Another Zimmerman thread -DOJ no civil right violation--LOL

The chances of that every happening are so nil that they barely register.

Again, there were only 200 cases in any given year of a good guy with a gun killing a bad guy. - I.e. murders that were ruled "Self-Defense". meanwhile, we have 11,000 homicides, 19,000 suicides and 1000 accidental deaths every year with guns. Why? Because if that bad guy is really determined to get you, he's going to get you whether you have a gun or not.

We have lots of cases of women being shot with the guns they bought for protection. We have the case where the 2 year old shot his mother when he pulled the gun out of her purse.

we have the case of the woman who was shot by her violent husband. He just waited for her to go to sleep, pulled our her pretty pink gun and shot her ass in bed.

Having a Gun in the House Doesn t Make a Woman Safer - The Atlantic

And there was the woman who confronted a bad guy with her gun, and ended up getting wounded when she struggled with the man.

Swannanoa woman shot with own gun defending her home

Oh, and let's not forget Nancy Lanza. She had enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, but her own son killed her and then went off to kill 26 other people.

Guns don't make you safer.

Guns do make women like me safer. What a ridiculous comment. How else would I fight off a 6 foot tall man who weighs twice as much as me? What would YOU suggest?

Also, you're talking about accidents which are less than 0.1% of all accidents that occur. Also, you are making a big thing about something that happens 0.1% of the time, yet minimizing rape which happens probably 5 times as many times as an accidental death due to a firearm. Do you SEE that?

Joey operates under the naive belief that if we all cower in our homes and take our beatings stoically when we do go out in the big bad world that everything will be fine.

I carry a concealed weapon because I grasp that true evil does exist and that the police don't prevent innocent people from being hurt as much as they (sometimes) punish those evil people who hurt the innocent. I understand that I'm the person most responsible for my own safety and the safety of my loved ones. I don't want to hurt anyone else but I'll be damned if I allow someone I love be killed or maimed to satisfy Joey's notion of "justice".

I just find it completely hypocritical that he is concerned about gun accidents (which are relatively rare, percentage wise), and at the same time tries to minimize rape which happens MUCH more frequently!!! That is really bogus!

Gee, do you think Joey might feel differently if it were men who were usually the victims of rape? I have a feeling he might not find it so trivial. Of course with his fixation on penis size and prison sex that might be right up his alley...just saying...:dance::dance::dance:

It is annoying that he keeps saying things like, oh you don't have to worry about being attacked, but you do have to worry about accidentally killing yourself with a firearm. :rolleyes-41: That is ridiculous. Most gun accidents occur because of irresponsibility or freak accidents.

And a lack of education on gun safety.
You are just wrong statistically speaking. You have a much better chance of being raped or sexually assaulted by a stranger than you do being accidentally shot by a gun.

Probably. Just having a gun won't do much to prevent that, either.

Again, only 200 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns are reported every year. Most of those were not rape attempts. But we have 800 cases a year of people being shot accidentally with guns.

Links? If you think I'm just going to believe your made up statistics, then you've got another thing coming.

Here's the FBI's figures on justifiable homicides... Only 201 cases in 2011.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

Here are the figures on gun deaths.

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

The NRA has sold you a lie.

It is annoying that he keeps saying things like, oh you don't have to worry about being attacked, but you do have to worry about accidentally killing yourself with a firearm. :rolleyes-41: That is ridiculous. Most gun accidents occur because of irresponsibility or freak accidents.

No, what's ridiculous is that you really think a gun makes you safe from rape. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.
Oh, can refer to Trayvon Martin as a "child" a thousand times, Joey and it won't change who he was and what he did that night! Your "child" attacked someone...knocked them down on the ground...climbed on top of them and started slamming their head against the ground.
Trayvon Martin is pictured in this February 18 2012 photo taken at ...

I'm sorry but that isn't a "child"...

That looks like a kid to me. a kid who was out buying candy and was shot by a wife-beater who wasn't used to soemone who fights back.

Oh, what sad days we live in when white men aren't entitled to shoot black children with impunity.
Guns in the hands of criminals are a problem.
How many of those gun-deaths are from legal guns in the hands of honest, law-abiding citizens (self-defense)?

Very, very few. That's my whole point, stupid. Guns are almost never used in self defense, but they frequently make that argument over who drank the last can of tragic.

How many of those gun-deaths are black on black crime?

