Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

Trayvon did die. Zimmerman did kill him. Those are about the only facts that you've got right, Joey. The reason that Zimmerman shot Martin is that Martin attacked Zimmerman. That's why George Zimmerman isn't sitting in prison right now. Like it or not...if someone commits assault and battery on you and you fear for your are within your rights to use deadly force upon them.

No, the reason he's not in prison is because Florida is a racist state full of dumb crackers.

If Trayvon were White, and Zimmerman were black, he'd be getting boned up the ass in some prison right now.

You seem to have a "thing" about dicks, sissies, and prison sex, there something about yourself that you want to share with us?
There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

Yiou Zimmerman supporters like to hang your hats on unemotional physical evidence and objective determinations......

But believing Zimmerman's story about who started the fight is a complete leap of faith.

The jury based their verdict on the evidence. After the trial, several were interviewed and said they had "no doubt" that it was self defense. The law doesn't recognize beating somebody to death as an act of self defense, but it does recognize shooting such a person as self defense.
Trayvon did die. Zimmerman did kill him. Those are about the only facts that you've got right, Joey. The reason that Zimmerman shot Martin is that Martin attacked Zimmerman. That's why George Zimmerman isn't sitting in prison right now. Like it or not...if someone commits assault and battery on you and you fear for your are within your rights to use deadly force upon them.

No, the reason he's not in prison is because Florida is a racist state full of dumb crackers.

If Trayvon were White, and Zimmerman were black, he'd be getting boned up the ass in some prison right now.

You seem to have a "thing" about dicks, sissies, and prison sex, there something about yourself that you want to share with us?

Oh you people are talking to an asswipe I ignored long ago. With his fascination with penises, I thought he should have a room to himself to play with himself.
So let me get this straight...if someone follows "Joey Land" that's a valid reason to punch them out? Really, Joey?

at night. When you've made several attempt to evade them? And they are following you to your house? Um. Yeah. that's actualy a pretty reasonable response.

I have no doubt that George Zimmerman IS a pussy! The instructor at the martial arts school that Zimmerman attended wouldn't let George spar even after he'd been taking classes for over a year because the instructor feared Zimmerman would get hurt. That's the guy that Trayvon Martin was giving a beating to that night...a total pussy! So tell me why it was that Martin gets to leave the safety of the home he was staying at...walk all the way back to where Zimmerman was...pick a fight with him...knock him to the ground...get on top of him and practice his MMA ground and pound techniques? All this with a guy who you refer to as a "sissy" and a "pussy"?

Again, the guy shouldn't have been stalking the kid. But shooting someone dead because you are losing a fight is not a good option. You should take your ass-kicking like a man.
So let me get this straight...if someone follows "Joey Land" that's a valid reason to punch them out? Really, Joey?

at night. When you've made several attempt to evade them? And they are following you to your house? Um. Yeah. that's actualy a pretty reasonable response.

I have no doubt that George Zimmerman IS a pussy! The instructor at the martial arts school that Zimmerman attended wouldn't let George spar even after he'd been taking classes for over a year because the instructor feared Zimmerman would get hurt. That's the guy that Trayvon Martin was giving a beating to that night...a total pussy! So tell me why it was that Martin gets to leave the safety of the home he was staying at...walk all the way back to where Zimmerman was...pick a fight with him...knock him to the ground...get on top of him and practice his MMA ground and pound techniques? All this with a guy who you refer to as a "sissy" and a "pussy"?

Again, the guy shouldn't have been stalking the kid. But shooting someone dead because you are losing a fight is not a good option. You should take your ass-kicking like a man.

Prior to the fight taking place, Martin tells Rachel Jeantel that he's right outside of the townhouse he's staying at. George Zimmerman is nowhere near that location! Zimmerman went straight when he attempted to follow Trayvon around behind the row of buildings...while Martin had gone to the right. At that point it's no longer Zimmerman "stalking"'s Martin "stalking" Zimmerman! Martin leaves the safety of his Dad's girlfriend's residence, walks BACK to confront Zimmerman who has given up the pursuit and has told the Police that he will meet them back by the front gate of the complex.

So you've now admitted that George Zimmerman WAS a pussy and that he WAS getting an "ass-kicking"? So Trayvon Martin deliberately went out of his way to initiate a fight with someone who was not a fighter and was in the process of beating him senseless when Zimmerman managed to pull his gun and shoot? Yet you accuse jurors of being racist "Crackers" because they returned the only verdict that they could have given the evidence?

