Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

So you've now admitted that George Zimmerman WAS a pussy and that he WAS getting an "ass-kicking"? So Trayvon Martin deliberately went out of his way to initiate a fight with someone who was not a fighter and was in the process of beating him senseless when Zimmerman managed to pull his gun and shoot? Yet you accuse jurors of being racist "Crackers" because they returned the only verdict that they could have given the evidence?

Yeah, well, your Hero Zimmerman was used to SLAPPING WOMEN AROUND, so no doubt having to get into a fight with another male was a new thing for him. But it's a good think a jury of racist crackers found him innocent. Oh, what dark times we live in when white men can't shoot black children win impunity

Why do you think I view George Zimmerman as a "hero"? I view him as a pawn...a little nothing of a man who became a symbol to people like yourself who demanded that he be put in prison for the rest of his life simply because he used a gun to defend himself.

Your problem, Joey is that you want to denigrate Zimmerman by calling him a pussy but all you've done when you make that to underscore that Zimmerman wasn't a threat to Trayvon Martin until Martin attacked him.
So you've now admitted that George Zimmerman WAS a pussy and that he WAS getting an "ass-kicking"? So Trayvon Martin deliberately went out of his way to initiate a fight with someone who was not a fighter and was in the process of beating him senseless when Zimmerman managed to pull his gun and shoot? Yet you accuse jurors of being racist "Crackers" because they returned the only verdict that they could have given the evidence?

Yeah, well, your Hero Zimmerman was used to SLAPPING WOMEN AROUND, so no doubt having to get into a fight with another male was a new thing for him. But it's a good think a jury of racist crackers found him innocent. Oh, what dark times we live in when white men can't shoot black children win impunity
You realize the Jury was not all white, right?
So basically you want to take away the right to self defense. Think of me for a moment, a very petite woman at 5'1" and probably about 105 pounds. If a man breaks into my home with intent to harm me, you want to take away MY RIGHT to defend myself against an attacker that would be almost twice the size and weight of me. That is sick, dude, really sick.

The chances of that every happening are so nil that they barely register.

Again, there were only 200 cases in any given year of a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy. - I.e. murders that were ruled "Self-Defense". meanwhile, we have 11,000 homicides, 19,000 suicides and 1000 accidental deaths every year with guns. Why? Because if that bad guy is really determined to get you, he's going to get you whether you have a gun or not.

We have lots of cases of women being shot with the guns they bought for protection. We have the case where the 2 year old shot his mother when he pulled the gun out of her purse.

we have the case of the woman who was shot by her violent husband. He just waited for her to go to sleep, pulled our her pretty pink gun and shot her ass in bed.

Having a Gun in the House Doesn t Make a Woman Safer - The Atlantic

And there was the woman who confronted a bad guy with her gun, and ended up getting wounded when she struggled with the man.

Swannanoa woman shot with own gun defending her home

Oh, and let's not forget Nancy Lanza. She had enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, but her own son killed her and then went off to kill 26 other people.

Guns don't make you safer.

Guns do make women like me safer. What a ridiculous comment. How else would I fight off a 6 foot tall man who weighs twice as much as me? What would YOU suggest?

Also, you're talking about accidents which are less than 0.1% of all accidents that occur. Also, you are making a big thing about something that happens 0.1% of the time, yet minimizing rape which happens probably 5 times as many times as an accidental death due to a firearm. Do you SEE that?

Instances of rape, a crime from which you think women should be defenseless.


In a study conducted by the Department of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers interviewed 8,000 women and 8,000 men. Using a definition of rape that includes forced vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse, the survey found that 1 in 6 women had experienced an attempted rape or a completed rape.

At the time they were raped:

22% were under the age of twelve
54% were under the age of eighteen
83% were under the age of twenty-five

In the same study, 1 in 33 men had experienced a sexual assault.

Instances of firearm accidents . . .

Fact: In 2007, there were only 54 accidental gun deaths for children under age 13. About 12 times as many children died from drowning during the same period. 2

Fact: In 2007, there were 999 drowning victims and 137 firearm-related accidental deaths in age groups 1 through 19. This despite the fact that firearms outnumber pools by a factor of more than 30:1. Thus, the risk of drowning in a pool is nearly 100 times higher than dying from a firearm-related accident for everyone, and nearly 500 times for children ages 0-5. 3
So basically you want to take away the right to self defense. Think of me for a moment, a very petite woman at 5'1" and probably about 105 pounds. If a man breaks into my home with intent to harm me, you want to take away MY RIGHT to defend myself against an attacker that would be almost twice the size and weight of me. That is sick, dude, really sick.