Yup, the old, "We shouldn't care about gun deaths because black people and I'm not even a little bit racist, really."

What are liberals proposing, to get the illegal guns outta the hands of the criminals?
Seems to me that the NYC police was taking illegal guns outta the hands of criminals, thereby saving black lives, UNTIL liberals put a stop to the program.
NOW, what was that plan of yours that would take the illegal guns outta the criminals hands??????

Oh, I have a number of ideas how to keep the guns out of the hands of bad guys.

1) If your gun shop sells a gun that is used in a crime, you will be held CRIMINALLY liable. That will keep the gun shops who are knowingly selling to criminals out of business.

2) No more private sales or gun show sales. If you sold someone a gun that was used in a crime, you are criminally liable.

3) Strict background checks. Before you can own a gun, we are going to talk to your boss, we are going to talk to your friends, and frankly, if anything looks hinky, you don't get a gun.

This incidentally is EXACTLY what Germany does. Germany has private gun ownership, there are some 18 million guns for 80 million Germans.

Instead, you have a situation where the gun industry INTENTIONALLY keeps loopholes open for crooks to get guns. You have gun shops in Virginia that are selling those guns to punks from NYC. You have them selling "Semi-Automatics" that can be easily converted into full automatics. and they do this because they know as long as people are scared enough, they'll want to have guns, too.

You see, the gun industry had a problem. People stopped hunting because it was cruel and barbaric. So the gun industry found a new nitch. Selling to people who were scared. And making sure there were enough guns out there with the bad guys to keep them that way.
Gee, do you think Joey might feel differently if it were men who were usually the victims of rape? I have a feeling he might not find it so trivial. Of course with his fixation on penis size and prison sex that might be right up his alley...just saying..

32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries. 300,000 gun crimes- including rapes. That's not trivial.

If guns and prisons made us so safe, why are you and Chris so fucking scared?
You are just wrong statistically speaking. You have a much better chance of being raped or sexually assaulted by a stranger than you do being accidentally shot by a gun.

Probably. Just having a gun won't do much to prevent that, either.

Again, only 200 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns are reported every year. Most of those were not rape attempts. But we have 800 cases a year of people being shot accidentally with guns.

Links? If you think I'm just going to believe your made up statistics, then you've got another thing coming.

Here's the FBI's figures on justifiable homicides... Only 201 cases in 2011.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

Here are the figures on gun deaths.

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

The NRA has sold you a lie.

It is annoying that he keeps saying things like, oh you don't have to worry about being attacked, but you do have to worry about accidentally killing yourself with a firearm. :rolleyes-41: That is ridiculous. Most gun accidents occur because of irresponsibility or freak accidents.

No, what's ridiculous is that you really think a gun makes you safe from rape. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

Sorry, but your links cannot possibly prove how many rapes or other crimes have been deterred by a weapon. There was actually a very extensive study done which confirmed that many crimes (possibly over a million) are deterred with the use of a firearm. Just because the weapon wasn't fired and nobody was killed does not mean it was not a deterrent, and that is the flaw in your study and your thought process.
Gee, do you think Joey might feel differently if it were men who were usually the victims of rape? I have a feeling he might not find it so trivial. Of course with his fixation on penis size and prison sex that might be right up his alley...just saying..

32,000 gun deaths and 78,000 gun injuries. 300,000 gun crimes- including rapes. That's not trivial.

If guns and prisons made us so safe, why are you and Chris so fucking scared?

Nobody is "scared." We just don't want dumbasses who have a stupid agenda to try and take rights from citizens.
Oh, can refer to Trayvon Martin as a "child" a thousand times, Joey and it won't change who he was and what he did that night! Your "child" attacked someone...knocked them down on the ground...climbed on top of them and started slamming their head against the ground.
Trayvon Martin is pictured in this February 18 2012 photo taken at ...

I'm sorry but that isn't a "child"...

That looks like a kid to me. a kid who was out buying candy and was shot by a wife-beater who wasn't used to soemone who fights back.

Oh, what sad days we live in when white men aren't entitled to shoot black children with impunity.

Trayvon's mistake was attacking the man. He didn't have to do that. This is a case of two people making bad decisions.
Oh, can refer to Trayvon Martin as a "child" a thousand times, Joey and it won't change who he was and what he did that night! Your "child" attacked someone...knocked them down on the ground...climbed on top of them and started slamming their head against the ground.
Trayvon Martin is pictured in this February 18 2012 photo taken at ...