To be quite blunt, Joey...YOU'RE AN IDIOT!
There they are...your true colors.

Discussing the matter intelligently......phffft!

Nobody saw how the fight started, but you jump to accept the defense's argument. You probably think defendents and their lawyers alwas tell the truth, right?

There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

That doesn't matter to me, as much as it should to you. Maybe you've deluded yourself about NOT being a racist too!

What matters is that Zimmerman was enough of a dolt to get himself involved ina fight he had to shoot his way out of, that could have been easilly avoided...and you support that. Is it the guns? blacks? or both?

The police came to the conclusion that Martin came back around and yes Zimmerman was a dolt.

I like how you have totally ignored my request to prove I'm a racist, that is telling of who and what you are about.
There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

I don't need to prove you're a racist. I get to think you are, and that doesn't make you one.

I can't see how anyone who claims to have objectvely weighed the evidence in the M/Z incident, accepting Zimmerman's account of how the fight started as conclusive.

Zimmerman's sin IMO, was getting out of his truck with a gun, when the cops were on the way, knowing fully well he would need to use it if he got his ass kicked and was scared.

Fair enough, I wouldn't think a racist such as yourself would say anything different.
I don't think any races are superior or inferior to others. If it helps you to think I am a racist, go ahead. The only people bothered by being called racists usually are, and probably aren't willing to face that fact.

That idea of race is anthropologically unsound. There are simply people who have generalized cultural resentments based on cultural practices that bother them. If white nationalists can be categorized as a culture, I have cultural resentments towards any of them I've met, or interacted with, so far. If you have generalized cultural resentments towards the cultural practices that many blacks display, that doesn't make you a racist, but at the least a bigot if you think they're incapable of acting any differently. I can't think white nationalists are all idiots, because I haven't interacted with them all, but I'd love to meet a rational one some day. I have never met a white nationalist that doesn't support the idea that blacks are incapable of acting in ways they would approve of, and they're highly resentful.

You are a Zimmerman supporter, and IMO you are guilty until proven innocent. I can't prove otherwise, and I might think you weren't, if you'd convince me of that, and we'd have to meet to do that, and that will not happen. So enjoy the fact that it doesn't matter if I think you're a racist, because if you're not, it shouldn't bother you

I agree, all races are the same, good and bad in all races, no one is better than the other. Racist like you think are just around to stir things up.
I don't think any races are superior or inferior to others. If it helps you to think I am a racist, go ahead. The only people bothered by being called racists usually are, and probably aren't willing to face that fact.

Funny how we agree that no one race is superior or inferior to others, yet you're still angry.

Think about what part of your psyche is threatened enough to cause you to lash out, or what type of denial might be in play.
I don't disagree with anything in particular, within the second paragrah of your response.

What I often don't see in the position Zimmerman supporters take, is how maturity should factor into gun ownership, open carry, and the incident.

Martin was 17, and I don't know what 17 year olds are like where you come from...but out here, they're kind of irrational and make lot's of bad decisions, some more than others. Zimmerman was how old? I bring this up because, in my opinion, the bad decisions made that night that cost Martin his life, were not "a wash" that makes both parties equally guilty.

By the're not discussing this matter intelligently. You're just parrotting the defense's case, and almost nobody believes the court should not have ruled the way they did. You seem to think that BOTH people made bad decisions, suggesting equal responsibility for the incident, yet you support Zimmerman. Have you discussed that contradiction with yourself?

There is no contradiction, because Martin jumped Zimmerman, making him the aggressor in a physical confrontation. It then put Zimmerman in a position to defend himself, when he defended himself, he took the life of Martin.

What ticks me off about you is you jump in make moronic, statements about me being a racist, yet you have no cause to do so. So you still haven't answered my question why do you think I am a racist. Please give me specifics, just because someone has a difference of opinion does no male a person racist.
There they are...your true colors.

Discussing the matter intelligently......phffft!

Nobody saw how the fight started, but you jump to accept the defense's argument. You probably think defendents and their lawyers alwas tell the truth, right?

There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

That doesn't matter to me, as much as it should to you. Maybe you've deluded yourself about NOT being a racist too!