The chances of that every happening are so nil that they barely register.

Again, there were only 200 cases in any given year of a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy. - I.e. murders that were ruled "Self-Defense". meanwhile, we have 11,000 homicides, 19,000 suicides and 1000 accidental deaths every year with guns. Why? Because if that bad guy is really determined to get you, he's going to get you whether you have a gun or not.

We have lots of cases of women being shot with the guns they bought for protection. We have the case where the 2 year old shot his mother when he pulled the gun out of her purse.

we have the case of the woman who was shot by her violent husband. He just waited for her to go to sleep, pulled our her pretty pink gun and shot her ass in bed.

Having a Gun in the House Doesn t Make a Woman Safer - The Atlantic

And there was the woman who confronted a bad guy with her gun, and ended up getting wounded when she struggled with the man.

Swannanoa woman shot with own gun defending her home

Oh, and let's not forget Nancy Lanza. She had enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, but her own son killed her and then went off to kill 26 other people.

Guns don't make you safer.

Guns do make women like me safer. What a ridiculous comment. How else would I fight off a 6 foot tall man who weighs twice as much as me? What would YOU suggest?

Also, you're talking about accidents which are less than 0.1% of all accidents that occur. Also, you are making a big thing about something that happens 0.1% of the time, yet minimizing rape which happens probably 5 times as many times as an accidental death due to a firearm. Do you SEE that?

Joey operates under the naive belief that if we all cower in our homes and take our beatings stoically when we do go out in the big bad world that everything will be fine.

I carry a concealed weapon because I grasp that true evil does exist and that the police don't prevent innocent people from being hurt as much as they (sometimes) punish those evil people who hurt the innocent. I understand that I'm the person most responsible for my own safety and the safety of my loved ones. I don't want to hurt anyone else but I'll be damned if I allow someone I love be killed or maimed to satisfy Joey's notion of "justice".
So basically you want to take away the right to self defense. Think of me for a moment, a very petite woman at 5'1" and probably about 105 pounds. If a man breaks into my home with intent to harm me, you want to take away MY RIGHT to defend myself against an attacker that would be almost twice the size and weight of me. That is sick, dude, really sick.

The chances of that every happening are so nil that they barely register.

Again, there were only 200 cases in any given year of a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy. - I.e. murders that were ruled "Self-Defense". meanwhile, we have 11,000 homicides, 19,000 suicides and 1000 accidental deaths every year with guns. Why? Because if that bad guy is really determined to get you, he's going to get you whether you have a gun or not.

We have lots of cases of women being shot with the guns they bought for protection. We have the case where the 2 year old shot his mother when he pulled the gun out of her purse.

we have the case of the woman who was shot by her violent husband. He just waited for her to go to sleep, pulled our her pretty pink gun and shot her ass in bed.

Having a Gun in the House Doesn t Make a Woman Safer - The Atlantic

And there was the woman who confronted a bad guy with her gun, and ended up getting wounded when she struggled with the man.

Swannanoa woman shot with own gun defending her home

Oh, and let's not forget Nancy Lanza. She had enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, but her own son killed her and then went off to kill 26 other people.

Guns don't make you safer.

Guns do make women like me safer. What a ridiculous comment. How else would I fight off a 6 foot tall man who weighs twice as much as me? What would YOU suggest?

Also, you're talking about accidents which are less than 0.1% of all accidents that occur. Also, you are making a big thing about something that happens 0.1% of the time, yet minimizing rape which happens probably 5 times as many times as an accidental death due to a firearm. Do you SEE that?

Joey operates under the naive belief that if we all cower in our homes and take our beatings stoically when we do go out in the big bad world that everything will be fine.

I carry a concealed weapon because I grasp that true evil does exist and that the police don't prevent innocent people from being hurt as much as they (sometimes) punish those evil people who hurt the innocent. I understand that I'm the person most responsible for my own safety and the safety of my loved ones. I don't want to hurt anyone else but I'll be damned if I allow someone I love be killed or maimed to satisfy Joey's notion of "justice".

I just find it completely hypocritical that he is concerned about gun accidents (which are relatively rare, percentage wise), and at the same time tries to minimize rape which happens MUCH more frequently!!! That is really bogus!
Why do you think I view George Zimmerman as a "hero"? I view him as a pawn...a little nothing of a man who became a symbol to people like yourself who demanded that he be put in prison for the rest of his life simply because he used a gun to defend himself.

