Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

Do you mean other than the right given to them by the Constitution? I have a concealed carry permit to protect my loved ones from sociopaths that might want to harm them. Quite frankly I can't think of a BETTER REASON to own and carry a gun.

Guy, you have every right to be part of well regulated militia.

I'm guessing you let some working class kid do that kind of hard work, though. Because you were too busy running nightclubs... or something.

The fact is, a gun in your home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than a bad guy.

Guy, the Constitution gives me the right to own a gun whether I'm in a militia or not and the guns that I do have in my homes are there because of the bad guys. have to include suicides in the gun deaths...which is really a lie on this topic, because the real number, the important number is the gun murder rate....which is going down....and only averaged about 8-9,000 gun murders a year...and the accident rate with guns is also going is the suicide rate with guns.....

And since South Korea and Japan have absolute gun control and higher suicide rates than the U.S......guns are not the problem.....

South Korea and Japan have societies where suicide is socially accepted. We have one where it isn't, but we have a lot of them because of easy access to guns for people who never, ever should have had a gun to start with.

32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries is too high a price to pay for you guys compensating for your tiny peckers.

Wrong....they have absolute gun control in those countries and they commit suicide at twice our isn't is the mental attitude....

And 8-9,000 gun murders and 6-700 accidental gun deaths a year vs. 1.6 million times a year guns are used by law abiding citizens to stop violent criminal attack and save lives is the reality.....gun murders and accidents are even going down, not up as more people, over 11.1 people are actually carrying guns for self defense

and in a country where more people die in cars, and pools, and in a country of over 320 million people.........guns are not the issue......
What is it with anti gunners and small know that is called projection don't you....look...I am sorry you have a small penis......get some help with that...either medically, or psychologically......just leave us well adjusted, normal people alone....and leave our guns alone....we need protect us from people who have issues with their small penises......

I don't need to compensate like you gun nuts do...


It is always you anti gun nuts talking about penises....not obviously feel shamed by your small penis size and use the gun issue as a way to lash out at the world.....please...get some help........
No, what I keep pointing out is the absolute absurdity of seeing the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin shooting as a crisis in America when on any given weekend dozens of young black men are being shot by other young black men. Yet when young black men are dropping like flies on the streets of Chicago, the hometown of the President, at an alarming rate...he and the Attorney General are fixated on the "problem" of whites shooting blacks, committing vast numbers of FBI agents to investigate what happened in Sanford and Ferguson. It's insanity.

No, insanity is letting police departments and police wannabes think they can shoot black children with no consequence.

And the only reason it was OK for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin is that Martin attacked him in the first place. It's why people carry concealed protect themselves against those who resort to physical violence like Martin did.

Well, no. You see, people shouldn't be allowed to carry concealed weapons, especially not if they are jobless losers who are on multiple drugs that might cause hallucinations.

Again, there is NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to even own a gun, much less carry one around.

Yes there is. PLenty of reasons. Number 1 being, it's a constitutional RIGHT. And the SCOTUS has determined that we, as citizens of the US, have a right to use firearms for self defense!

Technically......scotus doesn't get to determine is a God given right......Scotus just tells the idiots making the argument against it that they are wrong.....and need to stop trying to deny that right to law abiding citizens.....
Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown died because they were raised by people who did not teach them how to be the case of Brown, his mother, grandmother and step dad attacked t-shirt vendors selling those shirts with the lie on it....they could be prosecuted for felony robbery...but because the son they turned into a thug was killed....acting like a violent thug, odds are they will get a pass.....

Those two boys died because they were raised by single women, from single parent homes themselves and never learned, much less passed on, mature, adult behavior.........

That has nothing to do with it. What has to do with it is GOOD parenting. Unfortunately, some single parents, just like some married parents, are not GOOD parents. There are plenty of children raised by single parents who are not thugs, FYI.

It is generations of single...teenage mothers, raising single teenage mothers who are raising these children without adult maturity or role modeling of civilized behavior.....I have seen stats about criminals in jail and way too many of them have come from single parent homes......
Do you mean other than the right given to them by the Constitution? I have a concealed carry permit to protect my loved ones from sociopaths that might want to harm them. Quite frankly I can't think of a BETTER REASON to own and carry a gun.

Guy, you have every right to be part of well regulated militia.

I'm guessing you let some working class kid do that kind of hard work, though. Because you were too busy running nightclubs... or something.

The fact is, a gun in your home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than a bad guy.

That 43 number is a lie...and in fact was repudiated by the guy who came up with it........violence in the home, drugs and alcohol are the real determining factors.......not guns.....