I'm sorry but that isn't a "child"...

That looks like a kid to me. a kid who was out buying candy and was shot by a wife-beater who wasn't used to soemone who fights back.

Oh, what sad days we live in when white men aren't entitled to shoot black children with impunity.

Trayvon's mistake was attacking the man. He didn't have to do that. This is a case of two people making bad decisions.
If Martin was white do you think Zimmy would have been stalking him?
Oh, can refer to Trayvon Martin as a "child" a thousand times, Joey and it won't change who he was and what he did that night! Your "child" attacked someone...knocked them down on the ground...climbed on top of them and started slamming their head against the ground.
Trayvon Martin is pictured in this February 18 2012 photo taken at ...

I'm sorry but that isn't a "child"...

That looks like a kid to me. a kid who was out buying candy and was shot by a wife-beater who wasn't used to soemone who fights back.

Oh, what sad days we live in when white men aren't entitled to shoot black children with impunity.

Trayvon's mistake was attacking the man. He didn't have to do that. This is a case of two people making bad decisions.
If Martin was white do you think Zimmy would have been stalking him?

If he had matched the descriptions of the person/persons who had been causing problems in the neighborhood, I'm sure he would have. However, the person/persons described to the police were black.
Oh, can refer to Trayvon Martin as a "child" a thousand times, Joey and it won't change who he was and what he did that night! Your "child" attacked someone...knocked them down on the ground...climbed on top of them and started slamming their head against the ground.
Trayvon Martin is pictured in this February 18 2012 photo taken at ...

I'm sorry but that isn't a "child"...

That looks like a kid to me. a kid who was out buying candy and was shot by a wife-beater who wasn't used to soemone who fights back.

Oh, what sad days we live in when white men aren't entitled to shoot black children with impunity.

Trayvon's mistake was attacking the man. He didn't have to do that. This is a case of two people making bad decisions.
If Martin was white do you think Zimmy would have been stalking him?

Yes, Zimmerman wasn't to bright, he was a wanna be, remember this was the same Zimmerman who was all upset because the police beat a black homeless man.
Oh, can refer to Trayvon Martin as a "child" a thousand times, Joey and it won't change who he was and what he did that night! Your "child" attacked someone...knocked them down on the ground...climbed on top of them and started slamming their head against the ground.
Trayvon Martin is pictured in this February 18 2012 photo taken at ...

I'm sorry but that isn't a "child"...

That looks like a kid to me. a kid who was out buying candy and was shot by a wife-beater who wasn't used to soemone who fights back.

Oh, what sad days we live in when white men aren't entitled to shoot black children with impunity.

Trayvon's mistake was attacking the man. He didn't have to do that. This is a case of two people making bad decisions.
If Martin was white do you think Zimmy would have been stalking him?

Question HOW MANY BREAKINS Has There Been In THE RETREAT AT TWIN LAKES Since Trayvon Martin

  • We know this from the Shooting of Trayvon Martin:

    • The Retreat at Twin Lakes is a 260-unit gated townhome community in Sanford, Florida.[59][60] The population in the development at the time of the shooting, was about 49% non-Hispanic white, 23% Hispanic (of any race), 20% black, and 5% Asian, according to Census figures.[47] Both George Zimmerman and Tracy Martin's fiancées were renting homes in the development when the shooting occurred.[23] At the time of the shooting, Martin had been staying with his father's fiancee at The Retreat.[22]
      From January 1, 2011 through February 26, 2012, police were called to The Retreat at Twin Lakes 402 times.[47] During the 18 months preceding the February 26 shooting, Zimmerman called the non-emergency police line seven times. On five of those calls, Zimmerman reported suspicious looking men in the area, but never offered the men's race without first being asked by the dispatcher.[61][62][63] Crimes committed at The Retreat in the year prior to Martin's death included eight burglaries, nine thefts, and one shooting.[64] Twin Lakes residents said there were dozens of reports of attempted break-ins, which had created an atmosphere of fear in their neighborhood.[32]

      In September 2011, the Twin Lakes residents held an organizational meeting to create a neighborhood watch program. Zimmerman was selected by neighbors as the program's coordinator, according to Wendy Dorival,Neighborhood Watch organizer for the Sanford Police Department.[4][4][65]