Your problem, Joey is that you want to denigrate Zimmerman by calling him a pussy but all you've done when you make that to underscore that Zimmerman wasn't a threat to Trayvon Martin until Martin attacked him.

No, he should have been put in jail for the rest of his life because he shot an unarmed child.

I'm sorry you don't get this. Or that we live in a society that doesn't value the lives of black children.
Joey operates under the naive belief that if we all cower in our homes and take our beatings stoically when we do go out in the big bad world that everything will be fine.

I carry a concealed weapon because I grasp that true evil does exist and that the police don't prevent innocent people from being hurt as much as they (sometimes) punish those evil people who hurt the innocent. I understand that I'm the person most responsible for my own safety and the safety of my loved ones. I don't want to hurt anyone else but I'll be damned if I allow someone I love be killed or maimed to satisfy Joey's notion of "justice".

No, you carry a gun to compensate for a tiny dick. The fact is, that gun is a greater danger to your family than any bad guy.

The rest of the industrialized world has no guns. They don't have anywhere near our crime rates.

If guns and prisons made us safer, then why are people like you so scared all the time.
I just find it completely hypocritical that he is concerned about gun accidents (which are relatively rare, percentage wise), and at the same time tries to minimize rape which happens MUCH more frequently!!! That is really bogus!

actually, gun accidents happen a lot more often than a woman scaring off a rapist with a gun.
Instances of rape, a crime from which you think women should be defenseless.


In a study conducted by the Department of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers interviewed 8,000 women and 8,000 men. Using a definition of rape that includes forced vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse, the survey found that 1 in 6 women had experienced an attempted rape or a completed rape.

At the time they were raped:

22% were under the age of twelve
54% were under the age of eighteen
83% were under the age of twenty-five

In the same study, 1 in 33 men had experienced a sexual assault.

Look, I realize that you are still traumatized that the school nerd got into your panty drawer once, but you really need to get over it. Guns don't make you any safer from rape. If you want to use those statistics, the fact is, most women who are raped are raped by men they know. So guns don't really do a lot of good in those cases.

Like I said, I've known three people who had family member killed with that gun that was bought for protection. One of them happened a mere 50 feet from where I am sitting right now.

The gun industry is selling you a lie.
Instances of rape, a crime from which you think women should be defenseless.


In a study conducted by the Department of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, researchers interviewed 8,000 women and 8,000 men. Using a definition of rape that includes forced vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse, the survey found that 1 in 6 women had experienced an attempted rape or a completed rape.

At the time they were raped:

22% were under the age of twelve
54% were under the age of eighteen
83% were under the age of twenty-five

In the same study, 1 in 33 men had experienced a sexual assault.

Look, I realize that you are still traumatized that the school nerd got into your panty drawer once, but you really need to get over it. Guns don't make you any safer from rape. If you want to use those statistics, the fact is, most women who are raped are raped by men they know. So guns don't really do a lot of good in those cases.

Like I said, I've known three people who had family member killed with that gun that was bought for protection. One of them happened a mere 50 feet from where I am sitting right now.

The gun industry is selling you a lie.

You are just wrong statistically speaking. You have a much better chance of being raped or sexually assaulted by a stranger than you do being accidentally shot by a gun.
I just find it completely hypocritical that he is concerned about gun accidents (which are relatively rare, percentage wise), and at the same time tries to minimize rape which happens MUCH more frequently!!! That is really bogus!

actually, gun accidents happen a lot more often than a woman scaring off a rapist with a gun.

Links? If you think I'm just going to believe your made up statistics, then you've got another thing coming.
Joey operates under the naive belief that if we all cower in our homes and take our beatings stoically when we do go out in the big bad world that everything will be fine.

I carry a concealed weapon because I grasp that true evil does exist and that the police don't prevent innocent people from being hurt as much as they (sometimes) punish those evil people who hurt the innocent. I understand that I'm the person most responsible for my own safety and the safety of my loved ones. I don't want to hurt anyone else but I'll be damned if I allow someone I love be killed or maimed to satisfy Joey's notion of "justice".

No, you carry a gun to compensate for a tiny dick. The fact is, that gun is a greater danger to your family than any bad guy.

The rest of the industrialized world has no guns. They don't have anywhere near our crime rates.

If guns and prisons made us safer, then why are people like you so scared all the time.