What matters is that Zimmerman was enough of a dolt to get himself involved ina fight he had to shoot his way out of, that could have been easilly avoided...and you support that. Is it the guns? blacks? or both?

The police came to the conclusion that Martin came back around and yes Zimmerman was a dolt.

I like how you have totally ignored my request to prove I'm a racist, that is telling of who and what you are about.
There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

I don't need to prove you're a racist. I get to think you are, and that doesn't make you one.

I can't see how anyone who claims to have objectvely weighed the evidence in the M/Z incident, accepting Zimmerman's account of how the fight started as conclusive.

Zimmerman's sin IMO, was getting out of his truck with a gun, when the cops were on the way, knowing fully well he would need to use it if he got his ass kicked and was scared.
Hey cockersucker. I'm a racist whenever a negro sucker-punches an old lady b/c the simian was "bored". Whenever a bunch of negro simians loot and burn businesses owned by innocent store owners. Whenever a negro simian thug attacks a little Korean store owner half his size after stealing from the store. Whenever a negro simian 'turns out' his ten year old cousin after he's got her addicted to heroin.
That's right asshole. I'm a racist.
I wish Papageorgio could be honest like you are.

If I were capable of having respect for either of you, I would have more for you, because you're not trying to soft sell yourself. But since I can't find any reason to respect your words, or his, I guess it doesn't really matter.
There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

Yiou Zimmerman supporters like to hang your hats on unemotional physical evidence and objective determinations......

But believing Zimmerman's story about who started the fight is a complete leap of faith.

The jury based their verdict on the evidence. After the trial, several were interviewed and said they had "no doubt" that it was self defense. The law doesn't recognize beating somebody to death as an act of self defense, but it does recognize shooting such a person as self defense.
Because Martin was dead, and the defense capitalized on the fact that witnesses were only able to put together parts of the incident, there was no conclusive evidence or testimony offered to support that Zimmerman killed Martin intentionally, so the court didn't find him guilty.”

There are 4 types of people when it comes to opinions on the verdict of this trial

1. People who support the verdict, and accept Zimmerman's testimony as accurate, and believe in his actions were justified.

2. People who support the verdict, and feel further examination is futile

3. People who accept the verdict, and think Zimmerman's irresponsible actions caused the death of Martin.

4. People who reject the verdict, and think Zimmerman got away with murder.

I'm a 3.

There are very few 4's out three

You seem like a 2. Correct me if I'm wrong
There is no contradiction, because Martin jumped Zimmerman, making him the aggressor in a physical confrontation. It then put Zimmerman in a position to defend himself, when he defended himself, he took the life of Martin.

What ticks me off about you is you jump in make moronic, statements about me being a racist, yet you have no cause to do so. So you still haven't answered my question why do you think I am a racist. Please give me specifics, just because someone has a difference of opinion does no male a person racist.
There they are...your true colors.

Discussing the matter intelligently......phffft!

Nobody saw how the fight started, but you jump to accept the defense's argument. You probably think defendents and their lawyers alwas tell the truth, right?

There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

That doesn't matter to me, as much as it should to you. Maybe you've deluded yourself about NOT being a racist too!

What matters is that Zimmerman was enough of a dolt to get himself involved ina fight he had to shoot his way out of, that could have been easilly avoided...and you support that. Is it the guns? blacks? or both?

The police came to the conclusion that Martin came back around and yes Zimmerman was a dolt.

I like how you have totally ignored my request to prove I'm a racist, that is telling of who and what you are about.
There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

I don't need to prove you're a racist. I get to think you are, and that doesn't make you one.

I can't see how anyone who claims to have objectvely weighed the evidence in the M/Z incident, accepting Zimmerman's account of how the fight started as conclusive.

Zimmerman's sin IMO, was getting out of his truck with a gun, when the cops were on the way, knowing fully well he would need to use it if he got his ass kicked and was scared.
Hey cockersucker. I'm a racist whenever a negro sucker-punches an old lady b/c the simian was "bored". Whenever a bunch of negro simians loot and burn businesses owned by innocent store owners. Whenever a negro simian thug attacks a little Korean store owner half his size after stealing from the store. Whenever a negro simian 'turns out' his ten year old cousin after he's got her addicted to heroin.
That's right asshole. I'm a racist.
I wish Papageorgio could be honest like you are.

If I were capable of having respect for either of you, I would have more for you, because you're not trying to soft sell yourself. But since I can't find any reason to respect your words, or his, I guess it doesn't really matter.