Considering there are over 320 million guns in private hands and only 8-9,000 gun, each year...not an issue.......
Yes there is. PLenty of reasons. Number 1 being, it's a constitutional RIGHT. And the SCOTUS has determined that we, as citizens of the US, have a right to use firearms for self defense!

Scalia takes a dirt nap and the 2nd Amendment is about Militias again. We will all be better off when it is.

Again? No, the ruling was made in the Heller case. The majority of justices agreed that the government does not have the right to infringe upon the people's second amendment rights. Read it and weep. :D

Second Amendment Law Library of Congress

In its June 26 decision, a 5-4 majority of the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms, and that the D.C. provisions banning handguns and requiring firearms in the home disassembled or locked violate this right.

In the majority opinion authored by Justice Antonin Scalia, the Court first conducted a textual analysis of the operative clause, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The Court found that this language guarantees an individual right to possess and carry weapons. The Court examined historical evidence that it found consistent with its textual analysis. The Court then considered the Second Amendment’s prefatory clause, "[a] well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State," and determined that while this clause announces a purpose for recognizing an individual right to keep and bear arms, it does not limit the operative clause. The Court found that analogous contemporaneous provisions in state constitutions, the Second Amendment’s drafting history, and post-ratification interpretations were consistent with its interpretation of the amendment. The Court asserted that its prior precedent was not inconsistent with its interpretation.

The Court stated that the right to keep and bear arms is subject to regulation, such as concealed weapons prohibitions, limits on the rights of felons and the mentally ill, laws forbidding the carrying of weapons in certain locations, laws imposing conditions on commercial sales, and prohibitions on the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. It stated that this was not an exhaustive list of the regulatory measures that would be presumptively permissible under the Second Amendment.

The Court found that the D.C. ban on handgun possession violated the Second Amendment right because it prohibited an entire class of arms favored for the lawful purpose of self-defense in the home. It similarly found that the requirement that lawful firearms be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock made it impossible for citizens to effectively use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense, and therefore violated the Second Amendment right. The Court said it was unnecessary to address the constitutionality of the D.C. licensing requirement.
Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown died because they were raised by people who did not teach them how to be the case of Brown, his mother, grandmother and step dad attacked t-shirt vendors selling those shirts with the lie on it....they could be prosecuted for felony robbery...but because the son they turned into a thug was killed....acting like a violent thug, odds are they will get a pass.....

Those two boys died because they were raised by single women, from single parent homes themselves and never learned, much less passed on, mature, adult behavior.........

That has nothing to do with it. What has to do with it is GOOD parenting. Unfortunately, some single parents, just like some married parents, are not GOOD parents. There are plenty of children raised by single parents who are not thugs, FYI.

It is generations of single...teenage mothers, raising single teenage mothers who are raising these children without adult maturity or role modeling of civilized behavior.....I have seen stats about criminals in jail and way too many of them have come from single parent homes......

Exactly. It is because of poor parenting. Of course the majority are coming from single parent homes because it is more challenging for single parents to raise children. Don't try to make it sound as if, because a child comes from a single parent household, they are automatically going to be criminals. It is NOT true and the majority of children from single parent homes are NOT criminals.
What is it with anti gunners and small know that is called projection don't you....look...I am sorry you have a small penis......get some help with that...either medically, or psychologically......just leave us well adjusted, normal people alone....and leave our guns alone....we need protect us from people who have issues with their small penises......

I don't need to compensate like you gun nuts do...


It is always you anti gun nuts talking about penises....not obviously feel shamed by your small penis size and use the gun issue as a way to lash out at the world.....please...get some help........

He's just angry. Plenty of WOMEN own guns too.
Yes there is. PLenty of reasons. Number 1 being, it's a constitutional RIGHT. And the SCOTUS has determined that we, as citizens of the US, have a right to use firearms for self defense!

Scalia takes a dirt nap and the 2nd Amendment is about Militias again. We will all be better off when it is.

So basically you want to take away the right to self defense. Think of me for a moment, a very petite woman at 5'1" and probably about 105 pounds. If a man breaks into my home with intent to harm me, you want to take away MY RIGHT to defend myself against an attacker that would be almost twice the size and weight of me. That is sick, dude, really sick.
No, what I keep pointing out is the absolute absurdity of seeing the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin shooting as a crisis in America when on any given weekend dozens of young black men are being shot by other young black men. Yet when young black men are dropping like flies on the streets of Chicago, the hometown of the President, at an alarming rate...he and the Attorney General are fixated on the "problem" of whites shooting blacks, committing vast numbers of FBI agents to investigate what happened in Sanford and Ferguson. It's insanity.