What a stupid comment. Old too.
I just find it completely hypocritical that he is concerned about gun accidents (which are relatively rare, percentage wise), and at the same time tries to minimize rape which happens MUCH more frequently!!! That is really bogus!

actually, gun accidents happen a lot more often than a woman scaring off a rapist with a gun.
No they don't. assuming half the population are women that means there are 160 million of them one 6th of that is over 30 million.Yet less than a thousand people die a year due to firearms accidents.
It was a citizen defending himself against a vicious criminal attack.
Funny thing, a Taurus 9 mm can defend black people against criminals TOO.
Personally, I am all for honest, law-abiding black folk in the inner city owning and carrying concealed firearms to protect themselves and their loved ones against the criminals.

32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries a year.

Guns are not the solution, they are the problem.

Guns in the hands of criminals are a problem.
How many of those gun-deaths are from legal guns in the hands of honest, law-abiding citizens (self-defense)?
How many of those gun-deaths are black on black crime?
What are liberals proposing, to get the illegal guns outta the hands of the criminals?
Seems to me that the NYC police was taking illegal guns outta the hands of criminals, thereby saving black lives, UNTIL liberals put a stop to the program.
NOW, what was that plan of yours that would take the illegal guns outta the criminals hands??????
It was a citizen defending himself against a vicious criminal attack.
Funny thing, a Taurus 9 mm can defend black people against criminals TOO.
Personally, I am all for honest, law-abiding black folk in the inner city owning and carrying concealed firearms to protect themselves and their loved ones against the criminals.

32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries a year.

Guns are not the solution, they are the problem.

Guns in the hands of criminals are a problem.
How many of those gun-deaths are from legal guns in the hands of honest, law-abiding citizens (self-defense)?
How many of those gun-deaths are black on black crime?
What are liberals proposing, to get the illegal guns outta the hands of the criminals?
Seems to me that the NYC police was taking illegal guns outta the hands of criminals, thereby saving black lives, UNTIL liberals put a stop to the program.
NOW, what was that plan of yours that would take the illegal guns outta the criminals hands??????

As if criminals are going to obey laws anyway. :lol: That's another point that they completely ignore.
Why do you think I view George Zimmerman as a "hero"? I view him as a pawn...a little nothing of a man who became a symbol to people like yourself who demanded that he be put in prison for the rest of his life simply because he used a gun to defend himself.

Your problem, Joey is that you want to denigrate Zimmerman by calling him a pussy but all you've done when you make that to underscore that Zimmerman wasn't a threat to Trayvon Martin until Martin attacked him.

No, he should have been put in jail for the rest of his life because he shot an unarmed child.

I'm sorry you don't get this. Or that we live in a society that doesn't value the lives of black children.

Oh, can refer to Trayvon Martin as a "child" a thousand times, Joey and it won't change who he was and what he did that night! Your "child" attacked someone...knocked them down on the ground...climbed on top of them and started slamming their head against the ground.
Trayvon Martin is pictured in this February 18 2012 photo taken at ...

I'm sorry but that isn't a "child"...
Joey operates under the naive belief that if we all cower in our homes and take our beatings stoically when we do go out in the big bad world that everything will be fine.

I carry a concealed weapon because I grasp that true evil does exist and that the police don't prevent innocent people from being hurt as much as they (sometimes) punish those evil people who hurt the innocent. I understand that I'm the person most responsible for my own safety and the safety of my loved ones. I don't want to hurt anyone else but I'll be damned if I allow someone I love be killed or maimed to satisfy Joey's notion of "justice".

No, you carry a gun to compensate for a tiny dick. The fact is, that gun is a greater danger to your family than any bad guy.

The rest of the industrialized world has no guns. They don't have anywhere near our crime rates.

If guns and prisons made us safer, then why are people like you so scared all the time.

Still obsessing over penis size, Joey? Are you SURE you don't want to tell us something?
So basically you want to take away the right to self defense. Think of me for a moment, a very petite woman at 5'1" and probably about 105 pounds. If a man breaks into my home with intent to harm me, you want to take away MY RIGHT to defend myself against an attacker that would be almost twice the size and weight of me. That is sick, dude, really sick.

The chances of that every happening are so nil that they barely register.

Again, there were only 200 cases in any given year of a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy. - I.e. murders that were ruled "Self-Defense". meanwhile, we have 11,000 homicides, 19,000 suicides and 1000 accidental deaths every year with guns. Why? Because if that bad guy is really determined to get you, he's going to get you whether you have a gun or not.

We have lots of cases of women being shot with the guns they bought for protection. We have the case where the 2 year old shot his mother when he pulled the gun out of her purse.

we have the case of the woman who was shot by her violent husband. He just waited for her to go to sleep, pulled our her pretty pink gun and shot her ass in bed.

