caught this fat sack of murdering shit lying, I'm not inclined to believe that.

2) The kid was confronted at night with a stranger who had stalked him for several blocks. He probably had a better claim to legitimate self-defense than Zimmerman did.
They are legally children until they are 18, under the guardianship of parents, unless they are moved out, emancipated or are actually in the military. No one said he was "hapless." He WAS a young person who is prone to overreaction, duh.

That has been the narrative of the liberal media, with their race baiting. He was just an innocent kid, and was only shot because he is black.

I never mentioned his race. Unlike you, I am trying to look at this objectively. I also never said he was an innocent kid. Obviously, that is your focus.

No,it isn't my focus, that has been the media's focus this whole time. My focus was on the facts of the case, which clearly show Martin was at fault for assault and Zimmerman was within his rights to defend himself.

And my point is that the whole situation might have been avoided if some people had used their brains instead of their brawn.

I'm baffled by your contention that George Zimmerman ever used "brawn", Chris. I've never for a moment believed that George Zimmerman wanted to confront Trayvon Martin. He could have easily done so at the point that Martin circled Zimmerman's SUV. Instead he stayed inside of his vehicle with the windows up calling the Police. He let's Martin move away and doesn't get out of the SUV until he sees the young man take off running. At that point he's simply trying to keep Martin in sight until the Police arrive.


Zimmerman didnt have any "brawn"

he could not fight his way out of a wet paper bag

that was what testimony at trial produced anyhow
No, what I keep pointing out is the absolute absurdity of seeing the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin shooting as a crisis in America when on any given weekend dozens of young black men are being shot by other young black men. Yet when young black men are dropping like flies on the streets of Chicago, the hometown of the President, at an alarming rate...he and the Attorney General are fixated on the "problem" of whites shooting blacks, committing vast numbers of FBI agents to investigate what happened in Sanford and Ferguson. It's insanity.

No, insanity is letting police departments and police wannabes think they can shoot black children with no consequence.

And the only reason it was OK for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin is that Martin attacked him in the first place. It's why people carry concealed protect themselves against those who resort to physical violence like Martin did.

Well, no. You see, people shouldn't be allowed to carry concealed weapons, especially not if they are jobless losers who are on multiple drugs that might cause hallucinations.

Again, there is NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to even own a gun, much less carry one around.
BUT, it IS alright to shoot someone who is criminally attacking you.
Zimmerman had every right to shoot the criminal, Martin. .
The good officer was also defending himself against a 300 lb criminal that was assaulting him and resisting arrest.
It is called "SELF-DEFENSE".
Defending yourself against a criminal that is committing an assault and battery against you is legal and moral.
??? why do you liberals ALWAYS defend the criminal against the honest, law-abiding citizen????

I mean, yeah, what's the world coming to when white guys can't shoot black children with impunity?

It was a citizen defending himself against a vicious criminal attack.
Funny thing, a Taurus 9 mm can defend black people against criminals TOO.
Personally, I am all for honest, law-abiding black folk in the inner city owning and carrying concealed firearms to protect themselves and their loved ones against the criminals.
LIBERALS are the ones that don't want the black folk to protect themselves and their loved ones.
Liberals are the ones that try to take the honest, law-abiding citizens firearms away.
When have liberals tried to keep firearms away from the criminals?
The NYC police WERE taking firearms away from the criminals, and saving black lives, until the liberals put a STOP the police taking-guns-away-from-criminals
No, what I keep pointing out is the absolute absurdity of seeing the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin shooting as a crisis in America when on any given weekend dozens of young black men are being shot by other young black men. Yet when young black men are dropping like flies on the streets of Chicago, the hometown of the President, at an alarming rate...he and the Attorney General are fixated on the "problem" of whites shooting blacks, committing vast numbers of FBI agents to investigate what happened in Sanford and Ferguson. It's insanity.

No, insanity is letting police departments and police wannabes think they can shoot black children with no consequence.

And the only reason it was OK for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin is that Martin attacked him in the first place. It's why people carry concealed protect themselves against those who resort to physical violence like Martin did.

Well, no. You see, people shouldn't be allowed to carry concealed weapons, especially not if they are jobless losers who are on multiple drugs that might cause hallucinations.

Again, there is NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to even own a gun, much less carry one around.