No, insanity is letting police departments and police wannabes think they can shoot black children with no consequence.

And the only reason it was OK for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin is that Martin attacked him in the first place. It's why people carry concealed protect themselves against those who resort to physical violence like Martin did.

Well, no. You see, people shouldn't be allowed to carry concealed weapons, especially not if they are jobless losers who are on multiple drugs that might cause hallucinations.

Again, there is NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to even own a gun, much less carry one around.

Yes there is. PLenty of reasons. Number 1 being, it's a constitutional RIGHT. And the SCOTUS has determined that we, as citizens of the US, have a right to use firearms for self defense!

Technically......scotus doesn't get to determine is a God given right......Scotus just tells the idiots making the argument against it that they are wrong.....and need to stop trying to deny that right to law abiding citizens.....

Well . . . they kind of do because they INTERPRET the law.
Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown died because they were raised by people who did not teach them how to be the case of Brown, his mother, grandmother and step dad attacked t-shirt vendors selling those shirts with the lie on it....they could be prosecuted for felony robbery...but because the son they turned into a thug was killed....acting like a violent thug, odds are they will get a pass.....

Those two boys died because they were raised by single women, from single parent homes themselves and never learned, much less passed on, mature, adult behavior.........

That has nothing to do with it. What has to do with it is GOOD parenting. Unfortunately, some single parents, just like some married parents, are not GOOD parents. There are plenty of children raised by single parents who are not thugs, FYI.

It is generations of single...teenage mothers, raising single teenage mothers who are raising these children without adult maturity or role modeling of civilized behavior.....I have seen stats about criminals in jail and way too many of them have come from single parent homes......

Exactly. It is because of poor parenting. Of course the majority are coming from single parent homes because it is more challenging for single parents to raise children. Don't try to make it sound as if, because a child comes from a single parent household, they are automatically going to be criminals. It is NOT true and the majority of children from single parent homes are NOT criminals.

True....but the main factor is the age of the single parent at the time they have the children...and the age of their single parent when they had the children.....and then throw them into poverty, and have the only role models be gang members and drug dealers and other criminals...and you have the next generation of violent criminals......
No, what I keep pointing out is the absolute absurdity of seeing the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin shooting as a crisis in America when on any given weekend dozens of young black men are being shot by other young black men. Yet when young black men are dropping like flies on the streets of Chicago, the hometown of the President, at an alarming rate...he and the Attorney General are fixated on the "problem" of whites shooting blacks, committing vast numbers of FBI agents to investigate what happened in Sanford and Ferguson. It's insanity.

No, insanity is letting police departments and police wannabes think they can shoot black children with no consequence.

And the only reason it was OK for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin is that Martin attacked him in the first place. It's why people carry concealed protect themselves against those who resort to physical violence like Martin did.

Well, no. You see, people shouldn't be allowed to carry concealed weapons, especially not if they are jobless losers who are on multiple drugs that might cause hallucinations.

Again, there is NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to even own a gun, much less carry one around.

Yes there is. PLenty of reasons. Number 1 being, it's a constitutional RIGHT. And the SCOTUS has determined that we, as citizens of the US, have a right to use firearms for self defense!

Technically......scotus doesn't get to determine is a God given right......Scotus just tells the idiots making the argument against it that they are wrong.....and need to stop trying to deny that right to law abiding citizens.....

Well . . . they kind of do because they INTERPRET the law.

They are nine human beings out of 320 million.....there interpretation should not be the final say in these things....we need to change their jurisdiction...which the congress can do...and have a congressional override of their opinions.....

And regardless.....the right is clearly stated in the 2nd need for them to say too much about it.....
No, what I keep pointing out is the absolute absurdity of seeing the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin shooting as a crisis in America when on any given weekend dozens of young black men are being shot by other young black men. Yet when young black men are dropping like flies on the streets of Chicago, the hometown of the President, at an alarming rate...he and the Attorney General are fixated on the "problem" of whites shooting blacks, committing vast numbers of FBI agents to investigate what happened in Sanford and Ferguson. It's insanity.

No, insanity is letting police departments and police wannabes think they can shoot black children with no consequence.

And the only reason it was OK for George Zimmerman to shoot Trayvon Martin is that Martin attacked him in the first place. It's why people carry concealed protect themselves against those who resort to physical violence like Martin did.

Well, no. You see, people shouldn't be allowed to carry concealed weapons, especially not if they are jobless losers who are on multiple drugs that might cause hallucinations.

Again, there is NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to even own a gun, much less carry one around.