Lol! A racist such as yourself calling someone else racist. Classic move.

You might try to be honest yourself, oh wait, that won't happen.
Wouldn't think civilians can violate another civilian's civil rights. Not acting as agents or official government personnel.
There they are...your true colors.

Discussing the matter intelligently......phffft!

Nobody saw how the fight started, but you jump to accept the defense's argument. You probably think defendents and their lawyers alwas tell the truth, right?

There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

That doesn't matter to me, as much as it should to you. Maybe you've deluded yourself about NOT being a racist too!

What matters is that Zimmerman was enough of a dolt to get himself involved ina fight he had to shoot his way out of, that could have been easilly avoided...and you support that. Is it the guns? blacks? or both?

The police came to the conclusion that Martin came back around and yes Zimmerman was a dolt.

I like how you have totally ignored my request to prove I'm a racist, that is telling of who and what you are about.
There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

I don't need to prove you're a racist. I get to think you are, and that doesn't make you one.

I can't see how anyone who claims to have objectvely weighed the evidence in the M/Z incident, accepting Zimmerman's account of how the fight started as conclusive.

Zimmerman's sin IMO, was getting out of his truck with a gun, when the cops were on the way, knowing fully well he would need to use it if he got his ass kicked and was scared.
Hey cockersucker. I'm a racist whenever a negro sucker-punches an old lady b/c the simian was "bored". Whenever a bunch of negro simians loot and burn businesses owned by innocent store owners. Whenever a negro simian thug attacks a little Korean store owner half his size after stealing from the store. Whenever a negro simian 'turns out' his ten year old cousin after he's got her addicted to heroin.
That's right asshole. I'm a racist.
I wish Papageorgio could be honest like you are.

If I were capable of having respect for either of you, I would have more for you, because you're not trying to soft sell yourself. But since I can't find any reason to respect your words, or his, I guess it doesn't really matter.

Lol! A racist such as yourself calling someone else racist. Classic move.

You might try to be honest yourself, oh wait, that won't happen.
I don't believe you're actually laughing out loud. I think you're quite resentful and angry.

I don't think any races are superior or inferior to others. If it helps you to think I am a racist, go ahead. The only people bothered by being called racists usually are, and probably aren't willing to face that fact.

Think about what part of your psyche is threatened enough to cause you to lash out, or what type of denial might be in play.
The police came to the conclusion that Martin came back around and yes Zimmerman was a dolt.

I like how you have totally ignored my request to prove I'm a racist, that is telling of who and what you are about.
There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

I don't need to prove you're a racist. I get to think you are, and that doesn't make you one.

I can't see how anyone who claims to have objectvely weighed the evidence in the M/Z incident, accepting Zimmerman's account of how the fight started as conclusive.

Zimmerman's sin IMO, was getting out of his truck with a gun, when the cops were on the way, knowing fully well he would need to use it if he got his ass kicked and was scared.
Hey cockersucker. I'm a racist whenever a negro sucker-punches an old lady b/c the simian was "bored". Whenever a bunch of negro simians loot and burn businesses owned by innocent store owners. Whenever a negro simian thug attacks a little Korean store owner half his size after stealing from the store. Whenever a negro simian 'turns out' his ten year old cousin after he's got her addicted to heroin.
That's right asshole. I'm a racist.
I wish Papageorgio could be honest like you are.

If I were capable of having respect for either of you, I would have more for you, because you're not trying to soft sell yourself. But since I can't find any reason to respect your words, or his, I guess it doesn't really matter.

Lol! A racist such as yourself calling someone else racist. Classic move.

You might try to be honest yourself, oh wait, that won't happen.
I don't believe you're actually laughing out loud. I think you're quite resentful and angry.

I don't think any races are superior or inferior to others. If it helps you to think I am a racist, go ahead. The only people bothered by being called racists usually are, and probably aren't willing to face that fact.

Think about what part of your psyche is threatened enough to cause you to lash out, or what type of denial might be in play.

So you think I'm angry and resentful? now that's funny,

I do agree that no races are superior at other race. I posted that a few days ago and I have for a longtime voiced my opinions against racism on this board.

You use racism as a cheap and emotional way to approach the debate.