      Three weeks prior to the shooting, on February 2, 2012, Zimmerman called police to report a young man peering into the windows of an empty Twin Lakes home. Zimmerman was told a police car was on the way and he waited for their arrival. By the time police arrived, the suspect had fled. On February 6, workers witnessed two young black men lingering in the yard of a Twin Lakes resident around the same time her home was burgled. A new laptop and some gold jewelry were stolen. The next day police discovered the stolen laptop in the backpack of a young black man, which led to his arrest. Zimmerman identified this young man as the same person he had spotted peering into windows on February 2.[32]

      Zimmerman had been licensed to carry a firearm since November 2009. In response to Zimmerman's multiple reports regarding a loose pit bull in the Twin Lakes neighborhood, a Seminole County Animal Services officer advised Zimmerman to "get a gun", according to a friend, rather than rely on pepper spray to fend off the pit bull, which on one occasion had cornered his wife.[32] Although neighborhood watch volunteers are not encouraged to carry weapons, Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee acknowledged that Zimmerman had a legal right to carry his firearm on the night of the shooting.[47]
Oh, can refer to Trayvon Martin as a "child" a thousand times, Joey and it won't change who he was and what he did that night! Your "child" attacked someone...knocked them down on the ground...climbed on top of them and started slamming their head against the ground.
Trayvon Martin is pictured in this February 18 2012 photo taken at ...

I'm sorry but that isn't a "child"...

That looks like a kid to me. a kid who was out buying candy and was shot by a wife-beater who wasn't used to soemone who fights back.

Oh, what sad days we live in when white men aren't entitled to shoot black children with impunity.

Trayvon's mistake was attacking the man. He didn't have to do that. This is a case of two people making bad decisions.
If Martin was white do you think Zimmy would have been stalking him?

Yes, Zimmerman wasn't to bright, he was a wanna be, remember this was the same Zimmerman who was all upset because the police beat a black homeless man.

The problem with the people posting here is that they let emotion override logic. Instead of looking at all the details of the case, they want to scream racism because they are all upset that this kid was shot and killed, and they want to blame someone. That mindset prevents them from looking at the details of the case objectively and coming to an informed and rational decision.
Oh, can refer to Trayvon Martin as a "child" a thousand times, Joey and it won't change who he was and what he did that night! Your "child" attacked someone...knocked them down on the ground...climbed on top of them and started slamming their head against the ground.
Trayvon Martin is pictured in this February 18 2012 photo taken at ...

I'm sorry but that isn't a "child"...

That looks like a kid to me. a kid who was out buying candy and was shot by a wife-beater who wasn't used to soemone who fights back.

Oh, what sad days we live in when white men aren't entitled to shoot black children with impunity.

A young black man who was out buying Skittles, Arizona Watermelon drink and blunts. Trayvon wasn't going out for "candy"...he had gone out to get the ingredients to make Lean and cheap cigars to smoke his pot in.

Fight back? That would imply that George Zimmerman actually hit Trayvon Martin at some point before he shot him! You already admitted that Martin was giving Zimmerman an ass kicking. The truth is that there is zero evidence that Zimmerman struck Martin at all prior to shooting him. Martin initiated the physical violence and was the one an eye witness testified was raining down blows MMA style from on top of Zimmerman who was screaming for help.
Oh, can refer to Trayvon Martin as a "child" a thousand times, Joey and it won't change who he was and what he did that night! Your "child" attacked someone...knocked them down on the ground...climbed on top of them and started slamming their head against the ground.
Trayvon Martin is pictured in this February 18 2012 photo taken at ...

I'm sorry but that isn't a "child"...

That looks like a kid to me. a kid who was out buying candy and was shot by a wife-beater who wasn't used to soemone who fights back.

Oh, what sad days we live in when white men aren't entitled to shoot black children with impunity.

Trayvon's mistake was attacking the man. He didn't have to do that. This is a case of two people making bad decisions.
If Martin was white do you think Zimmy would have been stalking him?