Yes there is. PLenty of reasons. Number 1 being, it's a constitutional RIGHT. And the SCOTUS has determined that we, as citizens of the US, have a right to use firearms for self defense!

Technically......scotus doesn't get to determine is a God given right......Scotus just tells the idiots making the argument against it that they are wrong.....and need to stop trying to deny that right to law abiding citizens.....

Well . . . they kind of do because they INTERPRET the law.

They are nine human beings out of 320 million.....there interpretation should not be the final say in these things....we need to change their jurisdiction...which the congress can do...and have a congressional override of their opinions.....

And regardless.....the right is clearly stated in the 2nd need for them to say too much about it.....

You should be glad they did, otherwise handguns might still be banned in some places. And I'm pretty sure you would not want a democratic majority congress to override the Heller opinion, correct? :)
No, insanity is letting police departments and police wannabes think they can shoot black children with no consequence.

Well, no. You see, people shouldn't be allowed to carry concealed weapons, especially not if they are jobless losers who are on multiple drugs that might cause hallucinations.

Again, there is NO GOOD REASON for a civilian to even own a gun, much less carry one around.

Yes there is. PLenty of reasons. Number 1 being, it's a constitutional RIGHT. And the SCOTUS has determined that we, as citizens of the US, have a right to use firearms for self defense!

Technically......scotus doesn't get to determine is a God given right......Scotus just tells the idiots making the argument against it that they are wrong.....and need to stop trying to deny that right to law abiding citizens.....

Well . . . they kind of do because they INTERPRET the law.

They are nine human beings out of 320 million.....there interpretation should not be the final say in these things....we need to change their jurisdiction...which the congress can do...and have a congressional override of their opinions.....

And regardless.....the right is clearly stated in the 2nd need for them to say too much about it.....

You should be glad they did, otherwise handguns might still be banned in some places. And I'm pretty sure you would not want a democratic majority congress to override the Heller opinion, correct? :)

The Heller and Mcdonald decision won by one person out of 320 million people decides what is constitutional....and the democrats appoint solely on the leftism of their I think another safe guard needs to be in place......
Yep, I'm a Zimmerman hater, and I hope he dies alone.

This doesn't slow me down a bit.

I'll still hate him unconditionally because he's a pussy, who had to shot his way out of a fight he was losing it to a 17 year old.

I know Zimmerman supporters would love for hatred of him to go away, but it won't.

There is no way this guy can be happy in life. Nobody who is hated by millions gets out happily.

Keep your hatred, it's all good. Why would I care if you hate someone or not, why would anyone outside your immediate family care who the hell you like or hate? You think you are special or something? No one cares, you are just an unknown person. Get over yourself...psycho.
You caring never crossed my mind.

One person did take the time to thank me for my previous comments, so at least one person cares.

Racists like you deserve the same fate that awaits Zimmerman, because yu're going to have to explain all this to God someday, and he won't believe all that crap about the second amendment, and how you don't hate blacks

So by not thinking Zimmerman is guilty makes a person a racist? Interesting conclusion. So by saying Zimmerman is guilty then that would make you racist against Hispanics?

Not sure racism works in your little world but the color of people's skin matter a lot to you.

I'm sure God and I will figure it out. Just as he will deal with the hatred you display towards others you don't even know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not thinking Zimmerman is guilty does not make a person a racist. The people who think Zimmerman is innocent were all racists before Zimmerman killed Martin

Calling people racist, does not mean a person is racist, it means you aren't adult enough to discuss the matter intelligently.

I you knew my history on this case, I said let's wait until all the evidence came in. After looking at it, I believe Zimmerman was attacked and Zimmerman felt his life was in danger and used deadly force. I believe that BOTH made bad decisions that night and it cost someone their life. It wasn't racial, it wasn't political, it was a series of bad choices.

Now, you can go back to your liberal games and continue to throw, hate, race out ther because you are intelligent enough to discuss it like a real adult.
I don't disagree with anything in particular, within the second paragrah of your response.

What I often don't see in the position Zimmerman supporters take, is how maturity should factor into gun ownership, open carry, and the incident.

Martin was 17, and I don't know what 17 year olds are like where you come from...but out here, they're kind of irrational and make lot's of bad decisions, some more than others. Zimmerman was how old? I bring this up because, in my opinion, the bad decisions made that night that cost Martin his life, were not "a wash" that makes both parties equally guilty.

