Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

Quite frankly...after hearing the evidence of the case I understand fully why the Sanford Police Department declined to charge George Zimmerman. They looked at evidence and rightly came to the conclusion that Zimmerman was not guilty of a crime.

yeah, obviously that negro was in the wrong neighborhood, and how dare he defend himself against a creepy white man who was stalking him.

(Actually, the cops wanted to charge him and the DA said no. But never mind.)

What followed was less about justice as it was about a nation at war with itself over the issue of gun control. George Zimmerman was simply the poor sap who got caught in the middle of it.

Actually, George was a perfect example of why we NEED gun control. The man was on drugs that cause paranoia and hallucinations, he had a record of run ins with the law, and he's out there playing cop wannabe. And when he gets his ass kicked in a fight he started, his go to solution was to shoot an unarmed kid.

Now imagine if we were Japan or the UK. In those countries, a guy like George never would have been allowed to own a gun. He wouldn't have been allowed to walk around with it. He might have seen Trayvon, but he wouldn't have gotten his fat ass out of the truck to chase him because he was too much of a pussy without his gun.

A few minutes later, Trayvon would have either reached his home, or the real cops who knew what they were doing would have shown up, questioned him and sent him on his way.

Most people would have considered the latter the better result.

Except for guys like you who listen to Hate Radio all day and think "those people' need to be kept in their place.
That statistic is a KNOWN LIE. It has been debunked so many times it isn't funny. Further the Court affirmed it is an individual right separate and distinct from belonging to a militia. But on that point every male aged 17 to 46 IS part of the militia.

So we need to take guns away from anyone over 46, then? And the women? Don't let ChrisL hear you say that, she's still traumitized by finding the school nerd in her panty drawer.
Guy, the Constitution gives me the right to own a gun whether I'm in a militia or not and the guns that I do have in my homes are there because of the bad guys.

That's only the current interpretation by Tony the Big Tuna Scalia. We get someone sane on the court, it's about Militias again.

You have guns in your home because you are compensating for a tiny pecker and don't want to fix the underlying problems that cause crime. and sadly, people like you just make the world scarier for the rest of us.

I can only assume your fixation on penis size is a personal issue for you, Joey...since it has ZERO to do with the issue at hand?
Quite frankly...after hearing the evidence of the case I understand fully why the Sanford Police Department declined to charge George Zimmerman. They looked at evidence and rightly came to the conclusion that Zimmerman was not guilty of a crime.

yeah, obviously that negro was in the wrong neighborhood, and how dare he defend himself against a creepy white man who was stalking him.

(Actually, the cops wanted to charge him and the DA said no. But never mind.)

What followed was less about justice as it was about a nation at war with itself over the issue of gun control. George Zimmerman was simply the poor sap who got caught in the middle of it.

Actually, George was a perfect example of why we NEED gun control. The man was on drugs that cause paranoia and hallucinations, he had a record of run ins with the law, and he's out there playing cop wannabe. And when he gets his ass kicked in a fight he started, his go to solution was to shoot an unarmed kid.

Now imagine if we were Japan or the UK. In those countries, a guy like George never would have been allowed to own a gun. He wouldn't have been allowed to walk around with it. He might have seen Trayvon, but he wouldn't have gotten his fat ass out of the truck to chase him because he was too much of a pussy without his gun.

A few minutes later, Trayvon would have either reached his home, or the real cops who knew what they were doing would have shown up, questioned him and sent him on his way.

Most people would have considered the latter the better result.

Except for guys like you who listen to Hate Radio all day and think "those people' need to be kept in their place.

Bottom line...Trayvon Martin HAD reached the town home of his father's girlfriend. He told his friend on the phone that he was right outside of it. He then TURNED AROUND...WENT BACK TO CONFRONT ZIMMERMAN AND ATTACKED HIM!
I can only assume your fixation on penis size is a personal issue for you, Joey...since it has ZERO to do with the issue at hand?

No, I'm fine in thta area, thanks.

Although when you guys go around shooting school children it kind of worries me.

So Trayvon Martin's shooting death causes you concern about the size of my penis? Really? It's pretty obvious that you're not "fine" in that area, Joey! You're pretty damned strange actually...
Bottom line...Trayvon Martin HAD reached the town home of his father's girlfriend. He told his friend on the phone that he was right outside of it. He then TURNED AROUND...WENT BACK TO CONFRONT ZIMMERMAN AND ATTACKED HIM!

Yeah, as well he should have. Some creepy guy was following him around, maybe to do a "Gacy" on him.

Point was, Trayvon had every right to be there. Zimmerman murdered him. And frankly, if there was any doubt that night that Zimmeran wasn't a dangerous psychopath, his half dozen arrests since then should settle the question.
Bottom line...Trayvon Martin HAD reached the town home of his father's girlfriend. He told his friend on the phone that he was right outside of it. He then TURNED AROUND...WENT BACK TO CONFRONT ZIMMERMAN AND ATTACKED HIM!