Zimmerman was found innocent based on the facts given, the facts seemed to coincide with the forensics. Was Zimmerman telling the truth, I have no idea, the court found Zimmerman innocent based on the facts in evidence. All your whining, bitching and moaning isn't going to change a thing. The DOJ has looked into this case for two years and found nothing. The police and the prosecution at the very beginning said there was not enough evidence to take to trial. The state of Florida insisted in taking the weak case to the Grand Jury and got the indictment, the case was still weak. The case didn't stand a chance. If the state would have been smart, they would have waited because the statute of limitations never runs out, if Zimmerman every kills again, they maybe could have charged him then and used a pattern prosecution. Now, double jeopardy is attached.
So by trying Zimmerman, the state helped Zimmerman. Really stupid legal maneuver however, the media and the left got what they wanted, a trial based on little evidence.
There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

Yiou Zimmerman supporters like to hang your hats on unemotional physical evidence and objective determinations......

But believing Zimmerman's story about who started the fight is a complete leap of faith.

The jury based their verdict on the evidence. After the trial, several were interviewed and said they had "no doubt" that it was self defense. The law doesn't recognize beating somebody to death as an act of self defense, but it does recognize shooting such a person as self defense.
Because Martin was dead, and the defense capitalized on the fact that witnesses were only able to put together parts of the incident, there was no conclusive evidence or testimony offered to support that Zimmerman killed Martin intentionally, so the court didn't find him guilty.”

There are 4 types of people when it comes to opinions on the verdict of this trial

1. People who support the verdict, and accept Zimmerman's testimony as accurate, and believe in his actions were justified.

2. People who support the verdict, and feel further examination is futile

3. People who accept the verdict, and think Zimmerman's irresponsible actions caused the death of Martin.

4. People who reject the verdict, and think Zimmerman got away with murder.

I'm a 3.

There are very few 4's out three

You seem like a 2. Correct me if I'm wrong

Yes you are wrong. In fact most people are number three including myself, with the qualification that Martin caused the death of Martin because no matter how irresponsible Zimmerman's actions were, and they were irresponsible, that was no reason to put him in a position where he feared for his life. Among conservatives and talk show hosts, whether we're talking about Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Savage, Wilkow, or Beck, I haven't heard any of them give Zimmerman a free pass on this. And his subsequent arrest and legal troubles only confirm what I felt about him all along, he's trailer trash and not the best example of an upstanding, law abiding citizen. So you might want to rethink your assumption that conservatives are defending Zimmerman in an unqualified manner. Most of us think he should have kept his fat ass in the car and listened to the 911 operator. Because he didn't, a black kid's life was cut short.

And THAT is a tragedy!
Just a note, there was no Grand Jury involved and the prosecutor withheld evidence from the Judge when she ask for him to charge Zimmerman, further the judge was forced out of the case after proving he was biased,
Just a note, there was no Grand Jury involved and the prosecutor withheld evidence from the Judge when she ask for him to charge Zimmerman, further the judge was forced out of the case after proving he was biased,

I was convinced this was a political witch hunt the moment it was discovered the police who actually investigated the incident didn't themselves find enough evidence for an arrest.
So you've now admitted that George Zimmerman WAS a pussy and that he WAS getting an "ass-kicking"? So Trayvon Martin deliberately went out of his way to initiate a fight with someone who was not a fighter and was in the process of beating him senseless when Zimmerman managed to pull his gun and shoot? Yet you accuse jurors of being racist "Crackers" because they returned the only verdict that they could have given the evidence?

Yeah, well, your Hero Zimmerman was used to SLAPPING WOMEN AROUND, so no doubt having to get into a fight with another male was a new thing for him. But it's a good think a jury of racist crackers found him innocent. Oh, what dark times we live in when white men can't shoot black children win impunity
So you've now admitted that George Zimmerman WAS a pussy and that he WAS getting an "ass-kicking"? So Trayvon Martin deliberately went out of his way to initiate a fight with someone who was not a fighter and was in the process of beating him senseless when Zimmerman managed to pull his gun and shoot? Yet you accuse jurors of being racist "Crackers" because they returned the only verdict that they could have given the evidence?

Yeah, well, your Hero Zimmerman was used to SLAPPING WOMEN AROUND, so no doubt having to get into a fight with another male was a new thing for him. But it's a good think a jury of racist crackers found him innocent. Oh, what dark times we live in when white men can't shoot black children win impunity

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