Question HOW MANY BREAKINS Has There Been In THE RETREAT AT TWIN LAKES Since Trayvon Martin

  • We know this from the Shooting of Trayvon Martin:

    • The Retreat at Twin Lakes is a 260-unit gated townhome community in Sanford, Florida.[59][60] The population in the development at the time of the shooting, was about 49% non-Hispanic white, 23% Hispanic (of any race), 20% black, and 5% Asian, according to Census figures.[47] Both George Zimmerman and Tracy Martin's fiancées were renting homes in the development when the shooting occurred.[23] At the time of the shooting, Martin had been staying with his father's fiancee at The Retreat.[22]
      From January 1, 2011 through February 26, 2012, police were called to The Retreat at Twin Lakes 402 times.[47] During the 18 months preceding the February 26 shooting, Zimmerman called the non-emergency police line seven times. On five of those calls, Zimmerman reported suspicious looking men in the area, but never offered the men's race without first being asked by the dispatcher.[61][62][63] Crimes committed at The Retreat in the year prior to Martin's death included eight burglaries, nine thefts, and one shooting.[64] Twin Lakes residents said there were dozens of reports of attempted break-ins, which had created an atmosphere of fear in their neighborhood.[32]

      In September 2011, the Twin Lakes residents held an organizational meeting to create a neighborhood watch program. Zimmerman was selected by neighbors as the program's coordinator, according to Wendy Dorival,Neighborhood Watch organizer for the Sanford Police Department.[4][4][65]

      Three weeks prior to the shooting, on February 2, 2012, Zimmerman called police to report a young man peering into the windows of an empty Twin Lakes home. Zimmerman was told a police car was on the way and he waited for their arrival. By the time police arrived, the suspect had fled. On February 6, workers witnessed two young black men lingering in the yard of a Twin Lakes resident around the same time her home was burgled. A new laptop and some gold jewelry were stolen. The next day police discovered the stolen laptop in the backpack of a young black man, which led to his arrest. Zimmerman identified this young man as the same person he had spotted peering into windows on February 2.[32]

      Zimmerman had been licensed to carry a firearm since November 2009. In response to Zimmerman's multiple reports regarding a loose pit bull in the Twin Lakes neighborhood, a Seminole County Animal Services officer advised Zimmerman to "get a gun", according to a friend, rather than rely on pepper spray to fend off the pit bull, which on one occasion had cornered his wife.[32] Although neighborhood watch volunteers are not encouraged to carry weapons, Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee acknowledged that Zimmerman had a legal right to carry his firearm on the night of the shooting.[47]

What the main stream media bent over backwards to avoid was any discussion about why Trayvon Martin was in Sanford in the first place. This is a young man who'd been suspended from school because when his backpack had been searched for "tagging" materials a large quantity of women's jewelry had been found along with a screwdriver. Trayvon claimed that a "friend" had given the jewelry to him but couldn't remember the "friend's" name. This is a young man who has money to buy pot and "candy" but never worked a legitimate job. This is a young man who when George Zimmerman observes him is aimlessly walking in circles in the rain and looking in people's windows. Once the timeline of when Martin buys his items at the 7/11 and how much time passes before he fights with Zimmerman. Trayvon is in no hurry to get back to the townhouse because he's busy checking out the new neighborhood he's staying at. There is a reason that George Zimmerman was suspicious of Trayvon Martin and it was because Trayvon was acting suspiciously.
You are just wrong statistically speaking. You have a much better chance of being raped or sexually assaulted by a stranger than you do being accidentally shot by a gun.

Probably. Just having a gun won't do much to prevent that, either.

Again, only 200 cases of "justifiable homicide" with guns are reported every year. Most of those were not rape attempts. But we have 800 cases a year of people being shot accidentally with guns.

Links? If you think I'm just going to believe your made up statistics, then you've got another thing coming.

Here's the FBI's figures on justifiable homicides... Only 201 cases in 2011.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 15

Here are the figures on gun deaths.

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

The NRA has sold you a lie.

It is annoying that he keeps saying things like, oh you don't have to worry about being attacked, but you do have to worry about accidentally killing yourself with a firearm. :rolleyes-41: That is ridiculous. Most gun accidents occur because of irresponsibility or freak accidents.

No, what's ridiculous is that you really think a gun makes you safe from rape. A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.
RETARD ALERT. Your claiming 43 times is proven false and a lie by the man that made the very claim. And your claim that only dead perps are counted in successful uses of defense with firearms is another lie. Keep making ignorant claims and I will keep reminding you you are a bald faced LIAR.
There was no physical evidence, or testimony, from anyone besides the defendent, about who started the fight.

I don't need to prove you're a racist. I get to think you are, and that doesn't make you one.

I can't see how anyone who claims to have objectvely weighed the evidence in the M/Z incident, accepting Zimmerman's account of how the fight started as conclusive.