Yeah, as well he should have. Some creepy guy was following him around, maybe to do a "Gacy" on him.

Point was, Trayvon had every right to be there. Zimmerman murdered him. And frankly, if there was any doubt that night that Zimmeran wasn't a dangerous psychopath, his half dozen arrests since then should settle the question.

So he's gotten away from the "creepy guy"...he's right outside the safety of the townhouse that he's staying at...yet Martin makes the decision to go BACK to confront Zimmerman who at that point is walking back to his vehicle to meet the Police at the front gate of the complex?
So Trayvon Martin's shooting death causes you concern about the size of my penis? Really? It's pretty obvious that you're not "fine" in that area, Joey! You're pretty damned strange actually...

Obvioulsy, you have reading comprehension problems AND a tiny pecker. and you're racist.

Not a pretty picture, Cleetus.

Obviously you have a serious issue trying to argue the facts of this case and have resorted to nonsense about penis size and racism.
That goes to the old lawyer's theory...if you've got the facts on your side...pound the facts! If you don't...pound the table! You're a table pounder, Joey. It's all you've got on this issue...
So he's gotten away from the "creepy guy"...he's right outside the safety of the townhouse that he's staying at...yet Martin makes the decision to go BACK to confront Zimmerman who at that point is walking back to his vehicle to meet the Police at the front gate of the complex?

One- that's only if you accept Zimmerman's version of events. You know, despite the lies about bushes and getting confused as to which of three blocks he was on in the complex.

But I know, guy. Zimmerman was living the dream of plugging scary negroes.
That goes to the old lawyer's theory...if you've got the facts on your side...pound the facts! If you don't...pound the table! You're a table pounder, Joey. It's all you've got on this issue...

The only fact that mattes. Trayvon died, Zimmerman killed him.

Zimmerman WILL kill someone else. And you'll be back her defending him, "Tiny".
Calling people racist, does not mean a person is racist, it means you aren't adult enough to discuss the matter intelligently.

I you knew my history on this case, I said let's wait until all the evidence came in. After looking at it, I believe Zimmerman was attacked and Zimmerman felt his life was in danger and used deadly force. I believe that BOTH made bad decisions that night and it cost someone their life. It wasn't racial, it wasn't political, it was a series of bad choices.

Now, you can go back to your liberal games and continue to throw, hate, race out ther because you are intelligent enough to discuss it like a real adult.
I don't disagree with anything in particular, within the second paragrah of your response.

What I often don't see in the position Zimmerman supporters take, is how maturity should factor into gun ownership, open carry, and the incident.

Martin was 17, and I don't know what 17 year olds are like where you come from...but out here, they're kind of irrational and make lot's of bad decisions, some more than others. Zimmerman was how old? I bring this up because, in my opinion, the bad decisions made that night that cost Martin his life, were not "a wash" that makes both parties equally guilty.

By the're not discussing this matter intelligently. You're just parrotting the defense's case, and almost nobody believes the court should not have ruled the way they did. You seem to think that BOTH people made bad decisions, suggesting equal responsibility for the incident, yet you support Zimmerman. Have you discussed that contradiction with yourself?

There is no contradiction, because Martin jumped Zimmerman, making him the aggressor in a physical confrontation. It then put Zimmerman in a position to defend himself, when he defended himself, he took the life of Martin.

What ticks me off about you is you jump in make moronic, statements about me being a racist, yet you have no cause to do so. So you still haven't answered my question why do you think I am a racist. Please give me specifics, just because someone has a difference of opinion does no male a person racist.
There they are...your true colors.

Discussing the matter intelligently......phffft!

Nobody saw how the fight started, but you jump to accept the defense's argument. You probably think defendents and their lawyers alwas tell the truth, right?

There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

That doesn't matter to me, as much as it should to you. Maybe you've deluded yourself about NOT being a racist too!

What matters is that Zimmerman was enough of a dolt to get himself involved ina fight he had to shoot his way out of, that could have been easilly avoided...and you support that. Is it the guns? blacks? or both?

The police came to the conclusion that Martin came back around and yes Zimmerman was a dolt.

I like how you have totally ignored my request to prove I'm a racist, that is telling of who and what you are about.
There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

I don't need to prove you're a racist. I get to think you are, and that doesn't make you one.

I can't see how anyone who claims to have objectvely weighed the evidence in the M/Z incident, accepting Zimmerman's account of how the fight started as conclusive.