Having a Gun in the House Doesn t Make a Woman Safer - The Atlantic

And there was the woman who confronted a bad guy with her gun, and ended up getting wounded when she struggled with the man.

Swannanoa woman shot with own gun defending her home

Oh, and let's not forget Nancy Lanza. She had enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, but her own son killed her and then went off to kill 26 other people.

Guns don't make you safer.

Guns do make women like me safer. What a ridiculous comment. How else would I fight off a 6 foot tall man who weighs twice as much as me? What would YOU suggest?

Also, you're talking about accidents which are less than 0.1% of all accidents that occur. Also, you are making a big thing about something that happens 0.1% of the time, yet minimizing rape which happens probably 5 times as many times as an accidental death due to a firearm. Do you SEE that?

Joey operates under the naive belief that if we all cower in our homes and take our beatings stoically when we do go out in the big bad world that everything will be fine.

I carry a concealed weapon because I grasp that true evil does exist and that the police don't prevent innocent people from being hurt as much as they (sometimes) punish those evil people who hurt the innocent. I understand that I'm the person most responsible for my own safety and the safety of my loved ones. I don't want to hurt anyone else but I'll be damned if I allow someone I love be killed or maimed to satisfy Joey's notion of "justice".

I just find it completely hypocritical that he is concerned about gun accidents (which are relatively rare, percentage wise), and at the same time tries to minimize rape which happens MUCH more frequently!!! That is really bogus!

Gee, do you think Joey might feel differently if it were men who were usually the victims of rape? I have a feeling he might not find it so trivial. Of course with his fixation on penis size and prison sex that might be right up his alley...just saying...:dance::dance::dance:
So basically you want to take away the right to self defense. Think of me for a moment, a very petite woman at 5'1" and probably about 105 pounds. If a man breaks into my home with intent to harm me, you want to take away MY RIGHT to defend myself against an attacker that would be almost twice the size and weight of me. That is sick, dude, really sick.

The chances of that every happening are so nil that they barely register.

Again, there were only 200 cases in any given year of a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy. - I.e. murders that were ruled "Self-Defense". meanwhile, we have 11,000 homicides, 19,000 suicides and 1000 accidental deaths every year with guns. Why? Because if that bad guy is really determined to get you, he's going to get you whether you have a gun or not.

We have lots of cases of women being shot with the guns they bought for protection. We have the case where the 2 year old shot his mother when he pulled the gun out of her purse.

we have the case of the woman who was shot by her violent husband. He just waited for her to go to sleep, pulled our her pretty pink gun and shot her ass in bed.

Having a Gun in the House Doesn t Make a Woman Safer - The Atlantic

And there was the woman who confronted a bad guy with her gun, and ended up getting wounded when she struggled with the man.

Swannanoa woman shot with own gun defending her home

Oh, and let's not forget Nancy Lanza. She had enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, but her own son killed her and then went off to kill 26 other people.

Guns don't make you safer.

Guns do make women like me safer. What a ridiculous comment. How else would I fight off a 6 foot tall man who weighs twice as much as me? What would YOU suggest?

Also, you're talking about accidents which are less than 0.1% of all accidents that occur. Also, you are making a big thing about something that happens 0.1% of the time, yet minimizing rape which happens probably 5 times as many times as an accidental death due to a firearm. Do you SEE that?

Joey operates under the naive belief that if we all cower in our homes and take our beatings stoically when we do go out in the big bad world that everything will be fine.

I carry a concealed weapon because I grasp that true evil does exist and that the police don't prevent innocent people from being hurt as much as they (sometimes) punish those evil people who hurt the innocent. I understand that I'm the person most responsible for my own safety and the safety of my loved ones. I don't want to hurt anyone else but I'll be damned if I allow someone I love be killed or maimed to satisfy Joey's notion of "justice".

I just find it completely hypocritical that he is concerned about gun accidents (which are relatively rare, percentage wise), and at the same time tries to minimize rape which happens MUCH more frequently!!! That is really bogus!

Gee, do you think Joey might feel differently if it were men who were usually the victims of rape? I have a feeling he might not find it so trivial. Of course with his fixation on penis size and prison sex that might be right up his alley...just saying...:dance::dance::dance:

It is annoying that he keeps saying things like, oh you don't have to worry about being attacked, but you do have to worry about accidentally killing yourself with a firearm. :rolleyes-41: That is ridiculous. Most gun accidents occur because of irresponsibility or freak accidents.

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