Zimmerman's sin IMO, was getting out of his truck with a gun, when the cops were on the way, knowing fully well he would need to use it if he got his ass kicked and was scared.
Hey cockersucker. I'm a racist whenever a negro sucker-punches an old lady b/c the simian was "bored". Whenever a bunch of negro simians loot and burn businesses owned by innocent store owners. Whenever a negro simian thug attacks a little Korean store owner half his size after stealing from the store. Whenever a negro simian 'turns out' his ten year old cousin after he's got her addicted to heroin.
That's right asshole. I'm a racist.
I wish Papageorgio could be honest like you are.

If I were capable of having respect for either of you, I would have more for you, because you're not trying to soft sell yourself. But since I can't find any reason to respect your words, or his, I guess it doesn't really matter.

Lol! A racist such as yourself calling someone else racist. Classic move.

You might try to be honest yourself, oh wait, that won't happen.
I don't believe you're actually laughing out loud. I think you're quite resentful and angry.

I don't think any races are superior or inferior to others. If it helps you to think I am a racist, go ahead. The only people bothered by being called racists usually are, and probably aren't willing to face that fact.

Think about what part of your psyche is threatened enough to cause you to lash out, or what type of denial might be in play.
So you think I'm angry and resentful? now that's funny........All your whining, bitching and moaning........the left got what they wanted.
Yes, you are angry and resentful towards me, and half of the entire country, known as "the left"
Hey cockersucker. I'm a racist whenever a negro sucker-punches an old lady b/c the simian was "bored". Whenever a bunch of negro simians loot and burn businesses owned by innocent store owners. Whenever a negro simian thug attacks a little Korean store owner half his size after stealing from the store. Whenever a negro simian 'turns out' his ten year old cousin after he's got her addicted to heroin.
That's right asshole. I'm a racist.
I wish Papageorgio could be honest like you are.

If I were capable of having respect for either of you, I would have more for you, because you're not trying to soft sell yourself. But since I can't find any reason to respect your words, or his, I guess it doesn't really matter.

Lol! A racist such as yourself calling someone else racist. Classic move.

You might try to be honest yourself, oh wait, that won't happen.
I don't believe you're actually laughing out loud. I think you're quite resentful and angry.

I don't think any races are superior or inferior to others. If it helps you to think I am a racist, go ahead. The only people bothered by being called racists usually are, and probably aren't willing to face that fact.

Think about what part of your psyche is threatened enough to cause you to lash out, or what type of denial might be in play.
So you think I'm angry and resentful? now that's funny........All your whining, bitching and moaning........the left got what they wanted.
Yes, you are angry and resentful towards me, and half of the entire country, known as "the left"
Okay, that's your reality, take care. LOL!
I wish Papageorgio could be honest like you are.

If I were capable of having respect for either of you, I would have more for you, because you're not trying to soft sell yourself. But since I can't find any reason to respect your words, or his, I guess it doesn't really matter.

Lol! A racist such as yourself calling someone else racist. Classic move.

You might try to be honest yourself, oh wait, that won't happen.
I don't believe you're actually laughing out loud. I think you're quite resentful and angry.

I don't think any races are superior or inferior to others. If it helps you to think I am a racist, go ahead. The only people bothered by being called racists usually are, and probably aren't willing to face that fact.

Think about what part of your psyche is threatened enough to cause you to lash out, or what type of denial might be in play.
So you think I'm angry and resentful? now that's funny........All your whining, bitching and moaning........the left got what they wanted.
Yes, you are angry and resentful towards me, and half of the entire country, known as "the left"
Okay, that's your reality, take care. LOL!
Your words...not mine
Sorry, but your links cannot possibly prove how many rapes or other crimes have been deterred by a weapon. There was actually a very extensive study done which confirmed that many crimes (possibly over a million) are deterred with the use of a firearm. Just because the weapon wasn't fired and nobody was killed does not mean it was not a deterrent, and that is the flaw in your study and your thought process.

Yes, there was that study, paid for by the NRA that completely collapsed under the smallest of scrutiny.

You know how i know that there are few DGU's. THere are too few dead bodies. You gun nuts get on here every day and between fantasizing about all the people you can't wait to fucking shoot and getting mastabatory about kids like Trayvon and Mike Brown being shot, I find it impossible to believe on that happy day when its you and your penis compensator and some bad guy, you wouldn't shoot him dead.

1 million DGU's but only 200 dead bodies? That's pretty hard to buy.

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