Zimmerman's sin IMO, was getting out of his truck with a gun, when the cops were on the way, knowing fully well he would need to use it if he got his ass kicked and was scared.
Hey cockersucker. I'm a racist whenever a negro sucker-punches an old lady b/c the simian was "bored". Whenever a bunch of negro simians loot and burn businesses owned by innocent store owners. Whenever a negro simian thug attacks a little Korean store owner half his size after stealing from the store. Whenever a negro simian 'turns out' his ten year old cousin after he's got her addicted to heroin.
That's right asshole. I'm a racist.
So he's gotten away from the "creepy guy"...he's right outside the safety of the townhouse that he's staying at...yet Martin makes the decision to go BACK to confront Zimmerman who at that point is walking back to his vehicle to meet the Police at the front gate of the complex?

One- that's only if you accept Zimmerman's version of events. You know, despite the lies about bushes and getting confused as to which of three blocks he was on in the complex.

But I know, guy. Zimmerman was living the dream of plugging scary negroes.

Oh, you mean the bushes that you claim don't exist but are obviously there in photos taken at the scene? Are those the bushes we're talking about, Joey?

I'm going by Rachel Jeantel's version of events and the phone records of both Martin and Zimmerman. Jeantel testified that Martin told her he was right outside his father's girlfriend's townhouse after running from Zimmerman. Minutes later however he's back at where the fight took place. That was a fight instigated by Martin. He was safe at the townhouse but he wouldn't let it go. He had to go back and physically confront Zimmerman. He couldn't even let it go after knocking Zimmerman down. He had to climb on top of Zimmerman and as the eye witness described it "ground and pound" him!
That goes to the old lawyer's theory...if you've got the facts on your side...pound the facts! If you don't...pound the table! You're a table pounder, Joey. It's all you've got on this issue...

The only fact that mattes. Trayvon died, Zimmerman killed him.

Zimmerman WILL kill someone else. And you'll be back her defending him, "Tiny".

Trayvon did die. Zimmerman did kill him. Those are about the only facts that you've got right, Joey. The reason that Zimmerman shot Martin is that Martin attacked Zimmerman. That's why George Zimmerman isn't sitting in prison right now. Like it or not...if someone commits assault and battery on you and you fear for your are within your rights to use deadly force upon them.
Hey cockersucker. I'm a racist whenever a negro sucker-punches an old lady b/c the simian was "bored". Whenever a bunch of negro simians loot and burn businesses owned by innocent store owners. Whenever a negro simian thug attacks a little Korean store owner half his size after stealing from the store. Whenever a negro simian 'turns out' his ten year old cousin after he's got her addicted to heroin.
That's right asshole. I'm a racist.

Yes, yes, you are. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to getting help.
Trayvon did die. Zimmerman did kill him. Those are about the only facts that you've got right, Joey. The reason that Zimmerman shot Martin is that Martin attacked Zimmerman. That's why George Zimmerman isn't sitting in prison right now. Like it or not...if someone commits assault and battery on you and you fear for your are within your rights to use deadly force upon them.

No, the reason he's not in prison is because Florida is a racist state full of dumb crackers.

If Trayvon were White, and Zimmerman were black, he'd be getting boned up the ass in some prison right now.
I'm going by Rachel Jeantel's version of events and the phone records of both Martin and Zimmerman. Jeantel testified that Martin told her he was right outside his father's girlfriend's townhouse after running from Zimmerman. Minutes later however he's back at where the fight took place. That was a fight instigated by Martin. He was safe at the townhouse but he wouldn't let it go. He had to go back and physically confront Zimmerman. He couldn't even let it go after knocking Zimmerman down. He had to climb on top of Zimmerman and as the eye witness described it "ground and pound" him!

Or he just punched out some pussy who was stalking him, and the pussy shot him because he was a sissy.

What is the world coming to when white people can't shoot black children with impunity?
I'm going by Rachel Jeantel's version of events and the phone records of both Martin and Zimmerman. Jeantel testified that Martin told her he was right outside his father's girlfriend's townhouse after running from Zimmerman. Minutes later however he's back at where the fight took place. That was a fight instigated by Martin. He was safe at the townhouse but he wouldn't let it go. He had to go back and physically confront Zimmerman. He couldn't even let it go after knocking Zimmerman down. He had to climb on top of Zimmerman and as the eye witness described it "ground and pound" him!

Or he just punched out some pussy who was stalking him, and the pussy shot him because he was a sissy.

What is the world coming to when white people can't shoot black children with impunity?

So let me get this straight...if someone follows "Joey Land" that's a valid reason to punch them out? Really, Joey?

I have no doubt that George Zimmerman IS a pussy! The instructor at the martial arts school that Zimmerman attended wouldn't let George spar even after he'd been taking classes for over a year because the instructor feared Zimmerman would get hurt. That's the guy that Trayvon Martin was giving a beating to that night...a total pussy! So tell me why it was that Martin gets to leave the safety of the home he was staying at...walk all the way back to where Zimmerman was...pick a fight with him...knock him to the ground...get on top of him and practice his MMA ground and pound techniques? All this with a guy who you refer to as a "sissy" and a "pussy"?

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