The Constitution disagrees with you, and the USSC has disagreed with you MORE THAN ONCE!
It is a RIGHT to own a firearm in the USA, unless you are a criminal, or you are a mental case (Which means that all liberals cannot own firearms).
No, what I keep pointing out is the absolute absurdity of seeing the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin shooting as a crisis in America when on any given weekend dozens of young black men are being shot by other young black men. Yet when young black men are dropping like flies on the streets of Chicago, the hometown of the President, at an alarming rate...he and the Attorney General are fixated on the "problem" of whites shooting blacks, committing vast numbers of FBI agents to investigate what happened in Sanford and Ferguson. It's insanity.

No, insanity is letting police departments and police wannabes think they can shoot black children with no consequence.

And the only reason it was OK for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin is that Martin attacked him in the first place. It's why people carry concealed protect themselves against those who resort to physical violence like Martin did.

Well, no. You see, people shouldn't be allowed to carry concealed weapons, especially not if they are jobless losers who are on multiple drugs that might cause hallucinations.

Again, there is NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to even own a gun, much less carry one around.

"Insanity" is trying to make a vicious criminal appear to be "a sweet little kid that was on his way to being an alter-boy".
"Insanity" is unjustly accusing a law-abiding citizen of criminality because he dared to defend himself against a vicious attack by a criminal,
"Insanity" is playing the race-card because you have no argument left.
"Insanity" is lying yourself blue in the face, when all the evidence AND A JURY, shows your lie to be just THAT!
No, what I keep pointing out is the absolute absurdity of seeing the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin shooting as a crisis in America when on any given weekend dozens of young black men are being shot by other young black men. Yet when young black men are dropping like flies on the streets of Chicago, the hometown of the President, at an alarming rate...he and the Attorney General are fixated on the "problem" of whites shooting blacks, committing vast numbers of FBI agents to investigate what happened in Sanford and Ferguson. It's insanity.

No, insanity is letting police departments and police wannabes think they can shoot black children with no consequence.

And the only reason it was OK for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin is that Martin attacked him in the first place. It's why people carry concealed protect themselves against those who resort to physical violence like Martin did.

Well, no. You see, people shouldn't be allowed to carry concealed weapons, especially not if they are jobless losers who are on multiple drugs that might cause hallucinations.

Again, there is NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to even own a gun, much less carry one around.

"Insanity" is trying to make a vicious criminal appear to be "a sweet little kid that was on his way to being an alter-boy".
"Insanity" is unjustly accusing a law-abiding citizen of criminality because he dared to defend himself against a vicious attack by a criminal,
"Insanity" is playing the race-card because you have no argument left.
"Insanity" is lying yourself blue in the face, when all the evidence AND A JURY, shows your lie to be just THAT!

common with the leftists --LOL

they also think things like its only isis


you are correct liberalism is a mental illness

It was a citizen defending himself against a vicious criminal attack.
Funny thing, a Taurus 9 mm can defend black people against criminals TOO.
Personally, I am all for honest, law-abiding black folk in the inner city owning and carrying concealed firearms to protect themselves and their loved ones against the criminals.

32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries a year.

Guns are not the solution, they are the problem.
No, what I keep pointing out is the absolute absurdity of seeing the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin shooting as a crisis in America when on any given weekend dozens of young black men are being shot by other young black men. Yet when young black men are dropping like flies on the streets of Chicago, the hometown of the President, at an alarming rate...he and the Attorney General are fixated on the "problem" of whites shooting blacks, committing vast numbers of FBI agents to investigate what happened in Sanford and Ferguson. It's insanity.

No, insanity is letting police departments and police wannabes think they can shoot black children with no consequence.

And the only reason it was OK for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin is that Martin attacked him in the first place. It's why people carry concealed protect themselves against those who resort to physical violence like Martin did.

Well, no. You see, people shouldn't be allowed to carry concealed weapons, especially not if they are jobless losers who are on multiple drugs that might cause hallucinations.

Again, there is NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to even own a gun, much less carry one around.

Except when they are attacked by a violent criminal...even a teenage thug in training.....
"Insanity" is trying to make a vicious criminal appear to be "a sweet little kid that was on his way to being an alter-boy".
"Insanity" is unjustly accusing a law-abiding citizen of criminality because he dared to defend himself against a vicious attack by a criminal,
"Insanity" is playing the race-card because you have no argument left.
"Insanity" is lying yourself blue in the face, when all the evidence AND A JURY, shows your lie to be just THAT!

Insanity is gun nuts with tiny peckers making a sociopath like Zimmerman into a hero because he was living the dream of plugging the nasty negro.

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