By the're not discussing this matter intelligently. You're just parrotting the defense's case, and almost nobody believes the court should not have ruled the way they did. You seem to think that BOTH people made bad decisions, suggesting equal responsibility for the incident, yet you support Zimmerman. Have you discussed that contradiction with yourself?
I'm going to put a great deal of the blame for that on a welfare system that incentivized single parent households and a culture that had men fathering children and then not being there for them as they grow.

I want to hear about how not racist you are, because that never gets old.

Why would you say that I'm racist, Joey? Because I point out that fifty years of "War on Poverty" policies haven't really lowered the rate of poverty in this country? Because I point out that a welfare system that encourages fractured families has done terrible things to our society?

I grew up in about a liberal a town as you'll find anywhere...Amherst, Massachusetts. I had black playmates, teammates, teachers and neighbors. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not a racist...I'm a realist.
Yes there is. PLenty of reasons. Number 1 being, it's a constitutional RIGHT. And the SCOTUS has determined that we, as citizens of the US, have a right to use firearms for self defense!

Technically......scotus doesn't get to determine is a God given right......Scotus just tells the idiots making the argument against it that they are wrong.....and need to stop trying to deny that right to law abiding citizens.....

Well . . . they kind of do because they INTERPRET the law.

They are nine human beings out of 320 million.....there interpretation should not be the final say in these things....we need to change their jurisdiction...which the congress can do...and have a congressional override of their opinions.....

And regardless.....the right is clearly stated in the 2nd need for them to say too much about it.....

You should be glad they did, otherwise handguns might still be banned in some places. And I'm pretty sure you would not want a democratic majority congress to override the Heller opinion, correct? :)

The Heller and Mcdonald decision won by one person out of 320 million people decides what is constitutional....and the democrats appoint solely on the leftism of their I think another safe guard needs to be in place......

I agree. The SCOTUS has a LOT of power. However, I don't think congressional overrule powers is the solution. Also, don't forget that SCOTUS justices need to the approval of congress, and they CAN be impeached by congress in extenuating circumstances, although I'm sure that would be very difficult to do. Perhaps it should be up to the people of the USA on a vote.
Keep your hatred, it's all good. Why would I care if you hate someone or not, why would anyone outside your immediate family care who the hell you like or hate? You think you are special or something? No one cares, you are just an unknown person. Get over yourself...psycho.
You caring never crossed my mind.

One person did take the time to thank me for my previous comments, so at least one person cares.

Racists like you deserve the same fate that awaits Zimmerman, because yu're going to have to explain all this to God someday, and he won't believe all that crap about the second amendment, and how you don't hate blacks

So by not thinking Zimmerman is guilty makes a person a racist? Interesting conclusion. So by saying Zimmerman is guilty then that would make you racist against Hispanics?

Not sure racism works in your little world but the color of people's skin matter a lot to you.

I'm sure God and I will figure it out. Just as he will deal with the hatred you display towards others you don't even know.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not thinking Zimmerman is guilty does not make a person a racist. The people who think Zimmerman is innocent were all racists before Zimmerman killed Martin

Calling people racist, does not mean a person is racist, it means you aren't adult enough to discuss the matter intelligently.

I you knew my history on this case, I said let's wait until all the evidence came in. After looking at it, I believe Zimmerman was attacked and Zimmerman felt his life was in danger and used deadly force. I believe that BOTH made bad decisions that night and it cost someone their life. It wasn't racial, it wasn't political, it was a series of bad choices.

Now, you can go back to your liberal games and continue to throw, hate, race out ther because you are intelligent enough to discuss it like a real adult.
I don't disagree with anything in particular, within the second paragrah you wrote.

What I think is missing in what I see of the position Zimmerman supporters take, is how maturity should factor into gun ownership and open carry.

Martin was 17, and I don't know what 17 year olds are like where you come from...but out here, they're kind of irrational and make lot's of bad decisions, some more than others. Zimmerman was how old? I bring this up because I believe the bad decisions made that night that cost someone Martin his life were not "a wash" that makes both parties equally guilty.

By the're not discussing this matter intelligently. You're just parrotting the defense's case, and almost nobody believes the court should not have ruled the way they did. You seem to think that BOTH people made bad decisions, suggesting equal responsibility for the incident, yet you support Zimmerman. Have you discussed that contradiction with yourself?

How did you arrive at the conclusion that almost nobody believes the court ruled correctly? A jury looked at the evidence and brought back a verdict of not guilty. The Justice Department, which under Eric Holder is far from an impartial arbiter, also looked at the evidence and decided that Trayvon Martin's civil rights were not violated.

It's obvious that YOU don't think the court ruled properly but is that opinion based on the evidence of the case or your own feelings about what you think happened that night in Sanford, Florida?

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